Football Experiment: Lab Report

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Lab Report

Football Experiment

Pemika Phatthanakittichai (Pair)
Ingtawan Tritrakoolsin (Ing)
Natwadee Puncha-Arnon (Mint)
Nattanon Veerakul (Non)
Sumate Saelow (Jew)


Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In

one football game, two teams played against each other. Each

team consists of 11 players. The main gameplay of football is to

kick a ball with the foot to score a goal. The team with more

scores win. Like most sports, there are strategies and techniques

required to play football efficiently. Physics concepts can be

greatly related to football.

Weve learned Newtons first law, Newtons second law,

Newtons third law, momentum, and impulse. These physics

concepts are related to playing football. Afterall, physics is the

study of motion. In this lab report, we will try to figure out how

they are related and apply the concepts to playing football in

Physical Education class.


To learn how to play football correctly

To a pply Physics in real life activities
To u nderstand how Physics concepts are related to football.




1. Divide the players into 2 teams, each team should consist of

11 people.

2. There are two 45 minutes matches with 15 minutes in

between each match.

3. The game begins in the middle of the field. Each team must

send a member to kick off the ball to their teammates at the

referees signal.

4. A match can be won by scoring more goals than your

opponent in the time frame of 90 minutes.

5. A goal can be scored with any part of the body except hands,

or arms up to shoulder, only the goalkeeper is allowed to use


6. If the ball touches or crosses the line, it will be thrown back

into the field by the the team who is not the last to touch the


Data and Result

First lesson
Learn how to dribble and how to control the ball while
In this lesson, we learned how to dribble with both our
feet in this lesson. It was harder than it looked, but as we
practiced, it got better. We also learnt that in dribble, we
have to use the inside of our shoes to direct the ball
forward because thats the easiest for beginners.

Second lesson
Learn how to pass the ball to your teammates.
In this lesson, we learned how to pass the ball to our
teammates. We learned that in order to pass the ball, we
should kick it with the inside of our foot because by
using the inside of the foot, the aim will be more
accurate, and with less power. A little tip in this lesson is
that if your teammates are running, you should kick the
ball ahead of them so that they can run toward the ball.

Third lesson
Learn how to shoot.
In this lesson, we learned how to correctly shoot the ball.
As far as we know, there are two ways to shoot a ball:
using the inside of your foot and using the top part of
your foot. You can use the inside of your foot to shoot.
Even though the shot will not be powerful, it will be
accurate. Using the top part of your foot is usually the
better way to shoot because you are shooting from a far
distance. Hitting the ball with the top part of your foot
will generate more power than it does with the inside of
the foot. So, the shot will have both power and accuracy.
In order to shoot this kind of shot, you have to dig the tip
of your foot into the ground to make the ball flies in the

Fourth lesson
Learn how to play football in a team
In this lesson, we were divided into four groups to play
against each other. We were struggling at first as we
didnt know where to be and what to do, but we got the
hang of eventually. This lesson had us put the techniques
we had learnt in the previous lessons to good use. We
also learned that in a football match, we can not stick
together into one group in the field because there
wouldnt be enough people to catch the ball when the
other person is passing it. We should distribute the
people all around the field so that there will be someone
to catch the ball passing to the teammates.


We have made a lot of common mistakes which are:

Everyone tried to catch the ball, so our team didnt have

enough people to protect the back.
When we kicked the ball too hard, the ball went outside
of the field.
When we were kicking the ball to the goal, we didnt kick
the ball hard enough and the opponent was able to steal
the ball.
When our team was in control of the ball, someone
would panic and kick the ball without thinking.

After observing and relating football to physics, we think the

right ways of playing football are:

When we receive the ball, roll with the ball so force will
We should kick the ball harder if we want it to move fast.
Practice how to play football correctly. When we dribble
the ball, we should keep the ball close to us. We shouldnt
kick it too far away from us because we will need to run
and get the ball again which is a waste of energy.
We should communicate with each other more so we will
know what we are going to do (e.g. passing the ball to
someone else).

Discussion of Physics Concept

The law of inertia states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an
object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same
direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force. This can be applied to
football. For example, a ball will remain at rest on a field unless a player
kicks it. Also, when a player kicks the ball, the ball doesnt move with same
speed and direction because there are other unbalanced forces acting on it
such as friction.

The law of acceleration states that when an unbalanced force acts upon a
body, it is accelerated in the direction of force, and the magnitude of
acceleration is directly proportional to the applied force and is inversely
proportional to the mass of body. We see this in football. When we kick the
ball with a lot of force, the ball accelerates and moves very far. When we
kick the ball with very little force, the ball moves very slowly and it doesnt
go far.

The law of action and reaction states that for every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction. In football, when we kick the ball with a force, the
ball exerts a same amount of force but in opposite direction back.

Momentum is the quantity of motion of a moving body. All moving objects

with mass have momentum. Momentum depends upon mass and velocity.
A football has mass. If the ball is moving on the field, we can find its
momentum by multiplying the mass of the ball by the velocity of the ball.

Impulse measures the change in the momentum of an object. Impulse

depends upon force and time. This can be related to defense in football. If
a ball has a lot of momentum since it is moving very fast, the defender
needs to apply an impulse as big as the momentum to stop the ball.


While doing this report, we realized that many physics

concepts can be applied in playing football. For example,
according to Newtons second law, if we want the ball to move
fast to the other side of the field, we need to kick the ball with a
lot of force. With these concepts, we understand more about
playing football and we can use our physics knowledge to improve
our football skills and strategies. Also, weve learned that physics
is an important subject and it can be applied to real life.


In future football lessons, we should think more about

physics concepts and apply the concepts during playing so we will
become better players.
In terms of the lab report, we didnt manage our time very
well. We should improve our time management next time.


Work Log
Date Name Job
P.E. classes Pair, Mint, Ing, Learned how to play football and took
Non, Jew photos
21/11/2017 Pair Wrote the objectives
Mint Wrote the introduction
Ing Wrote the materials
Non, Jew Checked for any mistakes
22/11/2017 Pair Wrote the procedures
Mint Wrote the discussion of physics
Ing Started working on drawings and
Non Started writing the analysis of result

Jew Checked for any mistakes

23/11/2017 Pair Wrote the data and result

Mint Wrote the conclusion and
recommendation and finalized the
work log
Ing Finished working on drawings and
Non Finished writing the analysis of result

Jew Checked for any mistakes

24/11/2017 Pair, Mint, Ing, Printed and turned in the report

Non, Jew

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