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Rune Factory Frontier Items List Guide

By Freyashawk (castleenchanted@aol.xom)
Created on 14 May 2009 --- Last updated on 10 September 2009


This is one of the 'mini-guides' that I create for every Harvest Room/Rune Factory game as a
quick reference guide for a specific aspect of the game. Your Shipping List or Items List in Harvest
Moon/Rune Factory is one measure of your character's success. Although Rune Factory Frontier does not
provide access to a completed shipping list as some of the previous Harvest Moon/Rune Factory games,
this guide should provide you with an idea of all the items that can be shipped or obtained.
There are items that you need to obtain in Rune Factory Frontier for the purpose of completing
a Character's 'Story' that are unique. They are defined as 'Miscellany' items and many of these cannot be
shipped. Some must be given to a Character in order to be used. Others, such as Uzuki's Hairpin, need to
be used but then they can be kept by your Character. Uzuki's Hairpin can be equipped as an Accessory but
it cannot be shipped.
As this is both an Items List Guide and a Shipping List Guide, I have added a section for the
Miscellany Items, even though they will not be part of your Shipping List.

Accessing your Farm Menu

In Rune Factory Frontier, you can use the (+) and (-) Buttons on the Wii to scroll through the
various pages of the Farm Menu. The Items List/Shipping List is represented on the Profits page. The
Profits Page can be organized to display ALL Items that have been shipped or to display items in a single
category as follows:

Spring Crops
Summer Crops
Autumn Crops
Spring Flowers
Summer Flowers
Autumn Flowers
Flowers for all Seasons
White Rose
Blue Rose
Food: Ranch Products and Fruits from Trees
Cooked Dishes
Medicines and Farm Aids
Raw Materials: War Trophies, Ores and Gems
Special Items
Tide Cluster
Tools: Weapons
Equipment: Accessories
The final page in the Farm Menu Profits section displays the Totals in each category.
Completed Recipe Books List

Farming and Ranching Guide

Rune Factory, like Harvest Moon is first and foremost a farming and ranching simulation game.
If you do not restore your farm to prosperity, you will have failed in your primary goal. The farm is given
to you on trust, with the understanding that you will make every effort to restore the land to fertility. In
Rune Factory Frontier, taming Monsters is another fundamental goal. Obtaining Ranch products from them
is only one function that they will serve. Completing your Shipping List is a means by which you can
gauge your own success in all aspects of your life in Trampoli.

Farming and Ranching Items List

The following offers a list of all Crops with their values as well as the value and price of the
Seeds that produce them. Fruits from Trees and other items obtained in the Wilds are included. Finally, a
List of Ranch products with their descriptions and values follows.
On the Profits Page, you will find that Seeds, Crops, Flowers and Wild Grasses are listed in the
same category, while edible Ranch Products and Fruits are listed in the Foods category. 'Foods' apparently
refers to 'raw ingredients' for Cooking.

Complete List of Crops and Seeds

Crops and Seeds:

The following gives all information about Crops and their Seeds, with shipping values, seed
prices of local merchants as well as the Energy values for each Crop. In the Crops, Seeds section of the
Profits Page, you will find all Crops, all Seeds and all Wild Grasses that have been shipped.

Spring Crops

Cabbage (680G, HP 11, RP 0 FX 0)

A nice vegetable that puts your stomach in order. Large in size and in heart like a brother.
Cucumber (340G, HP 8 RP 0 FX 0)
This crunchy, watery, green vegetable naturally attracts attention.
Potato (400G, HP 8, RP 0, FX 0)
A strong support need in every springtime farm. Delicious both alone or as an ingredient.
Strawberry (100G, HP 5, RP 0, FX 0)
I am strawberry, the sweet taste of romance. May all those who partake me find true love.
Turnip (210G)
A beautiful, white vegetable. This smooth veggie is super popular with one specific girl.

Cabbage Seed (510G, Sold by Erik for 1020G)

Spring crop. Harvest in 8 days. One of the easier crops to grow.
Cucumber Seed (340G, Sold by Erik for 680G)
Spring crop. Harvest in 10 days. Requires some care to grow. Can be re-harvested every 6 days.
Potato Seeds (300G, Sold by Erik for 600G)
Spring crop. Harvest in 7 days. One of the easier crops to grow.
Strawberry Seed (100G, Sold by Erik for 200G)
Spring crop. Harvest in 8 days. One of the easier crops to grow. Can be re-harvested every 2 days.
Turnip Seed (5G, Sold by Erik for 10G)
Spring crop. Harvest in 4 days. The easiest crop to grow.
Note: If you look at the shipping value of a Turnip and the price of Turnip Seeds when purchased either
from Erik or Danny, you will see that this is one variety of Seed that should be purchased rather than

created in your Seed Maker! Furthermore, if you buy them from Danny, you will raise his Friendship
Special Spring Crop:

Golden Turnip (500G, HP 14, RP 70, FX 0)

A vegetable that shines golden. You'll stay up all night just thinking about why it is golden.

Golden Turnip Seed (375G)

Spring crop. Harvest in 8 days. Magically bears golden fruit.

Summer Crops:


Corn: 150G
HP 6 RP 0 FX 0
The yellow kernels line up and give a shout of sweetness in your mouth. 100 kernels = 100 sweet!

Corn Seeds

Corn Seed: 150G

Summer crop. Harvest in 14 days. Requires some care to grow. Can be re-harvested every 3 days.
Sold by Erik for 300G.


Onion: 450G
HP 9, RP 0, FX 0
A mean vegetable that made many people cry. However, its deliciousness is worth the tears.

Onion Seeds

Onion Seed: 330G

Summer crop. Harvest in 8 days. One of the easier crops to grow.
Sold by Erik for 660G


Pineapple: 400G
HP 8 RP 0 FX 0
A sweet fruit of the South. It's a party in your mouth with a kick of sour and a punch of sweet!

Pineapple Seeds

Pineapple Seed: 400G

Summer crop. Harvest in 18 days. Takes patience to grow. Can be re-harvested in 7 days.
Sold by Erik for 800G.


Pumpkin: 750G
HP 12 RP 0 FX 0
A trademark shape and colour. Empty out the inside and wear it on your head to be Pumpkin Head.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seed: 562G

Summer crop. Harvest in 12 days. Requires some care to grow.
Sold by Erik for 1125G.


Tomato: 210G
HP 7 RP 0 FX 0
Deeply red vegetable. Always basking in the sun, it is high in nutrition and red!

Tomato Seeds

Tomato Seeds: 210G

Summer crop. Harvest in 10 days. Requires some care to grow. Can be re-harvested every 4 days.
Sold by Erik for 420G

Autumn Crops

Bell Pepper/Green Pepper

Bell Pepper: 200G

HP 6, RP 0, FX 0
A bitter veggie that turns many away. However, it looks pretty and is good for you.

Bell Pepper Seeds

Bell Pepper Seed: 200G

Autumn crop. Harvest in 9 days. Requires some care to grow. Can be re-harvested in 4 days.
Sold by Erik for 400G


Carrot: 540G
HP 10, RP 0, FX 0
Its bright orange colour motivates many to run when it hung from a string in front of them. How odd.

Carrot Seed

Carrot Seed: 405G

Autumn Crop. Harvest in 9 days. One of the easier crops to grow.
Sold by Erik for 810G.


Eggplant: 280G
Purple veggie topped with a cute stem. Unique from any other crop, it stands out on the field.

Eggplant Seeds

Eggplant Seed: 280G
Autumn crop. Harvest in 9 days. One of the easier crops to grow. Can be re-harvested in 5 days.
Sold by Erik for 560G


Spinach: 270G
HP 7, RP 0, FX 0
Deep green with deep nutrition, it is believed that eating spinach will bulk you up.

Spinach Seeds

Spinach Seed: 195G

Autumn crop. Harvest in 5 days. One of the easier crops to grow.
Sold by Erik for 390G


Yam: 140G
HP 6, RP 0, FX 0
With lots of dietary fibre, it is good for your body and your taste buds.

Yam Seeds

Yam Seed: 140G

Autumn crop. Harvest in 6 days. One of the eaiser crops to grow. Can be re-harvested in 3 days.
Sold by Erik for 280G


Spring Flowers

Moondrop Flower

Moondrop: 217G
Level 1, HP 2, RP 0 FX 0
A flower, yellow like moonlight. Many believe the moon is actually covered in these flowers.

Moondrop Flower Seeds

Moondrop Flower Seeds: 230G

Spring flower. Blooms in 4 days. The easiest flower to grow.
Sold by Rosetta for 460G

Toy Herb:

Toy Herb: 900G

Level 1, HP 2, RP 0, FX 0
A quiet flower that keeps to itself, it is as independent as it is beautiful.

Toy Herb Seeds:

Toy Herb Seed: 950G

Spring flower. Blooms in 15 days. Requires some care to grow.
Sold by Rosetta for 1900G

Cherry Grass

Cherry Grass: 6500G

HP 3, RP 0, FX 0
The most prominent springtime flower. Its pink petals are said to bring happiness.

Cherry Grass Seed

Cherry Grass Seed: 6000G

Spring flower. Blooms in 60 days. A faintly pink beautiful flower. Some grow these professionally.

Lamp Grass: 11000G

Lamp Grass: 11000G

HP 3, RP 0, FX 0
A flower that looks like a lampshade, where Spirits are said to have dwelt long ago.

Lamp Grass Seeds

Lamp Grass Seeds: 9500G

Spring flower. Blooms in 90 days. Treasured for its medicinal uses.

Summer Flowers

Pink Cat

Pink Cat: 520G

Level 1, HP 2, RP 0, FX 0
A delicate pink flower a master thief named Pink Cat used as his calling card.

Pink Cat Seeds:

Pink Cat Seeds: 550G

Summer flower. Blooms in 9 days. One of the easiest flowers to grow.
Sold by Rosetta for 1100G

Four-Leaf Clover

Four-Leaf Clover: 6500G

HP 3, RP 0, FX 0
Believed to be good luck, this rare breed of clovers is much sought after.

Four-Leaf Clover Seeds (Clover Seeds)

Clover Seed: 6000G

Summer grass. Grows in 60 days. Considered to be a lucky charm since the days of old.


Ironleaf: 3500G
HP 2, RP 0, FX 0
As daunting in appearance as its name, this thorny flower can be rather uninviting at times.

Ironleaf Seeds

Ironleaf Seeds: 3500G

Summer flower. Blooms in 40 days. Attracts iron and thrives in unusual places like mines.

Autumn Flowers:

Charm Blue

Charm Blue: 710G

HP 2, RP 0, FX Time 0
Only grown-ups can truly appreciate the deep and rich blue of this flower.

Charm Blue Seeds

Charm Blue Seeds: 750G

Autumn flower. Blooms in 12 days. A fairly easy flower to grow.
Sold by Rosetta for 1500G

Flowers for All Seasons

White Rose:

White Rose: 810G

Lv. 1, HP 2, RP 0, FX 0
An elegant white rose. There is a way to turn it blue, but the method has been long lost.

Blue Rose:

Blue Rose: 1040G

HP 2, RP 0, FX 0
A blue rose. Leave a bloomed white rose for 3 days to turn it blue. A must have in a bouquet.

White Rose Seeds

White Rose Seed: 810G

Grows in any season except winter. Blooms in 13 Days. As the queen of flowers, it is adored by many

Fruits from Trees:

In Rune Factory Frontier, Fruit Trees are known as 'Cornucopia Trees' as they produce different
fruits according to the Season. You therefore will find Cherries, Oranges, Chestnuts and Apples on the
same Trees but in different Seasons. Cornucopia Trees can be found in a little clearing on the Mountain
Road and in the Orchard of Plenty on the shores of Lake Poli.

Spring Fruits:

Cherry (50G, Level 1 - HP 0, RP 60, FX 0; Level 2 - HP 0, RP 85, FX 0)

It has two red fruits: 'Cher' on the left and 'Ry' on the right. Together, you get 'Cherry'.
Found both on the Cornucopia Trees on the Mountain Road and the Orchard of Plenty in Spring.

Summer Fruits:

Orange (150G, HP 0, RP 60, FX 0)

A fruit that's both sweet and sour. Eat too much of it and your skin will turn orange.
Found both on Cornucopia Trees on the Mountain Road and at the Orchard of Plenty in Summer.

Autumn 'Fruits':

Chestnut (150G, HP 0, RP 60, FX 0; Level 2- (180G, HP 0, RP 85, FX 0)

One of the flavors of autumn. Spiky on the outside but sweet inside, like some one we know.
Found both on the Cornucopia Trees on the Mountain Road and in the Orchard of Plenty in Autumn.

Winter Fruits:

Apple (150G, HP 0, RP 60, FX 0)

Crunchy, sweet, and wrapped in a red skin. Thy name is apple.
Found both on the Cornucopia Trees on the Mountain Road and in the Orchard of Plenty in Winter.

Items from the Wilds


Weeds: 10G
HP 1, RP 0, FX 0
Grows anywhere and everywhere. Hat it, mow it. Do what you will. You will only make it stronger.

Withered Grass

Withered Grass: 10G

HP 1, RP 0, FX 0
Crops that withered in despair. Everything means nothing if the Season is not right!
N.B. Any Crops left in the field when the season changes will become Withered Grass. Any multiple
harvest Crop that is not mowed down with your Sickle on the 30th day of the season will be Withered
Grass the next day. Withered Grass can be collected in the same manner as a Weed, without using any

Bamboo Shoot

Bamboo Shoot: 110G

HP 7 RP 0 FX 0
Can be found growing in fields. They can be a big help for farmers just starting out.


Mushroom: 120G. HP 7, RP 0, FX 0
Shaped like an umbrella, some are poisonous, while others can make you grow bigger.

Yellow Grass

Yellow Grass: 10G

HP 1 RP 0 FX 0
A grass that is said to raise your luck when it comes to money, but no one knows if this is true.

Red Grass

Red Grass: 10G

HP 1 RP 0 FX 0
It grows much faster than other grass. For some reason, it always competes with the white grass.

Orange Grass

Orange Grass: 10G

HP 1 RP 0 FX 0
A grass that cheers you up. Her source of happiness is those that look at her and regain cheer.

Purple Grass

Purple Grass: 10G

HP 1, RP 0, FX 0
An elegant grass. It has a lot of pride so pull it out gently, or it'll start to sulk.

Green Grass

Green Grass: 10G

HP 1 RP 1, FX 0
People say it lacks originality, but we all think that green is the best colour.

Blue Grass

Blue Grass: 10G

HP 1, RP 0, FX 0
A cool grass that likes to show off. It thinks that it's cool to be growing in the field.

White Grass

White Grass: 10G

HP 0, RP 20, FX 0
A beautiful snow white grass. It's hard to see in the snow, so a lot of people don't notice it.

Black Grass

HP:0, RP 20, FX 0
A black grass that seems like it can suck you in. It gets stepped on a lot at night.

Sleepy Grass

Sleepy Grass: 320G

HP 90, RP 0, FX Fatigue Recovery, Cold Recovery
Sleep medicine that will make you sleep like the dead. Perfect for the insomniac in your life.
N.B. Sleepy Grass, like Elli's Leaves is a 'grass' that is created, not found. It is classified as medicine and is
made in the Laboratory. The Recipe Book for it is 'Pleasant Sleep', obtained from Melody.

Ranch Products


Honey: 110G, HP 7, RP 0, FX 0
Honey from bees. Very nutritious and very sweet.


Milk: 60G
HP 7, RP 0, FX 0
Milk from a Buffamoo. It has lots of nutrients and can be relaxing to drink, too.


Egg: 100G
HP 6, RP 0, FX 0
Egg from a Cock-a-doodle. It's wrapped in a white soft shell.


Wool: 90G
Wooly hair. They can be turned into a ball of yarn. As its name suggests, it's very wooly.

Processed Ranch Products

The following items must be created in a 'Maker' purchased from Lute. All
Makers will be placed on the mantel in the centre of the northern wall of your


Cheese: 110G
HP 8, RP 0, FX 0
A food made from milk. It's known to have a lot of kinds to it.
Note that processed Milk in the form of Cheese or Yogurt does have an RP value
at Level 2 or higher.
Cheese: 132G (Lv. 2)
HP 8, RP 25, FX 0
Ingredients: Milk in Cheese Maker


Yogurt: 120G
HP 8, RP 0, FX 0
A food made from milk. It is supposed to help with your digestion.
144G (Lv.2)
HP 8, RP 25, FX 0
Ingredients; Milk in Yogurt Maker


Yarn: 120G
A small ball of yarn. Hold onto one end and throw it around. Fun, but a pain to clean up.

Ingredients from Merchants

Some ingredients cannot be made at home but must be purchased from a local
Merchant. In some cases, you will be able to find the same items when

exploring Dungeons by smashing Crates or Urns or opening Treasure Chests. The
values given below are shipping values as opposed to the price paid when
purchasing the item from a shop.
Items of this nature are:
Rice: 130G
HP 8, RP 0, FX 0
The staple food of many. In fact, it might as well be called the king of foods.
Flour: 130G
HP 5, RP 0, FX 0
Powder made by grinding wheat. Necessary to make dough so it is used in a variety of dishes.
Chocolate: 130G
HP 0, RP 40, FX 0
A sweet and brown candy that every one can't resist eating.
Wine: 1000G
HP 0, RP 150, FX 90 sec. Guts
Adults say this drink is mild and makes you feel euphoric. Whatever that means
Cooking Oil: 130G
HP 5, RP 0, FX 0
Lv. 10: 364G (found in Dungeon)
A must have ingredient for stir fries. It is used to prevent charring and to give a deeper flavour.
Curry Powder: 130G
HP 5, RP 0; FX Time: 0 sec
This is used to make curry. It is made from various spices.
Garlic: 130G
HP 9, RP 0; FX Time: 0 sec
A food that has a powerful flavor to it. You can attack people with your breath after eating it.
Dried Fish: 60G
HP 5, RP 45, FX 120 sec. Defence +14, Magic +10
Preserved fish. It tastes even better when roasted.
N.B. Erik makes Dried Fish and sells it in his shop in Winter. If you give him any Fish you have caught,
he will make Dried Fish for you and give it to you on the following day.

Nature's Bounty

The fundamental basis of any Harvest Moon game is the need to exist in harmony with the land.
In Rune Factory, this philosophy is embodied in the 'Runey's and the rules for Runey Distribution. In the
second week of Spring, when Cinnamon and Candy can be brought to Trampoli, you will have the
opportunity to obtain the 'Harvester' and a 'Fishing Pole' from them, two tools that allow you to obtain the
gifts of Nature.
The Harvester is a multi-purpose tool in Rune Factory Frontier. Its unique use is that of
harvesting Runeys from the environment. You can see Runeys with the naked eye as floating translucent
creatures of various hues that hover above the land. There are four different types of Runeys: Grass, Tree,
Rock and Water. Another section of this guide deals with the Runeys and their characteristics in detail.
A Harvester is used to obtain all Ranch products from tame Monsters as well. Instead of using a
Milker, Clipper and Harvest Basket in Rune Factory Frontier, all you need is the multi-purpose Harvester.

Items from the Wilds

From the very first day of gameplay, you will have collected wild items from your own Field.
All items can be shipped. Even Weeds have a shipping value of 10G each, although Rosetta will be rather
disparaging about any Weed shipments. At the start of the game, however, you should not allow false pride
to dictate your actions and shipping one weed will give you enough money to purchase a bag of Turnip
Seeds! Three Weeds shipped give the cost of one bag of Grass/Fodder Seeds.
Bamboo Shoots are the most valuable item that is found in the Wilds, and once Candy arrives,
she will prove her ability to create miracles by causing a 'Bamboo Day' Miracle for you. The next morning,

you will find more Bamboo Shoots on your field than usual. Each will be crowned with a little glowing red
spark to indicate their connection with the 'Miracle'.
As soon as you can afford to store Wild Grasses instead of shipping them, do so, as they are
necessary ingredients in many Recipes in the Laboratory. Bamboo Shoots can be eaten raw, but are best
used to make Cooked Dishes.

Fruit Trees:

If you are a natural adventurer and explorer, you will have explored the Mountains before you
ever have the tools to take advantage of their riches, but if not, make certain that you make a trip to the
Mountains as soon as you obtain a Hammer from Melody.
There are Fruit Trees in the Mountains and in the Orchard of Plenty at Lake Poli. You will not
be able to harvest any Fruit, however, unless you have a Hammer. Hit a Fruit Tree bearing ripe fruit once
with your Hammer to cause fruit to fall to the ground. Cherries are available in Spring both from the
Cornucopia Trees on the Mountain Path and in the Orchard of Plenty on the shore of Lake Poli. The book
about 'Cornucopia Trees' in the Library gives you the information you need to harvest fruit if you did not
discover the method by yourself.
Stella will mention both the Trees and the method by which fruit is obtained, even though she
will name the trees in the Orchard of Plenty as the 'Cornucopia Trees', and not speak at all of those on the
Mountain Road.

Stella: The other day, the 'Cornucopia Trees' at the lake bore fruit. It tasted really good.
Freyr: Oh, really? That sounds great.
Stella: Anybody in the village is allowed to take some so you should go try it out. But don't take too many.
Freyr: Haha I know. So where are these 'Cornucopia Trees'?
Stella: The 'Cornucopia Trees' are east of the lake so you have to go by boat. Hit a tree with a hammer and
fruit will fall.
Freyr: I see. Thank you. I'll go check it out later.
Stella: Yes. You go do that.

This dialogue will occur even if you have discovered the secret of the Trees previously. They
bear the fruit that is associated with the season. In Spring, they bear Cherries. In Summer, you will be able
to harvest Oranges and in Autumn, you will find Chestnuts on the same trees. In Winter, the Cornucopia
Trees produce the sole Winter 'Crop' in the form of Apples. All Fruits from Trees that have been shipped are
displayed on the 'Food' Page with edible Ranch Products, both processed and unprocessed.

Fish List

As always, the Fish you will be able to catch depend partly on the Fishing Location but in Rune
Factory Frontier, there appears to be far more 'roaming' where varieties of Fish are concerned. Your results
will depend partly on your own Skill Levels and the quality of your Fishing Rod as well. Fishing is as
interactive as cooking and forging in Rune Factory Frontier. When you cast your line, you will see a
gauge similar to the Cooking/Forging gauge, except that in the case of fishing, success is entirely on the
right side of the gauge rather than being located in the centre between two 'failure' margins.
Tip: The first 'bite' or 'nibble' of any fish tends to send the gauge entirely to the right, almost to
the 'perfect' end but the second pull will be minimal and if you respond to it, the fish most likely will
escape. Wait until the third 'pull' of the line at least and reel in the fish when the gauge is moving all the
way towards the right. Whenever you catch a fish 'perfectly', it will be a better fish than otherwise would
have been caught in the same attempt.
As always in any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, it is worth the effort to cast your
Fishing Rod into unlikely locations in order to find rare Fish. In Rune Factory Frontier, you may wish to
explore the small watering holes and ponds in Dungeons near the entry to the chamber in which the Boss
Monster dwells.

In the Green Ruins, you can find Lover Snapper, Taimen and Dye Trout, among other Fish, next
to the chamber of the Giant Clucky.
In the Lava Ruins, in the lovely Pool in front of the chamber where you can find the Giant Fire
Slime and his Minions, you will be able to catch Lobster, Dye Trout, Fall Fish and Lamp Squid, among
other Fish.
Even on the 5th Floor of the Snow Ruins, you can find the elusive Sunsquid as well as Lobster
and Fall Fish.
Use the circle Portals of light that appears in each dungeon after defeating the Boss for quick
access to the best fishing locations.

Fish List

Black Fish: 60G

A saltwater fish that's in season during winter. Since they fight hard, it is popular among anglers.

Blowfish: (Lv. 5: 1080G)

A fish famous for its price. Most of it is poisonous, so it should be handled with care.
N.B. Note how valuable the Blowfish is in terms of shipping value. By making it into Fugu Sashimi, you
increase its shipping value even more. Level 5 Fugu Sashimi ships for 1224G.

Bonito: 240G (Lv.4)

A fish in season in autumn. For some reason, you want to call out its name when you catch it.
N.B. I was able to catch a Bonito from the pier as early as the first week in Summer.

Carp: 65G
It grows quickly and has a long lifespan. Since it eats plankton, good luck catching it with a bait.

Char: 77G (Level 3)

A very popular fish to catch. It has a tendency to live in Cold water.

Chub: 42G (Level 2), 48G (Level 4)

It has a dark stripe on its side. During spawning season, it gets 3 stripes.

Dye Trout: 216G (Level 4)

A mid-sized fished that lives in rivers. Males hava a rainbow glint during spawning season.

Fall Fish: 880G (Level 4)

A fish that thinks it's a leaf. It also swims in a unique way, like a falling leaf.

Flounder: 280G (Lv. 3)

A strange fish that has its eyes bunched up on its left side. It should partner up with a flounder!

Lamp Squid: 640G (Level 4)

A squid shaped like a lamp. There is a legend of these squids guiding a lost ship to safety.

Lobster: 600G (Level 6)

A large walking crustacean. It has a fierce temperament so some people call it kamikaze Lob.

Lover Snapper: 900G (Level 5)

It has a really cute pink colour. FABULOUS!

Mackerel: 98G (Lv. 3)

It loses its freshness quickly. You know what they say: HOLY MACKEREL!

Needlefish: 49G (Level 5)
Small, thin and swims near the ocean surface. Has a bluish green back and a silvery white belly.

Pale Carp: 80G

A fish with a unique way ot spawning as males are very rare. Lives in calm waters.

Pike: 40G (Lv. 6)

Its name is rooted in how it looks like a weapon. But you can't equip it. It's a fish after all.

Pond Smelt: 112G (Lv. 10)

Small and thin but quick to adapt. People usually dig hole on top of ice to fish it. Catch this at Lake Poli
in Winter.

Red Salmon: 18G (Level 2)

A small freshwater fish. They are bountiful in waters everywhere so they can be found with ease.

Salmon: (Lv. 4: 192G)

It spends most of its life in the ocean but swims upstream to spawn. *Caught one from the ocean pier in

Sardine: 63G (Lv.3)

An easily caught fish that moves about in schools. Seeing them swim in unison can be quite the sight.

Shrimp: 180G (Level 5) 23 cm

A crustacean with a hard, red exoskeleton and 13 pairs of legs.

Snapper: 630G (Lv. 3)

It is said to be auspicious and is eaten during celebrations.

Squid: 35G
A nocturnal mollusk. It glides through the sea with its 10 feet. A very strange creature indeed.

Sunsquid: 1500G (Lv.6)

A squid that swam all the way here from the tropics. It's a squid, but it's tanned!

Taimen: 224G (Level 4)

A relative of the salmon and one of the largest freshwater fish. Also very rare.

Trout: 50G
A regular fish all anglers catch. It lives in rivers but sometimes goes to the ocean.


Turbot: 150G (Lv. 5)

A strange fish that has its eyes bunched on its right side. A bit more tame than the olive flounder.

Yellowtail: 250G
It's big and fat so it takes a lot of strength to catch. But don't get a hernia from trying too hard.

Dried Fish

At the beach, you will find Drying Racks to create Dried Fish. Any sort of Fish can be used to
create Dried Fish but you must give the Fish to Erik on a Winter morning between 9.00 a.m. and noon in
order to obtain this item. He will take the Fish from you and give you 'Dried Fish' the next day. Only one

Fish can be given to him each day for this purpose and only during the Winter season. Dried Fish are
included, however, on the 'Food' page of the Profits Menu.
Dried Fish (Level 4: 96G -- HP 5, RP 120, FX 210 sec. Defence +14, Magic +10)
Preserved fish. It tastes even better when roasted.

Raw Materials

Ores, Gems and War Trophies

The following is a list of all Ores, Gems and War Trophies from Monsters that
can be obtained in Rune Factory Frontier. In some cases, a Crate or Treasure
Chest may contain an item ordinarily classified as a 'War Trophy' dropped by a
In Rune Factory Frontier, you will find that Monster of very different types
may drop the same War Trophy on occasion. With each item is a list of the
Monsters who may drop it with the percentage chance of this result.
On the Profits Page of your Farm Menu, all Ores, Gems and War Trophies are
categorised as Raw Materials. Non-edible Ranch Products in the form of Wool
and Yarn are classified as Raw Materials on the Profits Page.


Scrap Iron

Scrap Iron: 10G

Lv 1: 10G; Lv 4: 16G
A shredded, rusted piece of metal. Pretty useless, actually. But you're
still kinda stuck with it.


Iron: 40G
Lv 1: 40G; Lv 4: 64G; Level 5: 72G
The fundamental material of metallurgy. It can be made into weapons or
Iron: Rocks in Dungeons, Crates, Treasure Chests, Mini Golem (15%)


Copper: 60G
Another fundamental material of metallurgy. Blacksmiths really love this
Copper: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Mini Golem (15%)


Silver: 90G
A silver-coloured mineral. Valuable because of its many different uses.
Takes real skill to forge.
Silver: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Mini Golem (10%)


Gold: 135G
A shiny metal that has been used since ancient times.
Gold: Rocks in Dungeons


Platinum: 360G (Level 5)

It gives off a bright shine. Those who see Platinum are said to become
obsessed with it.
Platinum: Rocks in Dungeons
You can find it randomly on the 2nd Floor of the Snow Ruins or lower.

Little Crystal

Little Crystal
Little Crystal: 720G (Lv. 2)
Crystallised material made from various substances and runes. Very rare and
very fragile.
Little Crystal can be found randomly inside a Treasure Chest or by smashing
rocks in Dungeons. It is easiest to look for them in the two chambers in the
Tower on Whale Island opened solely by Grass Rune Stones and which can be
reached via the rope shortcut. Once you have created 'The Hammer' (using a
Little Crystal), you will improve your chances of finding Little Crystals by
smashing rocks in dungeons.



Amethyst: 200G
It is said that it is imbued with special powers. Represents peace of mind.
Amethyst: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster
Box (6%)


Aquamarine: 200G
It has a rich blue colour like the deep sea. Represnets calmness.
Aquamarine: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%),
Monster Box (6%)


Diamond: 720G (Level 8)

Considered the 'King of Jewels'. It's very hard and is difficult to crush!
Diamond: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (5%), Monster
Box (6%)


Emerald: 200G
The beautiful green colour draws attention. Flawless once are more valuable.
Represents happiness.
Emerald: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster

Box (6%)


Ruby: 200G
Crimson jewel where the reflected light of its surface look like stars.
Represents passion.
Ruby: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster Box


Sapphire: 200G
It can be pink, blue, yellow, or green. Represents love.
Sapphire: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster
Box (6%)

War Trophies

For the most part, War Trophies are not monster-specific in Rune Factory
Frontier, making this game very different from previous Rune Factory games in
this respect. There may be a greater likelihood of receiving a specific item
from a particular Monster type but you can obtain many of the War Trophies
from a wide selection of Monsters. There are a few exceptions, among them
some of the items that are connected solely to a Boss Monster, such as the
Giant Cockscomb, Red Core, Bright Tentacle and Ice Snake Tongue.
I have included three different lists here. The first gives each item with the
methods by which it is obtained and the chance in percentage of obtaining it.
The second list gives all Level 10 Items with the Monsters who may 'drop' them.
The third is a proper list of each item with description and shipping value.
Amethyst: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster
Box (6%)
Aquamarine: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%),
Monster Box (6%)
Bird Feather: Blackbird (25%), Clucky (20%), Cone (10%), Duck (20%), Gigantes
(10%), Hammer Troll (10%), Unico (10%), Weagle (25%)
Black Grass: Fields; Crates; Dark Slime (1%), Slime (1%)
Bright Tentacle: Giant Squid (100%)
Cheap Cloth: Fairy (15%), Faust (10%), Ghost (10%), Goblin (15%), Hardes (15%),
High Orc (10%), Hobgoblin (15%), Little Mage (15%), Necro (10%)
Copper: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Mini Golem (15%)
Demon Blood: Arch Demon (10%), Demon (10%)
Diamond: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (5%), Monster
Box (6%)
Earth Crystal: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Dark Slime (1%),
Little Emperor (5%), Mini Golem (5%), Slime (1%)
Egg (Ranch Product): Clucky, Duck
Emerald: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster
Box (6%)
Fair Hide: Death Stalker (10%), Hercules (5%), Hornet Queen (10%), Samurai
(15%), Unico (10%)
Fairy Dust: Fairy (10%), Hardes (10%)
Fire Crystal: Crates, Treasure Chests, Rocks in Dungeons; Dark Slime (1%),
Ignis (5%), Slime (1%)
Fish Fossil: Sealy (10%), Sky Fish (10%)

Giant Cockscomb: Giant Clucky (100%)
Glittering Edge: Faust (10%), Mantict (10%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King
(10%), Samurai (10%)
Glue: Crates; Orc Archer (15%), Orc Hunter
Hard Horn: Arch Demon (20%), Beetle (20%), Buffalo (15%), Buffamoo (15%),
Buffazoo (15%), Cone (10%), Demon (10%), Fluffy (10%), Gigantes (10%), Hammer
Troll (10%), Hercules (20%), Little Emperor (10%), Little Mage (10%), Little
Wizard (10%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King (10%), Unico (10%), Wooly (10%)
Ice Snake Tongue: Ice Snake (100%)
Insect Hide: Ant (20%), Beetle (10%), Hercules (10%), Hornet (10%), Killer Ant
(20%), Mantict (15%), Scorpion (10%)
Insect Jaw: Ant (20%), Beetle (10%), Hercules (10%), Hornet (10%), Hornet Queen
(10%), Killer Ant (20%), Mantict (15%), Samurai (15%)
Iron: Rocks in Dungeons, Mini Golem (15%)
Knife Piece: Ghost (10%), Goblin (15%), Hobgoblin (15%), Necro (10%)
Magic Crystal: Glace (5%), Ignis (5%), Soul (5%)
Magic Powder: Autumn (20%), Big Muck (10%), Fairy (15%), Glace (30%), Hardes
(15%), Ignis (30%), Soul (30%), Spring (20%), Summer (20%), Tricky Muck (10%)
Magic Talon: Blood Panther (10%), Death Stalker (10%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini
Dragon (10%), Shadow Panther (10%)
Monster Hide: Buffalo (25%), Buffamoo (25%), Chitter (15%), Elefun (15%),
Fluffy (20%), Furpy (15%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon (10%), Silver Wolf
(10%), Wooly (20%)
Mushroom: Wilds; Big Muck (20%), Tricky Muck (20%)
Quality Cloth: Faust (10%), Ghost (10%), Gigantes (10%), Hammer Troll (10%),
Little Emperor (15%), Little Wizard (15%), Necro (10%)
Quality Fur: Buffazoo (25%), Blood Panther (10%), Cone (10%), Hunter Wolf
(15%), Mamoo (15%), Shadow Panther (10%)
Red Core: Giant Lava Slime (100%)
Relic: Giant Lava Slime (100%, but only in 1st victory)
Root: Crates; Autumn (20%) , Big Muck (10%), Spring (20%), Summer (20%), Tricky
Muck (10%)
Ruby: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster Box
Sapphire: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Gobble Box (10%), Monster
Box (6%)
Scrap Iron: Rocks in Dungeons; Dark Slime (6%), Mini Golem (15%), Slime (6%)
Sharp Fang: Blood Panther (10%), Chitter (15%), Elefun (10%), Furpy (15%),
Gobble Box (45%), Hunter Wolf (15%), Mamoo (15%), Micro Dragon (20%), Mini
Dragon (20%), Monster Box (67%), Sealy (10%), Shadow Panther (10%), Silver
Wolf (15%), Sky Fish (10%), Tortas (10%)
Sharp Talon: Blackbird (10%), Blood Panther (10%), Chitter (10%), Clucky (20%),
Duck (10%), Furpy (10%), Hunter Wolf (10%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon
(10%), Scorpion (10%), Shadow Panther (10%), Silver Wolf (15%), Weagle (10%)
Silver: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Mini Golem (10%)
Solid Point: Arch Demon (20%), Demon (20%), Death Stalker (10%), Orc Archer
(15%), Orc Hunter, Scorpion (10%)
Teardrop: Cone (10%), Dark Slime (18%), Duck (10%), Elefun (10%), Fluffy (10%),
Mamoo (10%), Slime (18%), Tortas (15%), Unico (10%), Wooly (10%)
Thick Stick: Faust (10%), High Orc (15%), Little Emperor (10%), Little Wizard
(10%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King (10%), Necro (10%)
Thin Stick: Treasure Chests, Crates; Ghost (10%), Little Mage (10%), Orc Archer
Toxin: Dark Slime (10%), Death Stalker (10%), Hornet (20%), Hornet Queen (20%),
Scorpion (10%), Slime (10%)
Turtle Shell: Tortas (10%)

Warrior Medal: Gigantes (10%), Goblin (10%), Hammer Troll (10%), High Orc
(15%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King (10%)
Water Crystal: Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Dark Slime (1%),
Glace (5%), Sealy (5%), Sky Fish (5%), Slime (1%), Tortas (5%)
Wet Scale: Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon (10%), Sealy (15%), Sky Fish (15%)
White Grass: Fields, Crates; Dark Slime (1%), Slime (1%)
Wind Crystal: Damascus Forge, Treasure Chests, Rocks in Dungeons; Blackbird
(5%), Dark Slime (1%), Little Wizard (5%), Slime (1%), Soul (5%), Weagle (5%)

List of all Level 10 War Trophies

For a player who wishes to forge the best Weapons and Equipment, here is a
comprehensive List of all War Trophies at Level 10 and the Monsters who yield
Bird Feather, Lv. 10: Blackbird, Cone, Gigantes
Cheap Cloth, Lv. 10: Fairy, Faust, Hardes, High Orc, Necro
Demon Blood, Lv. 10: Arch Demon
Fair Hide, Lv. 10: Heracles, Samurai
Fairy Dust, Lv. 10: Hardes
Fish Fossil, Lv. 10: Sealy
Glittering Edge, Lv. 10: Minotaur King, Samurai
Glue, Lv. 10: Orc Hunter
Hard Horn, Lv. 10: Arch Demon, Buffazoo, Demon, Gigantes, Heracles, Little
Wizard, Minotaur King, Samurai, Unico
Insect Jaw, Lv. 10: Heracles, Samurai
Insect Hide, Lv. 10: Beetle, Heracles, Mantict, Samurai
Knife Piece, Lv. 10: Necro
Magic Powder, Lv. 10: Autumn, Glace, Hardes, Soul, Tricky Muck
Magic Talon, Lv. 10: Mini Dragon
Monster Hide, Lv. 10: Buffaloo, Fluffy, Mini Dragon
Quality Cloth, Lv. 10: Gigantes, Little Emperor, Little Wizard
Quality Fur, Lv. 10: Cone
Root, Lv. 10: Autumn, Tricky Muck
Scrap Iron, Lv. 10: Mini Golem
Sharp Fang, Lv. 10: Blood Panther, Hunter Wolf, Mini Dragon,
Sharp Talon, Lv. 10: Blackbird, Blood Panther, Mini Dragon, Peck, Shadow
Solid Point, Lv. 10: Arch Demon
Teardrop, Lv. 10: Cone
Thick Stick, Lv. 10: High Orc, Little Emperor, Little Wizard, Minotaur King
Thin Stick, Lv. 10: Orc Hunter
Toxin, Lv. 10: Death Stalker, Hornet Queen
Turtle Shell, Lv. 10: Tortas
Warrior Medal, Lv. 10: Gigantes, High Orc, Minotaur King
Wet Scale, Lv. 10: Mini Dragon

Bird Feather

Bird Feather: 70G (Lv. 3)

The feather of a white bird. Don't you wish you could glue a bunch of them
on your back and fly away?
Bird Feather: Blackbird (25%), Clucky (20%), Cone (10%), Duck (20%), Gigantes
(10%), Hammer Troll (10%), Unico (10%), Weagle (25%)

Bright Tentacle

Bright Tentacle: 900G (Lv. 6)
A giant squid tentacle. Emits electric shocks that you can use to give
yourself a massage.
N.B. This is the one unique War Trophy dropped by the Giant Squid in the Water
Tower on Whale Island when he is defeated.

Cheap Cloth

Cheap Cloth: 40G

A rag of obviously low quality. Tears easily with a slight pull.
Cheap Cloth: Fairy (15%), Faust (10%), Ghost (10%), Goblin (15%), Hardes (15%),
High Orc (10%), Hobgoblin (15%), Little Mage (15%), Necro (10%)

Demon Blood

Demon Blood: 216G (Lv. 5)

Lifeblood of a demon. It took a long time to gather this much. Even demons
are afraid of needles.
Demon Blood: Arch Demon (10%), Demon (10%)

Earth Crystal

Earth Crystal: 500G

A crystal with condensed earth magic. Because of that, it's very hard.
Earth Crystal: Damascus Forge, Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons;
Dark Slime (1%), Little Emperor (5%), Mini Golem (5%), Slime (1%)

Fair Hide

Fair Hide: 180G (Level 2)

Insect exoskeleton with a beautiful pattern. Light, hard and really rather
Fair Hide: Death Stalker (10%), Hercules (5%), Hornet Queen (10%), Samurai
(15%), Unico (10%)

Fairy Dust

Fairy Dust: 100G

Wing scale of a fairy. It's silky smooth and pretty. And it smells good for
some reason.
Fairy Dust: Fairy (10%), Hardes (10%)

Fire Crystal

Fire Crystal: 500G

A crystal with condensed fire magic. Makes a great hand warmer in winter.
Fire Crystal: Damascus Forge, Crates, Treasure Chests, Rocks in Dungeons; Dark
Slime (1%), Ignis (5%), Slime (1%)

Fish Fossil

Fish Fossil: 100G

Fossil of a prehistoric fish. It was supposed to be the find of the year,
but I just saw a live one.
Fish Fossil: Sealy (10%), Sky Fish (10%)

Giant Cockscomb

Giant Cockscomb: 420G (Lv. 2)

A large red comb. Place it on other people's heads just for fun.
Obtained from defeat of Giant Clucky in Green Ruins.
Giant Cockscomb: Giant Clucky (100%)

Glittering Edge

Glittering Edge: 80G

A really sharp blade. It has a bright metallic gleam and it'll cut through
anything it touches.
Glittering Edge: Faust (10%), Mantict (10%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King
(10%), Samurai (10%)


Glue: 50G
Used as glue. You can give it as a present, but it won't strengthen your
bond of friendship!
Glue: Crates; Orc Archer (15%), Orc Hunter

Hard Horn

Hard Horn: 60G

A hard and pointed horn. It's very tough and the tip is sharp so be careful
when handling it.
Hard Horn: Arch Demon (20%), Beetle (20%), Buffalo (15%), Buffamoo (15%),
Buffazoo (15%), Cone (10%), Demon (10%), Fluffy (10%), Gigantes (10%), Hammer
Troll (10%), Hercules (20%), Little Emperor (10%), Little Mage (10%), Little
Wizard (10%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King (10%), Unico (10%), Wooly (10%)

Ice Snake Tongue

Ice Snake Tongue: 1200G (Lv. 8)

A tongue that's cool to the touch. It still moves at times. Even inside
your knapsack.
N.B. This is the one unique War Trophy that you earn when you defeat the
'Boss' of the Snow Ruins on the 7th Floor.
Ice Snake Tongue: Ice Snake (100%)

Insect Hide

Insect Hide: 40G

The exoskeleton of a giant insect. Some people find it creepy, but it's
light and strong.
Insect Hide: Ant (20%), Beetle (10%), Hercules (10%), Hornet (10%), Killer Ant
(20%), Mantict (15%), Scorpion (10%)

Insect Jaw

Insect Jaw: 50G

A jaw that can crush anything. A slight exaggeration, but it can still bite
through a lot of stuff.
Insect Jaw: Ant (20%), Beetle (10%), Hercules (10%), Hornet (10%), Hornet Queen
(10%), Killer Ant (20%), Mantict (15%), Samurai (15%)

Knife Piece

Knife Piece: 40G

A chipped blade. The actual material doesn't look too bad.
Knife Piece: Ghost (10%), Goblin (15%), Hobgoblin (15%), Necro (10%)

Magic Crystal: 336G (Level 3)

A crystal made from magic. Time is needed to make it big.

Magic Crystal: Glace (5%), Ignis (5%), Soul (5%)
N.B. It is possible that the Level of the Magic Crystals will increase with
the number of years your character spends in Trampoli. In the first Year,
Freyr received Level 1 from the three types of Monsters who 'drop' them, but
in the second Year, the Level had increased to Level 3. This would correspond
with the actual description of the item, that it needs time to grow.

Magic Powder

Magic Powder: 60G

A magical powder that dissolves in water. You can sprinkle it on people but,
they won't transform.
Magic Powder: Autumn (20%), Big Muck (10%), Fairy (15%), Glace (30%), Hardes
(15%), Ignis (30%), Soul (30%), Spring (20%), Summer (20%), Tricky Muck (10%)

Magic Talon

Magic Talon: 210G (Level 3)

Claws that can slice through iron like butter. Don't eat the sliced iron.
Magic Talon: Blood Panther (10%), Death Stalker (10%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini
Dragon (10%), Shadow Panther (10%)

Monster Hide

Monster Hide: 40G

Warm animal fur. This is all you need to get through winter. But it is kind
of stinky though.
Monster Hide: Buffalo (25%), Buffamoo (25%), Chitter (15%), Elefun (15%),
Fluffy (20%), Furpy (15%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon (10%), Silver Wolf
(10%), Wooly (20%)

Quality Cloth

Quality Cloth: (Lv. 10: 224G)

A good quality cloth. Soft to the touch so you may see some people using it
to wipe their faces.
Quality Cloth: Faust (10%), Ghost (10%), Gigantes (10%), Hammer Troll (10%),
Little Emperor (15%), Little Wizard (15%), Necro (10%)

Quality Fur

Quality Fur: (Lv. 4): 240G

A fur with a bluish-white hue. Looks like it's quite expensive.
Quality Fur: Buffazoo (25%), Blood Panther (10%), Cone (10%), Hunter Wolf
(15%), Mamoo (15%), Shadow Panther (10%)

Red Core

Red Core: 640G (Level 4)

The core of a special slime. It looks kind of sweet. Want to take a bite?
War Trophy from the Giant Fire Slime in the Lava Ruins.
Giant Fire Slime in Lava Ruins: 100%


Relic: 0G
A chipped stone tablet of some kind. There may be a place where it can be
War Trophy from Giant Fire Slime in Lava Ruins. Use to unlock Snow Ruins.
Giant Fire Slime in Lava Ruins: 100%


Root: 60G
The root of a plant that is very strong. It still twitches even after being
cut off.
Root: Crates; Autumn (20%) , Big Muck (10%), Spring (20%), Summer (20%), Tricky
Muck (10%)

Sharp Fang

Sharp Fang: 50G

A sharp fang that's pointed at the tip. You can kill almost anything in
one hit with this.
Sharp Fang: Blood Panther (10%), Chitter (15%), Elefun (10%), Furpy (15%),
Gobble Box (45%), Hunter Wolf (15%), Mamoo (15%), Micro Dragon (20%), Mini
Dragon (20%), Monster Box (67%), Sealy (10%), Shadow Panther (10%), Silver
Wolf (15%), Sky Fish (10%), Tortas (10%)

Sharp Talon

Sharp Talon: 40G

Sharp claw. Sharp enough to seriously hurt yourself.
Sharp Talon: Blackbird (10%), Blood Panther (10%), Chitter (10%), Clucky (20%),
Duck (10%), Furpy (10%), Hunter Wolf (10%), Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon
(10%), Scorpion (10%), Shadow Panther (10%), Silver Wolf (15%), Weagle (10%)

Solid Point

Solid Point: 60G

A very tough and durable blade. So tough, in fact, that it's close to
impossible to work on.
Solid Point: Arch Demon (20%), Demon (20%), Death Stalker (10%), Orc Archer
(15%), Scorpion (10%)


Level 2: 60G
A drop of monster tears. You have to beat it out of the monsters on
Teardrop: Cone (10%), Dark Slime (18%), Duck (10%), Elefun (10%), Fluffy (10%),

Mamoo (10%), Slime (18%), Tortas (15%), Unico (10%), Wooly (10%)

Thin Stick

Thin Stick: 40G

A handy stick. You can use it for staffs or fishing rods.
Thin Stick: Treasure Chests, Crates; Ghost (10%), Little Mage (10%), Orc Archer
(10%), Orc Hunter


Level 2: 60G
A very dangerous poison. Be careful when handling it.
Toxin: Dark Slime (10%), Death Stalker (10%), Hornet (20%), Hornet Queen (20%),
Scorpion (10%), Slime (10%)

Turtle Shell

Turtle Shell: 280G (Level 10)

A very heavy turtle shell. Put it on your back, hide inside, or put it on
some one and ride them.
Turtle Shell: Tortas (10%)

Warrior Medal

Warrior Medal: 50G

Round stone with a fierce face engraved on it. Line up 48 of them and they
start dancing.
Warrior Medal: Gigantes (10%), Goblin (10%), Hammer Troll (10%), High Orc
(15%), Minotaur (10%), Minotaur King (10%)

Water Crystal

Water Crystal: 500G

A crystal with condensed water magic. It's always wet. Dripping wet.
Water Crystal: Damascus Forge, Treasure Chests, Crates, Rocks in Dungeons; Dark
Slime (1%), Glace (5%), Sealy (5%), Sky Fish (5%), Slime (1%), Tortas (5%)

Wet Scale

Wet Scale: 80G

Wet scale. It's really slimy to the touch.
Wet Scale: Micro Dragon (10%), Mini Dragon (10%), Sealy (15%), Sky Fish (15%)

Wind Crystal

Wind Crystal: 500G

A crystal with condensed wind magic. If you do drop and break it, you might
cause a tornado.
Wind Crystal: Damascus Forge, Treasure Chests, Rocks in Dungeons; Blackbird
(5%), Dark Slime (1%), Little Wizard (5%), Slime (1%), Soul (5%), Weagle (5%)

Special Items

Tide Cluster: 10G

A stone that smells like the ocean. Hold this in your hand to remind you of memories of the sea.
Baleen: 20G
Vital part of a wedding bouquet. Baleen is very tough, perfect for the core of the bouquet.
Scriptures: 0G
The scriptures of the church. The more pious the person, the faster it wears out.

Failed Dishes:

A Failed Dish or Flop is an item that can be shipped but one with no energy value. Using the wrong
ingredients or hitting the gauge in the red will create a Flop.


Flop: 30G
HP 0, RP 0, FX 0
The sad remnants of cooking gone horribly wrong. Edible, but only as a last resort.

No Utensils Dishes

Rice Ball

Rice Ball: 160G

Skill Level 1
HP 45, RP 75, Fx Time: 120 sec. Mx HP +45
Ingredients: Rice

Pickled Turnip

Pickled Turnip: 235G

Skill Level 1
HP 10, RP 75, Fx Time: 120 sec. Defence +20, Stun Attack +30%
Ingredients: Turnip

Chestnut Rice

Chestnut Rice: 330G

Skill Level 1
HP 60, RP 150, FX Time 120 sec. Max HP +50, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Chestnut, Rice


Pickles: 370G
Skill Level 7
HP 10, RP 100, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +25, Stun Attack +40%
Ingredients: Cucumber

Cherry Sashimi

Cherry Sashimi: 40G

Skill Level 9
HP 6, RP 48, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +12, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Red Salmon

Pickled Eggplant

Pickled Eggplant: 310G
Skill Level 10
HP 10, RP 100, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +25, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Eggplant

Trout Sashimi

Trout Sashimi: 80G

Skill Level 12
HP 7, RP 56, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +14, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Trout

Bamboo Rice

Bamboo Rice: 290G

Skill Level 12
HP 60, RP 150, FX Time 120 sec. Max HP +50, Paralysis Attack 100%
Ingredients: Rice, Bamboo Shoot

Dye Sashimi

Dye Sashimi: 165G

Skill Level 15
HP 9, RP 73, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +18, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Dye Trout

Potato Salad

Potato Salad: 1090G

Skill Level 16
HP 100, RP 250, FX 120 sec. Defence +45, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Potato, Cucumber, Mayonnaise

Char Sashimi

Char Sashimi: 85G

Skill Level 18
HP 7, RP 57, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +14, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Char

Ice Cream

Ice Cream: 260G

Skill Level 20
HP 10, RP 125, FX Time 120 sec. Water Attack +20, Water Resistance +20
Ingredients: Milk, Egg

Needle Sashimi

Needle Sashimi: 70G

Skill Level 21
HP 7, RP 54, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +14, Magic +10
Ingredients: Needlefish

Mushroom Rice

Mushroom Rice: 300G
Skill Level 21
HP 60, RP 150, FX Time 120 sec. Max HP +50, Poison Attack 100%
Ingredients: Rice, Mushroom

Squid Sashimi

Squid Sashimi: 60G

Skill Level 24
HP 7, RP 52, FX Time 120 sec. Attack +13, Magic +10
Ingredients: Squid

S. Rice Ball

S. Rice Ball: 300G

Skill Level 25
HP 60, RP 150, FX Time 120 sec. Max HP +50, Magic +10
Ingredients: Rice, Salmon

Sardine Sashimi

Sardine Sashimi: 80G

Skill Level 27
HP 7, RP 56, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +14, Magic +10
Ingredients: Sardine

Pike Sashimi

Pike Sashimi: 55G

Skill Level 30
HP 7, RP 51, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +13, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Pike

Salmon Sashimi

Salmon Sashimi: 160G

Skill Level 33
HP 9, RP 72, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +18, Magic +10
Ingredients: Salmon

Gratin de Sol

New Mochi: 1080G

Skill Level 34
HP 170, RP 150, Fx Time 180 sec. Max HP +75, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Mochi, Mochi, Orange, Quality Cloth, Thick Stick, Green Grass

Gratin de Sol

Bonito Sashimi: 190G

Skill Level 36
HP 9, RP 78, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +19, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Bonito

Gratin de Sol

Turbot Sashimi: 115G
Skill Level 39
HP 8, RP 63, FX Time 120 sec. Defence +16, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Turbot

Shrimp Sashimi

Shrimp Sashimi: 145G

Skill Level 42
HP 8, RP 69, FX 120 sec. Defence +17, Knock-back
Ingredients: Shrimp


Salad: 1870G
Skill Level 43
HP 205, RP 350, FX 120 sec. Defence +60, Status Defence
Ingredients: Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Cabbage

Toro Sashimi

Toro Sashimi: 895G

Skill Level 45
HP 23, RP 219, FX 120 sec. Defence +52, Magic +10
Ingredients: Tuna

Taimen Sashimi

Taimen Sashimi: 185G

Skill Level 48
HP 9, RP 77, FX 120 sec. Defence +19, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Taimen

Black Sashimi

Black Sashimi: 110G

Skill Level 51
HP 8, RP 62, FX 120 sec. Defence +16, Magic +10
Ingredients: Black Fish

Fruit Sub

Fruit Sub: 970G

Skill Level 52
HP 140, RP 250, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Element Attack +8
Ingredients: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Bread

Lobster Sashimi

Lobster Sashimi: 350G

Skill Level 54
HP 12, RP 110, FX 120 sec. Defence +27, Knock-back
Ingredients: Lobster

Sun Sashimi

Sun Sashimi: 805G
Skill Level 57
HP 22, RP 201, FX 120 sec. Attack +48, Magic +10
Ingredients: Sunsquid

Yellow Sashimi

Yellow Sashimi: 305G

Skill Level 60
HP 12, RP 101, FX 120, Defence +25, Magic +10
Ingredients: Yellowtail

Fruit Punch

Fruit Punch: 1090G

Skill Level 61
HP 100, RP 275, FX 120 sec. FX Element Attack +10
Ingredients: Strawberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Apple, Orange

Snap Sashimi

Snap Sashimi: 510G

Skill Level 64
HP 16, RP 142, FX 120 sec. Defence +34, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Snapper

Hirame Sashimi

Hirame Sashimi: 265G

Skill Level 69
HP 11, RP 93, FX 120 sec. FX Defence +23, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Flounder


Sandwich: 1020G
Skill Level 70
HP 200, RP 425, FX 120, Max HP +85, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Mayonnaise

Lamp Sashimi

Lamp Sashimi: 470G

Skill Level 75
HP 15, RP 134, FX 120 sec. Attack +34, Magic +10
Ingredients: Lamp Squid

Fruit Parfait

Fruit Parfait: 1380G

Skill Level 79
HP 140, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Element Attack +10, Water Resistance +25
Ingredients: Strawberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Apple, Orange, Ice Cream

Lover Sashimi

Lover Sashimi: 580G
Skill Level 81
HP 17, RP 156, FX 120 sec. Defence +37, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Lover Snapper

Fugu Sashimi

Fugu Sashimi: 680G

Skill Level 82
HP 19, RP 176, FX 120 sec. Defence +42, Paralysis Attack 100%
Ingredients: Blowfish

Tea Leaves

Tea Leaves: 240G

Skill Level 88
HP 5, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange
Grass, Purple Grass

Fall Sashimi

Fall Sashimi: 635G

Skill Level 90
HP 18, RP 167, FX 120 sec. Defence +40, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Fall Fish


Sushi: 1675G
Skill Level 97
HP 255, RP 350, FX 120 sec. FX Max HP +75, Magic +65
Ingredients: Rice, Tuna, Yellowtail, Salmon, Shrimp, Squid

Glitter Sashimi

Glitter Sashimi: 1095G

Skill Level 99
HP 27, RP 259, FX 120 sec. Defence +61, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper

Frying Pan Dishes:

Smoked Salmon

Smoked Salmon: 150G

Skill Level 2
HP 8, RP 65, FX 120 sec. Defence +21, Wind Attack +10
Salted salmon that is then smoked for flavour. We all love salmon.
Ingredients: Salmon


Sunny-side-up: 280G

Skill Level 3
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Attack +25, Fire Attack +10
All you need is an egg and a fry pan. Just cook it any way that tickles your
Ingredients: Egg, Cooking Oil

Red Grill

Red Grill: 45G

Skill Level 5
HP 6, RP 44, FX 120 sec. Defence +17, Magic +10
Salted red salmon that is then grilled. The fresher it is, the better it
Ingredients: Red Salmon

Eggplant Grill

Eggplant Grill: 310G

Skill Level 6
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Defence +30, Fire Attack +10
Made using grilled eggplant. A mundane name for a super tasty dish.
Ingredients: Eggplant

Grilled Chub

Grilled Chub: 60G

Skill Level 8
HP 7, RP 47, FX 120 sec. Defence +17, Magic +10
Salted chub that is then grilled. The more fresh it is, the better it
Level 4: 96G HP 7, RP 122, FX Time 210 sec. Defence +16, Magic +10


Popcorn: 180G
Skill Level 9
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Fire Attack +10, Seal Defence
A dish made from kernels of corn. They look like they're dancing on the
Ingredients: Corn

French Toast

French Toast: 460G

Skill Level 10
HP 50, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Attack +20
A slice of toast dipped in milk and eggs. The texture is just wonderful, as
is the flavour.
Ingredients: Egg, Cooking Oil, Bread

Grilled Trout

Grilled Trout: 80G

Skill Level 11
HP 7, RP 51, FX 120 sec. Defence +18, Magic +10
Salted spotted trout that is then grilled. The more fresh it is, the better

it tastes.
Ingredients: Trout

Corn Flakes

Corn Flakes: 310G

Skill Level 12
HP 45, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Max HP +25, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Corn, Milk

Roasted Nuts

Roasted Nuts: 180G

Skill Level 13
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Fire Attack +10, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Chestnut

Dye Grill

Dye Grill: 165G

Skill Level 14
HP 9, RP 68, FX 120 sec. Defence +22, Magic +10
Ingredients: Dye Trout

French Fries:

French Fries: 580G

Skill Level 15
HP 25, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Earth Attack +15, Fatigue Attack 100%
Ingredients: Cooking Oil, Potato

Roasted Carp

Roasted Carp: 95G

Skill Level 17
HP 7, RP 54, FX 120 sec. Defence +19, Fire Resistance +10
Ingredients: Carp


Pancake: 560G
Skill Level 18
HP 85, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Flour, Cooking Oil, Egg, Milk

Grilled Char

Grilled Char: 85G

Skill Level 20
HP 7, RP 52, FX 120 sec. Defence +18, Magic +10
Ingredients: Char

Grilled Squid

Grilled Squid: 55G

Skill Level 23

HP 7, RP 46, FX 120 sec. Attack +17, Magic +10
Ingredients: Squid

Spinach Saute

Spinach Saute: 460G

Skill Level 25
HP 20, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Fire Resistance +30, Knock-back
Ingredients: Spinach, Butter

Needle Grill

Needle Grill: 65G

Skill Level 26
HP 7, RP 48, FX 120 sec. Defence +18, Magic +10
Ingredients: Needlefish

P. Carp Roast:

P. Carp Roast: 110G

Skill Level 29
HP 8, RP 57, FX 120 sec. Defence +20, Fire Resistance +10
Ingredients: Pale Carp

Udon Stir-Fry:

Udon Stir-fry: 340G

Skill Level 30
HP 55, RP 125, FX 120 sec. Max HP +45, Fire Attack +15
Ingredients: Udon, Cooking Oil

Grilled Pike

Grilled Pike: 60G

Skill Level 32
HP 7, RP 47, FX 120 sec. Defence +17, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Pike

Grilled Mack

Grilled Mack: 110G

Skill Level 35
HP 8, RP 57, FX 120 sec. Defence +20, Magic +10
Ingredients: Mackerel


Croquette: 1330G
Skill Level 35
HP 125, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Fire Resistance +40, Fatigue Attack 100%
Ingredients; Cooking Oil, Potato, Onion, Flour, Egg

Salted Smelt:

Salted Smelt: 80G

Skill Level 38

HP 7, RP 51, FX 120 sec. Defence +18, Magic +10
Ingredients: Pond Smelt

Potato Roast:

Potato Roast: 600G

Skill Level 40
HP 40, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Earth Attack +10, Fire Resistance +20
Ingredients: Potato, Butter

Fried Turbot:

Fried Turbot: 115G

Skill Level 41
HP 8, RP 58, FX 120 sec. Defence +20, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Turbot

Taimen Roast

Taimen Roast: 180G

Skill Level 44
HP 9, RP 71, FX 120 sec. Defence +23, Fire Resistance +10
Ingredients: Taimen


Gyoza: 1640G
Skill Level 45
HP 175, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Fire Attack +15, HP Absorption
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Cooking Oil, Garlic

Fried Bonito:

Fried Bonito: 190G

Skill Level 47
HP 9, RP 73, FX 120 sec. Defence +23, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Bonito Fish

Shrimp Roast

Shrimp Roast: 140G

Skill Level 50
HP 8, RP 63, FX 120 sec. Defence +21, Knock-back
Ingredients: Shrimp

Fried Rice

Fried Rice: 450G

Skill Level 50
HP 60, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Rice, Egg, Cooking Oil

Dried Sardine

Dried Sardine: 225G

Skill Level 53

HP 10, RP 80, FX 120 sec. Defence +25, Magic +10
Ingredients: Sardine x 3


Boxty: 1450G
Skill Level 55
HP 225, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Max HP +80, Poison Defence
Ingredients: Flour, Cabbage, Cooking Oil, Egg, Mayonnaise

Tuna Teriyaki

Tuna Teriyaki: 900G

Skill Level 56
HP 23, RP 215, FX 120 sec. Defence + 56, Magic +10
Ingredients: Tuna

Black Grill

Black Grill: 110G

Skill Level 59
HP 8, RP 57, FX 120 sec. Defence +20, Magic +10
Ingredients: Black Fish

Lobster Roast:

Lobster Roast: 360G

Skill Level 62
HP 13, RP 107, FX 120 sec. Defence +31, Knock-back
Ingredients: Lobster

Flound Roast

Flound Roast: 260G

Skill Level 65
HP 11, RP 87, FX 120 sec. Defence +27, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Flounder

Veggie Omelet

Veggie Omelet: 1170G

Skill Level 65
HP 110, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Attack +35, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Egg, Cooking Oil, Milk, Ketchup

Sunsquid Fry

Sunsquid Fry: 810G

Skill Level 68
HP 22, RP 197, FX 120 sec. Attack +52, Magic +10
Ingredients: Sunsquid


Donut: 750G
Skill Level 70

HP 110, RP 250, FX 120 sec. Max HP +55, Fatigue Attack 100%

Yellow Teri:

Yellow Teri: 320G

Skill Level 71
HP 12, RP 99, FX 120 sec. Defence +29, Magic +10
Ingredients: Yellowtail

Snapper Grill

Snapper Grill: 520G

Skill Level 74
HP 16, RP 139, FX 120 sec. Defence +39, Wind Attack +10


Tempura: 590G
Skill Level 75
HP 30, RP 175, FX Water Attack +15, Knock-back
Ingredients: Egg, Flour, Cooking Oil, Shrimp

Lamp Fry

Lamp Fry: 470G

Skill Level 77
HP 15, RP 129, FX 120 sec. Attack +36, Magic +10
Ingredients: Lamp Squid

Blowfish Fry

Blowfish Fry: 670G

Skill Level 80
HP 19, RP 169, FX 120 sec. Defence +45, Paralysis Attack 100%
Ingredients: Blowfish

Veg. Stir-fry

Vegetable Stir-fry: 1110G

Skill Level 80
HP 100, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Defence +50, Fire Resistance +10
Ingredients: Cooking Oil, Cabbage, Bell Pepper

Fried Glitter

Fried Glitter: 1080G

Skill Level 83
HP 27, RP 251, FX 120 sec. Defence +64, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper

Dried Squid

Dried Squid: 1610G

Skill Level 85
HP 250, RP 400, FX 120 sec. Max HP +80, Status Attack
Ingredients: Rice, Curry Powder, Onion, Carrot, Bell Pepper

Love Fry:

Love Fry: 580G

Skill Level 86
HP 17, RP 151, FX 120 sec. Defence +41, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Lover Snapper

Fried Autumn

Fried Autumn: 630G

Skill Level 89
HP 18, RP 161, FX 120 sec. Defence +44, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Fall Fish

Ham Omelet

Ham Omelet: 1340G

Skill Level 90
HP 190, RP 325, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Attack +35
Ingredients: Rice, Egg, Cooking Oil, Milk, Ketchup

Curry Bread:

Curry Bread: 550G

Skill Level 95
HP 65, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Status Attack
Ingredients: Bread, Cooking Oil, Curry Powder

Pot Dishes

Hot Milk

Hot Milk: 140G

Skill Level 2
HP 20, RP 75, FX Time 90 sec. Attack +25
Warmed milk. You'll feel relaxed after drinking it, so you should have some
when you can't sleep.
Ingredients: Milk

Boiled Egg

Boiled Egg: 130G

Skill Level 5
HP 10, RP 75, FX Time: 120 sec. Attack +20, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Egg

Berry Jam

Berry Jam: 130G

Skill Level 7
HP 10, RP 75, FX 120 sec. Magic +30
Ingredients: Strawberry


Porridge: 130G
Skill Level 7
HP 10, RP 75, Fx Time: 120 sec. FX Magic +30
Ingredients: Rice

Egg Bowl

Egg Bowl: 280G

Skill Level 11
HP 60, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Attack +10
Ingredients: Rice, Egg

Orange Jam

Orange Jam: 180G

Skill Level 13
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Magic +25, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Orange


Udon:: 160G
Skill Level 15
HP 45, RP 75, FX 120 sec. Max HP +45, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Flour

Steam Veggies

Steam Veggies: 300G

Skill Level 17
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Defence +25, Knock-back
Ingredients: Spinach

Apple Jam

Apple Jam: 180G

Skill Level 19
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120, Magic +25, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Apple

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate: 290G

Skill Level 21
HP 20, RP 125, FX 90 sec. Attack +25, Fatigue Defence
Ingredients: Milk, Chocolate

Fish Soup

Fish Soup: 480G

Skill level 23
HP 10, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Magic +25, Water Resistance +30

Cherry Jam

Cherry Jam: 180G
Skill Level 25
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Magic +25, Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Cherry

Steam Pumpkin

Steam Pumpkin: 780G

Skill Level 27
HP 55, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Water Resistance +25, Earth Resistance +25
Ingredients: Pumpkin

Curry Rice

Curry Rice: 1760G

Skill Level 29
HP 280, RP 375, FX 120 sec. Max HP +85, Status Attack
Ingredients: Rice, Curry Powder, Potato, Carrot, Onion

Corn Soup

Corn Soup: 320G

Skill Level 31
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Water Attack +15, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Corn, Milk

Curry Udon

Curry Udon: 350G

Skill Level 33
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Water Attack +10, Status Attack
Ingredients: Udon, Curry Powder

Candied Yam

Candied Yam: 310G

Skill Level 35
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Magic +30, Earth Attack +15
Ingredients: Yam, Honey


Peperoncino: 470G
Skill Level 38
HP 50, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, HP Absorption
Ingredients: Garlic, Cooking Oil, Flour

Fried Smelt

Fried Smelt: 380G

Skill Level 39
HP 10, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Magic +20, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Pond Smelt, Flour, Cooking Oil


Stew: 1750G
Skill Level 41
HP 195, RP 375, FX 120 sec. Defence +55, Magic +50
Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Potato, Carrot, Onion


Ramen: 770G
Skill Level 44
HP 100, RP 250, FX 120 sec. Max HP +45, Element Attack +4
Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cooking Oil, Boiled Egg


Risotto: 1170G
Skill Level 47
HP 125, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Defence +35
Ingredients: Rice, Cooking Oil, Tomato, Onion, Garlic

Boiled Gyoza

Boiled Gyoza: 1640G

Skill Level 50
HP 170, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Water Attack +15, HP Absorption
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Cooking Oil, Garlic


Oden: 1495G
Skill Level 53
HP 150, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Magic +35, Water Resistance +40
Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Potato, Sardine, Carrot, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom

Fried Pike

Fried Pike: 370G

Skill Level 56
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Magic +25, Wind Attack +15
Ingredients: Pike, Flour, Cooking Oil

Mashed Yam

Mashed Yam: 310G

Skill Level 59
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Earth Attack +15, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Chestnut, Yam

Cheese Fondue:

Cheese Fondue: 350G

Skill Level 62
HP 50, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Stun Defence
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread


Calamari: 385G
Skill Level 65
HP 10, RP 175, FX `120 sec. Attack +25, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Squid, Flour, Cooking Oil

Fungo Risotto:

Fungo Risotto: 1100G

Skill Level 68
HP 160, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Poison Attack 100%
Ingredients: Mushroom, Garlic, Onion, Cooking Oil, Rice

Marron Glace:

Marron Glace: 220G

Skill Level 71
HP 20, RP 125, FX 120 sec. Attack +10, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Chestnut

Fried Shrimp:

Fried Shrimp: 470G

Skill Level 74
HP 10, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Knock-back, Water Attack +15
Ingredients: Shrimp, Flour, Cooking Oil

Tempura Udon:

Tempura Udon: 840G

Skill Level 77
HP 60, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Water Attack +15, Knock-back
Ingredients: Udon, Tempura


Oatmeal: 330G
Skill Level 80
HP 70, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Rice, Milk

Tempura Bowl:

Tempura Bowl: 810G

Skill Level 83
HP 120, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Max HP +60, Knock-back
Ingredients: Rice, Tempura

Spinach Rice:

Spinach Rice: 1270G

Skill Level 86
HP 190, RP 325, FX 120 sec. Max HP +65, Knock-back


Carbonara: 750G

Skill Level 89
HP 105, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Attack +20
Ingredients: Mushroom, Butter, Cheese, Egg, Flour


Ratatouille: 1440G
Skill Level 92
HP 145, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Defence +40, Element Defence +15
Ingredients: Tomato, Eggplant, Bell Pepper, Onion, Garlic

Relax Tea

Relax Tea: 330G

Skill Level 95
HP 0, RP 175, FX 90 sec. Status Defence
Ingredients: Tea Leaves

Great Curry:

Great Curry: 2160G

Skill Level 98
HP 245, RP 425, FX 120 sec. Attack +45, Status Attack
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Onion, Wine, Honey, Apple, Demon Blood

Royal Curry

Royal Curry: 2910G

Skill Level 99
HP 360, RP 500, FX 180 sec. Guts, Status Attack
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Onion, Wine x 2, Yogurt, White Grass

Oven Dishes

Hot Rice Ball

Hot Rice Ball: 190G

Skill Level 4
HP 55, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Rice Ball

Turnip Roast

Turnip Roast: 240G

Skill Level 6
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Fire Resistance +20, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Turnip

Ear of Corn

Ear of Corn: 340G

Skill Level 8
HP 10, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Fire Resistance +15, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Corn, Butter

Roasted Yam

Roasted Yam: 170G

Skill Level 10
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Fire Resistance +10, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Yam


Bread: 160G
Skill Level 12
HP 45, RP 75, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Earth Resistance +15
Ingredients: Flour


Cookie: 420G
Skill Level 14
HP 30, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +25
Ingredients: Milk, Flour, Butter

En Papillote

En Papillote: 140G
Skill Level 16
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Paralysis Attack 100%, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot


Toast: 190G
Skill Level 18
HP 50, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Earth Resistance +20
Ingredients: Bread

Fried Mochi

Fried Mochi: 340G

Skill level 20
HP 60, RP 150, FX 180 sec. Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +15
Ingredients: Mochi

Roasted Apple

Roasted Apple: 340G

Skill Level 22
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Earth Attack +10, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Apple, Butter

Butter Roll

Butter Roll: 570G

Skill Level 25
HP 85, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Attack +30
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Milk, Egg

Honey Toast

Honey Toast: 320G

Skill Level 28
HP 50, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Poison Defence
Ingredients: Bread, Honey

Choco Cookie

Choco Cookie: 730G

Skill Level 31
HP 70, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +25, Fatigue Defence
Ingredients: Cookie, Butter, Chocolate


Doria: 1080G
Skill Level 34
HP 190, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Max HP +85
Ingredients: Milk, Rice, Onion, Flour, Butter


PB&J: 355G
Skill Level 36
HP 10, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Magic +30, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Bread, Berry Jam


Cake: 700G
Skill Level 37
HP 75, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +30
Ingredients: Milk, Flour, Butter, Strawberry, Egg

Cherry Tart:

Cherry Tart: 790G

Skill Level 40
HP 85, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +25, Fire Attack +15
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Cherry x 2


PB&J: 355G
Skill Level 43
HP 10, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Magic +30, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Bread, Apple Jam


Gratin: 1060G
Skill Level 46
HP 150, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +35
Ingredients: Milk, Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter

Sugar Yam

Sugar Yam: 720G

Skill Level 49
HP 60, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Yam, Honey, Milk, Butter, Egg


PB&J: 355G
Skill Level 50
HP 10, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Magic +30, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Bread, Cherry Jam


Cheesecake: 590G
Skill Level 52
HP 60, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +25, Stun Defence
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Cheese

Pumpkin Tart

Pumpkin Tart: 1940G

Skill Level 55
HP 240, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Attack +45, Earth Resistance +40
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Pumpkin x 2

Apple Pie

Apple Pie: 510G

Skill Level 58
HP 35, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Apple, Flour, Butter


Pizza: 1830G
Skill Level 62
HP 195, RP 400, FX 120 sec. Element Defence +20, Stun Defence
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bell Pepper, Potato, Mushroom

Chocolate Cake

Choco Cake: 750G

Skill Level 65
HP 90, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Fatigue Defence
Ingredients: Milk, Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Egg

Potato Gratin

Potato Gratin: 1480G

Skill Level 68
HP 215, RP 325, FX 120 sec. Max HP +55, Earth Resistance +50
Ingredients: Potato, Milk, Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter

Seafood Doria

Seafood Doria: 1230G

Skill Level 72
HP 210, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Max HP +85, Knock-back
Ingredients: Shrimp, Milk, Rice, Onion, Flour, Butter

Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart: 940G

Skill Level 76
HP 105, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +35, Element Attack +5
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Orange, Strawberry

Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie: 530G

Skill Level 80
HP 35, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Cherry, Flour, Butter

Gratin de Mer

Gratin de Mer: 1145G

Skill Level 84
HP 165, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Magic +35
Ingredients: Squid, Milk, Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter

Chestnut Pie

Chestnut Pie: 520G

Skill Level 88
HP 35, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Chestnut, Flour, Butter

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc: 810G

Skill Level 92
HP 95, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +25, Earth Attack +15
Ingredients: Milk, Flour, Butter, Chestnut, Egg

Seafood Pizza

Seafood Pizza: 1245G

Skill Level 95
HP 115, RP 350, FX 120 sec. Knock-back, Stun Defence
Ingredients: Squid, Shrimp, Cheese, Flour, Ketchup

Gratin de Sol

Gratin de Sol: 1240G

Skill Level 98
HP 175, RP 325, FX 120 sec. Max HP +50, Poison Attack 100%
Ingredients: Mushroom, Milk, Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter

Blender/Mixer Dishes

Orange Juice

Orange Juice: 180G

Skill Level 3
HP 0, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +25, Defence +20
Ingredients: Orange

Tomato Juice

Tomato Juice: 290G

Skill Level 6
HP 0, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +20, Defence +30
Ingredients: Tomato


Butter: 140G
Skill Level 9
HP 5, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Milk

Apple Juice

Apple Juice: 180G

Skill Level 12
HP 0, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +15, Defence +35
Ingredients: Apple

Tropic Punch

Tropic Punch: 430G

Skill Level 15
HP 0, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +35, Defence +20
Ingredients: Pineapple


Mayonnaise: 280G
Skill level 18
HP 6, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Egg, Cooking Oil

Cherry Juice

Cherry Juice: 180G

Skill Level 21
HP 0, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +30, Defence +10
Ingredients: Cherry

Berry Milk

Berry Milk: 260G

Skill Level 24

HP 10, RP 75, FX 90 sec. Attack +30, Defence +15
Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk


Ketchup: 710G
Skill Level 27
HP 6, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion

Yogurt Drink

Yogurt Drink: 420G

Skill Level 34
HP 25, RP 100, FX 90 sec. Attack +30, Defence +10
Ingredients; Yogurt, Milk, Honey

Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice: 1010G

Skill Level 41
HP 0, RP 150, FX 90 sec. Attack +55, Defence +25
Ingredients: Pineapple,Tomato, Apple, Orange

Cream Soda

Cream Soda: 500G

Skill Level 48
HP 0, RP 100, FX 90 sec. Attack +40, Stun Attack 50%
Ingredients: Ice Cream, Green Grass, Cherry

Grass Juice

Grass Juice: 210G

Skill Level 55
HP 0, RP 0, FX 90 sec. Status Attack, Status Defence
Ingredients: Green Grass, Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass,
Orange Grass

Fruit Ole

Fruit Ole: 1160G

Skill Level 62
HP 10, RP 150, FX 90 sec. Attack +55, Defence +25
Ingredients: Pineapple, Tomato, Apple, Orange, Milk

Vegetable Juice

Vegetable Juice: 2940G

Skill Level 69
HP 0, RP 225, FX 90 sec. Attack +40, Defence +90
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Bell Pepper, Pumpkin, Spinach

Vegetable Ole

Vegetable Ole: 3140G

Skill level 76
HP 10, RP 225, FX 90 sec. Attack +40, Defence +90
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Milk

Mixed Juice

Mixed Juice: 4050G

Skill Level 83
HP 0, RP 300, FX 90 sec. Attack +55, Defence +90
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice

Mixed Ole

Mixed Ole: 4180G

Skill Level 90
HP 10, RP 300, FX 90 sec. Attack +55, Defence +90
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, Milk

Steamer Dishes

Steamed Bread

Steamed Bread: 310G

Skill Level 5
HP 50, RP 125, FX 120 sec. Max HP +40, Wind Resistance +15
Ingredients: Flour, Cooking Oil

Steamed Tater

Steamed Tater: 170G

Skill Level 9
HP 10, RP 100, FX 120 sec. Earth Attack +10, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Yam


Pudding: 260G
Skill Level 13
HP 20, RP 125, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Egg, Milk


Mochi: 310G
Skill Level 17
HP 60, RP 125, FX 180 sec. Max HP +50, Wind Resistance +10

Chinese Bun

Chinese Bun: 850G

Skill Level 21
HP 65, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Wind Attack +20, Paralysis Attack 100%
Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot


Dumpling: 1450G
Skill Level 25
HP 145, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Wind Attack +20, Wind Resistance +40

Egg Custard

Egg Custard: 680G

Skill Level 29
HP 45, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Knock-back, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Egg, Shrimp, Spinach, Mushroom

Cheesy Bread

Cheesy Bread: 450G

Skill Level 33
HP 10, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Wind Resistance +15, Stun Defence
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Cooking Oil

Milk Pudding

Milk Pudding: 400G

Skill Level 43
HP 30, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +30, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Egg, Milk x 2

Steamed Gyoza

Steamed Gyoza: 1650G

Skill Level 51
HP 170, RP 300, FX 120 sec. Wind Attack +15, HP Absorption
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Cooking Oil, Garlic

Steam Turnip

Steam Turnip: 1140G

Skill Level 59
HP 105, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Magic +40, Wind Resistance +15
Ingredients: Turnip x 3, Snapper

Pumpkin Cream

Pumpkin Cream: 1060G

Skill Level 67
HP 100, RP 225, FX 120 sec. Attack +35, Earth Resistance +30
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Pumpkin

Steam Turnip

Steam Turnip: 1140G

Skill Level 69
HP 105, RP 275, FX 120 sec. Magic +40, Wind Resistance +15
Ingredients: Golden Turnip, Snapper

Sweet Rice

Sweet Rice: 510G
Skill Level 75
HP 80, RP 175, FX 180 sec. Max HP +55, Earth Attack +10
Ingredients: Chestnut, Mushroom, Rice

Chestnut Bun

Chestnut Bun: 500G

Skill Level 83
HP 45, RP 200, FX 120 sec. Attack +20, Earth Attack +15
Ingredients: Chestnut, Flour, Egg

Curry Bun

Curry Bun: 370G

Skill Level 91
HP 10, RP 150, FX 120 sec. Wind Attack +10, Status Attack
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour

Choco Pudding

Choco Pudding: 480G

Skill Level 99
HP 20, RP 175, FX 120 sec. Attack +35, Fatigue Defence
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Chocolate

Medicines and Farm Aids

Whether purchased at the Clinic or made in your own Laboratory, Medicines and
Farm Aids can be shipped:

Farm Aids


Neutraliser: 40G
Skill Level 1
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Orange Grass

Formula A

Formula A: 40G
Skill Level 25
Ingredients: Green Grass x 2

Formula B

Formula B: 130G
Skill Level 65
Ingredients: Formula A, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass,
Orange Grass

Formula C

Formula C: 480G

Skill Level 75
Ingredients: Formula B, Black Grass, White Grass, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom


Greenifier: 1840G
Skill Level 99
Ingredients: Formula C, Earth Crystal, Water Crystal, Fish Fossil, Fairy
Dust, Demon Blood



Para-gone: 40G
Skill Level 5
HP 10, RP 0, FX Paralysis Recovery
Ingredients: Blue Grass, Purple Grass

Antidote Herb

Antidote Herb: 70G

Skill Level 10
HP 15, RP 0, FX Poison Recovery
Ingredients: Neutraliser, Medicinal Herb

Energy Drink

Energy Drink: 130G

Skill Level 15
HP 35, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Antidote Herb, Para-gone

Cold Medicine: 40G

Cold Medicine: 40G

Skill Level 20
HP 10, RP 0, FX Cold Recovery
Ingredients: Red Grass x 2

E. Drink S

E Drink S.: 280G

Skill Level 30
HP 105, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Energy Drink x 2


Formuade: 310G
Skill Level 35
HP 80, RP 0, FX Status Recovery
Ingredients: Antidote Herb, Para-gone, Cold Medicine, Energy Drink

Sleepy Grass

Sleepy Grass: 320G
HP 90, RP 0, FX Fatigue Recovery, Cold Recovery
Ingredients: Black Grass, Mushroom, Magic Powder, Milk

Fire Element

Fire Element: 1000G

Skill Level 45
HP 0, RP 0, FX Fire Affinity +1
Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Ruby, Demon Blood

Water Element

Water Element: 1000G

Skill Level 50
HP 0, RP 0, FX Water Affinity +1
Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Aquamarine, Fish Fossil

Wind Element

Wind Element: 1000G

Skill Level 55
HP 0, RP 0, FX Wind Affinity +1
Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Emerald, Fairy Dust

Earth Element

Earth Element: 1000G

Skill Level 60
HP 0, RP, 0, FX Earth Affinity +1
Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Amethyst, Turtle Shell

E. Drink X

E Drink X: 590G
Skill Level 70
HP 300, RP 0, FX 0
Ingredients: E. Drink S. x 2, White Grass

Dex. Bottle

Dex Bottle: 1000G

Skill Level 80
HP 0, RP 0, FX Agility +1
Ingredients: Little Crystal, Black Grass, Fireflower, Glitter Snapper,
Cherry, Tea Leaves

Vit. Gummy

Vit. Gummy: 1000G

Skill Level 85
HP 0, RP 0, FX Stamina +1
Ingredients; Little Crystal, Black Grass, Green Crystal, Milk, Root, Garlic

Int. Vitamins

Int. Vitamins: 1000G
Skill Level 90
HP 0, RP 0, FX Intelligence +1
Ingredients: Little Crystal, Black Grass, Blue Crystal, Tuna, Magic Crystal,


Protein: 1000G
Skill Level 95
HP 0, RP 0, FX Vitality +1
Ingredients: Little Crystal, Black Grass, Red Crystal, Sunsquid, Demon
Blood, Spinach


You will obtain a single set of Tools in Rune Factory Frontier. These can be upgraded at the
Forge but you will not be able to obtain another set of any of the Farm Tools. Farm Tools therefore cannot
be shipped. Any Weapon that you purchase or forge can be shipped, however. In the following section,
you will find a list of all items made at the Forge that CAN be shipped. Recipes for Tools will be found
only in my Rune Factory Frontier Recipe Cookbook Guide.

One-Handed Blades


Broadsword: 100G
Skill Level 1
ATK 5, REQ SKL 3, SP ATK 0, RP Use 6
Ingredients: Iron, Knife Piece


Scimitar: 180G
Skill Level 10
ATK 9, REQ SKL 10, SP ATK 1, RP use 6
Ingredients: Broadsword, Copper


Gladius: 270G
Skill Level 18
ATK 23, REQ SKL 18, SP ATK 1, RP Use 6, FX Seal Defence
At Level 7: 594G
ATK 23, SP ATK 1, RP Use 4, FX Seal Defence
Note that ATK does not change but that RP Use decreases with Level increase.


Windsword: 620G
Skill Level 20
ATK 13, REQ SKL 20, SP ATK 1, RP Use 6; FX Wind Attack +5, Wind Resistance
Ingredients: Broadsword, Wind Crystal


Aquasword: 620G
Skill level 22
ATK 17, REQ SKL 22, SP ATK 1, RP Use 6, FX Water Attack +5, Water Resistance
Ingredients: Broadsword, Water Crystal


Cutlass: 360G
Skill Level 25
ATK 29, REQ SKL 25, SP ATK 1, RPUse 6, Water Resistance +5
Ingredients: Scimitar, Silver, Solid Point

Luck Blade

Luck Blade: 710G

Skill Level 35
ATK 35, REQ SKL 35, SP ATK 2, RP Use 6, FX Poison Defence, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Scimitar, Silver, Ruby, Amethyst


Sakura: 890G
Skill Level 38
ATK 41, REQ SKL 38, SP ATK 2, RP Use 8, FX HP Absorbion, Poison Attack 50%


Defender: 660G
Skill Level 45
ATK 47, REQ SKL 45, SP ATK 2, RP Use 6, FX Defence +20
Ingredients: Gladius, Gold, Turtle Shell, Insect Hide, Glue


Durandel: 730G
Skill Level 48
ATK 55, REQ SKL 48, SP ATK 2, RP Use 6
Ingredients: Cutlass, Gold, Glittering Edge, Knife Piece, Warrior Medal

Aerial Blade

Aerial Blade: 1570G

Skill Level 52
ATK 63, REQ SKL 52, SP ATK 3, RP Use 12, FX Wind Attack +10, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Windsword, Gold, Wind Crystal, Bird Feather, Emerald

Aerial Blade

Aerial Blade: 1570G

Skill Level 52
ATK 63, REQ SKL 52, SP ATK 3, RP Use 12, FX Wind Attack +10, Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Windsword, Gold, Giant Cockscomb

Note that this is the second of two separate Recipes for the Aerial Blade.
The first used ordinary items. This Recipe, on the other hand, requires an
item that can be obtained only by defeating a 'Boss Enemy' in the form of the
Giant Clucky of the Green Ruins.


Skill Level 54
ATK 71, REQ SKL 54, SP ATK 3, RP Use 15, FX Water Attack +10, Paralysis
Attack 100%
Ingredients: Aquasword, Gold, Water Crystal, Teardrop, Aquamarine


Souleater: 1700G
Skill Level 70
ATK 89, REQ SKL 70, SP ATK 3, RPUse 41, FX HP Absorption
Ingredients: Sakura, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Fang, MAgica Crystal,
Fairy Dust


Dragonslayer: 1870G
Skill Level 75
ATK 99, REQ SKL 75
Ingredients: Defender, Durandel, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Fang, Wet

Smash Blade

Smash Blade: 2400G

Skill Level 80
ATK 109, REQ SKL 80, SP ATK 4, RP Use 54, FX Poison Defence, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Luck Blade, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Talon, Glittering
Edge, Little Crystal

Rune Blade

Rune Blade: 3210G

Skill Level 95
ATK 121, REQ SKL 95, SP ATK 4, RP Use 81, FX Rune Power
Ingredients: Dragonslayer, Little Crystal, Water Rune Stone, Rock Rune
Stone, Tree Rune Stone, Grass Rune Stone

Two-Handed Blades

Gift Sword

There is one two-handed blade that is not included in your Forge Cookbooks.
This is Tyrfing, a gift from Ganesha.


Tyrfing: 1600G

Type: 2-sword
ATK 99, REQ SKL 65, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX Seal Attack 100%, Element Defence

Two-Handed Sword

Two-Handed Sword: 160G

Skill Level 5
ATK 7, REQ SKL 5, SP ATK 0, RPUse 7
Ingredients: Broadsword, Iron

Great Sword

Great Sword: 240G

Skill Level 9
2-sword, ATK 11, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Fatigue Attack 20%
Ingredients: Two-Handed Sword, Copper


Katana: 160G
Skill Level 16
2-sword, ATK 15, SP ATK 0, RP Use 9, FX Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Iron, Cheap Cloth, Insect Jaw

Earth Shade

Earth Shade: 690G

Skill Level 19
2-sword, ATK 19, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Earth Attack +5, Earth Resistance +10
Ingredients: Two-Handed Sword, Earth Crystal

Flame Sabre

Flame Sabre: 690G

Skill Level 20
2-sword, ATK 26, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Fire Attack +5, Fire Resistance +10
Ingredients: Two-handed Sword, Fire Crystal

Dancing Dicer: 290G

Skill Level 21
2-sword, ATK 33, SP ATK 1, RP Use 9, FX Paralysis Defence, Seal Attack 30%
Ingredients: Katana, Copper, Knife Piece


Claymore: 420G
Skill Level 35
2-sword, ATK 40, SP ATK 2, RP Use 7, Fatigue Attack 20%
Ingredients: Great Sword, Silver, Sharp Fang


Flamberge: 950G
Skill Level 40

2-sword, ATK 46, SP ATK 2, RP Use 7, FX Fire Resistance +5
Ingredients: Great Sword, Silver, Fire Crystal, Glittering Edge

Eye Blade

Eye Blade: 670G

Skill Level 45
2-sword, ATK 53, SP ATK 2, RP Use 9, FX Paralysis Defence, Paralysis Attack
Ingredients: Dancing Dicer, Silver, Fair Hide, Sapphire

Grand Smasher

Grand Smasher; 1740G

Skill Level 55
2-sword, ATK 62, SP ATK 3, RP Use 16, FX: Earth Attack +10, Paralysis Attack
Ingredients: Earth Shade, Gold, Earth Crystal, Diamond, Root

Shine Blade

Shine Blade: 1740G

Skill Level 61
2-sword, ATK 70, SP ATK 3, RP Use 25, FX Fire Attack +10, Fatigue Attack 100%
Ingredients: Flame Sabre, Gold, Fire Crystal, Ruby, Magic Talon

Shine Blade

Shine Blade: 1740G

Skill Level 61
2-sword, ATK 70, SP ATK 3, RP Use 25, FX Fire Attack +10, Fatigue Attack 100%
Ingredients: Flame Sabre, Gold, Red Core
N.B. Here you see a second Recipe for the Shine Blade. This one uses one of
the War Trophies obtained from the Boss Monster of the Lava Ruins.

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse: 1290G

Skill Level 62
2-sword, ATK 79, SP ATK 3, RP Use 29, FX Paralysis Defence, Stun Attack 15%
Ingredients: Eye Blade, Gold, Sharp Fang, Magic Talon, Moondrop

Force Element

Force Element: 7500G

Skill Level 72
2-sword, ATK 88, SP ATK 4, RP Use 42, FX Element Attack +5, Element Defence
Ingredients: Shine Blade, Grand Smasher, Icifier, Aerial Blade, Platinum,
Little Crystal

Steel Sushir

Steel Sushir: 5820G

Skill Level 80
2-sword, ATK 121, SP ATK 4, RP Use 55, FX Paralysis Defence, Stun Defence

Ingredients: Lunar Eclipse, Platinum, Little Crystal, Thick Stick,
Glittering Edge, Ironleaf

Heaven's Tear

Heaven's Tear: 3860G

Skill Level 90
2-sword, ATK 110, SP ATK 4, RP Use 69, FX Wind Attack +10, Water Resistance
Ingredients: Lunar Eclipse, Claymore, Platinum, Pink Cat, Charm Blue, Little


Spears represent a good choice for a player whose experience levels and defence
points are low as they are one of the few types of weapons that offer Defence
points. A spear effectively keeps an opponent at 'arm's length'. At the
same time, it is not as versatile in attack as a sword, as its attack is
limited to a single direction.


Spear: 100G
Skill Level 7
Spear, ATK 13, SP ATK 0, RP Use 7 FX 0
Ingredients: Iron, Thin Stick

Pitch Fork

Pitch Fork: 160G

Skill Level 12
Spear, ATK 16, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Defence +6
Ingredients: Spear, Sharp Talon


Lance: 180G
Skill Level 16
Spear, ATK 18, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Spear, Copper

Poison Spear

Poison Spear: 240G

Skill Level 21
Spear, ATK 22, SP ATK 1, RP Use 7, FX Poison Attack
Ingredients: Spear, Copper, Toxin


Halberd: 340G
Skill Level 28
Spear, ATK 29, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX Defence +6
Ingredients: Pitch Fork, Silver, Sharp Fang

Heavy Lance

Heavy Lance: 420G

Skill Level 31
Spear, ATK 36, SP ATK 1, RPUse 7, FX Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Lance, Silver, Copper, Hard Horn


Trident: 830G
Skill Level 33
Spear, ATK 43, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX Water Attack +5, Water Resistance +10
Ingredients: Pitch Fork, Silver, Water Crystal, Sharp Talon

Feather Lance

Feather Lance: 860G

Skill Level 35
Spear, ATK 49, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX Wind Attack +5, Wind Resistance +10
Ingredients: Lance, Silver, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal


Corsesca: 750G
Skill Level 38
Spear, ATK 56, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX Defence +6
Ingredients: Halberd, Gold, Insect Jaw, Glittering Edge x 2


Belvarose: 940G
Skill Level 49
Spear, ATK 64, SP ATK 2, RPUse 7, FX 0
Ingredients: Heavy Lance, Gold, Sharp Fang, Solid Point, Demon Blood


Bjor: 550G
Skill Level 53
Spear, ATK 73, SP ATK 3, RPUse 11, FX Poison Attack 100%, Paralysis Attack
Ingredients: Poison Spear, Gold, Toxin, Insect Jaw, Demon Blood

Monk Staff

Monk Staff: 720G

Skill Level 57
Spear, ATK 82, SP ATK 3, RPUse 17, FX Defence +6, Knock-back
Ingredients: Pitch Fork, Gold, Thick Stick, Thin Stick, Magic Crystal

Drill Lance

Drill Lance: 1060G

Skill Level 63
Spear, ATK 91, SP ATK 3, RPUse 26, FX Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Heavy Lance, Gold, Hard Horn, Sharp Talon, Diamond, Solid Point

Gae Bolg

Gae Bolg: 2050G

Skill Level 85
Spear, ATK 137, SP ATK 4, RPUse 59, FX Water Resistance +10, Seal Attack 30%
Ingredients: Trident, Platinum x 2, Solid Point, Fish Fossil, Little Crystal

Gae Bolg

Gae Bolg: 2050G

Skill Level 85
Spear, ATK 137, SP ATK 4, RPUse 59, FX Water Resistance +10, Seal Attack 30%
Ingredients: Trident, Platinum x 2, Solid Point, Bright Tentacle, Ice Snake


Brionac: 2130G
Spear, ATK 113, SP ATK 4, RPUse 64, FX Stun Attack 15%
Ingredients: Drill Lance, Platinum, Fairy Dust, Hard Horn, Solid Point,
Little Crystal


Gungnir: 2620G
Skill Level 94
Spear, ATK 124, SP ATK 4, RPUse 80, FX Wind Attack +5, Guts
Ingredients: Corsesca, Feather Lance, Platinum, Thick Stick, Root, Little


The following include all Hammers that are Weapons and therefore can be

Battle Hammer

Battle Hammer: 100G

Skill Level 8
Hammer, ATK 17, SP ATK 0, RP Use 13, FX Stun Attack
Ingredients: Iron x 2

War Hammer

War Hammer: 180G

Skill Level 14
Hammer, ATK 26, SP ATK 1, RP Use 13, FX Stun Attack 24%, Fatigue Attack 30%
Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Copper


Schnabel: 240G
Skill Level 20
Hammer, ATK 41, SP ATK 1, RP Use 13, FX Stun Attack 24%, Poison Attack 100%
Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Copper, Toxin

Ice Hammer

Ice Hammer: 620G

Skill Level 26
Hammer, ATK 56, SP ATK 1, RPUse 13, FX Stun Attack +24%, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Water Crystal
N.B. This is an Elemental Hammer with Water Attack Power, useful against
Enemies who are strong to Fire and Weak to Ice/Water, such as the Monsters in
the Lava Ruins

Great Hammer

Great Hammer: 360G

Skill Level 38
Hammer, ATK 71, SP ATK 2, RPUse 13, FX Stun Attack 28%, Fatigue Attack 30%
Ingredients: War Hammer, Silver, Warrior Medal

Spike Hammer

Spike Hammer: 510G

Skill Level 47
Hammer, ATK 86, SP ATK 2, RPUse 16, FX Stun Attack 10%
Ingredients: War Hammer, Silver, Magic Talon, Hard Horn

Sky Hammer

Sky Hammer: 920G

Skill Level 56
Hammer, ATK 106, SP ATK 2, RPUse 29, FX Stun Attack 28%, Wind Attack +10
Ingredients: Schnabel, Silver, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal

Grave Hammer

Grave Hammer: 1240G

Skill Level 62
Hammer, ATK 126, SP ATK 3, RPUse 38, FX Stun Attack +32%, Paralysis Attack
Ingredients: Great Hammer, Gold, Earth Crystal, Fairy Dust, Thick Stick

Flood Hammer

Flood Hammer: 1520G

Skill Level 72
Hammer, ATK 146, SP ATK 3, RPUse 53, FX Stun Attack 28%, Water Resistance +15
Ingredients: Ice Hammer, Gold, Water Crystal, Fair Hide, Wet Scale

Flood Hammer

Flood Hammer: 1520G

Skill Level 72
Hammer, ATK 146, SP ATK 3, RPUse 53, FX Stun Attack 28%, Water Resistance +15
Ingredients: Ice Hammer, Gold, Bright Tentacle

Giant Hammer

Giant Hammer: 1660G
Skill Level 82
Hammer, ATK 172, SP ATK 4, RPUse 68, FX Stun Attack 32%, Fatigue Attack 40%
Ingredients: Great Hammer, Platinum x 2, Quality Fur, Thick Stick, Little


Myurnil: 2950G
Skill Level 99
Hammer, ATK 198, SP ATK 4, RPUse 94, FX Stun Attack 36%, Guts
Ingredients: Grave Hammer, Platinum, Earth Crystal, Magic Crystal, Turtle
Shell, Little Crystal


Skill Level 99
Hammer, ATK 198, SP ATK 4, RPUse 94, FX Stun Attack 36%, Guts
Ingredients: Grave Hammer, Little Crystal, Ice Snake Tongue


The following list includes only those Axes that are Weapons and therefore can
be shipped.

Battle Axe

Battle Axe: 100G

Skill Level 9
Axe, ATK 19, SP ATK 0, RPUse 13, FX 0
Ingredients: Iron, Sharp Talon

Great Axe

Great Axe: 180G

Skill Level 15
ATK 29, SP ATK 1, RP Use 13, FX Paralysis Attack 30%
Ingredients: Battle Axe, Copper

Heat Axe

Heat Axe: 620G

Skill Level 21
Axe, ATK 46, SP ATK 1, RPUse 13, FX Fire Attack +5, Fire Resistance +5
Ingredients: Battle Axe, Fire Crystal


Tomahawk: 680G
Skill Level 27
Axe, ATK 63, SP ATK 1, RPUse 13, FX Wind Attack +5, Wind Resistance +5
Ingredients: Battle Axe, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal


Tomahawk: 680G

Skill Level 27
Axe, ATK 63, SP ATK 1, RPUse 13, FX Wind Attack +5, Wind Resistance +5
Ingredients: Battle Axe, Giant Cockscomb
N.B. In a case where there are two separate Recipes for the same Weapon, one
usually uses a War Trophy obtained solely from a Boss Monster. In this case,
it is the Giant Clucky of the Green Ruins who drops the 'Giant Cockscomb.'


Alldale: 320G
Skill Level 37
Axe, ATK 80, SP ATK 2, RPUse 13, FX Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Battle Axe, Silver, Warrior Medal, Knife Piece

Crescent Axe

Crescent Axe: 630G

Skill Level 46
Axe, ATK 97, SP ATK 2, RPUse 13, FX Paralysis Attack 30%, HP Absorption
Ingredients: Great Axe, Silver, Glittering Edge, Moondrop

Flame Axe

Flame Axe: 1450G

Skill Level 55
Axe, ATK 120, SP ATK 2, RPUse 16, FX Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Heat Axe, Silver, Fire Crystal, Ruby

Flame Axe

Flame Axe: 1450G

Skill Level 55
Axe, ATK 120, SP ATK 2, RPUse 16, FX Fire Attack +10
Ingredients: Heat Axe, Red Core

Demon's Axe

Demon's Axe: 840G

Skill Level 60
Axe, ATK 166, SP ATK 3, RP Use 23, FX Seal Attack 100%, Poison Attack 100%
Ingredients: Alldale, Gold, Demon Blood, Magic Talon, Toxin

Heat Hawk

Heat Hawk: 1730G

Skill Level 70
Axe, ATK 143, SP ATK 3, RPUse 38, Fire Attack +5, Wind Resistance +5
Ingredients: Tomahawk, Heat Axe, Gold, Magic Talon, Glittering Edge

Double Edge

Double Edge: 2430G

Skill Level 80
Axe, ATK 196, SP ATK 4, RPUse 53, FX Paralysis Attack
Ingredients: Crescent Axe x 2, Platinum, Magic Talon, Fair Hide, Little


Executioner: 1990G
Skill Level 91
Axe, ATK 226, SP ATK 4, RPUse 70, FX Seal Attack 100%
Ingredients: Demon's Axe, Platinum, Magic Talon, Glittering Edge, Sharp
Fang, Little Crystal

Magic Rods

Fire Rod

Fire Rod: 560G

Skill Level 2
Stick, ATK 14, SP ATK 1, RPUse 14, FX Magic +65, Fire Attack +9
Ingredients: Fire Crystal, Iron
N.B. This is the first item Kanno will give to you.

Earth Wand

Earth Wand: 560G

Skill Level 6
Stick, ATK 30, SP ATK 1, RP Use 14, Magic +55, Earth Attack +7
Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Thin Stick

Storm Rod

Storm Rod: 560G

Skill Level 10
Stick, ATK 24, SP ATK 1, RP Use 14, FX Magic +40, Wind Attack +11
Ingredients: Wind Crystal, Iron

Water Rod

Water Rod: 620G

Skill Level 15
Stick, ATK 45, SP ATK 1, RPUse 20, FX Magic +60, Water Attack +10
Ingredients: Water Crystal, Iron, Teardrop

Hell Branch

Hell Branch: 820G

Stick, ATK 60, SP ATK 1, RPUse 35, FX Magic +30, Fire Attack +13
Ingredients: Fire Crystal, Magic Powder, Ruby, Thin Stick
N.B. This is the second item Kanno will give to you.

Gaea Rod

Gaea Rod: 670G

Skill Level 27
Stick, ATK 70, SP ATK 1, RPUse 50, FX Magic +40, Earth Attack +14
Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Magic Powder, Root, Thin Stick

Wind Rod

Wind Rod: 840G
Skill Level 33
Stick, ATK 80, SP ATK 1, RPUse 65, FX 0
Ingredients; Wind Crystal, Magic Powder, Copper, Emerald

Bubble Staff

Bubble Staff: 1220G

Skill Level 45
Stick, ATK 110, SP ATK 1, RP Use 80, FX Magic +30, Water Attack +21
Ingredients: Water Crystal, Magic Crystal, Silver, Aquamarine, Thin Stick,
Fish Fossil

Meteor Cane

Meteor Cane: 1230G

Skill Level 55
Stick, ATK 120, SP ATK 1, RPUse 95, FX Magic +10, Earth Attack +20
Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Magic Crystal, Gold, Amethyst, Thick Stick, Root

Crimson Stick

Crimson Stick: 1220G

Skill Level 65, ATK 130, SP ATK 1, RP Use 110, FX Magic +5, Fire Attack +17
Ingredients: Fire Crystal, Magic Crystal, Gold, Ruby, Quality Cloth, Thin

Cyclone Rod

Cyclone Rod: 1270G

Skill Level 75
Stick, ATK 140, SP ATK 1, RPUse 139, FX Magic +5, Wind Attack +18
Ingredients: Wind Crystal, Magic Crystal, Gold, Emerald, Bird Feather,
Quality Cloth

Equipment and Accessories

All Equipment/Accessories can be shipped and have their own section in the Farm
Menu Profits page.

Head Equipment

Earring: 110G
Skill Level 4
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 6, MAG 10, FX Element Attack +5
Ingredients: Iron, Sharp Fang
Straw Hat: 200G
Skill Level 8
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 10, MAG 10, FX Max HP +10
Ingredients: Glue, Flour
Hand-Knit Hat: 250G
Skill Level 12
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 20, MAG 25
Ingredients: Yarn Ball, Wool
Pumpkin Head: 810G

Skill Level 20
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 25, MAG 35
Ingedients: Pumpkin, Insect Hide
Mask: 610G
Skill Level 25
ATK 0, DEF 30, MAG 30, FX Cold Resistance
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Wind Crystal, Cold Medicine
Katusha: 210G
Skill Level 30
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 24, MAG 30
Ingredients: Insect Jaw, Insect Hide, Cheap Cloth, Magic Powder
Feathered Hat: 670G
Skill Level 35
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 30, MAG 35
Ingredients: Bird Feather, Wind Crystal, Quality Cloth
Feathered Hat: 670G
Skill Level 35
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 30, MAG 35
Ingredients: Bird Feather, Giant Cockscomb
Cat Ears: 590G
Skill Level 40
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 40, MAG 50
Ingredients: Katusha, Monster Hide, Sharp Talon, Emerald, Magic Powder
Silver Hairpin: 570G
Skill Level 45
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 35, MAG 50
Ingredients: Silver, Turtle Shell, Magic Crystal, Fish Fossil
Turnip Head: 750G
Skill Level 50
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 30, MAG 75
Ingredients: Turnip, Fair Hide, Magic Crystal, Fairy Dust
Stylish Hat: 1890G
Skill Level 55
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 55, MAG 60
Ingredients: Feathered Hat, Toy Herb, Fair Hide, Quality Cloth
Fluffy Hat: 1680G
Skill Level 60
Head EQ; ATK 0, DEF 105, MAG 75
Ingredients: Hand-knit Hat, Quality Fur, Toy Herb, Yarn Ball, Wool, Hard
Rabbit Ears: 910G
Skill Level 65
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 80, MAG 95
Ingredients: Katusha, Quality Fur, Sharp Fang, Ruby, Magic Crystal
Headdress: 1580G
Skill Level 70
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 85, MAG 80, FX Element Attack +10, Element Defence +10
Ingredients: Katusha, Quality Cloth, Charm Blue, Moondrop, Yarn Ball, Magic
Gold Hairpin: 4140G
Skill Level 75
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 85, MAG 90, FX Element Defence +10
Ingredients: Gold, Turtle Shell, Ironleaf, Magic Crystal, Fish Fossil
Elephant Mask: 6950G
Skill Level 80
Head EQ, ATK 15, DEF 100, MAG 95

Ingredients: Four-leaf Clover, Quality Fur, Sharp Fang, Sapphire
Tiara: 17170G
Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 95, MAG 120, FX Status Defence
Ingredients: Platinum, Emery Flower, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire
Whale Hat: 13560G
Skill Level 95
Head EQ, ATK 15, DEF 110, MAG 105, FX Max HP +15
Ingredients: Stylish Hat, Platinum, Wet Scale, Aquamarine, Lamp Grass,
Quality Fur
Whale Hat: 13560G
Skill Level 95
Head EQ, ATK 15, DEF 110, MAG 105, FX Max HP +15
Ingredients: Stylish Hat, Platinum, Lamp Grass, Bright Tentacle

Neck Equipment

Pendant: 110G
Skill Level 5
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 8, MAG 7
Ingredients: Iron, Insect Jaw
Neck Towel: 170G
Skill Level 10
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 10, MAG 5, FX Max HP +15
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Wool
Knit Scarf: 260G
Skill Level 20
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 30, MAG 20
Ingredients: Yarn Ball, Yarn Ball
Heart Pendant: 700G
Skill Level 25
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 25, MAG 30, FX Fire Attack +8, Fire Resistance +8
Ingredients: Pendant, Copper, Fire Crystal
Heart Pendant: 700G
Skill Level 25
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 25, MAG 30, FX Fire Attack +8, Fire Resistance +8
Ingredients: Pendant, Red Core
N.B. You will note that in some cases, there are two separate Recipes for the
same item. One invariably includes an item such as the Red Core that is a
War Trophy obtained by defeating a Boss Enemy in a Dungeon. The other uses
ordinary ingredients. Both Recipes have the same result.
Dew Pendant: 790G
Skill Level 40
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 40, MAG 30, FX Water Attack +8, Water Resistance +15
Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Water Crystal, Teardrop
Storm Pendant: 790G
Skill Level 45
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 40, MAG 30, FX Wind Attack +8, Wind Resistance +15
Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Wind Crystal, Bird Feather
Earth Pendant: 790G
Skill Level 50
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 40, MAG 30, FX Earth Attack +8, Earth Resistance +15
Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Earth Crystal, Root
Critical 7: 7060G
Skill Level 70
Neck EQ, ATK 17, DEF 77, MAG 77
Ingredients: Platinum, Four-leaf Clover, Magic Talon, Hard Horn, Sharp Fang,

Sharp Talon
Critical 7: 7060G
Skill Level 70
Neck EQ, ATK 17, DEF 77, MAG 77
Ingredients: Platinum, Four-leaf Clover, Ice Snake Tongue
Rosario: 11750G
Skill Level 80
Neck EQ, ATK 0, DEF 105, MAG 100, FX Poison Defence, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Platinum, Silver, Lamp Grass, Magic Crystal, Fairy Dust,

Torso Equipment


Wappen: 100G
Skill Level 10
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 4, MAG 4, FX Max HP +10
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Monster Hide

Leather Belt

Leather Belt: 100G

Skill Level 15
Torso EQ, ATK 1, DEF 5, MAG 1, FX Max HP +15
Ingredients: Monster Hide, Iron


Crest: 170G
Skill Level 25
ATK 0, DEF, 26, MAG 24, FX Max HP +15
Ingredients: Iron, Copper, Sharp Talon

Ruby Brooch

Ruby Brooch: 320G

Skill Level 27
Torso EQ, ATK 15, DEF 12, MAG 20, FX Max HP +15, Fire Attack +12
Ingredients: Ruby, Silver

Royal Brooch

Royal Brooch: 320G

Skill Level 29
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 27, MAG 20, FX Max HP +15, Earth Attack +12
Ingredients: Amethyst, Silver

Virid Brooch

Virid Brooch: 320G

Skill Level 31
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 12, MAG 20, FX Max HP +15, Wind Attack +12
Ingredients: Emerald, Silver

Aqua Brooch

Aqua Brooch: 320G

Skill Level 33
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 12, MAG 20, FX Max HP +40, Water Attack +12
Ingredients: Aquamarine, Silver

Azure Brooch

Azure Brooch: 320G

Skill Level 35
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 12, MAG 35, FX Max HP +15, Element Attack +5
Ingredients: Sapphire, Silver

Furry Belt

Furry Belt: 1240G

Skill Level 40
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 60, MAG 30, FX Max HP +20, Fire Resistance -10
Ingredients: Wool, Yarn Ball, Monster Hide, Toy Herb

Wind Cape

Wind Cape: 1050G

Skill Level 54
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Wind Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Wind Crystal, Moondrop

Fire Cape

Fire Cape: 1050G

Skill Level 59
Torso EQ. ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Fire Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Rue, Fire Crystal, Pink Cat

Water Cape

Water Cape: 1570G

Skill Level 64
ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Water Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Water Crystal, Charm

Water Cape

Water Cape: 1570G

Skill Level 64
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Water Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Bright Tentacle

Earth Cape

Earth Cape: 1770G

Skill Level 69
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Earth Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Earth Crystal, Toy


Earth Cape

Earth Cape: 1770G

Skill Level 69
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 75, MAG 55, FX Max HP +25, Earth Resistance +30
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Ice Snake Tongue

Cat's Tail

Cat's Tail: 1220G

Skill Level 70
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 55, MAG 90, FX Max HP +10
An accessory for your posterior. It increases your critical hit rate.
Ingredients: Wool, Yarn Ball, Quality Fur, Magic Crystal, Pink Cat

Glory Brooch

Glory Brooch: 990G

Skill Level 80
Torso EQ, ATK 5, DEF 50, MAG 60, FX Max HP +20, Element Attack +8
Ingredients: Diamond, Gold x 2, Magic Talon, Platinum

Black Robe

Black Robe: 12440G

Skill Level 95
Torso EQ, ATK 0, DEF 105, MAG 85, FX Max HP +40, Element Defence +12
Ingredients: Fire Cape, Water Cape, Earth Cape, Wind Cape, Four-leaf Clover,
Demon Blood


Corsage: 23400G
Skill Level 99
Torso EQ, ATK 10, DEF 95, MAG 100, FX Max HP +30, Status Defence
Ingredients: Emery Flower, Cherry Grass, Charm Blue, Diamond, Magic Talon


Corsage: 23400G
Skill Level 99
Torso EQ, ATK 10, DEF 95, MAG 100, FX Max HP +30, Status Defence
Ingredients: Blue Crystal, Green Crystal, Red Crystal, Moondrop, Diamond,
Magic Talon

Arms Equipment

Cheap Band

Cheap Band: 100G

Skill Level 1
Arms EQ, ATK 1, DEF 6, MAG 6, FX 0

Ingredients: Iron, Insect Hide

Fe Bracelet

Fe Bracelet: 110G
Skill Level 5
Arms EQ, ATK 0, DEF 18, MAG 0, FX 0
Ingredients: Iron, Warrior Medal

Cu Bracelet

Cu Bracelet: 180G
Skill Level 12
Arms EQ, ATK 4, DEF 10, MAG 10, FX 0
Ingredients: Cheap Band, Copper

Silver Ring

Silver Ring: 160G

Skill Level 20
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 20, MAG 30, FX 0
Ingredients: Silver, Insect Hide

Ag Bracelet

Ag Bracelet: 320G
Skill Level 25
Arms EQ, ATK 8, DEF 30, MAG 25, FX 0
Ingredients: Cheap Band, Silver, Silver

Wing Ring

Wing Ring: 750G

Skill Level 30
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Wind Attack +12, Wind Resistance +8
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Wind Crystal, Glue

Wing Ring

Wing Ring: 750G

Skill Level 30
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Wind Attack +12, Wind Resistance +8
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Giant Cockscomb

Water Ring

Water Ring: 750G

Skill Level 34
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Water Attack +12, Water Resistance +8
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Water Crystal, Glue

Fire Ring

Fire Ring: 750G

Skill Level 38
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Fire Attack +12, Fire Resistance +8

Ingredients: Silver Ring, Fire Crystal, Glue

Fire Ring

Fire Ring: 750G

Skill Level 38
Arms EQ, ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Fire Attack +12, Fire Resistance +8
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Red Core

Earth Ring

Earth Ring: 750G

Skill Level 42
ATK 10, DEF 30, MAG 40, FX Earth Attack +12, Earth Resistance +8
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Earth Crystal, Glue

Silence Ring

Silence Ring: 1030G

Skill Level 46
Arms EQ, ATK 15, DEF 40, MAG 45, FX Seal Attack 100%, Seal Defence
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Pink Cat, Insect Jaw

Para Ring

Para Ring: 1230G

Skill Level 50
Arms EQ, ATK 15, DEF 40, MAG 45, FX Paralysis Attack 100%, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Charm Blue, Root

Poison Ring

Poison Ring: 1430G

Skill Level 54
Arms EQ, ATK 15, DEF 40, MAG 45, FX Poison Attack 100%, Poison Defence
Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Toy Herb, Toxin

Gold Ring

Gold Ring: 360G

Skill Level 55
Arms EQ, ATK 20, DEF 50, MAG 55, FX 0
Ingredients: Gold x 2, Insect Hide

Au Bracelet

Au Bracelet: 560G
Skill Level 60
Arms EQ, ATK 15, DEF 60, MAG 50, FX 0
Ingredients; Cheap Band, Gold x 3

Aqua Ring

Aqua Ring: 860G

Skill Level 64
ATK 20, DEF 75, MAG 70, FX Max HP +20

Ingredients: Gold Ring, Aquamarine, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust

Amethyst Ring

Amethyst Ring; 860G

Skill Level 68
ATK 20, DEF 75, MAG 70
Ingredients: Gold Ring, Amethyst, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust


Wristwatch: 590G
Skill Level 70
ATK 25, DEF 80, MAG 60, FX Stun Defence, Paralysis Defence
Ingredients: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Monster Hide, Solid Point

Ruby Ring

Ruby Ring: 860G

Skill Level 72
ATK 40, DEF 75, MAG 70
Ingredients: Gold Ring, Ruby, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust

Emerald Ring

Emerald Ring: 860G

Skill Level 76
ATK 20, DEF 75, MAG 70, FX 0
Ingredients: Gold Ring, Emerald, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust

Sapphire Ring

Sapphire Ring: 860G

Skill Level 80
ATK 20, DEF 75, MAG 70, FX Element Defence +5
Ingredients: Gold Ring, Sapphire, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust

Platinum Ring

Platinum Ring: 810G

Skill Level 85
ATK 30, DEF 80, MAG 75, FX 0
Ingredients: Platinum x 3, Fair Hide

Pt Bracelet

Platinum Bracelet: 970G

Skill Level 90
ATK 25, DEF 90, MAG 70, FX 0
Ingredients: Cheap Band, Platinum x 4

Magic Ring

Magic Ring: 12270G

Skill Level 95
ATK 15, DEF 80, MAG 100, FX Element Attack +5, Element Defence +5

Ingredients: Platinum Ring, Magic Crystal, Fireflower, Fairy Dust, Magic

Diamond Ring

Diamond Ring: 17430G

Skill Level 99
Arms EQ, ATK 30, DEF 100, MAG 80, FX 0
Ingredients: Platinum Ring, Diamond, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust, Emery Flower

Presents: Gifts

Courtship and Family Accessories

Courtship Accessories as well as Toys made at your Crafts Bench can be shipped.

Toy Duck

Toy Duck: 480G

Skill Level 20
Wooden Duck with wheels attached so it can be dragged around by a string.
Ingredients: Giant Cockscomb, Bird Feather, Teardrop

Turnip Lamp

Turnip Lamp: 11360G

Skill Level 30
A lantern made from a turnip. Sounds like a weird combination, but no one
ever points that out.
Ingredients: Turnip, Iron, Glue, Lamp Grass


Ribbon: 310G
Skill Level 35
This is a popular item that people want cute girls to wear.
Ingredients: Silver, Quality Cloth, Fairy Dust

Pumpkin Lamp

Pumpkin Lamp: 11900G

Skill Level 40
Made from digging out the insides of a pumpkin. Not very practical.
Strictly for festivals only.
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Iron, Glue, Lamp Grass


Fan: 840G
Skill Level 45
This is a popular gift for mature girls. Some people dance with it.
Ingredients: Gold, Wind Crystal, Thin Stick, Wool

Toy Can

Toy Can: 1020G
Skill Level 50
Although a toy for children, it can still be used to water crops.
Bright Tentacle, Water Crystal, Insect Hide


Yo-Yo: 670G
Skill Level 60
A toy that uses centrifugal force to go up and down. It goes in and out of
fashion every few decades.
Ingredients: Ice Snake Tongue, Turtle Shell, Cheap Cloth

Toy Sword

Toy Sword: 560G

Skill Level 70
A toy sword with no sharp edges to speak of, but parents still somehow keep
getting cut by it.
Ingredients: Red Core, Thick Stick, Warrior Medal

Teddy Fluff

Teddy Fluff: 3100G

Skill Level 80
A stuffed Wooly doll popular with kids. Even adults can't help but pick it
up and play with it.
Ingredients: Fluffy Hat, Furry Belt, Quality Fur

Cute Bathing Suit

Cute Bathing Suit: 140G (Lv.2: 168G)

Skill Level 20
A swimsuit following the latest trends. Hurry up and give it to the person
you want to see it on!
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth x 2, Teardrop

Amazing Bathing Suit

Amazing Bathing Suit: 360G

Skill Level 99
Uses far less material than the average swimsuit. Now, who to give it to
Ingredients: Quality Cloth, Aquamarine, Teardrop

Wedding Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet: 2780G

Bouquet that will go well with a wedding dress. Be sure to have one on hand
when proposing.
Ingredients: Baleen, Blue Rose, Green Grass, Moondrop, Toy Herb, Pink Cat

Special 'Story' Items and Miscellany

There is a class of item known as 'Miscellany' in Rune Factory Frontier. Miscellany are unique
items with a zero shipping value. They usually are required in order to complete a 'Story' or a special
sequence of Events. Most are connected with an Eligible Girl's 'Story'. Uzuki's Hairpin is unlike most of

the other 'Story' items in that it is an actual Accessory that can be worn for defense rather than a
'Miscellany' item. It does have zero shipping value, however.
The Silver and Gold Rings that belong to Iris Blanche and Noire, on the other hand, cannot be
equipped as Accessories. Your Character no longer will possess either after the final Event in the Public
Square. Most Miscellany Items in fact disappear after their use.
Many of the following items do not belong in the Shipping Guide per se as they cannot be
shipped. They do belong in an Items List, however, and in some cases are essential to completion of the
plot. I therefore have included them in this guide.

Charity Gem (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped)

One of the 5 jewels of the tiara worn by the Queen of the Elves. It represents charity. (red)

Gold Ring (0G, Miscellany)

A golden ring that one Iris gave to the other Iris. Let's get every one to bless it.
NOTE: Do not confuse this Gold Ring with the Accessory that can be created at your Workbench.

Harmony Gem (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped)

One of the 5 jewels of the tiara worn by the Queen of the Elves. It represents Harmony. (blue)

Kindness Gem (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped)

One of the 5 jewels of the tiara worn by the Queen of the Elves. It represents love.

Letter from the Mentor (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped, must be given to Uzuki)
A letter to Uzuki from Uzuki's brother. Don't open it without permission.

Life Gem (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped)

One of the 5 jewels of the tiara worn by the Queen of the Elves. It represents life. (white)

Nature Gem (0G, Miscellany, Cannot be shipped)

One of the 5 jewels of the tiara worn by the Queen of the Elves. It represents nature. (green)

Relic (0G, Miscellany)

War Trophy dropped by the Giant Lava Slime in the Lava Ruins. Used to unlock the Snow Ruins.

Silver Ring (0G, Miscellany)

A silver ring that one Iris gave to the other Iris. Let's get every one to bless it.
Note: Do not confuse this Silver Ring with the Accessory that can be created at your own Workbench.

Stardust (0G, Miscellany)

Sometimes falls from the sky on clear nights and can be found in the square in the morning.
Note: You must gather 7 pieces of Stardust in order to complete Uzuki's Story. You will find them in the
Public Square only on sunny mornings and never on Festival Days for some reason!

Uzuki's Hairpin (0G (Lv. 1), Head EQ, ATK 0, DEF 40, MAG 55, FX Element Defence +15)
The hairpin that uzuki always wears. There seems to [be] a keyhole with the same shape as it.
Note: Obtained from Uzuki in an Event when you speak to her in her room. Use it to open the Locked
Door on the 4th Floor of the Lava Ruins

Complete Recipe Books List

Your Farm Menu has a Recipe page where every Cookbook that you have acquired is displayed.
Two of your Recipe Books are gifts. The initial 'Farm Companion' Cookbook that provides simple Recipes
for upgrading your Farm Tools is a gift from Ganesha. The initial No Tools/No Utensils Recipe Book for
the Kitchen in the form of 'Quick-step Cooking' is a gift from Rita. The final Cookbook is 'Happiness 101',
a Recipe Book for the 'Wedding Bouquet' which is the Rune Factory Frontier equivalent of the Blue Feather

in Harvest Moon. It is a gift from Stella when any Eligible Girl has reached a full 10 Hearts, 10 Friendship.
All other Recipe Books must be purchased from Selphy. The beginner's Recipe Cooks will be available
early in the game. The intermediate and advanced Recipe Books must be unlocked but by the first Autumn
season, you should have all Recipe Books. The list of Cookbooks is as follows:

Cookbooks for the Kitchen:

No Tools/No Utensils Recipe Books:

Quick-step Cooking: A beginner's guide to the culinary arts. It has a lot of dishes that can be made
quickly and easily. (Gift from Rita)
Chef's Road: Recipe book with lots of info on sushi and many other dishes. Mainly for advanced cooks.
Gourmet Cooking: An advanced recipe book for exotic dishes. Most of the recipes are for light meals.

Frying Pan Recipe Books:

Fly! Frying Pan! 1: Beginner's recipe book for dishes that can be made using only a fry pan.
Fly! Frying Pan! 2: Intermediate recipe book for dishes that can be made using only a fry pan.
Fly! Frying Pan 3: Advanced recipe book for dishes that can be made using only a fry pan.

Pot Recipe Books:

It's Hot!: Newbie's guide to hot pot dishes. It even shows you the trick to how much heat you should use.
Cont'd: It's Hot!: Intermediate guide to hot pot dishes. It introduces many more cooking methods and
Final: It's Hot!: Advanced guide to hot pot dishes. This book will make you a hot pot cooking master!

Oven Recipe Books:

Fine Dining: Beginner's guide to baking. A single successful dish can change your outlook on life!
More Fine Dining: Intermediate guide to baking. Your cooking can improve your position in the
Super Fine Dining: Advanced guide to baking. Use your cooking skills for good and change the world for
the better!

Blender/Mixer Recipe Books:

Blender Mastery: Beginner guide on using the mixer. True Blender Mastery: Advanced guide on using the

Steamer Recipe Books:

Skilled Steaming: A beginner's guide to steamed cuisine.
Expert Steaming: An advanced guide to steamed cuisine.

Recipe Books for the Forge

The Recipe Books for the Forge include the beginner's guide for upgrading Tools given by Rita
as well as a beginner's guide for weapons of all types. Advanced Guides then can be purchased that
specialize in each weapon type. An advanced guide for upgrading tools can be purchased as well.

Tool Upgrade Recipe Books:

Farm Companion: A newbie's guide on farming tools. It even tells you what you need to know about farm
Farm Master: Advanced guide on making farming tools. It seems the author was perfectionist when
writing this.

Weapon Upgrade Recipe Books:

Let's Make Weapons! A beginner's guide on how to make 1-handed swords, 2-handed swords, spears, axes
and hammers.

Forge 1-handed Swords: An advanced guide on how to make 1-handed swords.
Make 2-handed Swords: Guide for making 2-handed swords. For the intermediate blacksmith.
Spear Studio: An advanced guide book for making spears. It says it was written by a famous blacksmith on
the cover.
Hammer Lab: An advanced guide book on hammers. It gives you some tips and trips* on (*XSeed typo
and XSeed incomplete description here)
Axe Fan Weekly: A guide that shows you how to make various axes. This is the only* (*XSeed
incomplete description)
Make a Magic Cane: A guide to making staffs. You can make magic staffs, but you can't use magic to
make them. N.B. I believe there may be one final Recipe Book for Swords.

Recipe Books for the Crafts Bench

Jewelry Workshop: A beginner's guide on making head, neck and arm accessories. Time to get trendy.
Head Coordination: An advanced guide on making accessories for the head. Pretty heady stuff
Neck Accentuation: An advanced guide to making neck accessories. Why not just say necklaces?
Stylish Wear: Advanced guide for making accessories that all the cool kids are talking about.
At Your Fingertips: An advanced guide for making accessories for your arms and hands.

Courtship Recipe Books:

Happy Toys:
Beach Style!: A book of swimsuit patterns that boys are too embarrassed to buy at stores.
Happiness 101: Contains the instructions for making the bouquet necessary for any wedding ceremony.

Recipe Books for the Laboratory

Lab Book: A book of medicinal recipes. It's a sizable tome that goes into even the most minute detail.
Ultimate Lab Book: A book of medicinal recipes. It's a difficult book that has a lot of specific medical
Pleasant Sleep: This is book that has the recipe for Sleepy Grass. Just reading it makes you sleepy.


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