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BAPIs @ EMAX Technologies

We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ?

& 4ri 2 Subtype

+%', Object type
. .. .
C..:x I n t e r f a c e t y p e


3. In the next dialog box, enter the required de

In the field Supertype, enter the name of t e for wi5ich you want to
create a subtype. 8:~

In the field Object type, enter the name a'8t to create.

information in the remaining fields.

T y p e Z.iBUSi01@2432?
C % ? a a - a g r ; a C?fi2e~t
a n O%. 67 [e Program Parameters Exceptions

Object type ZBUS0002 m Company Codes

m InterTaces
E3 Key T i e l d s

LCompanyCodes CompanycocieIci O company code

CompanyCodes s n o w o b j e c t s
Companycodes S h o w R e l a t i o n s
CompanyCodes Admi n i s t e y . y Org oaject admi n i s t r a t i on
,,. % % ~ "2-
CompanyCodes G e t L ~ s t
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COPY ob3 e c t
O L 2 s t OP Company Codes
CompanyCodes GetDeta71
C o m p a n y C ~ d eE
~x i s t e n c e c h e c k
,. v
Company Code Deta, 1 s
ctieck 7 T ornpany code e x i s t s
Companytodes G a t P e r i o d w Q Determine p e r i o d Tor g o s t i n g datelcomoany code
Companycodes. G e t R e l a t e d o b j e c t s v L i nked o n j e c t s
COmpanyCodeS. Un7 7 nkFrOrnOb~e c t v D e l e t e 1,nk
CompanyCodes L i nkToOb3 e c t w ~,i,k iu,th o a ~ e c t
CompanyCode~G e t O b J e c t s v L75t Of RI1 ObJec-s
CompanyCodes E d i t w Change ObJ e c t
CornpanyCodes D e l e t e

Del e t e Ob, e c t
Com~anycoaes D i s p l a y
create obi e t
r'"_----- ---
a i s ~ayl o b j e c t
__ - ._
* w
" ~

Observe that al1 the Attributes and Methods are Copied from Super type to

Page 99 of 112 Compiled By : Ganapati Adimulam

eMax Technologies,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
Ph No: +9140 -65976727, Ce11 No: 99484 44808,98490 34399,
BAPIs @ EMAX Technologies

We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ?

2. Change the definition of the inherited BAPl for the subtvpe.

O You can add additional parameters, for example, or modify the

implementation of the BAPI.

The following implementation options are available for modifications:

Creating a new function module

Compatible modifications to the superior functiori module

Creating the implementing function module as a copy of the superior function


3. If modifications have been made, you must red

the subtype in the BOR. 'The steps required to redefine aiBAPl aFe
described in Redefining BAPls

To redefine a BAPl of a subty &' perform the following steps.

X# 7
1. Choose Tools - ~ u s i n e s s ~ ~ r ~ q e->y o
BAr kP l Development -2Business
Object Builder or enter transacqon code SWOl .
2. Display the subtype just created inktbe:change mode.
3. Position the cursor on the B A ~- ~ ~~ aOnto-modify
U '
and choose Edit -2Redefine.

0b3ect t y p e Rename
c h a n g e I e I e a s e status
m nttri Cncei
m Metho -
Display A l 1 Objects
Di Spl a y R e 1 a t i o n s h i p s
erg. *ri> ~ c adrrii t n i s t r a t i on
COO71 O h l SC*
~1 Li of- cnmoan Codes
Checn l i c o m o a ~ y code e x i s t s
D e t e r m i ne p e r i od f o r p o s t i n g d a t e Code
L i nned Ubl e c t s
Delete i i i n
L i nkToObj e c t
GetObj e c t s
w Link with object
List of ~ l
Change O b ) e c t
o bl 3ects

Companycodes Del e t e w Del e t e 00) e c t

ComoanuCades Create r C r e a t e ob3 e c t
D, s p l ay o b e ~c t
Company Code D e t a i 1 s

4. Double-click on the BAPl and select the ABAP/4 register.

5. In the Name field of the modified function module enter and Save your

Page 100 of 112 Compiled By : Ganapati Adimulam

eMax Technologies,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
Ph No: +9140 -65976727, Ce11 No: 99484 44808,98490 34399,

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