PMP Course - Integration Management V2

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Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of

Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fifth Edition, copyright 2013. Copyright and all
rights reserved. Material from this publication has been reproduced with the
permission of PMI

Preparation Class

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP

PMI, PMP and PMBOK, PM Network, PMI Today, PMI R.E.P, Project Management Journalareregistered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Lesson FIVE
Project Integration Management

Processes in Integration Management

Develop Project Charter

Develop Project Management Plan

Direct and Manage Project Work

Monitor and Control Project Work

Perform Integrated Change Control

Close Phase or Project

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved


Project Manager is Integrator

Integration is Unification, Consolidation,

Communication and integrative actions for project
activities implementation.

Integration Management High Level Project work

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Processes in
Integration Management

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Table of (ITTO)
for Integration

A Guide to the Project Management Body of

Knowledge, Fifth Edition (PMBOK Guide)
2013 Project Management Institute, Inc.
Copyright and all rights reserved. Fig. 4-1, Project
Integration Management Overview, Page 65
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Develop Project Charter

High Level Planning for the feasibility of the


Major Stakeholders Identification

High Level Objectives, Requirements,

Constraints, Assumptions, Scope and Risks

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Develop Project Charter

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Project Charter
for Project Manager

Gives formal recognition (authorizes) project.

Gives authority to project manager for resources

utilization and power to make decisions.

Provides success criteria

Connects project to Organizations work

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Project Charter
What you need

Project Statement of Work S.O.W: is a narrative

description of products, services, or results to be
delivered by a project.

For internal projects, the project initiator or sponsor

provides the statement of work based on business
needs, product, or service requirements.

For external projects, the statement of work can be

received from the customer as part of a bid
document, (e.g., a request for proposal, request for
information, or request for bid) or as part of a contract

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Project Charter
What you need
Business Case:
The business case or similar document describes the
necessary information from a business standpoint to determine
whether or not the project is worth the required investment

Used to define initial intentions for a project. Agreements may
take the form of contracts, memorandums of understanding
(MOUs), service level agreements (SLA), letter of agreements,
letters of intent, verbal agreements, email, or other written

Usually; Contract is used when a project is being performed

for an external customer

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Project Charter
What you need

Enterprise Environmental Factors: As

discussed in Lesson THREE, these can impact
Project Charter
Governmental standards, industry standards,
or regulations
Organizational culture and structure, and
Marketplace conditions.

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Project Charter

Organizational Process Assets

Organizational standard processes,

policies, and process definitions,

Templates (e.g., project charter template),


Historical information and lessons learned

knowledge base

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Project Charter

Expert Judgement
Other units within the organization,



Professional and technical associations,

Industry groups,

Subject matter experts

Project management oce

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Project Charter

Facilitation Techniques


conflict resolution,

problem solving, and

meeting management

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Project Charter
Project Charter,
Project purpose or Assumptions and
justification, constraints,
Measurable project High-level project
objectives and description and
related success boundaries,
criteria, High-level risks,
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved
Project Charter

Project Charter, Assigned project

summarizing manager,
Summary milestone responsibility, and
schedule, authority level, and
Summary budget, Name and authority
of the sponsor or
Stakeholder list, other person(s)
Project approval authorizing the
requirements project charter.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Project Selection

Economic Models for Project Selection

Present Value (PV)

Net Present Value (NPV)

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Payback Period

Cost Benefit Analysis

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Project Selection

Present Value

The value today of future cash flows

FV = Future Value
PV = R = Interest Rate
(1 + R)n
N = Number of Time Periods

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Project Selection

Net Present Value (NPV)

We wont calculate it for the exam and don't

need it

Its the pure profit (income - cost)

Generally, if POSITIVE investment is good

Greatest NPV projects are usually selected

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Project Selection

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

The rate at which project inflows and outflows

are equal

Project with highest return is selected

We wont calculate for the project selection

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Project Selection

Payback Period

The duration it takes to recover investment

before making profit

Usually the shorter the payback period, the

better it is

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Project Selection

Cost - Benefit Analysis

Comparison of expected project costs to the

potential benefits

Can be expressed as a decimal or a ratio

Greater than ONE is good (meaning benefit is

greater than cost)

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Project Selection

Economic Value Added (EVA)

Whether the project returns to the company more

value than the initiative costs

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity given up by selecting one project

over another, doesn't require any calculations

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Project Selection

Sunk Cost

Spent money

Law of Diminishing Returns

After a certain point, adding more input will not

produce proportional increase in productivity

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Project Selection
Working Capital

Current assets minus current liabilities, in other words

money available to invest


Loss of value over time

Straight Line depreciation: same amount every year

Accelerated Depreciation

Accelerated deprecation depreciates faster than straight

line deprecation
Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved
Develop Project
Management Plan

Develop Project Management Plan is

the process of defining, preparing, and
coordinating all subsidiary plans and
integrating them into a comprehensive
project management plan.
Management Plan for every knowledge

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Develop Project
Management Plan

Also Plans for Change Management,

Configuration Management,
Requirements Management and
Process Improvement
All processes used in Project
Scope, Schedule and Cost baselines

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Develop Project
Management Plan

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Develop Project
Management Plan

Performance Measurement Baselines (scope,

schedule, cost), used to report and control progress

Requirements Management Plan: stakeholders

requirements analysis, prioritization, control and
documentation throughout the project

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Develop Project
Management Plan

Process Improvement Plan: always an effort to

improve how things gets done and improve

Configuration Management Plan: Here we

ensure everyone knows which version of every
plan is the latest, and how baseline documents
are updated.

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Develop Project Management Plan

Changes are VERY important it takes time, cost money and

affect everything

Change Management Plan

Change Control Procedures (How and Who)

The approval level for authorizing change

Change Control Board and relevant mechanisms

Organizational tools to track and control changes

Reporting outcomes of change requests

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Putting it together

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Develop Project
Management Plan

Project Documents

Project Management Plan Approval

Kickoff Meeting

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Direct and Manage Project Work

Direct and Manage Project Work is the process of

leading and performing the work defined in the
project management plan and implementing
approved changes to achieve the projects

Integrating all for execution and project


The major process with Monitor and Control

Project Work

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Direct and Manage Project Work

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved
Monitor and Control Project Work

Monitoring happens throughout the project

Comparison of actual progress to planned progress

Identification, analysis and reporting of new risks;

Timely status information and reporting

Providing forecasts to update current cost and current

schedule information;

Monitoring implementation of approved changes as

they occur;
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Monitor and Control Project Work

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Monitor and Control Project Work

Work Authorization System:

part of enterprise environmental factors and project
manager authorizes start of work-package or

Corrective Action

Preventive Action

Defect Repair

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Monitor and Control Project Work
Tools and Techniques
Expert Judgement

Analytical Techniques, some examples

Regression Analysis: An analytic technique

where a series of input variables are examined
in relation to their corresponding output results
in order to develop a mathematical or
statistical relationship.

Grouping Method:

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Monitor and Control Project Work
Tools and Techniques

Causal Analysis:
Root cause analysis: type
of causal analysis where we
analyze the root causes of
the problem, not focusing on

Forecasting Methods: using different forecasting

techniques, such as schedule or cost forecasting to
predict project performance

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Monitor and Control Project Work
Tools and Techniques
Failure mode and effect analysis (FEMA):

An analytical procedure in which each potential

failure mode in every component of a product is
analyzed to determine its effect on the reliability of
that component and, by itself or in combination with
other possible failure modes, on the reliability of the
product or system and on the required function of the


the examination of a product (at the system and/or

lower levels) for all ways that a failure may occur. For
each potential failure, an estimate is made of its
effect on the total system and of its impact. In
addition, a review is undertaken of the action
planned to minimize the probability of failure and to
minimize its effects.

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Monitor and Control Project Work
Tools and Techniques

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA): is a top down,

deductive failure analysis in which an
undesired state of a system is analyzed
using Boolean logic to combine a series of
lower-level events

Reserve Analysis: An analytical technique

to determine the essential features and
relationships of components in the project
management plan to establish a reserve
for the schedule duration, budget,
estimated cost, or funds for a project.

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Earned Value Management (EVM): is a
methodology that combines scope,
schedule, and resource measurements to
assess project performance and progress.
It is a commonly used method of
performance measurement for projects.

Trend Analysis: examines

project performance over
time to determine whether
performance is improving
or deteriorating.
Variance Analysis: is a
technique for determining the
cause and degree of difference
between the baseline and
actual performance.
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Monitor and Control Project Work

Change Requests

Corrective Action, Preventive Action, Defect


Work Performance Reports

Project Management Plan Updates

Project Document Updates

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Perform Integrated Change Control

Changes happen throughout the project

Changes can be expensive, some studies show it is 100 times

more expensive if happen later in the project

All changes doesn't need to be implemented or rejected

Change Management is ultimately P.Ms responsibility

He/ She is responsible to prevent as many changes as possible

through right planning and stakeholders identification.

All possible changes must be planned, managed and controlled

Cost, Schedule and Scope need to be updated in light of changes

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Perform Integrated Change Control

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Perform Integrated Change Control
To control changes, Project Manager must

Work to obtain comprehensive requirements ASAP

Comprehensively identify project risks

Establish cost and time reserves

Have and follow change control process

Change request process and templates

Clear roles and responsibilities for change approval

Reevaluation of business case incase of many changes

Project termination or another project initiation if too many changes

Only approved changes allowed to change project baselines

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

Perform Integrated Change

Change Control Board (CCB)

it approves all required changes in project

May include Project Manager, customer or

representative, experts, sponsor, functional
managers and others

For exam, assume all projects have CCB

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Perform Integrated
Change Control

Process of making
changes (Summary)

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Perform Integrated Change Control
Detailed process of Making changes

1. Prevent root causes of changes

2. Identify Change

3. Look at the impact of the change within

knowledge area

4. Create change request

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Perform Integrated Change Control
Detailed process of Making changes

5. Perform Integrated change control

a. Assess the change
b. Look for options
c. The change is approved or rejected
d. Update the status of the change in the change log
e. Adjust the project plan, documents and baselines
6. Manage expectations by communicating changes to
effected stakeholders
7. Manage the project to revised project plan and

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Close Phase or Project
Activities involved in close phase or project

Confirm work is done to requirements

Complete procurement closure

Gain final acceptance of the product

Complete financial closure

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Close Phase or Project
Activities involved in close phase or project

Hand off completed product

Solicit feedback from customer about the project

Complete final performance reporting

Index and archive records

Gather final lessons learned and update

knowledge base

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Close Phase or Project
Activities involved in close phase or project

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

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Lesson FIVE

Processes in Integration Management

Develop Project Charter

Develop Project Management Plan

Direct and Manage Project Work

Monitor and Control Project Work

Perform Integrated Change Control

Close Phase or Project

Qudratullah Hiwadpal, PMP, All Rights Reserved

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