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Learning the Langue, Living the Culture: Studying Abroad in


October 31, 2017

Cedar City Utah.

In May of 2017 seven students and their professor, from Sothern Utah University,

traveled to Cusco Peru for a month-long study abroad program. The program that the students

were involved in included living with a host family, taking Spanish lessens, participating in

service projects, and seeing many of the historical sites of Peru.

The seven students live with a man named Yuri Carbajal and his family. The students had

family meals with the Carbajal family and participated in normal family activities such as

cooking, cleaning, and family gatherings. A few of the students also took Spanish lessons to

improve their language skills and earn college credit.

The service projects that the students helped with were a wonderful way to get to know

the people of Peru. Some students volunteered at an orphanage, while others participated in table

conversations helping locals improve their English.

Some students use the study abroad for their EDGE Project. The EDGE project is a

requirement for all students to graduate. The project shows that a student can plan and carry out a

project. You one student, Ben Okelberry, went on the study abroad for his project. He said, This

a great way for me to learn another language, as well as learn intercultural communication.
The University encourages its student to engage in experiential learning, and a study

abroad program is a great way to do this. With so many opportunities to go on one, we hope that

many students will chose to participate in one.


Benjamin Okelberry


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