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Jason Simeon Genge

Bitcoin - BTC

Peerto-Peer technology and no central authority or banks

o Transaction fees are lower
Managing transactions and issuing of bitcoins is carried out
collectively by the network
Open-Source, design is public, nobody owns of controls Bitcoin
21 million Bitcoins to be issued
Currently the dominant cryptocurrency by far
Market cap - $12 billion

Jason Simeon Genge

Bitcoin anonymity

Bitcoin is pseudonymous, not anonymous, and bitcoins cant just

It works because every transaction is public and visible to each and
every other person using bitcoin network

A person is only as anonymous as their link to their wallet

Jason Simeon Genge

Major Crypto-currencies
1. Bitcoin 11.Nxt
2. Litecoin 12.Novacoin
3. Peercoin 13.Freicoin
4. Namecoin 14.Anoncoin
5. Megacoin 15.Terracoin
6. Quarkcoin 16.CryptogenicBullion
7. Protoshares 17.Infinitecoin
8. Worldcoin 18.Zetacoin
9. Primecoin 19.BBQCoin
10. Feathercoin 20.Stablecoin
Jason Simeon Genge

Based on Bitcoin protocol

Can be efficiently mined on consumer grade hardware
Faster transaction confirmations (2.5min on average)
Proof-of-stake in addition to proof-of-work
Scheduled to produce 84 million currency units
Current market cap - $867 million

Jason Simeon Genge


Increased security via Proof-of-work + proof-of-stake hybrid


Energy efficiency - generating proof-of-stake blocks

Current market cap - $116 million

Jason Simeon Genge

Namecoin - NMC
Key/Value registration Use cases:
and transfer system Timestamping
Based on Bitcoin Bonds, shares
technology Voting / Web of Trust
Allows you to: Market cap - $62 million
Securely register and
transfer arbitrary names
Attach value (data) to the
Trade and transact

Jason Simeon Genge


Faster transaction time 30 sec (over 20 x faster that Bitcoin)

1% reward reduction weekly, encouraging quicker adoption
1 hour, maximum 10% difficulty retargeting to prevent
pool abuse

Market cap - $24.5 million

Other major cryptocurrencies- Jason Genge
Quark Feathercoin
Uses nine rounds of secure Market Cap - $15.9 million
hashing from six different Megacoin
Restricted to 42 million
Extra secure
Market cap - $26 million
Market cap - $30 million
Cryptocurrency with Prime
Number Proof-Of-Work
First currency to have non-
hashcash proof-of-work
Market cap - $16.9 million

A couple of reddit users realised that the sheer size of the heist makes
tumbling the coins - the normal method of laundering bitcoins -
impossible, as long as they kept on their toes.

Someone with bitcoin can send some to a tumbler like bitcoinfog, where
it will be split into smaller subdivisions and mixed with other bitcoins
from other places, recombining and splitting again several times over
until the whole amount eventually comes out the other end, theoretically
in such a way that its impossible to track.

Silk Roads in-built tumbler successfully foiled the FBI, allegedly.

Jason Simeon Genge

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