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General Qualities of Gems Astrologically

1. In Vedic Astrology nine planets have been assigned nine different gems. Jatak Parijat and
Phaldeepika separately says:

i.e. Sun's gem is Ruby; of Moon is Pearl: of Mars is Red coral: of Mercury is Emerald: of Jupiter is
Yellow Saphire: of Venus is diamond; of Saturn is Blue Saphire: of Rahu is Gomedha and of Ketu,
it is Cat's eye.

2. Different gems have different wavelength corresponding with their assigned Lord-Planets as
3. There are five fundamental elements in the cosmos, the same are in gems and the same are
found in human body as under-

If the above five elements are kept in balance, the native remains healthy. Any imbalance in
them causes Tridosh and thereby diseases and problems are caused. Wearing of gems as
mentioned above, restore the required balance and native becomes healthy.

4. The Astrologer in Mumbai has measured the radiations of gems and planets and said that all
the gemstones are nature's storehouse of energy and are highly sensitive radioactive crystal.
These are perfect in filtering out particulars cosmic rays. When radiation is applied to the gems,
it gives rise to constructive vibrations against the diseased vibrations caused by rays of malefic
planets. Energy is nothing but another form of elements in shape of waves and rays. The
gemstones pick up the particular ray/ wave and transmit it into the body laboratory where they
are immediately transformed into elements and chemicals required by the body enabling it to
function normally both physically and mentally.

5. The deficiency of cosmic rays due to planetary affliction causes an imbalance of Chakras
(Moo/adhaar to Sahastradhaar Chakras). These Chakras are energy wheels that balance the
spin factors of human aura. An imbalance of spin factor leads to various diseases and problems.
Highly sensitive gemstones help to balance the spin factor. When this is balanced the Chakras
will help the body to convert the food we eat into proper nourishment. The Chakras (energy
wheel) either speed up or slows down along vortex. The vortices actually break the molecular
structure of food into gases, elements and minerals required by the body. Thus gemstones
counter balance the malefic effect of planets on the human life.

6. Gems are nature's gift to mankind and are mines of cosmic rays. They are omniscient,
omnipotent and omnipresent. The cosmic rays know the disease by their omniscience. The
filtered rays from them locate the diseased part by their omnipotence and then spread to all
parts of the body by their omnipresence nature and cure the wearer soon without any adverse
side effect. The cosmic rays and radiation do the work of creation, maintenance and
destruction of all tangible things as the cosmic mind wills and as time matures.

7. Each cosmic ray contains a particular amount of elements in it and our body also contains
similar elements in free state or in the form of compounds/ chemicals. The average
composition of elements in human body is as follows and the deficiency of an element it
caused is made up by use of colours mentioned against each.

8. The chemical nature of gems brings them in close contact with man. They are crystals of clear
and purified chemicals that are also found in human body. Their contact with the
electromagnetic field of the body becomes easy when they are embedded in pure metals like
silver, gold & copper etc. in such a way that part of the gem constantly touches the body.

Could be worn on middle/ small finger and gems for Mars/Moon could be worn on index or ring

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