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Autoclave is a closed heating device used to sterilize an object using high

temperature steam and 1210C for about 15 minutes. The pressure drop on the autoclave
is not intended to kill microorganisms, but rather increases the temperature in the
autoclave. This high temperature will kill microorganisms. The autoclave is primarily
intended to kill the endospores, which are resistant cells produced by bacteria, they are
resistant to heating, dryness, and antibiotics. In the same species, endospores can
withstand the environmental conditions that can kill the bacterial vegetative cells.
Endospores can be killed at a temperature of 100 C, which is the boiling point of
water at normal atmospheric pressure. At 121 C, the endospores can be killed within
4-5 minutes, in which bacterial vegetative cells can be killed in just 6-30 seconds at 65
The autoclave sterilization time calculation begins when the temperature inside the
autoclave reaches 121 C. If the sterilized object is thick or large enough, the heat
transfer on the inside of the autoclave will slow down, resulting in an extension of the
total heating time to ensure that all objects are at 121 C for 10-15 min. Extension of
time is also needed when large volume fluids will be autoclaved because large volumes
take longer to reach sterilization temperatures. The autoclave performance was tested
with biological indicators, eg Bacillus stearothermophilus

Autoclave Parts
1. Self-timer button (timer)
Specific autoclave equipped with timer that serves to set the long time or in the
process of sterilization, in accordance with the needs / usage required. In contrast to
a simple autoclave that still uses the aid of water heating with a non electric stove.
The simple autoclave is not equipped with a timer.
2. Steam valve
Although it includes a small part of the overall autoclave, but the steam valve is one
of the most important components and serves as a vapor exit.
3. Pressure gauge
If you want to know the value of the vapor pressure in the autoclave, you can see in
this section. The pressure gauge serves to determine the amount of vapor pressure
present in the autoclave during the sterilization process.
4. Security valve
The safety valve serves as anchoring or locking the autoclave cover.
5. On / off button
If you use an autoclave that uses a source of electrical energy, then the existence of
this button is very big berandil. Because this button serves to turn on or off the
autoclave engine.
6. Thermometer
Usually, the sterilization process requires different temperatures depending on the
material or tool you sterilize. Thermometer is a component that serves to know and
observe the required temperature. Is it in accordance with the temperature you need
or not.
7. Plate of heat source
This section is a component that will help the conversion of electrical energy into
heat energy. The heat source plate or heater is made of a coil of copper wire which
when fed by an electric current will generate heat energy.
8. Security screw
A safety screw is needed to maintain the quantity and vapor pressure present in the
autoclave. Make sure this security screw is properly installed and secure.
9. Goose
In an autoclave that uses electrical energy, you will find a goose that serves as the
water addition limit. While on autoclaves that use heat energy from conventional
stoves or other heaters, you will find an aluminum container that serves to put
various materials or tools you want to sterilize.

How to Use Autoclave

a. Before sterilizing check first the amount of water in the autoclave. If water is less
than the prescribed limit, then water can be added to that limit. Use distilled water, to
avoid the formation of crust and rust.
b. Enter equipment and materials. If sterilizing the threaded bottle, the lid should be
c. Close the autoclave tightly and tighten the safety bolts to avoid steam coming out of
the autoclave lips. The safety valve should not be tightened first.
d. Turn on the autoclave, set the timer with a minimum of 15 minutes at 121oC.
e. Wait until the water boils so that the steam fills the autoclave compartment and is
pushed out of the safety valve. Then the safety valve is closed (tightened) and wait
for it to finish. The 15 'timing begins since the pressure reaches 2 atm.
f. If the alert alarm finishes, then wait for the pressure in the compartment to drop to
equal the air pressure in the environment (the needle on the preasion gauge points to
zero). Then the safety valves are opened and remove the contents of the autoclave
How to care autoclave
1. Use an autoclave in accordance with the procedure to avoid damage.
2. When the autoclave is finished, the plug is removed from the plug, to prevent
3. The water aquadest present in the autoclave should be cleaned or drained inside
using a dry cloth, when finished.
4. Make sure the inside of the autoclave is completely clean, if it is not clean, re-enter
the water into the autoklah and drained again with the lab, do this activity over and
over until the inside of the autoclave is really clean.
5. Store the autoclave in a dry, clean place

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