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Mint bergs Managerial Roles What do managers do?

Mint berg, a prominent management researcher, studied actual managers at

work and concluded that what managers do can best be described by looking at
10 different but highly interrelated management roles they use at work.

The term management roles refer to specific categories of managerial behaviour.

Interpersonal Roles roles that involve people (subordinates and people

outside the organization) and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in

1. Figurehead symbolic head; obliged to perform a number of routine duties

of a legal or social nature (e.g. greeting visitors, signing legal documents)
2. Leader responsible for the motivation of subordinates; responsible for
staffing, training, and associated duties (e.g. performing activities involving
3. Liaison maintains self-developed network of outside contacts and
informers who provide favors and information (e.g. acknowledging mail,
doing external board work, performing activities involving outsiders)

Informational Roles roles that involve collecting, receiving and disseminating


1. Monitor seeks and receives wide variety of internal and external

information to develop thorough understanding of organization and
environment (e.g. reading periodicals and reports, maintaining personal
2. Disseminator transmits information received from outsiders or from
subordinates to members of the organization (e.g. holding informational
meetings, making phone calls to relay information)
3. Spokesperson transmits information to outsiders on organization's plans,
policies, actions, results, etc. (e.g. holding board meetings, giving
information to the media)
Decisional Roles roles that entail making decisions or choices

1. Entrepreneur searches organization and its environment for

opportunities and initiates improvement projects to bring about changes
(e.g. organizing strategy and review sessions to develop new programs)
2. Disturbance Handler responsible for corrective action when organization
faces important, unexpected disturbances (e.g. crisis management)
3. Resource allocator responsible for the allocation of organizational
resources of all kinds (e.g. budgeting, work scheduling)
4. Negotiator responsible for representing the organization at major
negotiations (e.g. Union contract negotiations)

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