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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Chapter I



Education is among the fastest expanding sector that is sensitive to

changes in the economic and social structure of a nation (Embong, 2014). The

employment of innovation and technology are considered fundamental and are

driving elements in education. Learning institutions have progressively adopted e-

educators, institutions, and organizations have been working on tactical plans to

incorporate e-books in education.

Simultaneously, misconceptions and beliefs associated with teaching and

learning online, accessible technological support for online education, the support

and compensation required for high-quality instructors, and the demands of pupils

pose challenges for education vision statements and planning documents.

Misconception starts to loom, every year a different set of new e-learning

technology, for instance, electronic books, simulations, text messaging,

podcasting, wikis, blogs would emerge Rose, D & Meyer, A. (2006).

As a research that may be introducing new terms to its respondents, it is

necessary to look into a non-academic scope. The majority of Filipino book readers

prefer their books in print (Lapena-GMA News, 2012). Seventy percent of the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

eighty percent of Filipinos who read books prefer printed books with original

covers, the Philippine National Book Development Board survey said. Honey C.

de Peralta, VP & Gen. Manager of Flipside Publishing Services, Inc. said that

based on their monthly increase in registration, Filipinos are definitely becoming

more aware of e-Books. But while there seems to be a clamor for it, she admitted

sales are a different matter, especially for trade. "E-Books in the Philippines is very

much in its early days, but we're excited to be in the frontier so we can test things


There are numerous methods to determine the effectiveness, convenience,

and overall preference of e-Books and textbooks. This research utilized mixed

methodology with dominance of quantitative over qualitative methods. This paper

focuses on how the students and teachers are presently perceiving and

responding to this pressing matter in the management of education where both

intellectual and economic considerations are put forward. Therefore, the

researchers applied the survey method and the focused group discussion

afterwards to collect a more detailed and elaborate data.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Theoretical Framework

One of the main questions about the future of print books and e-Books in

an academic context is whether e-Books will replace print books. The idea of

media displacement or replacement, which has been studied by media

researchers for decades, is based on the notion of equivalence. To understand

why people, prefer one medium over another, it is necessary to Investigate their


Everett Rogers, author of the well-known theory of Diffusion of Innovations

(DOI), suggests that users would choose one medium over another based on the

attributes of the new medium namely four factors: relative advantage, complexity,

trialability, and experience (Rogers, 2003). This theory will be applied in the

research through the survey questionnaires; the four factors will be used as the

basis of each question, which corresponds to a perception.

Other researchers like Ingermanson (2011) believe that media adoption

boils down to simple economics. Merely considering economics or the attributes

of the medium is insufficient to fully understand why anyone would pick an e-Book

over a print book. Function can also be considered a contextual variable, as

individuals may use examination is needed to understand the functions of each


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Conceptual Framework

Profile of the Respondents

Year Level
Monthly Preference &
Household Income Suggestions
Available Gadgets

Usage & Perceptions

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

The schematic diagram shows the systematic flow of the study and the

variables that are involved in this study. Specifically, the diagram is illustrated using

two rectangular boxes. The 1st rectangular box encloses the variables that state

the factors of one's preference of a studying media over another.

The resulting preference, in accordance to the stated variables, is

illustrated in the 2nd rectangular box which presents the two forms of studying

materials: eBooks and textbooks. This aspect of the study was determined after

conducting the survey and the FGD. The arrow which connects the first box to the

second box indicates that in the progression of the study, the researchers identified

the perceptions and interpretations it is associated with, according to a synthesized

theory of variables from previous studies. After the distribution of surveys, retrieval,

of the data, the researchers have moved toward forming a conclusion which is

used to formulate recommendations relative to the topic being studied.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the insights of the students and teachers of

Tandag National Science High School toward the use of eBooks and Textbooks in

an academic context.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

This research sought to know the answers of the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Year Level

1.3 Monthly Household Income

1.4 Available Gadgets

2. What are the perceptions of students in using both textbooks and e-Books

in an academic context?

3. Is there a significant difference between the demographic profile of the

respondents towards the perceptions on the use of textbooks and e-Books?

4. What are the interpretations of teachers on the use of e-Books?

Null Hypothesis

The study is guided with the following hypotheses:

Ho1: There is no significance difference between the perceptions toward

eBooks and textbooks from the demographic profile of the students.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Ho2: Textbooks will be the more preferred academic material by students,

in contrast to e-Books.

Ho3. A teacher's interpretation toward academic materials will contradict

with e-Books.

Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the output of this study will be significant and beneficial

to the following:

Administrators. It is anticipated that the findings of this study will give the

administrators new insights on the plausibility of using eBooks as teaching/learning

materials, in contrast to the traditional textbooks. The results of this study will give

them awareness and idea about which particular aspect of learning materials

needs improvement and which part of it is beneficial.

Subject Coordinators/Supervisors. Introducing a different media for the

standard learning process requires a whole-school approach. Appropriate

guidance and support are needed from Subject Coordinators/Supervisors. Hence,

whatever data obtained in this study will be a significant feedback to them.

Awareness on this matter will enable them to initiate appropriate actions relative

to the findings.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Teachers. This research intends to treat teachers as both the participants

and significance of the study. It is anticipated that the notion of using eBooks as

teaching materials will be introduced to the educators. Moreover, the findings of

this study will guide them to become more responsive to the needs of the students.

Eventually, it will give way to the enhancement of the teachers' and display more

importance on factors of what makes a learning material important.

Students. Through this, students are expected to benefit from the findings.

Many advantages await a student when using an eBook as a learning material.

This study intends to determine those, as well as the disadvantages of this


Future researchers. This study would encourage the other researchers to

deepen their knowledge about learning materials and the process of implementing

new media over that process.

Scope and Limitation

This study is primarily guided with the aim to know the perceptions of both students

and teachers when it comes to eBooks and textbooks as learning materials. It is

limited only in Tandag City specifically in Tandag National Science High School as

of school year 2017 - 2018.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally and conceptually defined:

Complexity. The state of being complex, characterized by complicated or involved

arrangement of parts, units, etc.

E-Books. The electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by

using a personal computer or by using an eBook reader. An eBook reader

can be a software application for use on a computer, such as Microsoft's

free Reader application (Rouse, 2005).

Economics. The science that deals with the production, distribution, and

consumption of goods and services.

Experience. The observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as

they occur in the course of time.

Perception. A thought, belief, or opinion, often held by many people and based

on appearances.

Relative Advantage. A products degree of superiority and attractiveness to

users/customers over similar existing products.

Textbooks. Printed and bound artefact for each year or course of study

(Encyclopedia of Education. 2008b). They contain facts and ideas around

a certain subject.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Chapter 2

This chapter presents the literature and studies done prior to this research.

This will provide the background and the current issues related to the research

topic. It will also offer enrichment to the basic concepts being established in this


Related Literatures


As we move further into the Digital Age, the way we look at things is

changing. Similarly, our paradigm of the book needs to shift to encompass todays

variety of book formats, both print and digital. Educators need to recognize the

advantages, options, scaffolds, and supports that these digital forms present

(Cavanaugh, 2010).

This technological revolution is being driven by three factors (Moore, 2002).

The first is Moores law of electronics, indicating that computer systems have been

doubling in capacity and speed every 18 months (with an associated decrease in

cost). The second factor is that the amount of information in the world has been

doubling every four years since before the turn of the last century. The third factor

is the Internet, a system that allow for communication, sharing, and the transfer of


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

One huge advantage of e-Books is their sizeit solves the problem of

backpack-related injuries (Dr. Cancio, 2012). The use of tablets in the K-12

classroom solves the dilemma, as a tablet filled with 3,500 e-Books weighs only

around 1-2 pounds. The same number of physical books would weigh about two

tons - four thousand times heavier than the weight of a tablet. In the continuous

effort of the government to address the problems the education sector faces, it is

aiming to eventually use tablet-based reading materials in place of traditional


The printed world is central to our culture, and many teachers make reading

the primary focus of education. Digital media, including electronic text, surpass the

traditional forms in the ability to meet various student needs (Rose & Meyer, 2006).

While reading may always be a constant in education, what may change is the way

that we teach reading and the tools that we use. Electronic books are among the

newest forms of reading materials that educators can use in their tool kit.

The academic world is experiencing the ongoing evolution of text.

Information was once memorized and disseminated orally, then technology

advanced and information was stored and disseminated in print on paper. Now it

is moving into an age in which information is stored and disseminated through

electronic methods. Students will need to become familiar with these digital tools

as we once had to be with that large wooden catalog at the front of a library

(Postman, 2008).

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


Proponents of tablets say that they are supported by most teachers and

students, are much lighter than print textbooks, and improve standardized test

scores. They say that tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks, and save the

environment by lowering the amount of printing (, 2016). However,

there is much more to tablets than a mere light and nifty electronic book reader

(De Peralta, 2011). Tablets pave the way to a wider and unlimited source of

learning which improve students cognitive capacity and increase their interactivity

and creativity.

Opponents of tablets say that they are expensive, too distracting for

students, easy to break, and costly/time-consuming to fix. They say that tablets

contribute to eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision, increase the excuses

available for students not doing their homework, require costly Wi-Fi networks, and

become quickly outdated as new technologies are released.

In the continuous effort of the government to address the problems the

education sector faces, it is aiming to eventually use tablet-based reading

materials in place of traditional textbooks (Aquino III, 2012). Apparently, the

government recognizes the efficiency of tablets in making learning in the

classroom more engaging. Tablets can also solve the patent lack of books and

resources in the Philippine education system.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

This innovation in education gained support from publishing houses,

organizations, and other firms around the country. Vibal Publishing House, Inc. for

example, has partnered with Microsoft Corporation to run open source applications

for secure, fast and flexible delivery of digital learning tools (Brown, 2013). Vibal

also introduced two low-cost tablet models which will be loaded with interactive

Math and Science application modules as part of the initiatives of the Department

of Science and Technology (DOST) to improve public education in those areas

(Villavicencio, 2012).

Related Studies


Though academic libraries have adopted e-Books widely, many have

encountered both an expressed preference for print among students and faculty

and lack of awareness of e-Book options. A study on e-Books by Wuolu (2012)

found that a quarter of undergraduates at a large urban institution had experience

reading e-Books, though only a small percentage owned dedicated e-reading

devices, which they used primarily for leisure reading. The same population was

largely uninterested in borrowing e-Books from their academic library and was

largely unaware of its extensive e-book collection.

Another study, by Foasberg (2011) expressed that attitudes and

stratifications may not predict actual behavior or preference in learning materials.

A study conducted at a university in Northern Ireland found that library users

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

expressed strong preferences for print; but, in actual practice, they were satisfied

when using e-Books for academic tasks (Croft, 2010).

An extensive study at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, conducted between

2007 and 2009 found four distinctive responses to e-Books (Messner, et al, 2012).

Those whom they identified as book lovers were the largest category, at just over

a third of respondents, followed by printers (who dislike reading on a screen),

technophiles (who embrace the affordances of electronic media), andthe

smallest categorypragmatists (who see advantages to both print and electronic

media but care more about the content than the container). Differences among

responses in terms of gender, major subject area, and status (such as

undergraduate versus faculty) were noticeable, and many respondents expressed

a preference for having access to both print and electronic formats for books

because each medium offers benefits.

There appear to be differences among disciplines. A study at Colorado

State University found that, overall, more patrons expressed a preference for print

over e-Books, but the largest group of respondents was indifferent about format.

Interest in e-Books varied according to subject, with respondents in business and

most of the sciences more interested in e-Books, and users in the humanities,

social sciences, and agriculture and veterinary sciences preferring print (Smyth &

Carlin, 2012).

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


The National Book Development Board (2012) Readership survey stated that the

number of e-Book readers in the Philippines is around three million. Still, the

majority of Filipino book readers prefer their books in print 90 percent of the 80

percent of Filipinos who read books prefer printed books with original covers, the

NBDB survey said.

Dr. Patricia Jurilla (2010), professor at the UP Department of English and

Comparative Literature, said in a study on e-Book Readers that books, the so-

called last bastion of the analog world, is undergoing a major technological shift,

which did not really happen until now. Jurilla emphasized the repetitions and

recurrences of technological shifts over time as well as the points of co-existence.

Speech and writing co-existed and continue to co-exist, papyrus rolls co-existed

with codices and even handwritten manuscripts co-existed with the earliest printed

books, she said.

Technology also dictates how the sociological and ideological subsystems

are formed. As a result it has the potential to create or build a culture, but it also

possesses the capability to destroy it. E-Books may impact discernible

modifications in the way students experience learning. The consequences of the

introduction and adoption of this new technology can be potent enough for the

Philippine educational system to be prompted to change its current conduct of the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

economic and financial transactions, paradigms and pedagogies of learning

(White, 2009).

A local study by Sheridan (2013) have looked at how students use e-Books.

In the study that used a talk-aloud protocol, students were confused by the variety

of interfaces used by e-Book platforms and found navigation within e-Books

difficult. It also found that students were more likely to annotate or take notes on

texts that were in print form, finding them more conducive to concentration, than

when they read electronic texts, which they were more likely to skim, though a

great deal of their informal noncourse-related reading of magazine articles and

social media sites is done online.

The exigency of continuous innovation in the field of education is always

present. It reflects the importance of keeping relevant our pedagogies vis--vis

social, cultural and economic realities. Students are the principal recipients of

these transformations. In turn they will consequently generate new bodies of

knowledge or shifts in paradigms depending on the experiences they will

encounter. Since the education sector is not an independent entity, its support

systems have to undergo changes as well, altering the way we understand

education management (De Luna, 2015).

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


Previous studies have shown how people are continuously, over the years,

becoming aware of e-Books as a platform for reading. Viewpoints and perceptions

as academic material though may vary, and preference for the traditional textbooks

are still evident. Both local and foreign literature that discuss e-Books expressed

that there is a certain criteria and necessities when it comes to adopting a media

or a method, also mentioning how innovations like these always reflect on

academic institutions. Local schools have already started adopting the use of e-

Books, although the question of preference and replacing textbooks requires a

more comprehensive study to produce an accurate analysis and prediction.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Chapter 3

This chapter presents and discusses the research design, research

instrument, validation of the instrument, sampling procedure, research setting,

research subjects, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data that

are used for the study. This is where viability of the study is established.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers employed a mixed methodology design to

determine the perceptions in implementing e-books and preserving textbooks of

the students and teachers of Tandag National Science High. In the quantitative

aspect, survey questionnaires were distributed and analyzed with statistical

treatment. For the qualitative aspect, a focused group discussion was conducted

and interpretations were classified and analyzed.

Research Instruments

In this study, the instrument to be used is a researcher-developed survey

questionnaire. The areas included in the questionnaire are complexity, experience,

relative advantage and economics. Another instrument to be used is the interview

guide which was followed by the interviewer and was shown to the participants

before conducting the FGD. This is to further identify the advantages and

disadvantages of eBooks and textbooks.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Validation of Instruments

Since the research questionnaire and FGD interview guide were made by

the researchers, validation was deemed necessary. To forego with the validation

process, the researchers requested a panel of validators who are experts in the

field of Education (teachers from Tandag National Science High School) to validate

and look into the said instruments as to their content. Three Content validators

joined the panel. The suggestions and comments given by the validators were

consolidated by the researcher and were incorporated in the revision of the

questionnaire and the interview guide. Once all corrections have been carried out,

the revised instruments were given back for their final approval.

Sampling Procedure

The method that was used to find the participants for conducting the

surveys is the stratified random sampling through Slovens formula. After getting

the result, the researchers will use fishbowl method to identify the participants.

For FGD, 10 teachers from junior and senior level were chosen as the

respondents. The primary criteria for choosing them are their knowledge and

willingness to participate in the study. This type of sampling is called selective

sampling. The researchers identified the groups/individuals that will best meet the

needs of the research (Cullingworth, 2001). In this case, it was any classroom and

faculty teachers who are willing to be part of this study and have responded to our

call for participants.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Research Setting

This study will be conducted at Tandag National Science High School

located at Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City-Province of Surigao del Sur. This

school caters students in grades seventh through twelve. This school comprises a

total of 491 students.

Research Respondents

The subjects of this study are students and selected teachers in Tandag

National Science High School for the school year 2017-2018. There are two

sections for the Grade 11-HUMSS and Grade 7. The rest of grade level has only

one section each grading and there are approximately 241 for the Grade 11 and

approximately 250 students in the Grade 7-10 and Grade 12 of each strand in total

of 488 students enrolled. The number of participants chosen for each grade level

and strand was found through Slovens formula with 95% confidence level.

Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents

Year Level Population No. of Respondents

Grade 7 23 10
25 12

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Grade 8 30 13

Grade 9 44 20

Grade 10 34 15

Grade 11 45 20
49 22

HUMSS A 58 26

39 17

Grade 12 27 12

ABM,ICT, 38 17

HUMSS 24 11

Total 494 221

Data Gathering Procedure

In this study, the gathering of data was conducted in two phases. The first

phase was the distribution and collection of survey questionnaires that involves

primary and secondary school teachers and students of Tandag National Science

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

High School. The questionnaire consists of questions which particularly address

the experience, relative advantage, complexity towards using e-Books.

The second phase is the Focused Group Discussion. We have secured

permission from the school heads and have formally asked the consent of the

participants to participate in the study. In the interview, the researchers have

utilized a conversational approach to put the interviewee at ease and willing to give

information. This approach will allow a degree of freedom and adaptability in

getting information from the interviewee.

Data Analysis

In this study, each interview will be recorded on the researchers smart

phone and then transcribed. All the responses from each of the given questions

will be encoded and separated according to their contrast (positive, negative, and

neutral). Interpretation for each response will then, follow.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After the retrieval of the questionnaires, data were tallied and treated with

the following statistical treatments:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

In a quantitative survey that involves more than 300 respondents with

complex survey/questionnaires, Frequency Count Percentage will be used to

accommodate the demographic profile of the respondents, Weighted Mean to

analyze the perceptions of students, and the Two-way Analysis of Covariance

(ANOVA) to analyze the difference between the demographic profiles and the

corresponding perceptions.

For the focused group discussion, Formulation of Themes, for the interpretation

of teachers, was utilized to accommodate the variety of responses from the


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Chapter 4

This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis and presentation of data

gathered in the study. The sequence of the discussion was based on how

problems are stated in chapter one.

Table 2: Demographic Profile of Respondents

Table 2.1
Sex Frequency Percent
Male 51 39.2
Female 79 60.8
Total 221 100.0

Table 2.2
Grade Level

Grade Level Frequency Percent

Grade 7 9 6.9
Grade 8 9 6.9
Grade 9 20 15.4
Grade 10 7 5.4
Grade 11 64 49.2
Grade 12 21 16.2
Total 221 100.0

Table 2.3
Monthly Household Income

Monthly Household Income Frequency Percent

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Less than 10,000 52 40.0

11,000- 20,000 22 16.9
21,000- 30,000 37 28.5
31,000 or more 19 14.6
Total 221 100.0

Table 2.4
Number of Household Gadgets

Number of Household Gadgets Available Frequency Percent

Has at least one available gadget 46 35.4
Has two available gadgets 40 30.8
Has three available gadgets 23 17.7
Has four available gadgets 16 12.3
Has five or more available gadgets 5 3.8
Total 221 100.0

As indicated in Table 2, the percentage of females in the study sample

(61%) is slightly higher than that of the males (39%). Previous studies on

readership have predicted that gender is a major factor wherein 77% of women

have read at least one book over the twelve month period before the said study.

However, this only accounts to readership, not specifically on e-Books, nor in the

academic context.

About half of the sample size (49.2%) is comprised of grade 11 students.

This is for the reason that the same percentage is recognized in the student

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

population of Tandag National Science High School. Although, fair distribution of

survey questionnaires have been observed when each strand of senior high comes

into factor. Following grade 11 students are the grade 12 students comprising

16.2% of the sample size, with grade 10 as the least in amount with 5.4% (about

7 students).

When it comes to monthly household income, 40% of the respondents,

within their household, accumulate less than 10,000 monthly, while those earning

30,000 or more are comprising the least (14.6%). Know that this study will not

focus on whether students along with their families can afford e-reading as

substitute to books, but identifies significant difference on their perception on e-

reading compared to their household income.

E-Readers can take form in almost any gadget. This implies its most core

requirement the gadget itself. 35% of the respondents said they have at least

one gadget available within their household. 18% said they have at least two

different gadgets. Those who have five different gadgets available within their

household are at about 4%.

Perceptions of students in using both textbooks and e-Books in an academic


Table 3

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Std. Adjectival
Deviation Rating
A. Experience
1. I prefer reading via e- 2.78 1.18 Undecided
Books rather than
2. Most of my reading 3.30 1.13 Undecided
time is spent on
3. I read e-Books usually 2.95 1.17 Undecided
for my own leisure.
4. I use e-Books 2.91 1.11 Undecided
primarily for academic
5. E-Books have 2.80 1.20 Undecided
changed the way I
Average 2.95 .761 Undecided
Notice how most of the adjectival rating stated are Undecided, but the

Standard Deviation (for a Likert scale) is actually quite high. This means that not

only did most students answer Undecided, but the amount of those who agreed

and disagreed are almost equal. When asked about which would be their

preferable reading material, 35 out of the 130 or 27% students were in favor

(answered 4 or 5 on the Likert scale) of e-Books while 48 or 37% disagreed and

preferred books (answered 1 or 2 on the Likert scale). Although it does not dwell

in the academic scope, this correlates with previous studies that have shown that

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

people still preferred reading through physical books, despite these studies being

conducted years ago (Rose & Meyer, 2006; Flanagin & Metzger, 2001). When

asked about their reading time, 51% agreed that it is more spent on the form of

gadgets or reading through a digital media, while 28% disagreed.

While the study focuses on the academic context of the reading materials,

39% of the participants said that they only prefer reading e-Books for leisure and

only 29% disagreed and said they use it for academic purposes. This is in

accordance to a study on e-Books by Wuolu (2012) which found that a quarter of

undergraduates at a large urban institution had experience reading e-Books,

though only a small percentage owned dedicated e-reading devices, which they

used primarily for leisure reading. The same population was largely uninterested

in borrowing e-Books from their academic library. When asked whether the usage

of e-Books have changed the way the student studies, 30% agreed while 27%

disagreed. 42% were undecided. With a total average of 2.95, we cannot draw a

clear conclusion due to the variation of the responses. Nonetheless, this variation

will be taken into account in the discussion.

Table 4

Std. Adjectival
B. Complexity Mean
Deviation Rating
6. Reading e-Books, for 3.47 1.10 Agree
me, is electronically

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

7. I find transferring e- 3.39 .984 Undecided

Books from different
devices complicated.
8. I find navigating around 3.34 1.05 Undecided
e-Books rather hard.
9. I dont like needing to 2.88 1.17 Undecided
charge the device while
10. I dont like having to 3.16 1.05 Undecided
update or patch my
reading device.
Average 3.25 .635 Undecided

By taking five disadvantages that comes with using e-Books, the

researchers have formulated five questions that answer the Complexity factor in

the Diffusion of Media. When asked if readers find it difficult to read an e-Book,

surprisingly, 55% agree while only 27% disagree. Another factor of complexity is

when transferring files from different devices compared to simply giving a book to

another person. 48% agree with finding the process of transferring rather complex,

while 13% disagreed. When it comes to browsing or navigating around an e-

Reader or the e-Book itself, 40% find it difficult, while 18% disagree with the

statement. The case is no longer the same when it comes to charging a device

though, where 43% dont mind having to charge a device and 30% find it

distracting. One of the greatest burdens when it comes to owning a device,

according to previous studies, is the need to update and patch the firmware or

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Tandag National Science High School
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software. The same case applies to most e-Readers and e-Book software. 37%

agree with the statement while only 27% disagreed.

These results conform to a local study by Sheridan (2013) which found that

students were confused by the variety of interfaces used by e-Book platforms and

found navigation within e-Books difficult. It also found that students were more

likely to annotate or take notes on texts that were in print form, finding them more

conducive to concentration, than when they read electronic texts, which they were

more likely to skim.

Table 5

C1. Relative Advantage (E- Std. Adjectival

Books) Deviation Rating

11. E-Books are much easier to 3.34 1.15 Undecided

get or to buy.
12. I prefer not worrying about 3.18 1.10 Undecided
finding space to keep books.
13. I prefer having a library of e- 3.20 1.17 Undecided
Books easily carried around in
one device.
14. I like being able to access a 3.80 1.02 Agree
dictionary or thesaurus while
15. I like being able to change 3.51 1.13 Agree
font sizes/styles when reading.

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Average 3.41 .806 Agree

C2. Relative Advantage Std. Adjectival
(Textbooks) Deviation Rating
16. I prefer having a physical 2.64 1.11 Undecided
item on my hand.
17. I like adding books to my 2.58 1.15 Disagree
personal library collection.
18. I feel like Ive accomplished 2.53 1.20 Disagree
something when I get to
physically see how many pages
Ive read.
19. I prefer being able to write 2.68 1.22 Undecided
on paper than to type.
20. I like how books smell. 2.71 1.29 Undecided
Average 2.63 .957 Undecided

As indicated in Table 5, the advantages of both e-Books and textbooks are

stated to see whether they are aware and agree with each of the statement. 69%

of the participants agreed that e-Books are much easier to get or buy than

textbooks while 30% disagreed. This implies how students perceive the

accessibility of both reading materials. When it comes to the advantage of not

worrying about space, 45% agree, which is the same with the advantage of being

able to carry a library of books within one device. The advantage that most of the

participants have agreed with is being able to easily access a dictionary and a

thesaurus with 74% agreement. This is just one of the utilities offered by an e-

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Book, the other being its ability to change font types and sizes with 62%

agreement. This finding is corroborated with a study conducted by

(2016), stating that e-Books are supported by most teachers and students, are

much lighter than print textbooks, and improve standardized test scores. They say

that tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks, and pave the way to a wider and

unlimited source of learning.

Although when it comes to stating the advantages of textbooks, the average

mean of the results from the Likert scale is 2.63 which is significantly lower than

that of the e-Books with an average mean of 3.41. Only 23% agreed with the

statement of being able to carry a physical item, while 46% disagreed. When it

comes to the process of adding books for a library collection, 23% percent agreed

while most 50%, again disagreed with the statement. Another advantage of the

physical books is accomplishment, wherein it states that one tends to feel

accomplishment when he is able to physically see how many pages he has read.

Only 21% agree with the statement. 60% have disagreed, giving it an average

mean of 2.5. One other unique advantage of the physical book is its aroma.

Although odd, it has surprisingly been a common reason why readers still prefer

physical books. Only 32% of the participants agreed with the statement while 46%


Table 6

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Std. Adjectival
D. Economics Mean
Deviation Rating
21. I think e-Books are fairly 3.28 1.03 Undecided
cheaper than printed versions.
22. Even if their prices were 2.77 1.10 Undecided
the same, I would still rather
buy e-Books over textbooks.
23. I think printed material 2.90 .939 Undecided
wont last long as academic
24. I believe that technology is 3.49 1.31 Agree
taking over our society.
25. I think physical textbooks 3.47 1.03 Agree
will become obsolete in the
future in schools (K-12) and
Average 3.18 .731 Undecided

The final factor that is involved with the perception of two different media is

economics. How a person perceives the longevity and existence of a certain media

can tell a lot about how he/she interprets the concept of the media in this case,

e-Books. 40% of the participants agree with e-Books being fairly cheaper than

printed material, while 21% disagreed. Although, in a situation where the prices of

both media were the same, results show that respondents would rather buy a

textbook with 37% disagreement on the given statement (no.22) and only 26%

agreement, in favor of e-Books. When stated that printed material such as

magazines, newspapers, etc. wont last long, 28% disagreed while only 24%

agreed with the statement. The remaining 48% were undecided.

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Although away from the academic context, but still with great relevance with

the study, when asked if technology is taking over our society, 56% agreed while

only 26% disagreed with the statement. This implies how the respondents

welcome the idea of diffusion of media or media displacement as a whole. This is

in accordance to a study by Postman (2008) which stated that the academic world

is experiencing the ongoing evolution of text. Now it is moving into an age in which

information is stored and disseminated through electronic methods.

Finally, when stated that physical textbooks will become obsolete in the future in

schools and colleges, 55% agreed while only 17% disagreed with the statement.

With an average mean of 3.2, it is fair to say that the respondents are aware of the

existence and relevance of e-Books and e-Reading, but have not completely

adopted the media.

Significant difference of the demographic profile of the respondents and the

perceptions on the use of textbooks and e-Books.

Table 7

Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Between .065 1 .065 .638 .426
Within 12.937 128 .101
Total 13.001 129

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The table above measures the significant difference between the

respondents sex and their overall perception on e-Books. The table portrays the

computed F-ratio of .638 which is more than the significance level at a=0.05. Thus,

there is no significant difference on the preference of a respondent as to his/her

sex. This implies that students have varying overall perception on the use of e-

Books independent of their sex, but they are equally likely to read digital-format


Table 8

Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Between .749 5 .150 1.516 .190
Within 12.252 124 .099
Total 13.001 129

The table above measures the significant difference between the

respondents grade level and their overall perception on e-Books. The table

portrays the computed F-ratio of 1.516 which is more than the significance level at

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Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

a=0.05. Thus, there is no significant difference on the preference of a respondent

as to his/her grade level. This result implies that students have different

preferences on reading materials, independent of their grade level and even age,

for that matter. Students from different sections will have differing perceptions with

no fixed preference that can be predicted. Note that this does not involve

readership, reading skills or the like, instead only the overall preference of reading


Table 9

Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Between .142 3 .047 .465 .708
Within 12.859 126 .102
Total 13.001 129

The table above measures the significant difference between the

respondents monthly household income and their overall perception on e-Books.

The table portrays the computed F-ratio of .465 which is more than the significance

level at a=0.05. Thus, there is no significant difference on the preference of a

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respondent as to his/her monthly household income. This result suggests that

monthly household income does not come into factor in predicting whether a

person would prefer one reading material over another. Note that this does not

pertain to a students affordability on a reading material, but only on preference


Table 10

Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Between .594 4 .148 1.495 .208
Within 12.408 125 .099
Total 13.001 129

The table above measures the significant difference between the

respondents available household gadgets and their overall perception on e-

Books. The table portrays the computed F-ratio of 1.495 which is more than the

significance level at a=0.05. Thus, there is no significant difference on the

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Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

preference of a respondent as to his/her number of different gadget available within

the household. E-Books can take form in almost any gadget. This implies its most

core requirement the gadget itself. Despite it being essential in the pursuit of

reading in the digital platform, it is not an affecting factor when it comes to their

preference on reading materials. This suggests that although there would be an

existing lack of availability or access to gadgets, it does not play a role on predicting

a students preference for reading materials.

While most previous studies have shown difference in the demographic

profile or contextual factors of students towards their preference, one study

corroborates with our findings that found a variation of responses. A study by

Foasberg (2011) expressed that attitudes and stratifications may not predict actual

behavior or preference in learning materials. This, overall, satisfies the null

hypothesis. There is no significant difference on the demographic profile of the

respondents and their preference on form of reading materials.

The interpretation of teachers towards the use of e-Books.

Table 11
Transcript from Focused Group Discussion

Question Response
A.1.1: Yes, compared to a book thats easy to use,
1. Do you find the
kailangan familiar ka pa sa usage ng devices. Paano pa if
use of e-Books nagka-error or virus.
complicated? B.1.2: For me, because lets just say, E-book is not
complicated to use but for some, I guess, lalo na yung
hindi sanay sa gadgets, it will be complicated for them. So

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sometimes, its not good, E-book is not good for

everybody but for us na sanay na sa gadgets, okay siya.
B.1.3: In my part, not really. There are cases kasi na diba,
of course, obviously, yung mga E-books na nasa
electronic gadgets na, and so in terms of using ng mga
electronic books, I think mas kuan siya, mas user friendly
in a sense of pag sa, yaun sa gud mga traditional books,
diba, aside from mas bug-at siya, pag pakli og pages, I
mean, mas parang, will take you a bit longer than sa E-
book. Kasi sa E-book, parang paspas ang pag scan.
B.1.4: Not really for me because sometimes I used that
one as sources of my lessons. It depends only sa signal.
If makadownload ng offline, okay da pero if dli available
offline, hassle.
B.1.5: Para sa ako, not really. Its easy. Its convenient.
B.1.6: In our situation that we are far from, you know mga
signal, if offline, I dont see any complication if thats the
B.1.7: I guess its not really that complicated. Siguro ang
complicated sa E-books is sa pag download ng E-books
pero sa pag maneuver ng E-books, hindi naman.
B.1.8: For me, no. E-books are not that heavy, you can
bring it anywhere because its on your gadget na. So thats
one but if its online, you cannot access if you dont have
internet connection. Unlike textbook, whether you are in
the far flank area, you can really use it, its a hard copy.
C.1.9: Complicated in what manner? Bali I compare siya
sa actual na books or E-books? As a sort of. Kay kibali, if
naa kay actual na book, mas easier siguro ang pagscan
nimu kung sa e-Book, especially kung naa kay cellphone,
kanang baratohon, na pag ana nimu Sort of. May
pagkacomplicated. Mag depende gihapon siya sa gadget
na gigamit.
C.1.10: If it is offline, it will be okay, its good. If it is online,
little bit problematic and nowadays the young people
knows how to use the gadgets, so I think it will be very
A.2.1: Of course, madali siyang ma carry, anywhere,
2. What do you
anytime. Unlike sa textbooks na mahirap kasi mabigat
think are the and then nasisira. (Weightless)
advantages of e- A.2.2: For me, unlike E-books, its not that heavy, you
Books over can bring it anywhere because its on your gadget na.
textbooks? (Weightless). So thats one but if its online, you cannot

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access if you dont have internet connection. Unlike

textbook, whether you are in the far flank area, you can
really use it, its hard copy.
A.2.3: Maybe kuan, easy to manipulate, then ma bring
nimo ngani maskin as aka. Not heavy ang imo pagdala
(Weightless). For example, yaun ang imo kuian is layoe
baya ang building nimo, ngadto layoe instead of magdala
ka pa og daghani na books, then yaun na daan imo
ngadto. Sabi nga, isang click mo lang, nandon na lahat.
Convenient siya dal on. Parang yun lang ang advantage
na ako nakita.
B.2.4: Convenient siya gamiton kay syempre yaun da
siya sa imo cellphonekung anytime nimo kinahanglan ng
resources, pwede da. Anytime pero kung libro, diba, di
kita usually gad ala ng libro kay bug-at? Sa ako ngani
case, may libro, ako picturan tas ako dkn I kuan kung
mag klase ako ky bug-ate sa gud magdala. Amo yaun
iya advantage.
B.2.5: Sa ako sab part, mas convenient siya kasi
compare sa traditional na mga books, katulad sa imo
paga mention sir, mabasa siya, maka stress na dayon,
diba? Yaun mga books, ang quality niya, pagmabasa
ang mga letters, laini, di na daun whereas sa Electronic
books, sabihin nating madami siyang laptop, you can still
use your cellphone if nadaot cellphone or tablet, diba?
You can use different of avenue na para makagamit kaw
ng Electronic books.
B.2.6: Like, portable siya, convenient but comes to
durability gani, mabasa, maguba. E-book, maguba siya,
mabasa ang imong cellphone, naa ra gihapon ang
application. Di siya mawara. Nindot siya gamiton. Pero
sa E-book, if you dont have access on internet, if you
dont have the gadgets and then you dont, what else,
you cannot update, wala kang makukuha. Kumbaga for
me it has a lot of advantages but it has limitations if you
dont have electricity like now, brownout, you cannot
access pag lowbat na yung gadet mo, you cannot really
use it. Its useless without electricity at all.
B.2.7: Okay. E-book, it is very portable, convenient to
bring and then its, just as long you have the connection
or lets just say you have a stored, a lot of files, books in
your gadget or the one youre using for E-books, its very
convenient. Unlike sa textbook, ang textbook kasi, one

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textbook, one topic lang or lets just say one content

lang. Hindi naman kasi, in terms of convenience sa E-
book, you will soar a lot.
C.2.8: More accessible. Especially that students now
are, preferably using gadgets instead of opening their or
scanning their books. Yung books talaga na libro,
instead of e-Books.
C.2.9: you can use anywhere ang textbook but the E-
book, that is only good if you have signal-internet
connection. But its also good for the students who can
afford gadget like in our school but what if in the far flank
areas barangays. Though the advantage, accessible
ang E-book.
D.2.10: Its a multimedia style of learning. Its a little bit
interactive. So, its easier compare to books or modules.
Compare to books and modules, kasi magdadala ka pa,
mabigat pa yun. In fact, yung e-book is sa isang gadget
mo, nandyan na lahat, library na yun, so its easier.
A.3.1: Very millenial. Modern. They are adapting the
3. What can you
style, the trend of 21st century learning na ganyan. They
say about schools do not appreciate anymore the traditional way of finding
adopting the use of resources, for students. What can I say? Okay lang. for
e-Books as as long as we find students much interested and theyre
academic learning from it. Thats good.
materials? A.3.2: For me as moving forward in the field of
education, its good. Its not that were leaving the
traditional way of teaching and learning but I guess its
time for us to move because its digital time so, its good.
A.3.3: Maybe sa ato school, i-adopt din siguro kasi,
kaysa naman sa yung laman ng cellphone tsaka mga
gadgets ng estudyante puro lang games, entertainment.
Why not install e-Books kasi academically speaking,
okay man siya as instructional materials at tsaka learning
A.3.4: Well, we cannot really stop that because we are in
the modern times. I mean technologies, like, its
sometimes necessity na, its not like parang luxury but
for me personally, I like the textbooks but, masisira lang
siya if ever may napunit o nabasa.
A.3.5: I think its already adapted. Naa na mana karun.
Mostly, especially sa senior high, walang book na from
sa DepEd, so mostly, us teachers, ngadto kami
nagakuha sa mga E-books, downloaded from the

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internet. so, naan a siya, nag exist na ang E-books.

Bisan ngani sa students, diba? Ginagamit parin so naa
ra gihapon siya.
A.3.6: Adapted na isab siya, mas dayaw gaud sab siya
kay less hassle kay sa mga libro. Bug-at siya. Tpos kuan
diba, kung E-book imo gamiton, damue imo makuhaan
ng mga resources especially sa amo mga teachers, mga
lesson. Dli da baya kami mag kuan sa libro. Kinahanglan
sab namo mugamit ng iban na resources na ma explain
pa namo pagtadung yaun siya na lesson.
A.3.7: Its fine. Can you imagine, yung isa ka library-han
na books, pwede mo siya i-store sa gadget. So, very
accessible, very convenient in information na kailangan.
And aside from that, imagine yung isa ka bata, if kunyari
E-books ang gamit niya, tablet yung kailangan lang, pero
kung wala siyang E-book, example, pila ka subjects ang
i-klase a day or sa schools, sabihing nating Ten(10)
tapos in every subject dapat may isa ka libro, so ang
bata, mo skuyla, 10 kabouk books sa iya bag, kaig gaud
ang bata. Whereas if you will use the Electronic books,
meron kang gadget, tablet lang yung kailangan, nandon
na lahat. So very convenient.
B.3.8: Advantageously, e-Book is really a great help for
the millennial learners because they love to use gadget
but then how can you assure that they are really using E-
book instead. They have their version. They are just
making alibi that they are studying, they are reading their
lessons using their gadget but how sure you are. So
theres no validity and take note, in studying, in
researching things, we will not rely on one sources only,
so still, textbook is still vital for the learning of the
B.3.9: Kung ato siya I kuan sa mga pobre, medyo way
kaya, di pud ka mapugos sa ila na mag gamit ng E-book,
especially Pilipinas, third world country, daghay mga
estudyante, sa ratio mas daghan ang mga estudyante na
mga pobre taraw pero nindot siya, oo, pero kung
goberno siguro ang muhimog move, hatag og gadget, og
sila ang mo initiate, matabangan tong mga pobrehon,
pero ambot lang kung kanus-a pa ma realize. So nindot
siya sa mga naay kaya, but at the same time ang mga
stagnant sa poverty, I dont know. It would be hard for
them to adapt easily kasi kwarta talaga ang hisgutan.

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C.3.10: For some schools, lets just say sa mga big

schools and big universities of the collages, its
convenient and its more appropriate for them. Ang E-
books kasi for those who can afford it. But for us here, sa
mga far flank areas, dili siya convenient because we
cannot acquire or we cannot access sa mga contents,
lets just say sa mga reading materials that we need,
because we are lacking of resources. So for me, E-book
is only suitable, or lets just say mas okay siya kung dool
sa mga big cities, big schools.
A.4.1: Okay. If E-book is to be implemented in whole
4. How long do you
schools, ngayon nga textbooks are being neglected na
think printed walang pang E-books, hindi na ginamit, there are
material (books, available textbooks, arent use anymore by the student
newspapers, because of the internet. So if ever E-book will be
textbooks, etc.) will implemented , and then students are provided by the
last? resources just for the E-books to be available, one to
two years max, wala na ang textbook. Sometimes,
makalimotan pa ng mga bata kung saan ang Library.
A.4.2: I think, with that E-book, its a paperless learning,
there is no advantage anymore of printed materials. So
how long? If we are going to insist the existence of these
E-book, I think mga 5 years nalang siguro.
A.4.3: Pag na impliment siya today tapos okay ang
avenue with all the provisions, 5 years or lesser.
B.4.4: I agree, textbook will last because there are like,
although we have these soft copy, hard copies is really
very important like now, you have the research, you will
have the soft copy, you will pass but your adviser will
require you to have the hard copy, diba? So just like
B.4.5: It will last because every now and then, theres a
new edition of that. So it will really last but, though there
are lot of changes that will be in injected in the textbook
but then, still there. There is also a link or a connection.
B.4.6: Sa ako, di siya mawala kay siba, meron pa mga,
bisan pa naa ta sa modern technology, there are some
people parin na mas like to naka printed pa. Pero they
like parin nila nan printed na ila makit an. It serves as
souvenirs. Di siguro na mawala. Laung ta lamang ma
lesser pero di siya mawala. Andyan parin siya.

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B.4.7: I dont think mawara gayud siya. Malaos da

lamang. Some still prefer na mag-read sa physical na
book, instead na sa screen.
B.4.8: On my part sab, you cant deny na there are some
health risk in some way na maggamit talaga ng gadgets.
Example sa mata, when you keep on, 24 hours gaud na
studying sa imo cellphone, damage gaud siya. Compare
sa books na parang wala. And also, I believe na di gyud
siya mawala ang mga printed materials.
B.4.9: Pwede ako mag exam sa online tapos diretso na
sa ako ang result ng mga bata. Kung gusto nila mahibaw
a, i-print ko dkn kay naka pdf man siya. Pero mas gusto
ko ang printed. Mas reliable. It will always be there.
C.4.10: Depends siguro kasi yung reference kasi lalo na
yung hard copies yung mga textbooks naging, lahat
naman kahit sa E-books nagiging obsolete. Ang kagana
lang ng ining E-books is kahit na ma obsolete, pwede
mong palitan agad, ang textbooks kasi pag ma obsolete
lang, masasayang ang ginastos sa pag papablish
whereas sa E-books, wala naman kasing pinablish na
hard copies talaga, so okay da siya.
A.5.1: Possibly.
5. Do you think
B.5.2: Not totally because for me personally, based on
physical textbooks my experience, I really love to take down notes even if I
and notebooks will have the gadget because there are times that when you
become obsolete write it on a notebook, then matagal siyang mawala,
due to electronical compared to e-books. If you have a copy in your
devices such as the notebook, you jot it down, di siya ma format at all. Diba
iPad? sa gadget ana ang mahitabo. Di na mawala, its there.
B.5.3: No, still, textbook. Because its fulfilling that you
can read textbooks compare to the E-book. I guess thats
B.5.4: For me, notebooks will always be there. Kasi
nga even ngayon , diba? Our gadgets, cellphones,
tablets, meron na siyang notes, app siya na notes, apps
na maka store kw ng journals, what to do, to do this per
there are a lot of people are still using notebooks,
notepads, kasi its that, its more lets just say convenient
and mas madali siyang i- remember . kasi may ano tayo,
we are very much fund of source documents, kasi pag
nakastore siya sa gadget, sometimes, nakakalimotan
natin, where in nasa notebook siya, mas madali siya for

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example sa lessons, pag nag qrite ka diba, mas madali

mo siya ma remember.
B.5.5: I think kuan gihapon ang yaun textbook, because
example, kahit na mina-manipulate ng estudyante and e-
Books sa gadgets, part parin talaga sa education ang
writing, which is through real paper.
B.5.6: Electronics are very convenient. Pero, for me, I
think yung real books or notebooks hindi mawawala.
Its always there kasi, writing and reading with real
paper, kailangan talaga and di yun mawawala.
B.5.7: Marami talagang advantages ang e-Books. But for
me, also, textbooks will always exist. Hindi talaga
mawawala ang physical books, kahit sabihin na nasisira
or napupunit. Kailangan rin ang paper, it has always
been there, and hindi ganung kadali yun mawala.
B.5.8: I think textbooks are always there. I like reading
and I love to have the textbooks than the E-book.
Although, very convenient for me na mag E-book but
textbook for me is different, parang fulfillment na mag
hard copy.
C.5.9: Maybe. Not sure. Kasi, even today, ina-adopt na
rin ang e-Books, pero nandyan parin ang textbooks.
Maybe e-Books will soon dominate kasi mas convenient
talaga for students.
C.5.10: Maybe in the future. Ngayon lang kasi, mahirap
pa ang ekonomiya. Yauy notebook gihapon pero sunod,
wara na siguro.

In table 11, the five questions that were asked in the focused group

discussion are indicated on the left column. The corresponding answers and

responses of each teacher interviewed are stated on the right column. Each

response is organized and classified into groups. The first letter (A, B, C or D)

corresponds to which group a response is classified to. Classification is derived

from the contrast of answers (usually: positive, negative, and neutral). There are

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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

cases in which the question doesnt seek a contrasting positive or negative

reaction, instead, inquires factors. This case applies to the second question

wherein teachers are asked to state advantages of using e-Books. Nonetheless,

answers are still classified according to their main idea.

When asked whether teachers find the use of e-Books complicated, only

one out of ten teachers responded positively, saying it requires familiarity in usage,

also adding the fact that devices could produce errors than can disrupt the reading

process. The rest of the nine teachers responded in contrary, saying they dont

find the use of e-Books nor the devices that comes with it to be complicated. Even

adding how e-Books are, in fact, convenient and user-friendly. Some of the

teachers also referred to how e-Books is actually part of their teaching process

and is used by their students as learning materials on certain occasions. This

implies how most teachers are familiar with the use of e-Books and, in some cases,

applied in within their method of teaching. This finding is corroborated to the study

of Rose & Meyer (2006) which stated that digital media, including electronic text,

surpass the traditional forms in the ability to meet various student needs. Electronic

books are among the newest forms of reading materials that educators can use

in their tool kit.

In the second question, the interviewed teachers were asked to name an

advantage in using e-Books over textbooks. The keywords and main ideas were

highlighted in their responses for an easier and quicker understanding. The

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

responses of the teachers were classified according to the key factor of advantage

namely: Weightlessness, Convenience, Accessibility, and Interactivity. Other

factors include how it is easy to manipulate and its portability. The stated factors,

especially regarding weight, corroborates with a statement from the chiropractor

Dr. Cancio (2012), who stated that the most obvious benefit of using tablets in

schools is that it solves the problem of backpack-related injuries, due to its weight.

Thus, the use of tablets in the K-12 classroom solves the dilemma, as a tablet filled

with 3,500 e-Books weighs only around 1-2 pounds. The same number of physical

books would weigh about two tons - four thousand (4000) times heavier than the

weight of a tablet.

The third question inquires the teachers remarks on the fact that schools

are adopting the use of e-Books as academic materials. Most of the teachers

responded positively, stating how it is millennial and modern for teachers and

students adapting towards the new style of teaching and learning. Some added

that it is only somehow normal to transition from the traditional methods into

something newer or digitalized. This suggests their familiarity and awareness of

the diffusion of media. Two out of the ten teachers, however, responded

conflictingly towards the notion. They mentioned how students from poverty-

stricken families would lack access to the kinds of utilities offered by e-Book-based

learning and how, overall, it wouldnt be available for everyone, and should best

be kept only in big universities and institutions. Another stated the fact that despite

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

its advantages, a teacher, still, wouldnt be able to reassure that a student has

actually used an e-Book for his/her studies. Adding that it needs to guarantee and

reassure the problem that existed along with textbooks in the most literal sense,

actually opening the book.

In relation to the participants awareness towards this new media, for the

fourth question, they were asked to surmise how long would printed material

(magazines, newspaper, textbooks, etc.) last. One out of the three teachers who

said that printed material will last. To avoid misinterpretation, the mentioned word

last refers to the definition: to continue to exist. When a teacher says textbooks

will last, it refers to physical books continuing to exist without a predetermined

number of years, not only for a limited time.

Two out of the ten teachers said that it will last for about five years,

especially if implementation of e-Books were to be a focus of educational

institutions. One teacher remarked that it will only last in about a year or two,

considering the current situation wherein students would hardly even touch their

textbooks, and how e-Books can be a more interactive and interesting way of

learning. On the contrary, seven out of ten teachers said that books will always

continue to exist. The respondents said that despite the previously mentioned

advantages of e-Books, textbooks will always be used and read. Not only for the

reason of its functions as hard copies which is essential for research, among

others, but also due to, simply, how people still prefer printed books.

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

One of the respondents also mentioned how health risks are the undeniable

factors that comprise the disadvantage of e-Books. This corroborates with a

previous study that found that readers who used Kindles were less competent in

recalling the plot and events in the book than those who used paperbacks. Anne

Mangen (2014), an author of the study, stated that digitization of text also means

its likely to be more fragmented, full of disturbances and links that can lead you to

anywhere on the Internet. Reading on an iPad with the ability to check Facebook

provides an avenue to take breaks way too often. Another study by Czeisler

(2014) mentioned how sleep deficiency has been shown to increase the risk of

cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes, and cancer.

Thus, the melatonin suppression that we saw in this study among participants

when they were reading from the light-emitting e-reader concerns us.

In relation to how e-Books are in the process of taking over the academic

processes and how textbooks are in the risk of becoming out-of-date, for the final

question, teachers were asked if they think physical textbooks and notebooks will

become obsolete due to electronical devices such as the iPad. Seven out of the

ten teachers said physical books will not become obsolete, and will always exist.

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Chapter 5

This chapter presents the summary of findings, concluding statements and

corresponding recommendations.


The results from the demographic profile of respondents show that the

sample size of this study is composed mostly of female by 64%. The distribution

of grade levels in the demographic profile is in accordance to the percentage

distribution of students in each classroom of Tandag National Science High

School. In terms of monthly household income, majority (40%) of the respondents

accumulate less than 10,000 monthly, while those earning more than 30,000

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

are at about 15%. 35% of the respondents have at least one available gadget in

their house hold and only 4% has five or more.

Results on perceptions of students show that e-Books are read and used

by 51% of respondents and more preferred as reading materials by 27%. Despite

the recognized advantages of e-Books, 55% still find the use and manipulation of

e-Book devices difficult and the need for maintenance (charging, updating, etc.) of

devices to be frustrating and tedious. Inquiry in the economic factors of both media

shows that 55% of students believe that physical textbooks will become obsolete

as academic materials.

The two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance

is used to find out if there is a significant difference in the individual contextual

variables and the preference of students in reading materials. Results of the

analysis show that gender, grade level, household gadgets available, and income

level have no significant impact on print and e-Book readership and preference.

Results from the focused group discussion show how most teachers are

familiar with the ways of e-Books and how it can be applied in their teaching

process. Some mentioned how it is being used by their students in certain

occasions. When the researchers mentioned how schools are continuously

adopting the use of e-Books, most teachers responded positively. On the contrary,

when asked if e-Books will soon replace textbooks as academic materials, most of

the respondents said that books will always be used and read, despite the

advantages of e-Books.

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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


On the basis of the findings, the following conclusions were derived:

In the academic context, e-Books are not yet positioned to take over print

books, despite rising sales and readership in recent years. Results of perceptions

of students show that there is no imminent concern for e-Book takeover. According

to Rogers diffusion theory (2003) as laid out in the theoretical framework earlier,

the adoption process goes slowly at first, speeds up, and slows again to form an

s-shaped curve. Results of perceptions suggests that while e-Books are becoming

more popular, the process of diffusion or adoption of e-Books is still on the rise and

has not yet peaked.

Both print books and e-Books have unique attributes and serve distinct

functions in meeting peoples reading needs, which may vary by individual

demographic and contextual factors. The results of this study support the notion

that e-Books have firmly established a place in students and teachers lives as

well as their academic pursuits, due to the convenient way in which they allow

them to access their reading content, either for leisure or academic purposes, in

any place, at any time.

Results in the inquiry of respondents show the teachers perception towards

the displacement of mediahow both conflicting types of media complement each

other and shall continue to co-exist. As they stand, e-Books and print books

provide the same content in two different media.

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

The results of this study illustrate that there are a variety of factors that

contribute to print/e-Book readership and preferences. As technologies evolve, so

may the functions of e-Books. Future research should take into consideration the

context and situation of the individual, the characteristics of the medium, and the

functions that print/e-Books can fulfill in order to better understand the choices and

preferences between the two.


From the foregoing findings and conclusions, the following

recommendations are offered:

E-Books and e-Readers as academic materials must be considered by

school administrators and teachers to be applied within their teaching processes,

in order to utilize the functions of digital learning. In obtaining quality education, the

use of e-Books must be realized and further evaluated to improve the educators

system of teaching. In the case of textbooks, educators must be mindful of its

preservation. Textbooks retain their function as physical entities in learning. It is

essential for research and, in essence, learning through paper.

This study is unique, but it is also limited, as it provides only a snapshot

view of e-Books and print books as they stand at this time. A longitudinal study

Republic of the Philippines
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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

with more emphasis on function could provide a more comprehensive picture and

a more accurate prediction of whether e-Books will ever fully replace print books

and why.

This study has implications for academic institutions, educators, libraries,

other information institutions, and related shareholders such as publishers that

seek to understand and accommodate user preferences in an increasingly digital,

Internet-based information environment. The study provides unique insight on user

choices and preferences when reading books. Additionally, e-Books and e-

Readers are a rapidly evolving and popular technology that is of great interest to

media companies and publishing companies. Findings from this study provide a

direction in understanding who is adopting such technology and how it is being


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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


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De Peralta, H. (2011). Better Reasons for Using Tablets in Philippine Schools.

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Dr. Cancio, A. (2012) Avoid Bad Back, Check Backpack.
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Dr. Jurilla, P.B. (2010). History of the Book. Retrieved October 15, 2017 at
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Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City


Appendix A
Letter of Permission to Tandag National Science High School
Principal to Conduct the Survey Questionnaire

October 17, 2017


School Principal
Tandag National Science High School
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

A pleasant day.
The undersigned is currently working on his thesis entitled INNOVATION IN

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

This study aims to determine perception on the use of e-Books in contrast to

textbooks in an academic context, among teachers and junior/senior high school
students of Tandag National Science High School. It is hoped that the findings may
help in the development of the school as well as the education process.

In view of this, the researcher would like to request for a permit to conduct the
study at your school.

Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,







ELAN M. ELPIDANG, Ph.D. (cand.)
Research Adviser

School Principal

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appendix B
Letter of Permission to Content Validators

October 17, 2017

Tandag National Science High School
Tandag, Surigao del Sur


A pleasant day.
The undersigned are currently working on their research entitled INNOVATION

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

This study aims to determine perception on the use of e-Books in contrast to

textbooks in an academic context, among teachers and junior/senior high school
students of Tandag National Science High School. It is hoped that the findings may
help in the development of the school as well as the education process.

In view of this, the researcher humbly requests you to validate the survey
questionnaire that will be used in the study.
Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,







ELAN M. ELPIDANG, Ph.D. (cand.)
Research Adviser



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appendix B.1
Letter of Permission to Content Validators

October 17, 2017

Tandag National Science High School
Tandag, Surigao del Sur

Madam/ Sir:

A pleasant day.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

The undersigned are currently working on their research entitled INNOVATION

This study aims to determine perception on the use of e-Books in contrast to
textbooks in an academic context, among teachers and junior/senior high school
students of Tandag National Science High School. It is hoped that the findings may
help in the development of the school as well as the education process.

In view of this, the researcher humbly requests you to validate the survey
questionnaire that will be used in the study.
Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,







ELAN M. ELPIDANG, Ph.D. (cand.)
Research Adviser


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appendix B.2
Letter of Permission to Content Validators

October 17, 2017

Tandag National Science High School
Tandag, Surigao del Sur

Madam/ Sir:

A pleasant day.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

The undersigned are currently working on their research entitled INNOVATION

This study aims to determine perception on the use of e-Books in contrast to
textbooks in an academic context, among teachers and junior/senior high school
students of Tandag National Science High School. It is hoped that the findings may
help in the development of the school as well as the education process.

In view of this, the researcher humbly requests you to validate the survey
questionnaire that will be used in the study.
Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,







ELAN M. ELPIDANG, Ph.D. (cand.)
Research Adviser


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appendix C
Survey Questionnaire Validation Sheet

Score Please
1. Not acceptable (major use the
modifications needed) commen
2. Below Expectations ts and
(some modifications suggesti
Operational Definitions
Criteria needed) ons
3. Meets expectations (no section
modifications needed but to
could be improved with recomm
minor changes) end

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

4. Exceeds Expectations (no revisions

modifications needed) .

1 2 3 4
Clarity The questions are direct and
Only one question is asked
at a time.
The students can understand
what is being asked.

Wordiness Questions are concise.

There are no unnecessary
Overlapping No response covers more
Responses than one choice.
All possibilities are
There are no ambiguous
Balance The questions are unbiased
and do not lead the participants
to a response. The questions
are asked using a neutral tone.
Use of The terms used are
Jargon understandable by the target
population/ subjects.
Appropriate The choices listed allow
ness of participants to respond
Responses appropriately.

The responses apply to all

situations or offer a way for
those to respond with
unique situations.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Use of The use of technical

Technical language is minimal and
Language appropriate.

Application The questions asked relate

of Praises to the daily practices or
expertise of the students.

Relationshi The questions are sufficient

p to the to resolve the problem in the
Problem study.

The questions are sufficient

to answer the research

The questions are sufficient

to obtain the purpose of the

Appendix C.1
Survey Questionnaire
Dear Respondents,
Good day!

The researchers would like to request your help on the conduct of their
research study entitled: Innovation in Education: Perceptions in
Implementing E-Books and Preserving Textbooks for Students of Tandag

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

City as a requirement for their subject Practical Research II by completing the

attached questionnaire. Rest assured that all information will be held with

Part I. Demographic Profile

Instruction: Please tick the box next to the answer of your choice or write on the
space provided as the case may be.

1. Name (Optional):___________________________________________

2. Age:______ 3. Grade Level/Strand:_______ 4. Sex:

Male Female

5. What is your monthly household income?

less than 10,000 11,000 - 20,000

21,000 - 30,000 more than 31,000

6. Which gadgets are available in your household? (you may choose more
than one)

Desktop Laptop Tablet Cellphone


Part II. Perception and Preference

Instruction: Please read each statement carefully, and use the scale below to
indicate how much you agree or disagree. Check the box of your suitable choice.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

1 = Strongly Disagree (SD) 3 = Undecided (U) 5 = Strongly Agree

2 = Disagree (D) 4 = Agree (A)

1 2 3 4 5
(SD) (D) (U) (A) (SA)
1. I prefer reading via e-Books rather than books.

2. Most of my reading time is spent on gadgets.

3. I read e-Books for my own leisure.

4. I use e-Books primarily for academic purposes.

5. E-Books have changed the way I study.

6. Reading e-Books, for me, is electronically
7. I find transferring e-Books from different
devices complicated.
8. I find navigating around e-Books rather hard.
9. I dont like needing to charge the device while
10. I dont like having to update or patch my
reading device.
11. E-Books are much easier to get or to buy.
12. I prefer not worrying about finding space to
keep books.
13. I prefer having a library of e-Books easily
carried around in one device.
14. I like being able to access a dictionary or
thesaurus easily when reading.
15. I like being able to change font sizes/styles
when reading.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

16. I prefer having a physical item on my hand.

17. I like adding books to my personal library

18. I feel like Ive accomplished something when I
get to physically see how many pages Ive read.
19. I prefer being able to write on paper than to type.

20. I like how books smell.

21. I think e-Books are fairly cheaper than printed
22. Even if their prices were the same, I would still
rather buy e-Books over textbooks.
23. I think printed material wont last long as
academic materials.
24. I believe that technology is taking over our
25. I think physical textbooks will become obsolete
in the future in schools (K-12) and colleges.

Appendix D
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Validation Sheet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

1. Not acceptable (major Please
modifications needed) use the
2. Below Expectations commen
(some modifications ts and
needed) suggesti
3. Meets expectations (no ons
Operational Definitions modifications needed but
Criteria section
could be improved with to
minor changes) recomm
4. Exceeds Expectations end
(no modifications revisions
needed) .
1 2 3 4
Clarity The questions are direct and
Only one question is asked
at a time.
The students can understand
what is being asked.

Wordiness Questions are concise.

There are no unnecessary
Overlapping No response covers more
Responses than one choice.
All possibilities are
There are no ambiguous
Balance The questions are unbiased
and do not lead the participants
to a response. The questions
are asked using a neutral tone.
Use of The terms used are
Jargon understandable by the target
population/ subjects.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appropriate The choices listed allow

ness of participants to respond
Responses appropriately.

The responses apply to all

situations or offer a way for
those to respond with
unique situations.
Use of The use of technical
Technical language is minimal and
Language appropriate.

Application The questions asked relate

of Praxis to the daily practices or
expertise of the students.

Relationship The questions are sufficient

to the to resolve the problem in
Problem the study.

The questions are sufficient

to answer the research

The questions are sufficient

to obtain the purpose of the

Appendix D.1
Consent to Participate in the Focus Group Discussion

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

You have been asked to participate in a focus group discussion regarding

the implementation of e-Books and preservation of textbooks in K-12 schools. The
purpose of the study is to determine perceptions on the use of e-Books in contrast
to textbooks in an academic context, among teachers and high school students of
Tandag National Science High School. It is hoped that with this discussion,
concrete findings and real opinions will be produced.

You can choose whether or not to participate in the focus group and stop at
any time. Although the focus group will be tape recorded, your responses will
remain anonymous and no names will be mentioned in the report.

There are no right or wrong answers to the focus group questions. We want
to hear many different viewpoints and would like to hear from everyone. We hope
you can be honest even when your responses may not be in agreement with the
rest of the group. In respect for each other, we ask that only one individual speak
at a time in the group and that responses made by all participants be kept


I understand this information and agree to participate fully under the

conditions stated above:



Appendix D.2
Key Information Interview Guide

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Date: __________________
Time: __________________
Interview Location: _________________
Address: _________________

Good day!
The researchers would like to request your help on the conduct of their
research study as a requirement for their subject Practical Research II by
completing the attached questionnaire.
In connection with this, the researchers would like to ask for your
cooperation to answer the following statements.

1. Do you find the use of e-Books complicated?
2. What do you think are the advantages of e-Books over textbooks?
3. What can you say about schools adopting the use of e-Books as academic
4. How long do you think printed material (books, newspapers, textbooks, etc.)
will last?
5. Do you think physical textbooks and notebooks will become obsolete due to
electronical devices such as the iPad?

Appendix E

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Students from Grade 12

HUMSS answering the
survey questionnaires

A student of Grade 7
answering the given survey

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Respondents from Grade 11

ABM answering the survey

Respondent from Grade 11

HUMSS-A answering the
survey questionnaire

A student from Grade 12

ABM answering the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Researcher collecting related

studies for review

Researchers finalizing the


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Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Appendix F
Spot Map

Figure 2.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Curriculum Vitae
Name : Christian Andrew T. Cagampang
Age : 18
Address : Bioto, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Birthdate : August 23, 1999
Birthplace : Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Religion : Born Again Christian
Nationality : Filipino

Father : Erwin A. Cagampang
Mother : Arlene T. Cagampang
Address : Bioto, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Special Science Elementary School 2011 2012
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Tandag National Science High School 2015 - 2016
Tabon-tabon, Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Adviser : Elan M. Elpidang

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Miriam V. Trinidad
Age : 18
Address : Telaje, Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Birthdate : August 28, 1999
Birthplace : Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Father : Jery P. Trinidad
Mother : Emilia V. Trinidad
Address : Telaje, Tandag, Surigao del Sur

SPED Center Elementary School 2011 2012
Bag-ong Lungsod, Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Tandag National Science High School 2015 - 2016
Capitol Hills, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Adviser : Elan M. Elpidang

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tandag National Science High School
Tabon-Tabon, Quezon, Tandag City

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Ric Dominic V. Zarate
Age : 18
Address : Telaje, Tandag, Surigao del Sur
Birthdate : August 20, 1999
Birthplace : Quezon City, Manila
Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo
Nationality : Filipino

Father : Eric P. Zarate
Mother : Dolores V. Zarate
Address : Telaje, Tandag, Surigao del Sur

New Era University 2011 2012
Tandang Sora, Quezon City, Manila
Jacinto P. Elpa High School 2015 - 2016
Capitol Hills, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Adviser : Elan M. Elpidang


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