Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro

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A Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practice according to the New Treasure

of Dudjom
by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Jikdral Yeshe Dorje

1. The Preparation: Reciting the Four Contemplations which Turn the Mind

namo, lum ten gyi gnpo lama khyen
Homage! O lama, my unfailing and constant protector!

daljor di ni shintu nyepar ka

This free and endowed human birth is very difficult to obtain.

ky ts mitak chiw chchen yin

Everything that is born is by its nature impermanent and bound to die.

ge dik l kyi gyundr luwam

Beneficial and harmful actions bring their inevitable results.

kham sum khorwa dukngal gyats ngang

The three realms of sasra are an ocean of suffering.

dren n dak lo ch la gyurwar shok

Recognizing this, may my mind turn towards the Dharma.

Reciting these verses many times trains the mind properly.

2. The Main Preliminary Practices

2.1 Taking Refuge

With faith that your Root Lama, who essentially embodies the field of refuge of the Three Jewels, appears in the
sky as Guru Rinpoche:

di zung changchub nyingpo matob bar

From now until I obtain the essence of enlightenment,

lama knchok sum la kyab su chi

I take refuge in the Lama, the Buddha, Dharma and Sagha.

Combine with prostrations and recite as much as possible.

2.2 Bodhicitta: Developing the Mind of Awakening

With the field of refuge as your witness, pray:

da n zung t khorwa matong bar

From now until sasra itself is empty,

magyur semchen kn gyi pend drub

I shall strive for the benefit and well-being of all sentient beings (who were once my very
own parents).

Thus the mind of awakening is developed.

2.3 Offering the Mandala which Accumulates Merit and Wisdom

With an actual heaped mandala that symbolizes the offering recite:

tserab kn gyi l dang longch pal

In all my lives, my body, my possessions and all my merits,

tsok nyi dzok chir knchok sum la bul

I offer to the Refuge (Buddha, Dharma and Sagha) in order to accumulate merit and

idam ratna mandala kam nirya tayami

Offer the mandala many times.

2.4 The Meditation and Recitation of Vajrasattva which Purifies Obscurations

With oneself in an ordinary form

chiwor lama dorsem yerm p

Above my head is the Lama, inseparable from Vajrasattva.

ku l dtsi gyn bab drib jang gyur

From his body flows a stream of nectar that purifies all our negative karma, destructive
emotions, illnesses, destructive influences (negativity), and blockages due to digpa
(negative actions) and dripa (obscurations).

The Hundred Syllable Mantra

om benza sato samaya

O, the most excellent exclamation of praise, Vajrasattvas samaya:


manupalaya benza sato
O Vajrasattva, protect the samaya

tenopa tishta dridho m bhava

May you remain firm in me

sutokhayo m bhava
Grant me complete satisfaction

supokhayo m bhava
Grow within me (increase the positive within me)

anurakto m bhava
Be loving towards me

sarva siddhi m prayaccha

Grant me all the siddhis

sarva karma su tsa m

Show me all the karmas (activities)

tsittam shreyang kuru

Make my mind good, virtuous and auspicious!

H! The heart essence, seed syllable of Vajrasattva

ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha! Symbolizes the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys,
and the four kyas

Ho! The exclamation of joy at this accomplishment


bhagavan sarva tatagata
O blessed one, who embodies all the vajra tathgatas

benza ma m muntsa
Do not abandon me

benzi bhava
Grant me the realization of the vajra nature

maha samaya sato

O great Samayasattva

! Make me one with you

Recite the hundred syllable mantra visualizing the descending stream of purifying nectar.

The Six Syllable Mantra

om benza sato hung

Recite the six syllable mantra as much as possible.

To finish:

shyu daknang dang dr ro chik gyur

Lama Vajrasattva dissolves into light and becomes one with me.

Rest in meditation with Vajrasattva gathered into oneself.

2.5 The Swift Blessings of Uniting with the Mind of the Guru

rangnyi dorj naljor dn kha ru

I am transformed into Vajrayogin; in the sky before me

tsaw lama pem kur shyeng gyur

My tsaw lama appears in the form of Guru Padmasambhava.

Four Line Invocation Prayer

d sum sangye mal dp ku

The embodiment of all the buddhas, past, present and future,

tsaw lama chok la solwa deb

Incomparable tsaw lama I pray to you.

di chi bardo sum du tukj zung

In this life and in the next, and in the bardo states, guide me with compassion.

d sum gynch mepar jingyi lob

Grant me your blessings continuously at all times.

Vajra Guru Mantra

om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

Recite many times, one hundred, one thousand, and so forth.

Receiving the Siddhis and Dissolution

ku sung tuk kyi wang jin yongdzok tob

I am fully empowered with the blessings of body, speech and mind of Guru Rinpoche.


benza guru kaya waka tsitta siddhi hung

Thus receive the Four Empowerments. To finish:

lama shyu rang tim yerm ngang

The Lama dissolves into light and becomes inseparable one with me.

riktong dn gyi lam rang shyal ta

Recognize one's own rigpa as the absolute Lama.

Rest in meditation with the Guru absorbed into oneself.

2.6 The Transference of Consciousness (Phowa)

gnpo pakm la solwa deb

I pray to the protector Amitbha, the Buddha of Limitless Light,

zablam powa jongpar jingyi lob

By your blessings may I accomplish the profound path of phowa.

Recite many times to intensify the intention to transfer your consciousness.

2.7 The Generosity of Giving One's Body and Dedicating the Merit

dani l dang longch getsar ch

Now my body, my possessions, my merits and even their causes, all together

magyur dro la pangpa mepar tang

I surrender them to all beings with no remorse;


dro dn lab chen gekm drubpar shok
May I provide great benefit for all beings without hindrance.

Thus, make fervent prayers of aspiration, etc.

This is a concise recitation of the preliminary practices by Jikdral Yeshe Dorje that clearly elucidates the essential
meaning and is intended for those who do not understand or are unable to recite the extensive preliminary
practices according to the New Treasure.

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