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The Effect of Social Media in the Studies and Lifestyle of

Senior High School Students of Kalinga National High School

Social media is a form of electronic communication (such as websites for

social networking and microblogging) through which users create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other
content (such as videos).

Daniel Nations

Updated May 30, 2017

Social media is a phrase that we throw around a lot these days, often to
describe what we post on sites and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Snapchat and others.

But if we use the term to describe a site like Facebook, and also a site like
Digg, plus a site like Wikipedia, and even a site like I Can Has Cheezburger,
then it starts to get more confusing. Just what is social media anyway?

The term is used so vaguely that it can basically be used to describe almost
any website on the internet today.Or maybe not. Some people have more of
a restricted view of social media, often equating it to mean the same as
social networking (a.k.a. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Other people don't
consider blogs to fall under the social media category.

Also recommended: The Top 25 Social Networking Sites People Are Using

So, What Is Social Media?

Rather than define the term using a bunch of boring jargon that would
probably only complicate things further, perhaps the best way to get a
clearer understanding of it is to break it down into simpler terms. To start,
let's look at each word individually.

The "social" part: refers to interacting with other people by sharing

information with them and receiving information from them.

The "media" part: refers to an instrument of communication, like the

internet (while TV, radio, and newspapers are examples of more traditional
forms of media).
Websites and applications dedicated to forums,microblogging, social
networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the
different types of social media.

Here are some prominent examples of social media:

Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send
messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
According to statistics from the Nielsen Group, Internet users within
the United States spend more time on Facebook than any other

Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered

members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can
broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple
platforms and devices.

Google+ (pronounced Google plus) is Google's social

networking project, designed to replicate the way people interact
offline more closely than is the case in other social networking
services. The projects slogan is Real-life sharing rethought for the

Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through

the collaborative effort of a community of users known as
Wikipedians. Anyone registered on the site can create an article for
publication; registration is not required to edit articles. Wikipedia
was founded in January of 2001.

LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the

business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered
members to establish and document networks of people they know
and trust professionally.

Reddit is a social news website and forum where stories are socially
curated and promoted by site members. The site is composed of
hundreds of sub-communities, known as "subreddits." Each subreddit
has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music. Reddit site
members, also known as, "redditors," submit content which is then
voted upon by other members. The goal is to send well-regarded
stories to the top of the site's main thread page.

Pinterest is a social curation website for sharing and categorizing

images found online. Pinterest requires brief descriptions but the
main focus of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will take you to
the original source, so, for example, if you click on a picture of a pair
of shoes, you might be taken to a site where you can purchase them.
An image of blueberry pancakes might take you to the recipe; a
picture of a whimsical birdhouse might take you to the instructions.

Brian Solis created the following social media chart, known as the
conversation prism, to categorize social sites and services into various types
of social media.)

Social media is becoming an integral part of life online as social websites

and applications proliferate. Most traditional online media include social
components, such as comment fields for users. In business, social media is
used to market products, promote brands, connect to current customers and
foster new business.

Social media analytics is the practice of gathering data from blogs and social
media websites and analyzing that data to make business decisions. The
most common use of social media analytics is to mine customer sentiment to
support marketing and customer service activities.

By Matthew Hudson

Updated September 25, 2017

Social media is a series of websites and applications designed to allow

people to share content quickly, efficiently and in real-time. Most people
today define social media as apps on their smartphone or tablet, but the
truth is, this communication tool started with computers. This
misconception stems from the fact that most social media users access their
tools via apps. In fact, 50% of online users never engage social media.

The ability to share photos, opinions, events, etc in real-time has

transformed the way we do life and it is also transforming the way we do
business. Retailers who engage social media as part of their marketing
strategy have seen great results. But the key to success with social media is
to treat it with the same care, respect and attention you do all of your

In the early days of social marketing, there was little competition for the
dollar. Today, there is tons. You can spend thousands of dollars on a
Facebook ad campaign, for example, and get no return on your investment.
Just like competing for space in the newspaper years ago, you are not
competing for eyes on social media. And since social media by its very
nature is a "short attention span" media, it is 10 times harder to get their
attention than it was with a newspaper ad. The ad headlines and copy are
harder to write on Twitter or Instagram than in print.

For retailers, most case studies involving social media are either about very
large organizations who have very large budgets or a food truck who tells
its customers what street corner it will be on. The fact is that for the
majority of retailers, social media is a virtual and literal black hole.

One of the biggest mistakes retailers make is to open up an account with

every social media platform they think is relevant and then leave them with
no activity.

Having an account with social media does not make you "into" social media
any more than owning golf clubs makes you ready for the PGA tour. in fact,
social media users are turned off by the retailer who opens accounts and
does not engage and therefore becomes labeled as a pretender. The truth is,
it is better to not have a social media icon on your website if you are not
going to actively engage it.

The other big mistake retailers make is by using social media to talk about
what is important to them rather than talking about what is important to
the customer. As a retailer, you may think it is great to shout that you have
a sale going on - and in some regards this would be true. But if that is the
reason you are getting involved in social media it will do nothing for you.

Your goal should be to provide content that is relevant to your customer and
engages them to the point that they want to share your post to others. If you
engage social media, engage your customer. Involve them in a dialogue. Ask
them their opinions. Post a picture of two items you are considering to carry
in the store and ask your customers which one they like better. It creates a
conversation and a dialogue which leads to shared posts which leads to
engaged followers.

Plus with the example we just shared, it also leads to enhanced margin
because it might prevent you from buying that item that you end up
practically giving away to sell it.

Another thing to consider is that the most commonly shared content on

social media involves an image. So always include an image with your post.
It dramatically increasing your chances someone will share it with their
network. While building up a large network of followers is great, ultimately
what you are after is for the followers you do have - however many that is -
to share what you are posting with their network. It is the new form of
"word of mouth" advertising and it still costs the same - FREE!
Think of it this way, a post or tweet that you put out there might get read,
but when it has been shared or forwarded or favorited by someone who got
it, it now has that person's endorsement.

Computers in Human Behavior

Volume 59, June 2016, Pages 374-379

Full length article

The effects of social media on students behaviors; Facebook as a case study

Author links open overlay panelTugberkKayaaHuseyinBicenb

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Students reflect their mood on social media which creates a chance for

Nice Facebook comments increase students' confidence.

Students know how to control their privacy.

Students' Facebook use shows indications of narcissism.


Social networks are one of the most used communication methods of today's
world. Their use in different fields has been examined in several research
studies. This study aims to examine the effects of social media on student's
behaviors which will mainly focus on Facebook. Whether there is a positive
relationship between confidence, social media participation and social
media related behaviors will also be assed with regard to using Facebook. In
order to collect the primary data, a general scanning model was used to
observe attitudes of high school students. The participants chosen were 362
high school students from level 9 to 12. The findings highlight that Facebook
is used for communication entertainment and sharing news, pictures and
songs. In addition, their Facebook profile picture is alone and students were
aware that swearing is considered a form of misconduct, which is a good
sign. The study also indicates that students were aware of protecting their
social identity as their Facebook shares are not public. Furthermore, they
respect privacy as they do not use their friend's Facebook account.
The impact of social media on student life

Abhishek Karadkar, Correspondent

Sep 13, 2015

Todays world is a global village. Everyone is connected to one another in

this vast network generated by the Internet. As said by Marshall McLuhan, a
philosopher of communication theory, The new electronic independence re-
creates the world in the image of a global village. This electronic
independence is inherently dependent upon the Internet. It illuminates the
lives of thousands of people by spreading knowledge internationally,
thereby making us global citizens.

In the past, the communicating and free sharing of thoughts among people
were restricted by long distance, nationality and/or religion. But now, even
these barriers cannot stop the flow of information and knowledge. The new
world of social networking allows free sharing of thoughts. Online social
networks are created by websites such as Facebook, which has emerged as a
giant in this social world. So how do these networks affect our education?
How do they influence the lives of students?

Humans are social animals. We always like to remain in some group or

another, and we prefer to follow what this group does. All of our traditions
and cultures are the product of this group-oriented facet of human nature. A
well-known American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, stated in his Theory
of Motivation that the social need of human beings is the third most
important requirement after our physical and safety needs the third tier
in his hierarchy of needs. Even our self-esteem comes after this social
dependence. This is the main reason billions of people use social networking
to stay connected, make friends and satisfy their social needs.

As of 2015 the worlds largest social networking company, Facebook, has

1.49 billion active users, and the number of users is increasing every year.
One of the most interesting things to look at is the increasing number of
student users on such social networking sites. As per the survey conducted
by Pew Research Center, 72 percent of high school and 78 percent of college
students spend time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. These numbers
indicate how much the student community is involved in this virtual world
of social networking.
Actually, many reasons exist that explain why students love to spend time
socializing. Firstly, social networks provide them the freedom to do
whatever they want to upload what they want and talk to whom they
want. They like to make new friends and comment on the lives of different
people. Students can create other online identities that the real world does
not allow. The freedom it gives them to act just by sitting in front of a
computer enthralls them, and they then demand for more freedom. Never
before has it been so easy for young minds to create a digital image of their
actions through such a spontaneous medium.

But this has a darker side that has gained the attention of many parents,
and even eminent psychologists, all over the world. One of the biggest
problems is the identity crisis constant social networking produces. As said
by Professor S. Shyam Sunder, a renowned researcher at Penn State, The
types of actions users take and the kinds of information they are adding to
their profiles are a reflection of their identities.

Many psychologists are worried about the identity crisis that our present
generation may face today. The lives of people, especially students, are
largely influenced by what is posted by other people on their profiles. The
habits that students learn are decided more by what their friends do and
less by the teachings of parents or professors.

Our students have become prone to frequent fluctuations in mood and self-
control. If one of a students friends posted about his or her present
relationship with someone, then other friends are pressed to do the same
thing. Actions that attract more public attention hold more value, even
despite some of them being immoral or illegal. We even see that many
students are worried about their looks, and so they always try to upload
nicer pictures than their friends. A recent survey has stated that whenever
someone uploads a profile picture, it immediately affects the moods of
friends. It often produces stress, anxiety or fear about their identities as
people. Consistently thinking in this way can sometimes lead to depression.

The most important things in a students life are studying, learning good
habits and gaining knowledge to become a person with moral character. But
today, as we see in various studies, this optimal learning process is
seriously jeopardized by students becoming entrapped by the ploys of social
networking. Students neglect their studies by spending time on social
networking websites rather than studying or interacting with people in
person. Actively and frequently participating in social networking can
negatively affect their grades or hamper their journeys to their future
Getting too involved in social media can lead to an addiction that inculcates
bad habits. Students prefer to chat with friends for hours, and this leads to
a waste of time that could have been used for studying, playing or learning
new skills. It is often said that a long-term friendship or relationship is
developed when people meet each other, spend time and share their
experiences. But this virtual way of communicating with each other does
not lead to a natural, friendly experience and hence cannot produce a
healthy relationship with those friends. Also, these relationships tend to
terminate easily due to a lack of personal contact.

The system generates a competition to make as many new friends as

possible and the so-called social quotient of a person is decided by how
many friends they have and not on how good-natured and congenial the
person really is. Often, students who are not old enough to accurately
analyze the world like or comment on social or political issues, and this
leads sometimes to serious controversies.

Considering all of the above pros and cons, it is necessary to develop certain
regulations over the use of such social networking sites, especially for high
school and college students. But still, students should get the choice to
spend time socializing in an effective way. It should not hamper their school
or college performance, and it should be kept in mind that social networking
sites create virtual worlds that drastically differ from reality. Students
should develop the cognitive and intuitive ability to analyze how much time
they want to spend on social media. It is left up to the students to decide
what really matters in their life and how much of this virtual life translates
to real life.

How social networking affects students lifestyles



Published: 23rd March, 2015

Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an

example of the work written by our professional essay writers.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this

material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
UK Essays.

Based on (2009), social networking is a structure made of

nodes-which are generally organizations or individuals who are tied by one
or more specific types of friendship, values, kinship, vision, ideas, sexual
relationships, dislike, financial exchange, trade, or conflict. Nodes are the
individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships
between the actors. Besides the definition captured by,
social networks also can be further elaborate as a form of social
constructivism where it have the potential to foster the interaction through
which knowledge and meaning is constructed. Also, social networking has
the potential to motivate student participation and deepen cultural
understanding. It also emphasizes collaboration and interaction within a
learning community.

Ferdinand Tonnies and Emile Durkheim were noted as founders of social

networks in the late 1800's. Tonnies believed that social groups have ties
that link individuals who share beliefs and values or individuals who have
impersonal, instrumental, and formal social links. While, Durkheimn
distinguished between a traditional society as "mechanical solidarity"
which prevails if individual differences are minimized, and the modern
society as "organic solidarity" that develops out of cooperation between
individuals with independent roles.

In the 1930's, J.L. Moreno began recording and analyzing the social
interaction of small groups. During this time, W.Lloyd Warner and Elton
Mayo also have explored the interpersonal relations at work. In the 1960's
to 1970's, numerous scholars worked to combine the different traditions
and tracks of social networking. Among these, H. White and his Harvard
University students and C. Tilley, who focused on networks in social
movements and political sociology, and S Milgram, who developed the "six
degrees of separation" thesis, have further their research on that. Other
research was also done by Talcott Parsons, George Homans, Mark
Granovetter, and Barry Wellman.

Social networks research can introduce people to one another, solve

organizational problems, and came out with new findings. It requires that
names of both respondents and their contacts be collected and used in most
analyses. Proper handling of the data and the analysis, including complete
control by the investigator can virtually eliminate harm to respondents and
those they nominate. On the benefit side, academic researchers always
benefit, organizations, society and science may benefit, but individual
respondents rarely do (Charles Kadushin, 2005).

Social Networks and Students

A research study shows that 96% of students claim to use the internet for
various reasons such as chatting, text messaging, blogging, and surfing the
web. However, all students claim that education is the move prevalent topic
discussed. Often, while online, approximately 60% of students' research
and discuss college plans, options, and future careers (Manzo, 2009). Most
adults fear when students use the internet it makes them more influenced to
crook. However, new research claims that teens are using the internet to
interact with people they know rather than strangers. From research, 43%
of students claim the use of online networking made their relationships
closer because the internet assisted in making plans and staying in touch
with friends. There was a small 5% that have friends who were found
online and had no face to face interaction (Jayson, 2009). Within the last 5
years with the expansion and popular demand of a lot of
research has been looked into about who and why people become members
on the social networking website. Research shows that people who use
Facebook look for people they have previously met offline rather than
looking for new people (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe, 07). Other research
about Facebook shows that almost all users have the highest connection to
their past high school friends. This is the reason why social networks are so
helpful because people can stay in touch online as they move around the
world with past friend.

For almost everyone online these days, social networking is the best way to
keep in touch. People not only keep in touch with their current classmates
but old classmates, current co-workers, family, people half way across the
world and many others. One interesting area of research about it is how
race and ethnicity are associated with each site. In a new report, it was
found that Facebook, Myspace, and Xanga users can be predicted based off
of their race, ethnicity, and parents educational level (Northwestern
University, 07).

There are some practical applications to various educational opportunities

which are presented through social networking. One of it is the wide use of
blogs to improve student learning. Blogs improve the classroom
environment in five ways. The first improvement is found in the form of
nurturing a collaborative culture. Next, blogging adds to student writing
time, in other words journaling. Blogging will also increase exposure to
content. Reflective learning is also improved through opportunities from
student and teacher feedback. Lastly, the blogs create different forms of
participation for students. Collaboration on a project is difficult for teachers
to evaluate as the process continues to completion. Technology has now
given educators to see the research, view the summaries of the research,
and have the students peer review their classmates work. The students used
a chat box in one classroom model (Downes, 2004). The chat box continued
the collaboration based on various content items need to be discussed by

Blogs allow for students to work outside the four walls of the classroom.
English teachers finding the use of blogs to improve the journaling time for
students (Richardson, 2003). Student journaling otherwise known today as
blogging is a very powerful skill for relevant and present writing.
Richardson (2003) goes on to discuss the availability for students to wrestle
with concepts post class time. This interaction with one another in a journal
environment causes student to consider various processing methods
displayed in various individuals. Blogging increase exposure to content and
reflective learning is improved. Ferdig and Trammel (2004) found that if
students work with the material through blogging with other students
enhancement of learning can occur. The dialogs back and forth continue to
reinforce various points of view from peer to peer. The reflective nature of
blogging is not found in the teacher posting a question and all students
respond in multiple forms. But the power comes from the student to student
dialogs spontaneously through back and forth debating. Blogging ultimately
creates different forms of social networking. No longer does the flow of
information come from the instructor. This multiple form of participation
reverses the flow of knowledge from student to student and from student to
teacher (McBride and Luehmann, 2008). This cyclical nature of knowledge
motivates the students because they feel responsible for the information
and reflection. Also there is a finished product left for others to glean from.
No longer will the students turn on a formed paper to later be thrown away,
their blogs can be retrieved for further discrimination of knowledge.

As the students build information networks the students become authors for
public edification (Reinhold, 2006). This provides worth to students time
and effort as they collaboratively carry products to fruition. The reader side
of their cycle through a completed product is found by the research system
the students have to endeavor and also by peer editing to create thematic
tones in their finished work. This reversal of knowledge then moves the
classroom from a passively learning environment to a healthy active
learning environment. The student becomes both able to interpret
information and an adept participant in the construction of new knowledge
(Forte and Bruckman, 2007). Students are motivated active participants as
they see anyone can change anything. The information the students
construct may or may not be linear due to their points of view. This active
learning environment establishes ownership and worth as the product

Maintained Social Capital and Life Changes

Social networks change over time as relationships are formed or abandoned.
Particularly significant changes in social networks may affect one's social
capital, as when a person moves from the geographic location in which their
network was formed and thus loses access to those social resources. Putnam
(2000) argues that one of the possible causes of decreased social capital in
the U.S. is the increase in families moving for job reasons. Other research
has explored the role of the Internet in these transitions (Cummings, Lee, &
Kraut, 2006; Wellman et al., 2001). Wellman et al. (2001), for example, find
that heavy Internet users rely on email to maintain long distance
relationships, rather than using it as a substitute for offline interactions
with those living nearby.

Internet technologies feature prominently in a study of communication

technology use by this population by Cummings, Lee, and Kraut (2006), who
found that services like email and instant messaging help college students
remain close to their high school friends after they leave home for college.
Nicole B. Ellison, Charles Steinfield and Cliff Lampe introduced

measure focusing specifically on the maintenance of existing social capital

after this major life change experienced by college students, focusing on
their ability to leverage and maintain social connections from high school.
Young adults moving to college need to create new networks at college.
However, they often leave friends from high school with whom they may
have established rich networks; completely abandoning these high school
networks would mean a loss of social capital. Granovetter (1973, 1982) has
suggested that weak ties provide more benefit when the weak tie is not
associated with stronger ties, as may be the case for maintained high school
relationships. To test the role of maintained high school relationships as
weak, bridging ties, they adapted questions about general bridging
relationships, such as those in Williams (2006), to be specific to maintained
relationships with high school acquaintances as opposed to close friends.
They call the concept as "maintained social capital". They found out that
Facebook (one of social networks) has garnered a very strong percentage of
users on college campuses. Facebook members report spending between 10
and 30 minutes on average using Facebook each day and report having
between 150 and 200 friends listed on their profile and respondents also
report significantly more Facebook use involving people with whom they
share an offline connection-either an existing friend, a classmate, someone
living near them, or someone they met socially. They also found out that
students view the primary audience for their profile to be people with
whom they share an offline connection. This is suggested as well by the
responses to items about how they use Facebook. Students also use
Facebook primarily to maintain existing offline relationships or to solidify
what would otherwise be ephemeral, temporary acquaintanceships. There
was a slight tendency for newer students to use Facebook to meet new
people more than for juniors and seniors to do so but across all four years in
school, respondents reported greater use of Facebook for connecting with
existing offline contacts.

Returning to our original research question, we can definitively state that

there is a positive relationship between certain kinds of social networks use
and the maintenance and creation of social capital in students' lifestyle.
Although we cannot say which precedes the other, social networks appear to
play an important role in the process by which students form and maintain
social capital. The fact is that social networks are a relatively recent
phenomenon, and senior students to be less likely to join. Students used
social networks to keep in touch with old friends and to maintain or
intensify relationships characterized by some form of offline connection
such as dormitory proximity or a shared class. For many, social networks
provided a way to keep in touch with high school friends and acquaintances.
This was demonstrated through the fact that the most commonly included
information on users' profiles was likely to be relevant for existing
acquaintances trying to find them. Nearly all users felt that their high
school friends had viewed their profile, and through respondents' self-
reported types of use this offline to online movement differs from the
patterns observed by early researchers examining computer-mediated
communication and virtual communities. Due to the structure of the site,
which blocks entry to those without a school email address and then places
individuals into communities based on that email address, social networks
serves a geographically-bound user based.

Social networks can help students accumulate and maintain bridging social
capital. This is the form of social capital which is closely linked to the
notion of "weak ties" that seems well-suited to social software applications,
as suggested by Donath and boyd (2004), because it enables users to
maintain such ties cheaply and easily. Haythornthwaite (2005) discusses
the implications of media that "create latent tie connectivity among group
members that provides the technical means for activating weak ties" (p.
125). Latent ties are those social network ties that are "technically possible
but not activated socially" (p. 137). Social networks might make it easier to
convert latent ties into weak ties, in that the site provides personal
information about others, makes visible one's connections to a wide range
of individuals, and enables students to identify those who might be useful in
some capacity (such as the math major in a required calculus class), thus
providing the motivation to activate a latent tie. These weak ties may
provide additional information and opportunities, which are expressed as
dimensions of bridging social capital that speak to interaction with a wide
range of people and the more tolerant perspective this might encourage.
Facebook seems well-suited to facilitate these experiences, in that detailed
profiles highlight both commonalities and differences among participants.

Finally, social networks intensity predicted increased levels of maintained

social capital, which assessed the extent to which participants could rely on
high school acquaintances to do small favors. For college students, many of
whom have moved away for the first time, the ability to stay in touch with
these high school acquaintances may illustrate most clearly the "strength of
weak ties" outlined by Granovetter (1973, 1982). These potentially useful
connections may be valuable sources of new information and resources.
Additionally, the ability to stay in touch with these networks may offset
feelings of "friend sickness," the distress caused by the loss of old friends.


College students overwhelmingly reported that their social

life on campus has been affected by the internet. The internet serves two
purposes for students. The first is using the internet to stay in contact with
professors and for working on group projects; and secondly to be in sync
with family members and friends. The strong linkage between social
networks use and high school connections suggests how Social Network
Services help maintain relations as people move from one offline
community to another. It may facilitate the same when students graduate
from college, with alumni keeping their school email address and using
social networks to keep in touch with the college community. Such
connections could have strong payoffs in terms of jobs, internships, and
other opportunities. Colleges may want to explore ways to encourage this
sort of usage.

With the use of the internet and social networks, students are now more in
charge of their learning more than ever before. They are creating
relationships and taking those to the next level by this online environment
where they can speak about classes and educational plans. Giving the
students this opportunity is not only motivating but an exciting way to show
their knowledge. The use of E-portfolio's is almost a requirement in any
post undergrad program. The ability to compile and have all previous work
available at the click of a mouse is a great way to impress employers at
interviews. It is also a good way for reflection of teachers and students
about their previous accomplishments. Instant messaging is a quick and
convenient way for students to communicate. This can be used for
socializing outside of school but also asking questions. Having the ability to
message another classmate who is awake and work through the problem
helps the students complete their work instead of giving up. Social
networking is a huge benefit for students inside and outside of the
classroom. Not only are they in constant contact with peers if needed but
they have the ability to return to previous work and reflect upon with

Online social network sites may play a role different from that described in
early literature on virtual communities. Online interactions do not
necessarily remove people from their offline world but may indeed be used
to support relationships and keep people in contact, even when life changes
move them away from each other. In addition to helping student
populations, this use of technology could support a variety of populations,
including professional researchers, neighborhood and community members,
employees of companies, or others who benefit from maintained ties.

While the use of the interview has unlimited benefits there are of course
drawback. The communication is ruined. In younger kids the abbreviated
words and emotions are commonly used. But it has been found that as they
mature they quickly drop the abbreviated words. These are the students
who are adapted and used the technology and how to work it inside and
outside of the classroom. New technology which is always changing is a
difficult thing to learn with anyone regardless of education and intellectual
level. The use of technology in the classroom is almost too much for
teachers because they are unable to keep up with their fast paced students.
E-Ports while easily accessible have problems when students are not honest.
Determining a person's work these days is difficult because there are so
many ways to cheat or filter information to pass it off as your own. The
students could grow and learn so much but these drawbacks seriously
hinder the way students perceive the educational system. Students these
days not only have problems with school and the different technology
within their classroom but face severe emotional problems. Cyber bullying
is a rather new concept but is severely dangerous. Kids who are picked on
have either way to be even further humiliated or have a way to take out
their anger others. Parents and educators need to work together to prevent
cyber bullying so our students can focus more on education while in the
classroom and not on negative social experiences.


Information Technology has rapidly changed the way how people

communicate in the last two decades. Just consider the concept of IT
communications on the society it is apparent that it has been changed the
way how it affects business and social and personal lives. People can
communicate now either by telephonic connection to talk or send messages,
or over internet link to nearly anywhere in the world. Also order a huge
number of items from any place on planet to do the business.

This report will explain advantages and disadvantages of ICT (Information

Communication Technology) in the business world and social live in society.

Advantages. "The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the

image of a global village."

Mc Luhan, M. 1964, "Understanding Media: The Extensions of

Man" Published by McGraw-Hill.

Marshall McLuhan speaks about "Global village" in 1960's and his quote
became reality in today's living.

There are advantages using Information Communication Technology:


Speed/time and money can be saved because it is much quicker to

send/share information around. Communication is more efficient to contact
either business partners or friends and family members all over the world.
ICT expands availability for communications. Social network sites and
Social media such as Skype allows making video-conference calls with
immediate response. Messages can be send to numerous people/companies
across distances. Lives have been affected by ICT in most positive way's
bringing families together across the world.

Cost effectiveness

Numerous offers from telecommunication companies and smart phones

therefore making far cheaper than in the past. For business ICT saves
incredible amount of money on business flights and accommodations. Only
few years ago there was no way to send free message through to the phone,
but now people uses social network for free communication e.g. Viber,
Skype, Facebook. Saving time and money for petrol as people can go
shopping from home through online shopping.

Greater availability

Websites are open for communication in every minute of the year. This
means that a business can be open anytime anywhere giving a customer the
capability to make purchase from different sites and different countries.

Bridging the cultural gap

Greater access to the ICT has helped to build the bridges between different
cultures giving them opportunity to exchange views and ideas. Also, educate
both sides of communication bridge thereby increasing awareness and
reducing prejudice.

Creation of jobs

The best advantage of ICT has been a creation of new and interesting jobs in
IT sectors. Computer programmers, web designers etc. have great
employment opportunities created through the advancement of technology.


There is new opportunity for further education to improve qualification in

so many economic sectors. A degree can be completed online from person's
home. It is possible to hold a job and still do degree.


Lack of Security/Privacy

Though IT may have changed and more convenient, it also brought along
privacy and security issues. From email hacking, phone signal interception
etc. people are worried that personal information may become public
knowledge. IT keeps changing almost every day which means that the
individuals must be up to date in IT to secure their jobs. There is also risk
factors with the systems computer viruses, malware, spam, Trojans etc.,


While IT may have streamlined the business process, it has created job
redundancies and subcontracting. Using the computers instead of human
resources employers save huge amount of money but employees are losing
their jobs as not needed anymore.
Social media

The network pages are open to everyone including teenagers and young
children's which can affect their mental and physical health by watching
and playing violent games. They became addicted to the phones, iPod,
gaming consoles forgetting about outside activities and communication in
the society.

Cyber bulling

It is so easy now bullying and threatening others in social network pages

that this has become much easier for internet users all over the world. They
don't realize what the consequences are to those reading/hearing
unpleasant comments. In the recent past there have been so many
investigation cases regarding cyber bullying with lethal consequences.

"Avoid hurting someone's feelings by emails or other forms of electronic

communication; Respect other people's online rights; Avoid insulting
someone; If someone insults you be calm; Avoid 'crashing' discussion
groups or fora; Respect the privacy of other people online; Be responsible

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