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SUB CODE: CS-505(1)

Q1 what are the different forms of inheritance? Give an example of each.
Q2 define polymorphism.
Q3 in what order are the class constructors called when a derived class object is
Q4 explain the difference in developing a payroll system with respect to structured
approach and object-oriented approach?
Q5 expain the different among bidirectional, unidirectional and reflexive association?
Q6 discuss various merits and demerits of object oriented approach.
.Q7 explain the anti-symmetric and transitive properties of aggregation.
Q8 how does object oriented approach differ from the object based approach.
Unit II
Q1 define relationship. Explain the four adornments that apply to an association.
Q2what do you mean by object oriented technology? Explain its various applications.
Q3 what is object Diagram? Describe Attribute, Link and Association.
Q4 differentiate procedural language and object oriented language?
Q5 how do you develop an object oriented system development life cycle?
Q6 draw the OMT data flow diagram of the ATM system.
Q7 draw and explains the state diagram of a telephone call system.
Q8 what are the principle of modelling.
Q9 Draw OMT object model for participants registration system for seminar.

Unit III
Q1 Describe the object oriented system development with use case driven approach.
With neat sketch.
Q2 why reusability is important. How does object oriented software development
promote reusability.
Q3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model.
Q4 what is physical packaging.
Q5 what is the used of design optimization?
Q6 define interaction. What is the significance of context in interaction?

Unit IV
Q1 how can you achieve high quality software.
Q2 compare sequence verses collaboration diagram.
Q3 how will you document event specification.
Q4 write similarity and difference between C++ and java.
Q5 write brief on documentation characterization of object oriented language.
Unit V
Q1 what is object oriented Database?
Q2 what is UML. Discuss importance of UML.
Q3 what are the content, common properties and common uses of use case diagrams.
Q4define class diagrams? Describe icon used for class relationships.
Q5 draw a use case diagram to model the behaviour of a cellular phone.
Q6 draw a deployment diagram for library system.
Q7 draw use case diagram, class diagram and sequence diagram for an inventory

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