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Intercultural Communication

Marissa Wilson

PCM 330

March 31, 2017



It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those

differences (Samovar, Porter, McDaniel, & Roy 2015, p.1). Humans have been communicating since the

beginning of time. The world is a very diverse place that consists of many different cultures and ways of

life. Intercultural communication occurs whenever a person from one culture sends a message to be

processed by a person from a different culture (Samovar et al., 2015, p. 7). To successfully communicate

at an intercultural level you must first learn how to communicate within your own culture. This paper

will thoroughly explain what intercultural communication is, the relationships that are created from it,

and how to successfully communicate with someone from another culture. It will also explain how to

identify spirituality and religion, in order to avoid conflict. Lastly it will explain how to handle and

overcome barriers, and how to successfully use intercultural communication in the workplace and

everyday life.

Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication had to start somewhere. According to Mira Bergelson (2017) it was

brought to life by practical demands of the second half of the 20th century world. These demands

consisted of economic development after the Second World War, trade, and economic affluence. Trade

was becoming more and more prominent in certain areas of the world that had never seen it before.

Mass tourism also emerged as a new and trendy thing in human culture (2017). There was also a large

presence of the U.S. culture in parts of the world through the military, Hollywood, music, and fashion. As

a result of all of this came globalization. Another aspect of how intercultural communication came about

is the changes in public attitudes (2017). This was due to being exposed to other cultures, and being

intrigued by different ways of life. It was taught, explained, and used as a way of learning. The idea of

culture at that time, that part of the agenda of cultural anthropology was ethnographic in terms that it

was putting exotic versus normal cultures (2017). This was the first step in learning to accept the

differences other cultures brought to the table. Looking at the culture in a very specific way by their

language, what they ate, how they dress, and what they consider their religion was all a very new idea

to people that had never seen anyone or anything other than their own people. This forced individuals

to keep up with the times and learn what intercultural communication is.

Intercultural communication is worldwide and is used in every country, in many different ways.

Intercultural communication is based on intercultural understanding (Samovar et al., 2015, p.16). In

each country, the intercultural communication styles may vary, and mean something different to one

culture versus another. When looking at communication between different cultures, there is a lot to

remember when it comes to different values and norms. Not all cultures are the same therefore, the

communication styles will not all be the same. All forms of communication however, involve action

within. By engaging in intercultural communication you are exposing yourself to new opportunities and

knowledge that can benefit you in everyday life. There are so many relationships that can come from

communicating with other cultures. Workplace relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships are

just a few examples of the outcomes of intercultural communication.

Communication between cultures allows the advantage to learn different traditions, values, and

communication styles. Communication between cultures is nothing new, it has been around for

centuries. This type of communication means the contact that occurs when people from one culture

encounter members of another culture and realize the difference between them. Another significant

factor to consider when it comes to communication between cultures is globalization. Globalization

stands for the overlapping of global and local factors. The three stages of globalization are political,

economic, and cultural (Samovar et al., 2015 p.16).This means it is global and many cultures indicate

this. Globalization is viewed and the "ongoing" integration in our worlds economy. Globalization among

countries has brought many opportunities for cultures as well. This includes world trade, international

businesses, travel, technology, competition with natural resources and many more. As the world has

become globalized, the need for intercultural communication has also been increased to create a

conducive, progressive and peaceful world (Akhtar, 2010).

However, communication between cultures does not come easy. There can be a lot of barriers

that can make it tough to understand what someone from a different culture is trying to communicate.

This can include language barriers, cultural barriers, different norms and values, religious barriers, and

body language barriers. According to Kate Berardo (2007) there are a few ways you can potentially

overcome these barriers. For example you can speak slowly and clearly, ask for clarification, frequently

check for understanding, avoid idioms, be careful on jargon, define the basics of business, be specific,

choose your medium of communication effectively, provide information via multiple channels, and be

patient (2007). This would be helpful and create not only a better understanding for the other culture,

but can help within your own when communicating as well.

Sometimes these barriers can affect a person from completing a task or getting where they need

to be. In some cases individuals know they will encounter intercultural communication, and things that

may be foreign to them. It is important to research cultures values and norms, before encountering it.

By doing this you will avoid any potential problems or negative outcome. In some content, religious

beliefs are such an influential factor in intercultural communication because they affect our conscious

and unconscious minds, as well as the manner in which people communicate. The religious beliefs of

different people originate as they grow up in their cultures. By understanding another cultures religion

or spiritual beliefs it allows for maximum positive communication. This can help you better understand

why a person says something, acts the way they do, or dresses a certain way.

Eventually most of us will enter the workforce at one time or another. Your livelihood is very

important, and learning how to not only communicate effectively but also learning how to communicate

with other cultures effectively can maximize your potential in the workforce. According to Dorie Clark

(2014) what it takes to be a global leader has changed completely over the last 15 years due to

globalization. Clark (2014) goes on to explain what silence means in the Asian culture, and although you

may not be familiar with why someone from that culture isnt saying anything dont jump to conclusions

just yet. So if you ask a question, there may be a few beats of silence before the other responds. Yet in

cultures like the US, the UK, Brazil, or France, where we see silence as something negative that is to be

avoided in a discussion, if I ask a question and you dont leap in with a response I think something is

wrong. The result is that some people speak a lot more, trying to fill up all those awkward pauses,

while the other group is waiting for a moment to speak, which never comes. If youre dealing with

someone from a culture that values silence, make sure to pause more often (Clark, 2014). This goes to

show that when you are asked to communicate with another culture in reference to your job it is

important to know who youre communicating with, what country they are in, and what culture they

identify as. Knowing those three things can help alleviate some pressure, and barriers that may arise

during the business conversation.

Intercultural communication is something that is international and includes all countries.

Intercultural communication generally involves face-to-face communication between people from

different national cultures, but the term also is used frequently to include all aspects of the study of

culture and communication (Gudykunst, 2003).This quote really sums up the actual definition of

communication within different cultures. This goes into detail about face-to-face communication

between different nations and how it can benefit many unique cultures across the globe.

Communication within different cultures is something that can be studied and researched many

times and new facts will always be found because there are so many benefits for communicating

between many different nations and cultures. Learning another cultures norms, values, and traditions

really helps the person benefit when entering a new culture, or just even being in contact with someone

from another culture in general. It is always educating to include yourself, and begin learning about this

sort of communication. In conclusion, communication between different cultures is overall benefiting to

everyone, and everyone should have this experience at least once in their life. Communicating within

different cultures, reduces stereotyping, educates many other cultures about not only their own values

and traditions, but it includes so many others as well. Communication within different cultures bring

more opportunities, trade, diversity, and culture. It is the overall individual adaptation between

different cultures, and their overall attributes.



Akhtar, Nadeem. (2010). USs War Against Terrorism in Pakistan: Basic Intercultural communication

Barriers and a Case Study of Tribat Belt. Intercultural Studies: New Frontiers. Beijing: Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press, 83p.

Berardo, K. (2007, September 5) 10 Strategies for Overcoming language barrier.

Bergelson, M. (2017, January 17). History of intercultural communication: an overview [Video file].

Retrieved from


Clark, D. (2014, June 19). How to succeed in a cross cultural workplace. Forbes. Retrieved from

Gudykunst, W. (2003) Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication: International Educational and

Professional Publisher

Samovar, L.A, Porter, R.E., McDaniel, E.R., Roy, C.S. (2015) Intercultural Communication: A reader (14

the Ed.) Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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