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Kydyrbekova Aizada 1

Does climate change is a hoax?

Climate change is one of the biggest issues of todays world. The uprising of this problem
traces back to 18th century when scientists started to recognize the significant changes on
the planet caused by human activities.1 Since that time, these World leaders are trying to
tackle these issues through different angels. States felt the shared responsibilities in
international arena as a result of their actions Protocols were established and Agreements
were signed. However, in this modern era the numbers are showing the reverse. The degree
of global surface temperature is rising, level of seas is increasing, air is getting polluted by
high percentage, ascent of oceans acidification and extreme conditions are magnifying.
Despite the collectively taken actions, the issue of climate change still remains unsolved.

Countries make input into the solution of this issue in scope of major tools. Currently there
are three main instruments dedicated to producing standards and norms to mitigate global
emissions of GHG, which are the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement2. In reality, these tools are
appeared to be just formalities and enough weak to face the challenges posed by climate
change. They cannot counteract the rising level of gas emissions because states still
blaming each other for the current conditions and unwilling to disturb their growing
industries. One of the bright examples could be the recent U.S. withdrawal from the Paris

On June 1, 2017, President Donald Trump officially announced the U.S. withdrawal from
the Paris Agreement3. This was one of the presidents campaign promises and was based on
the negative impact of the agreement on the countrys economy. According to him, the
Paris Agreement would weaken economy and sovereignty of the country by putting legal
risks. He said that the costs imposed by the agreement are very high, for billions of dollars
that should be invested here in America will be sent to the same countries that have taken
away their factories and their jobs. This is bold step taken by U.S. government shook the
worldwide attention and was assessed at different levels by experts. The U.S government
refused to give an answer to the question whether climate change is a hoax or not.
According to GHG emissions report, U.S ranks 2nd after China, however, American high
officials still are claiming that they are dealing with this problem on the state level, despite
the withdrawal.

Climate Home News: Climate change now has a start date, August 24, 2016
Panorama Internacional: Climate change: global challenges require global solutions,
Vol.1, 2017, p.5
Panorama Internacional: Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: political
impact in the U.S. Vol.1, 2017, pp.1-6
Kydyrbekova Aizada 2

What can be done so far? Dr. Catherine Tinker addresses that reducing greenhouse gas
emission requires great political will and profound transformations in global economy 4 It
needs continued action on all four fronts financing, multilateral organizations, heads of
state and scientific research as well as concerted action from civil society to decouple
economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions. And again points out that the Paris
agreement was a positive step-forward in this direction.

Even though the listed requirements would be fulfilled, governments would not resolve the
issue of climate change. It is hard to combat this issue until it reaches individuals. The issue
is not abstract anymore. Air pollution in China 2016, deforestation in Brazil , floods in
Miami and ice melting in Iceland are the real examples of climate change. First of all, this
problematic issue must be profoundly rooted (planted) on peoples mind. In other words,
the peoples awareness should be awakened towards this issue. Climate change is not a


1. Climate Home News: Climate change now has a start date, August 24, 2016

2. Panorama Internacional: Climate change: global challenges require global

solutions, Vol.1, 2017, p.5

3. Panorama Internacional: Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: political

impact in the U.S. Vol.1, 2017, pp.1-6

Panorama Internacional: Climate change: global challenges require global solutions,
Vol.1, 2017, p.1

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