PMP Course - Organizations and Projects V2

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Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of

Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fifth Edition, copyright 2013. Copyright and all
rights reserved. Material from this publication has been reproduced with the
permission of PMI

Preparation Class
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP

PMI, PMP and PMBOK, PM Network, PMI Today, PMI R.E.P, Project Management Journal are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Lesson TWO
Course Structure Organizational Influences
Introduction to PMBOK Guide Operations Vs Projects

Guide Vs Standard Project Manager (Role/ Characteristics)

Methodology Vs Framework Enterprise Environmental Factors

Project Definition Organizational Process Assets

Project/Portfolio Management Project Lifecycle

PMO Project Phases

Project Constraints Wrap-UP

Stakeholder Test

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 2

Course Structure
Course is mainly based on A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Fifth
We will proceed as outlined in PMBOK Guide 5th edition
but will include personal experiences, best case studies and
examples from other books
PMBOK Guide serves as a standard and guide for Project
Management, and if well understood can serve as
methodology/ guide for successful project implementation

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 3

Course Structure

Knowledge Areas
Course is divided by Knowledge Area in sequence as
listed in PMBOK Guide

Professional Responsibility covered at the end

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 4

Course Structure

Tools and Techniques Discussion/ Practice

PMBOK Guide have number of practical and useful
These tools will be discussed in details within groups
Practical usage of the tools in office environment will
be explored

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Introduction to PMBOK Guide

Introduction to PMBOK Guide

Organizational Influence and Project Life Cycle

Project Management Processes
Project Knowledge Areas
The standard for Project Management of a Project

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 6

Introduction to PMBOK Guide

Introduction to PMBOK Guide

Provides guidelines for managing projects.

Globally recognized standard.
First two sections introduction to project Management field
Section 3, summary of processes interactions and ten knowledge
Section 4 to 13, Guide to the project management body of knowledge
Annex A1, Standard project management, considered good practice
on most projects most of time

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 7

Introduction to PMBOK
Purpose of PMBOK Guide
The acceptance of Project Management as a profession
can have significant impact on project success
Generally Recognized, Good Practice
Common Vocabulary
Guide rather than methodology
PMI code of ethics and Professional Conduct

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 8

Guide Vs Standard

Collection of basic information or procedures that
helps someone to form an opinion or make a decision,
and can be interpreted differently;

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 9

Guide Vs Standard

A standard is a formal document that describes
established norms, methods, processes, and practices,
adherence to which is not legally required

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Methodology Vs Framework

Collection of Methods, Processes, Rules, and Ideas
that are important in a science or art : a particular
procedure or set of procedures

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 11

Methodology Vs Framework

In general, a framework is a real or conceptual
structure intended to serve as a support or guide for
the building of something that expands the structure
into something useful.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 12


What is a Project
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to
create a unique product, service, or result.
The temporary nature of projects indicates that a
project has a definite beginning and end.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 13


The end is reached when:

Project achieve its intended results
There is no more need for the project
Terminated by the client/ customer
No longer feasible because of environment

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Projects could be short or long in duration but with fix

start and end dates.
Projects duration definitions generally doesn't apply to
the products or services created by the project.

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Project Management

Project management is the application of knowledge,

skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet
the project requirements.

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Project Management
Accomplished through 47 Processes in
FIVE Process Groups Initiation, Planning, Executing,
Monitoring and Controlling and Closing

A Guide to the Project Management Body of

Knowledge, Fifth Edition (PMBOK Guide)
2013 Project Management Institute, Inc.
Copyright and all rights reserved. Fig. 3-1,
Project Management Process Groups, Page 50
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved
Program Management
Programs: are comprised of related subprograms,
projects, or other work that are managed in a
coordinated fashion in support of the portfolio
Decreased Risk, Economies of scale and improved
Should add value Program

Project1 Project2 Project3

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 18

Portfolio Management

Portfolio refers to a
collection of projects,
programs, sub-
portfolios, and
operations managed
as a group to achieve
strategic objectives.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 19

Organization Project Management (OPM)

Framework to keep the organization focused on overall

Guidelines for portfolios, programs, projects selection,
prioritization and execution

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 20


Projects or programs
within the portfolio
may not necessarily
be interdependent or
directly related, but
they are linked to the
strategic plan
through portfolio

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Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3)

PMI Model

Help organizations understand their level of maturity in

project management
Studies rules, regulations, implementation mechanisms
and others

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 22

Project Management Office (PMO)

A project management office (PMO) is a management

structure that standardizes the project-related governance
processes and facilitates the sharing of resources,
methodologies, tools, and techniques

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 23


Consultative role to provide support Take control of the

projects by supplying projects by
and require
templates, best
compliance through directly managing
practices, training,
access to information
various means. the projects.
and lessons learned, Authority Authority HIGH
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 24
PMO may
Manage the interdependencies among projects, programs,
Integrate information from all projects to assess whether
the organization is achieving its strategic objectives
Help provide resources
Recommend the termination of projects when appropriate
Monitor compliance with organizational processes

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 25

Help gather lessons learned and make them available to
other projects
Provide templates
Provide guidance and project governance
Be more heavily involved during project initiating
Be part of change control board
Prioritize projects

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Project Constraints

Limiting factors
Good for evaluating demands
Different constraints have different value
Co-dependent, impacting each other

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Project Constraints

Triple Constraints

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Project Constraints

Six Constraints

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Stakeholder, Stakeholder Management

Anyone impacted by the project or product (positively/

Dedicated knowledge area in PMBOK Guide (5th

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 30

Stakeholder Management
Examples of

Project Sponsor
Customers and
Business Partners
Functional Managers
Project Manager
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Fifth Edition (PMBOK Guide) 2013 Project
Management Institute, Inc. Copyright and all rights reserved. Fig. 2-2, The Relationship between
Project team
Stakeholders and the Project, Page 31

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 31

Project Governance

Oversight aligned with Organizations governance

model and throughout project life cycle
Provides structure, tools, processes and others for
successful project completion
Includes framework for decision making, roles
definition, responsibilities, accountabilities, and
determination for project managers success

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 32

Organizational Influences on Project

Organizational Culture and Styles

Organizational Communication

Organizational Structure

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 33

Organizational Culture and Styles

Organizations Systematic Entities for common purpose

Culture and style effect projects conduct
Cultural norms develop over time
Cultural norms indicates work completion, decision
making, project planning, initiating etc.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 34

Organizational Communication

Communication highly important and projects critical

success factors
Organizational communication within organizational
structure effective tool to facilitate decision making
PMBOK Guide knowledge area

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 35

Organizational Structure

Authority Level of the Project Manager

Why organizations are structured as such?
Acceptability of Change in Organization
Industry Organization Operating in

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 36

Organizational Structure

Most Common Type
Structured based on Specialized area of operations
Projects usually within departments
Intra-departmental communication goes vertical-

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Organizational Structure

Company organized based on projects
Project manager authority highest
No Home
Communication primarily within project

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Organizational Structure

Mixture of both Functional & Projectized
Two Bosses
Communication Complex
Power shared between Project Manager and
Functional Manager

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 39

Organizational Structure
Strong Matrix is for Project Manager
Weak Matrix Project Manager is:
Project Expediter: Staff Assistant/ Communication
Coordinator, no authority for decisions or
Project Coordinator: Some authority for decision
making, reporting to higher-level manager

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 40

Organizational Structure

Project Based Organizations (PBO)

Organizational Hierarchy
Middle Management

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 41

Projects Utilization
Projects often utilized as means to directly or indirectly
achieve objectives within organizations strategic plan.
Typically authorized as a result of one or more of the
following strategic considerations:

Market Demand
Environmental Considerations

Strategic Opportunities/
Customer Request
Business Need Technological Advance
Social Need Legal Requirements

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 42

Operations Vs Projects

Operations: Continuous
Projects: Ends with Projects
Dependent/ Supports each other
Closely Interconnected

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 43

Operations Vs Projects

Though temporary in nature, projects can help achieve
the organizational goals when they are aligned with the
organizations strategy.
Changes in business operations may be the focus of a
dedicated project
Unlike the ongoing nature of operations, projects are
temporary endeavors.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 44

Operations Vs Projects

Operations management is responsible for overseeing,
directing, and controlling business operations.
Operations evolve to support the day-to-day business,
and are necessary to achieve strategic and tactical goals
of the business.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 45

Operations Vs Projects

Operations Management not focus of this standard
Operations are ongoing endeavors that produce repetitive
outputs, with resources assigned to do basically the same
set of tasks according to the standards institutionalized in
a product life cycle.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 46

Organizations and Project Management

Organizations use governance to establish strategic

direction and performance parameters.
The strategic direction provides the purpose,
expectations, goals, and actions necessary to guide
business pursuit and is aligned with business objectives.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 47

Organizations and Project Management
Project management activities should be aligned with
top-level business direction, and if there is a change,
then project objectives need to be realigned.
When the business alignment for a project is constant,
the chance for project success greatly increases because
the project remains aligned with the strategic direction
of the organization.
Should something change, projects should change

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 48

Business Value

Business value is a concept that is unique to each

Business value is defined as the entire value of the
business; the total sum of all tangible and intangible

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 49

Business Value

While not all organizations are business driven, all

organizations conduct business-related activities.
Whether an organization is a government agency or a
nonprofit organization, all organizations focus on
attaining business value for their activities.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 50

Role of the Project Manager

Who is Project Manager??

The project manager is the person assigned by the
performing organization to lead the team that is
responsible for achieving the project objectives.

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Role of the Project Manager

The role of a project manager is distinct from a

functional manager or operations manager.
Typically the functional manager is focused on
providing management oversight for a functional or a
business unit, and
Operations managers are responsible for ensuring that
business operations are efficient.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 52

Interpersonal skills of PM

Preferably should have:

Decision making,
Political and cultural awareness,
Team building,
Trust building,
Conflict management, and

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Project Team
Project Manager and group of individuals acting
together for achieving project goals

Project Management Staff

Project Staff
Business Partner
Supporting experts members
User or Customer Business Partners

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 54

Project Team
Assigned full-time
Reports directly to project manager
Simplest structure
Assigned to more than one project
Reports to functional and project manager
Complicated structure
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 55
Enterprise Environmental Factors

Factors, not under the control of project team, that

influence, constrain or direct the project
Company cultures and existing systems the project has
to deal with
Company baggage comes with the project

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 56

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational culture, structure, and governance;

Geographic distribution of facilities and resources;

Government or industry standards

Existing human resources;
Personnel administration;

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 57

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Company work authorization systems;

Marketplace conditions;
Stakeholder risk tolerances;
Political climate;
Organizations established communications channels;
Commercial databases; and
Project management information system

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 58

Organizational Process Assets
Organizational process assets are the plans, processes,
policies, procedures, and knowledge bases specific to
and used by the performing organization
Organizational process assets may be grouped into two

(1) processes and procedures, and

(2) corporate knowledge base

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 59

Organizational Process Assets

Historical Information
Lessons Learned

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 60

Project Lifecycle

Sometimes referred to as Organizations or

Departments methodology for projects
A project life cycle is the series of phases that a project
passes through from its initiation to its closure.
Project Lifecycle what you need to DO the work;
Project Management Processes what you need to
MANAGE the work

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 61

Project Lifecycle

Cost and staffing levels are low at the start, peak as the
work is carried out, and drop rapidly as the project
draws to a close.
Risk and uncertainty are greatest at the start of the
project. These factors decrease over the life of the project
as decisions are reached and as deliverables are

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 62

Project Lifecycle

The ability to influence the final characteristics of the

projects product, without significantly impacting cost, is
highest at the start of the project and decreases as the
project progresses towards completion.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 63

Predictive Lifecycle
(Fully planned/ Plan Driven)

Where scope, time and cost

required for deliverables are
determined as early in the project
life cycle as practically possible.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 64

Iterative/ Incremental lifecycle

Where project phases

(also called iterations)
intentionally repeat one
or more project
activities as the project
teams understanding of
the product increases

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 65

Adaptive Lifecycle

Adaptive life cycles (also known as change-driven or agile methods)

are intended to respond to high levels of change and ongoing
stakeholder involvement. Adaptive methods are also iterative and
incremental, but differ in that iterations are very rapid (usually with
a duration of 2 to 4 weeks) and are fixed in time and cost
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 66
Project Phases
A project phase is a collection of logically related
project activities that culminates in the completion of
one or more deliverables
Phase could take only ONE process group but usually
MOST or ALL process groups are executed in some
Projects are divided into phases for ease of

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 67

Project Phases
The work has a distinct focus that differs from any
other phase.
Achieving the primary deliverable or objective of the
phase requires controls or processes unique to the
phase or its activities.
The closure of a phase ends with some form of
transfer or hand-off of the work product produced as
the phase deliverable.
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 68
Project Phases

Sequential relationship: a phase starts only when the

previous phase is complete.

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Project Phases
Overlapping relationship: a phase starts prior to
completion of the previous one

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 70

Wrap Up. Lesson TWO
Course Structure
Organizational Influences
Introduction to PMBOK Guide
Operations Vs Projects
Guide Vs Standard
Project Manager (Role/ Characteristics)
Methodology Vs Framework
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Project Definition
Organizational Process Assets
Project/Portfolio Management
Project Lifecycle
Project Phases
Project Constraints


Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 71

1. One of your friend is a project manager at a natural gas energy
company. He is managing a project for the construction and operation of
pipeline facilities at U.S. points of entry for the import or export of
natural gas. The company had performed a similar project a couple
years ago.
This is the critical project for the company and he is under a tremendous
pressure to deliver the project. Unfortunately, he is new to the company
and the project is growing in size every day. He is starting to feel
overwhelmed by the project. What is his BEST course of action?

A. Ask for additional resource from his supervisor

B. Determine stakeholders expectations and manage their influence
C. Ask the previous project manager for assistance
D. Obtain the historical records and guidance from the PMO
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved
2. You have been recently hired to be a project manager at a bio-
tech company to develop anew drug to treat pancreatic cancer.
The project requires significant coordination across multiple
departments from R&D to manufacturing.
Youve attempt to gain the cooperation of chief scientist within
the R&D. however the Chief scientist is focused on completing
her to-to- day tasks, and you do not have any control over her
work assignment. What is the best way to describe her current
organizational structure?
A. Projectized C. Strong Matrix
B. Balanced Matrix D. Functional
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

3. You are a project manager in a matrix organization. All

of the following are disadvantages of this type of
organization EXCEPT:

A. Duplication of job functions

C. Resource allocation difficulties
B. Increased administration
D. Increased potential for conflict

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Sample Questions

4. Which of the following best determines the amount of

authority a project manager will have during a project?

A. The project managers negotiating skills and communication skills

B. The priority and importance of the project within the organization
C. Organizational structure
D. The amount of authority a specified in the project charter.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Sample Questions
5. Which of the following best describes the following
organizational structure?

A. Balanced Matrix Org C. Projectized Org

B. Weak Matrix Org D. Functional Org
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Further Details
PMBOK Guide Chapter ONE & TWO (Pages 1 - 46)

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 77

Next Lesson

Project Management Processes

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved 78

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