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Higher Colleges of Technology

Bachelor of Education

Early Childhood Education


Teaching Practice 4a

Year Four, Semester One

September 2017

Background information
Students name & HCT Amal Ali (H00272400)
Students mobile 0529644600
Schools name Al-Sundus Kindergarten
MSTs name Ohood Alniami
MSTs mobile number 0509291907
MSTs email address

Structure of the day

Time Event Teachers actions Childrens actions
7.30 Teachers arrive Planning preparing the -
8.00 Children arrive Take care of children greet Inter to the class keep their
them bags in the locker
8:00 Assembly Organize the children Standing in the queue
doing morning exercise
8:50 Circle time Greeting reading Quran Sit properly interact with
taking attendance reminding teacher
days of the week
9:05 Lesson 1 Introducing the lesson Interact with teacher apply
teaching observing children the activities.
while they are applying the
9:50 playground Take care of children. Children play and do
physical activities.
10:20 Snack time Give children their foods Eat their foods wash their
remind them that they have to hands before and after

clean their hands eating cleaning.
10:55 Lesson 2 Teaching observing children Interact with teacher
while they are applying the applying the activities
11:10 Lesson 3 Observe children while they Investigate the areas of the
are spending time in areas classroom.
12:00 Snack time Give children their foods Eat their foods wash their
remind them that they have to hands before and after
clean their hands eating cleaning.
12:10 review Teacher review what the Interact with teacher
children took during the day
12:20 Story time Reading story Listen and interact with the
1:15 Children leave Take children to the busses. Children stand in queue to
go to their busses.
2:30 Teachers leave Teacher go home. -

Please insert a copy of your class weekly schedule

Characteristics of the class
Number of children:22 Girls: 13
SEN children (academic, Need Provision
physical &/or behavioural)
Ahmad Give extra activities academic

Characteristics of lessons
What activities are completed in assembly? Read Quran exercise small activities
about any topic for example Math.
What activities are completed in circle time? Moring song days of the week songs
activity that related to the topic of the
How are transitions managed? Calling names of the students and divide
them into the groups.
What corners are available? Art area writing area reading area role
play area science area.
What activities are run in each of these Art area: coloring - crafts
corners? Writing area: writing their names of the
Reading area: reading stories.
Role play area: warning costumes and role
Science area: do experiments like observing
the flowers to find out their needs.
How are corners organized? According to the themes and childrens
What activities are completed in circle time Reviewing introducing the new topic of the
2? lesson.
What activities are completed in snack time/ Snack time:
outside play? Outside play:

Planning information
Please ask your MST for a copy of the yearly plan. Also ask for a copy of any curriculum
documents which are provided to support teachers (eg. course books).
What theme is currently being taught? Humans and animals.
How long will this theme be taught for? 2 weeks
When will they start the next theme? Which after 2 weeks.
unit should they be one during the TP block?
What is the theme on (during the TP block)? During the 7 weeks, the themes are humans
and animals and plants
What material/ resources/ ideas does the Objects of animals flashcards.
teacher have for this theme?
How well are the children learning the They required well since they learn new
required material? vocabularies.
What resources are available for this unit? Objects of animals flashcards.
What facilities are available for this unit? -
What are the classroom rules? Folding arms raising hands when they want
to answer crossing legs sitting nicely.
What is the school behaviour policy? Establish rules to be kind and collaborative
with all of people in school.

B.Ed (ECE) School Profile
Please complete this information on your first day at the school.

School: Al Sundos kindergarten

Teachers Starting Time: 7:30am Finishing Time: 2:30pm

Students Starting Time: 8:00am Finishing Time: 1:15pm

Address: Sharjah PO Box: -

Tel: 056 5227855 Fax: -

Principal: Ms. Muna

Teaching Practice Coordinator: Ms. Amna

Mentoring Teacher (Names & phone numbers): Ms. Ohood (0509291907)

Class size: it includes 4 different areas.

Facilities for teaching: Resources room teacher room

Number of teachers in the school: 10 Arabic 3 English

Number of students in the school: 232

Other information:
Children study: Arabic math science English Islamic
School facilities: library playground resource room

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