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Capture Image
This section explains in detail the image capture process. Image capture process contains the
following sections:

Image Capturing
View Loaded Images

5.1 Image Capturing

This section explains in detail the image capturing process. After selecting the job and selecting
the magnification, user can capture the image for which the analysis needs to be done. This
option can be accessed through Images Capture Image or through Capture Image button in
the tool box on the left side of the application window.

Select the job and magnification from the options in the top right corner of the
application main window
Click Image Camera Play or Capture Play button on Left pane in Main screen
The video will be played in the main screen
Set the magnification to the required value. Please note that you need the calibration data
for this magnification for getting the correct measurement.
Click the Camera Snap button. This will grab the image and load into the system
Refine the focus so that you have a clear and sharp view of the object.
Make sure that the underlying object is not moving while grabbing the image
If you want to change the resolution, click on the Resolution button, which will open a
new window where you can set the resolution
If you want to change the image setup like white balance, exposure control etc, click on
Setup button. This will open w new window where you can set all your video
The image link will be displayed on the right window pane under Images tab.

5.2 View Loaded Images

You can view already loaded images through the View Loaded Images option. This can be
accessed through Images View Loaded Images. The window will be as shown below, which
will have the list of all images loaded to all jobs in the system.

You can select one or more images and delete them by clicking the Delete button.
You can select one or more images and delete them by clicking the Delete button.

6. Draw Options
You can draw various shapes on the images for analysis and measurement purposes. They are
discussed in the below sections.

Closed Curve
Zoom Window

6.1 Line
This option is to draw a line on an image. The draw mode will be shown in the window in the
upper right corner. The draw mode will change only when you click the Pointer button.

Click the Line button. This will open a color selection window where you can select
the color of the line
After selecting the color, click 2 points on the image between which you want to draw the

If you want to change the location of the line,

o Select the line using the mouse left button and drag to the desired location. When
the mouse is over the line, the mouse cursor will change to sign
You can re-size a line using the mouse. Click on the start or end point and drag the mouse
to the desired size. For resizing, click on the either end points of the line. Where the
mouse cursor will change to

6.2 Circle

This option is to draw a circle on the image by clicking 3 points on the image. The system
will draw a circle that passes through the 3 points selected. If the three points are on a
straight line, system will show a message saying that circle cannot be drawn. The draw mode
will be shown in the window in the upper right corner. The draw mode will change only
when you click the Pointer button.

Click the Circle button.

This will open a color selection window where you can select the color of the circle.
After this, click 3 points through which you want the circle to pass through
System will draw a circle that passes through the three points selected
System will automatically add a circle center

If you want to change the location of the circle

o Using mouse Click on the center if the circle using the mouse left button and
drag to the desired location. The mouse cursor will change to sign.
If you want to re-size the circle
o Using mouse - Click on the circle circumference using mouse left button and drag
to the desired size. The mouse cursor will change to when the mouse is over the
circle circumference.

6.3 Point

This option is to create a point on the image. The draw mode will be shown in the window in
the upper right corner. The draw mode will change only when you click the Pointer button.

Click the Point button

This will open a color selection window where you can select the color of the point.
Click on the image where you want to draw the point
System will draw a point at the clicked location

If you want to change the location, click over the point using mouse left button and drag
to the desired location. The mouse cursor will change to when the mouse is over the

6.4 Rectangle

This option is to create an rectangle on the image. The draw mode will be shown in the
window in the upper right corner. The draw mode will change only when you click the
Pointer button.
Click the Rectangle button, and click on the image where you want top left corner of
the rectangle
Click again on the image where you want the bottom right corner of the rectangle. As you
move the mouse, the current shape of the rectangle as per the mouse position will be
displayed using dotted lines
This will create rectangle
Rectangle can be resized using mouse. Place the mouse to any corner of the rectangle and
the mouse pointer will change to sign. Click and drag to resize the rectangle.
To change the location of the rectangle, click on the rectangle using the mouse left button
and drag to the desired location. The mouse cursor will change to when the mouse is
over the rectangle object

6.5 Arc

This option is to create an arc through three points. The method is similar to drawing circle.
The draw mode will be shown in the window in the upper right corner. The draw mode will
change only when you click the Pointer button.

Click the Arc button.

This will open a color selection window where you can select the color of the arc.
After this, click 3 points through which you want the arc to pass through
System will draw an arc that passes through the three points selected
If you want to change the location of the arc

o Using mouse Click on the arc using the mouse left button and drag to the
desired location. The mouse cursor will change to sign.

6.6 Curve
This option is to create a curve through multiple points. The draw mode will be shown in the
window in the upper right corner. The draw mode will change only when you click the
Pointer button.

Click the Curve button.

The text will change immediately to Draw Curve
This will open a color selection window where you can select the color of the arc.
After this, click points through which you want the curve to pass through
Once you have clicked all points, click the curve button again, which will have the text
Draw Curve. This will draw the curve through the points selected
If you want to change the location of the curve

o Using mouse Click on the curve using the mouse left button and drag to the
desired location. The mouse cursor will change to sign
6.7 Closed Curve

This option is to create a closed curve through multiple points. The draw mode will be shown
in the window in the upper right corner. The draw mode will change only when you click the
Pointer button.

Click the Closed Curve button.

The text will change immediately to Draw Closed Curve
This will open a color selection window where you can select the color of the arc.
After this, click points through which you want the closed curve to pass through
Once you have clicked all points, click the closed curve button again, which will have the
text Draw Closed Curve. This will draw the closed curve through the points selected
If you want to change the location of the closed curve

o Using mouse Click on the closed curve using the mouse left button and drag to
the desired location. The mouse cursor will change to sign.

6.8 Pointer
This option is to reset the draw mode of the system.

6.9 Zoom window

By default, when you open an image for drawing and measurement, a zoom window will
appear at the lower right corner, where the area around the mouse pointer will be shown. You
can drag the window to anywhere on the screen. You can also close the window. To re-open
the zoom window, you have to click the Zoom Window button in the toolbox, or it will
open automatically when you click any draw option like line, circle, point or angle.

By default, the magnification in the zoom window is 1. You can increase this up to 10. A
sample zoom window is shown below.
7. Analysis
This section explains in detail the various analysis that can be done on the captured images.

Preparation Steps
Select Magnification
Capture Image
Open Image
Image Preparation

Grain Size
Dentritic Arm spacing
Adhoc Measurements
Coating Thickness Measuremen
Particle Size Analysis
Compare with Image master
Select Magnification
Next step is to select the magnification. Magnification can be selected only after selecting the
job. Incorrect selection of magnification can result in incorrect results. Magnification can be
selected from the drop down box in the top right corner of the main window, just below the Jobs,
as shown below.
Capture Image

If your image is not captured already, you can use this option to capture the image. Please note
that the magnification selected in the application should be same as the magnification set on the
microscope, otherwise, you can get highly inaccurate results. This section is explained in detailed
in Image Capture Section.

Open Image

If you have already captured the image, it will be displayed on your images tab, which is on the
right side of your main window. Images displayed will be those that are captured for the selected
job. The screen will be as shown below.

To open an image, click on top of the image and the image will be opened in the main window as
shown below.
Image Preparation

Image Preparation contains Image processing functions for preparing the image for metallurgical
image analysis. This includes image cleanup, adjusting illumination, removing noises, removing
unwanted features, thresholding, inverting, dilate/erode e.t.c. The system provide an interface for
the user to build customer image preparation functions as per the need. This custom programs
can be executed before performing the actual metallurgical analysis functions.

You can create CUSTOM programs, which can be called from any Analysis functions to be
executed before the actual analysis begins. These functions can be used for preparing/cleaning
the image for analysis. This is needed because in most real world scenario, the image quality will
not be of sufficient level because of varied reasons like Sample Preparation, Lighting, Etching
process etc. Image Preparation functions can used to create Custom programs to improve the
image quality. You can create any number of custom programs.

This function can be accessed through Image Process/Image Preparation.

The interface for Image preparation is as below:

As you can see, there are three tabs:
Configuration where you can execute the custom program and see the result before
including in actual analysis
Step Execution where you can execute each function individually with different
options and add to the custom program. You can also undo a step executed here.
Configuration values where you can view the default configuration values.

Creating a Custom Program

To create a Custom program, open the sample image
Start the Custom program dialog through Image Process/Image Preparation.
Select Step Execution tab, as shown below.

Reset button: Resets all the steps executed and reverts image to the original condition
Master steps: This contains all the functions supported by the system, which can be
used by the user to build custom programs. Clicking on a step will list the parameters if
any, with default values in the Step parameter/values box. User can change the
default values of parameters. Explanation of these steps can be found on internet.
Execute step button: This will execute the selected step with the parameter/values in
the Step parameter/values box. The executed step with the new parameter values will
be added to Executed Steps in Order box.
Undo button: This will undo the latest step. You can undo all the steps executed and
take the image to the original condition
Add Steps to Config button: This will add the executed steps with parameter values to
the Configuration tab, where user can save it as a Custom program.
To execute a step, select the step by clicking on it in the Master Steps list. The
parameters if any for the step shall be displayed in the Step Parameter/Values box.
Click on Execute Step to execute the step
If you want to roll back the step just executed, click on the Rollback button. You can
rollback all the steps executed till the start of this process.
You can also experiment with the parameters to see what suits best. Most of the time, the
default parameters shall meet the requirement.
The executed step will be added to the list under Executed Steps in Order.
Once you have completed the step execution process, click on Add Steps to Config
button. This will add the executed steps with parameters to the Configuration tab.
Select the Con figuration tab. It will look like below:

The list under Configuration Steps will list the steps you have executed in the Step
Execution process and Added
Enter a meaning full name to the Configuration and click on Save button. Your
Custom program is ready now.
You can call this custom program from any analysis window as the first step in analysis,
so that analysis function will first execute this custom program, and then do the analysis
on the improved/changed image. This program will be available under Image
Preparation steps in the Module analysis window.
For example, you can call Custom Image Preparation programs from Nodularity analysis as
Image splicing is the process of combining multiple images into a single image based on some
criteria. In Image analysis domain, this feature is used to create a single in-focus image from
multiple images which are at different focus levels. For example, if we have a surface which may
not be clear fully at a single focus level because of height differences of different features on the
surface, image splicing can be used to combine the images taken at different focus levels into a
single in-focus image.

This option can be accessed through Image Process\Image Splicing. The interface is as shown

Different options are as discussed below:

From Video: You can snap an image from the video using this option. This way, you can snap
multiple images each focusing at different features on an image

From File: You can also load an image file

Splice for: (Dark/White): This will determine the color of features we are trying to extract. If the
target features are dark, select Dark option. If the target features are light colored, select
White option.

Splice factor: This will determine the conditions on which images are combined. For example, if
Dark option is selected, and the splice factor is 0.5, then for a pixel in new image, if the color
is 50% darker than the color of same pixel in previous image, the new pixel will be written into
previous image, otherwise ignored. The same rule will be applied on every pixel in the new
image, and depending on the condition, the pixels of new image will be considered or ignored.

Clicking on View button against each image will display the image in the main screen.
You can also delete the captured image by selecting the corresponding image row and then
clicking Delete button.

You can re-order the images by using Up and Down arrow buttons.

Clicking on Splice button will splice all the captured images into single image and the result
image will be displayed on the main screen.

You can load the image into the system by clicking the Load button, or can do the Porosity
analysis on the processed image

Average Grain Size

This section explains the grain size measurement. The option can be accessed using
Measurements Grain Size. The screen will be as shown below. This option can be accessed
only after opening an image.opening an image

Average grain size can be measured using various ASTM recommended methods as explained in
the next sections. The various methods are

Planimetric method
Linear Intercept method
Circular Intercept method
Manual process
Draw Grain method
Planimetric method

This is an ASTM method. By default, this method is selected when you open the Grain Size
measurement window. The screen for this is as shown below.

The steps for measurement are as explained below.

Create grain. This can be done through automatic method (Automatic button) or
manual method (Set Threshold button). Automatic method can be used if the grain
structure is very clear and the boundaries are clearly visible in the image. System will
take care of minor gaps in grain boundary. Manual method can be used if the grain
boundary is not clear. Create grain process may take few seconds.
If you are using Set Threshold option, below screen will; appear where you can set
your threshold level by dragging the line on the histogram. You can use your mouse to
select the line and drag it on the histogram and set the threshold value. The image will be
modified as per your threshold setting. By setting the threshold value, you will be setting
the color of the pixels on the image whose gray level value is less than or equal to the
threshold value to red color.

Then click the Find Grain Size button. This will calculate and display the grain size
information for the selected window. Grain size distribution will be displayed at the
bottom of the Grain Window.
Click on the Add button if you want to add the sample result to the final result.
For analyzing the next image, click on the Clear button on the main window and open
the next image. Do not close the Grain window, as you will lose all the results that you
have already calculated.
The ASTM Grain Size for all the samples will be displayed in a text box just below the
result box.
You can generate report by clicking the Report button. The report will be generated
with images in the format selected in the System Configuration.

Hayn Linear Intercept method

This is an ASTM method. This method uses horizontal line intercepts with grain boundaries to
calculate the grain size. Select the tab Hayn Linear Intercept for this method. The screen will
be as shown below.
Create grain. This can be done through automatic method (Automatic button) or
manual method (Set Threshold button). Automatic method can be used if the grain
structure is very clear and the boundaries are clearly visible in the image. Manual method
can be used if the grain boundary is not clear. Create grain process may take few seconds.
If you are using Set Threshold option, below screen will; appear where you can set
your threshold level by dragging the line on the histogram. You can use your mouse to
select the line and drag it on the histogram and set the threshold value. The image will be
modified as per your threshold setting. By setting the threshold value, you will be setting
the color of the pixels on the image whose gray level value is less than or equal to the
threshold value to red color.
Set the number of lines to the desired value. Minimum is 3.
Then click the Find Grain Size button. This will calculate and display the grain size
information for the selected window. Grain size distribution will be displayed at the
bottom of the Grain Window.
Click on the Add Result button if you want to add the sample result to the final result.
For analyzing the next image, click on the Clear button on the main window and open
the next image. Do not close the Grain window, as you will lose all the results that you
have already calculated.
The ASTM Grain Size for all the samples will be displayed in a text box just below the
result box.
You can manually override the default intersections detected by the system. If you move
the mouse over the existing intersections, you can see that the mouse pointer changes to
Hand sign. If you click on this point, the system will remove that intersection.
You can add intersections manually through the line created by the system. You may
need to tell the system whether the intersection is inside the image or at the end of the
image. This can be done by selecting the Inside or End radio button. If you have
selected Inside option, the system will add 1 (one) intersection when you click on a
boundary point on the line. If you have selected End option, system will add 1/s (half)
intersection when you click on a boundary point on the line.
Generate Reports
To generate report, click on the Report button. You may need to add at least one
sample to generate report.
While generating report, you can have the images of all samples added in the report or
any one image.
You can select All to have images of all samples, or the field number from Field
Image option
Report can be in PDF or Excel. You can change the report format in System
Circular Intercept method

This is an ASTM method. This method uses circle intercepts on grain boundaries to find the
grain size
of the

image. Select the tab Circular Intercept for this method. The screen displayed will be as shown

Create grain. This can be done through automatic method (Automatic button) or
manual method (Set Threshold button). Automatic method can be used if the grain
structure is very clear and the boundaries are clearly visible in the image. Manual method
can be used if the grain boundary is not clear. Create grain process may take few seconds.
If you are using Set Threshold option, below screen will; appear where you can set
your threshold level by dragging the line on the histogram. You can use your mouse to
select the line and drag it on the histogram and set the threshold value. The image will be
modified as per your threshold setting. By setting the threshold value, you will be setting
the color of the pixels on the image whose gray level value is less than or equal to the
threshold value to red color.
Select whether to use Hillard single circle method or Abrams 3 circle method.
Then click the Find Grain Size button. This will calculate and display the grain size
information for the selected window. Grain size distribution will be displayed at the
bottom of the Grain Window.
Click on the Add button if you want to add the sample result to the final result.
For analyzing the next image, click on the Clear button on the main window and open
the next image. Do not close the Grain window, as you will lose all the results that you
have already calculated.
The ASTM Grain Size for all the samples will be displayed in a text box just below the
result box.
Generate Reports
To generate report, click on the Report button. You may need to add at least one
sample to generate report.
While generating report, you can have the images of all samples added in the report or
any one image.
You can select All to have images of all samples, or the field number from Field
Image option
Report can be in PDF or Excel. You can change the report format in System
Manual process

This is a manual method where you select the grains from the image using which the average
grain size for the image will be calculated. Select the tab Manual Process for this method. The
screen displayed will be as shown below.

Create grain. This can be done through automatic method (Automatic button) or
manual method (Set Threshold button). Automatic method can be used if the grain
structure is very clear and the boundaries are clearly visible in the image. Manual method
can be used if the grain boundary is not clear. Create grain process may take few seconds.
If you are using Set Threshold option, below screen will; appear where you can set
your threshold level by dragging the line on the histogram. You can use your mouse to
select the line and drag it on the histogram and set the threshold value. The image will be
modified as per your threshold setting. By setting the threshold value, you will be setting
the color of the pixels on the image whose gray level value is less than or equal to the
threshold value to red color.
Once grain structure is formed, click on the Find Grain Size button to calculate the
grain size and other details for each grain.
Select the grain(s) which you want to use for grain size calculation. Click on a grain
using mouse left button and this will mark that grain by changing its color to Yellow.
Also, the grain area in pixels and square mm also will be displayed on the screen. If you
want to select this grain, click on Add Grain button, and this will add this grain to the
list. Average ASTM grain size for the selected grains will be displayed in the text box
under ASTM Grain Size. The added grain color will be changed to Green
You can generate report by clicking the Report button. The report will be generated
with images in the format selected in the System Configuration

Draw Grain method

This method is another manual process where the grain structure cannot be formed by either
automatic or set threshold method. This happens when the image quality is poor. In such cases,
the system provides an option for the user to manually draw grain on the image and use that
information for finding the average grain size of the image. Select the tab Draw Grain for this
method. The screen displayed will be as shown below.

Draw grain using mouse by moving the mouse pointer around a grain with the left-button
pressed. When you release the mouse button, the grain will be formed by filling any gap
between first point and last point of the drawing.
The area of the grain in pixels and square mm along with the grain size of the grain
created will be displayed on the Grain window
Click the Add Grain button to add the grain to the list
ASTM grain size of the image in terms of the created grains will be displayed under
ASTM Grain Size
You can generate report by clicking the Report button. The report will be generated
with images in the format selected in the System Configuration.

ALA Grain Size

ALA Grain size means As Large As grain. ALA Grain the largest grain observed in a
random scatter of individual coarse grains comprising 5 % or less of the specimen area,
where the apparent grain size of these coarse grains differs by 3 or more ASTM grain size
numbers from the balance of the microstructure. To access this option, select the tab
ALA Grain Size. The window will be as shown below.

The steps for finding ALA grain are as below.

Open the image

Open the grain window - Measurements Grain Size
Select the tab ALA Grain Size
Create grain. This can be done through automatic method (Automatic button) or
manual method (Set Threshold button). Automatic method can be used if the grain
structure is very clear and the boundaries are clearly visible in the image. Manual method
can be used if the grain boundary is not clear. Create grain process may take few seconds.
If you are using Set Threshold option, below screen will; appear where you can set
your threshold level by dragging the line on the histogram. You can use your mouse to
select the line and drag it on the histogram and set the threshold value. The image will be
modified as per your threshold setting. By setting the threshold value, you will be setting
the color of the pixels on the image whose gray level value is less than or equal to the
threshold value to red color.
Select the ALA Grain method Auto or Manual
If Auto mode is selected:
o Click the button Find ALA Grain
o This will identify the ALA grain which will be marked in Green color
o Coarse grains identified will be marked in Yellow color.
If Manual method is selected
o Select coarse grains using mouse left-button click on grain
o Coarse grains are those comprising 5 % or less of the specimen area, where the
apparent grain size of these coarse grains differs by 3 or more ASTM grain size
numbers from the balance of the microstructure
o If the selected grain does not qualify the above criteria, it will not be selected
o If the selected grain meets the above criteria, it will be marked as coarse grain
with Yellow color. The coarse grains selected will be displayed with grain size in
the list box on the right side of the window. To remove a selected coarse grain,
click on the Rem button on the list box, and the image will be updated
o Coarse grains should be randomly distributed
o After selecting the coarse grains, click Find ALA Grain button. This will
identify the ALA grain from the coarse grains selected
o The list of coarse grains selected and the ALA grain with grain size will be shown
in the list box in the window on right side.
You can generate report by clicking the Report button. The report will be generated
with images in the format selected in the System Configuration.
Porosity Analysis

This method can be accessed by Measurements Porosity Analysis. This functionality can do
the particle count and analysis of particles in Millipore testing as well as in cases where user
wants to analyze particles.

This functionality is same as Particle Analysis module.

The user interface for particle analysis is as below:

The method for Particle analysis is explained in below sections.

Select the source Video or Image. We recommend users to use image as the source,
since any light variations or vibrations will not affect the analysis steps.
Open the image.
Before starting the analysis, you may need to do some option image cleanup functions.
This can be done through custom built programs in Image Preparation. You can find
more details about this step here. This is an OPTIONAL step.
Select the Filter (OPTIONAL), which will have the filter conditions set for removing
unwanted features.
Click on Distribution button
You can see the image getting updated with particle detection according to the filter set,
as shown below:

By default, the summary result shall be shown as below

If you want to change the threshold or put some filters on size or shape, click on the
Filters button, on the right side of the Current Result box, as marked in the above
You shall get a new window where you can set the threshold values, Shape filter
(Circularity), Size filter (Length/ Area) as shown below.
You can also set the view options on how you want to see the result, in the View
Options tab in Filter window. You can view the result as Summary (Default), By
Length, By Width, By Area or By Circularity. You can set the range for each bucket as
shown below. You can also set the expected values (MIN/MAX), which is optional. If
you have set expected values, system will give OK/ Not OK based on the actual result.
You can also set the color with which the particles falling under each bucket to be
marked in the image.

You can also see the image histogram with the current threshold value in the histogram
and filter settings as shown below

You can adjust the threshold level by moving the vertical line (current threshold level)
using mouse. As per the threshold value set, the system will upload the image with
particle selection. This adjustment is needed to remove any noises and unwanted features
from the image
User can also set filters on length or area. To set the filter, user should first select Length
or Area check box. User can then enter values directly in the Min and Max text boxes or
can directly set the threshold values from the feature. For setting the values using feature
as reference, first mouse click inside the Min or Max text box and then mouse right click
on the reference feature on the image whose size (length/area) you want to use as
After setting any filter, clicking on Apply button will apply the settings, and the results
and image shall be updated according to the settings.
The selected particles/objects shall be rounded according to the color set for each bucket
in the View Options
By default, selected particles/objects shall be marked with Red boundary.
You can minimize/hide the Filter settings window by clicking on the Minimize button
on it. Clicking again on the Filters button will open the Filter settings window with the
values set.
You can save the settings with a unique name by clicking on the Save button, after
entering a valid unique name for the filter settings. Once you have saved the settings, you
can recall it for next analysis from the Configuration box. After selecting a saved
configuration, if you click Distribution, system will analyze and display result
according to the filter setting opened. You can have any number of filter settings. To
delete a setting, select the setting from the Configuration list and click on Delete
If you move the mouse over each feature in the image, the details about the feature like
its size, area and circularity will be shown on mouse tip.
The result will be displayed in the text boxes in the window.
You can select/un select a feature as Particle by using mouse left-button click over a
feature, and the result will be immediately updated with the changes
Once you have completed the above steps, click on Add button to add the result to the
final result list
The cumulative result shall be displayed in the Result tab, as per the Configuration
setting. If user has selected Summary option, then summary result will be displayed. If
user has selected Detail option, then each particle detail will be displayed in the Result
tab. If user has selected other view options like By length or By width or By Area
or By Circularity, the result will be displayed accordingly. To get more details on View
options, please see here.
User can repeat the process for all the images
Once user has completed the measurement, reports can be generated in Excel or PDF
The reports will be according to the view options selected by the user

View Options
View options gives the flexibility to the user to group the data as per the requirement
The view options tab is as below:

User has to select All, Summary, By Length, By Width, By Area or By Circ and then
click the OK button

User can select All option, if the details of each particle is needed. Result will be as

User can select Summary option, if the summary of all particles is needed. The result
will be as below:
If user selects By Length, By Width, By Area or By Circ, user has to enter the bucket
size of group size according to which the data needs to be grouped. The screen will be as

User can enter the From value, To Value and Max Limit (Optional). User can click on
+ button to add new row or Del button to delete a row. User can enter as many
grouping as possible. In the above example, last row (From is 41 and To is 0) means a
group with length >=41 and no max value, and Max Limit is 5. If user clicks the OK
button (marked with tick sign), the result will be as below
Click on Report button to generate report in PDF or Excel. Report will have a graph for
each group row, which shows actual count against max limit set. You can save these data
as a configuration, so that you dont need to set the data grouping/bucket size every time.
Enter a meaning full name under Configuration Name and click on Save button. This
will save the filter conditions and grouping data with the system. Next time, user only
needs to select the Configuration from Filter option and click on Distribution button
to get the result, apply filter and group the data.
An example report will be as below.

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