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Paper 3: Individual Rhetorical Analysis Paper

Section 1: Introduction to Community- Sierra Irizarry

At the University of Central Florida, an ENC 1101 course taught by Professor Pierson

three times a week. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30am-9:20am meets to develop

students knowledge of what writing is and how it functions in the world. This class, made up of

approximately 25 first year students, examines writing as the object of study in the way we write,

how we write, and what contributes to our writing. We do this through the use of the UCF

Writes: A Handbook for Writing at the University of Central Florida, and Writing about

Writing: A College Reader 3rd Edition textbook, along with class lectures as tools in our

learning process while learning in a classroom lecture setting. We are able to later demonstrate

what weve learned in this ENC 1101 course by using our class units to compose an essay. The

course is broken down into four major papers, each one covering a unit weve learned in class

the four papers are: an Autoethnography, a Process Description and Analysis, Including Revision

piece, Rhetorical Analysis Paper, and finally a Genre Analysis and Application piece. In each

unit, we are assigned a small group in which we draft our essay, have it peer reviewed and finally

submitted for a final draft. In our third small group PowerPoints were presented by our assigned

groups on different kinds of rhetoric such as Rhetorical Ecology, Kairos, Ethos/Pathos/Logos,

and Narrative. Leading us into our third essay, the rhetorical analysis paper, where I am to look

at the class PowerPoint and analyze it using one of the previously listed kind of rhetoric which

my own personal group did not present. In this paper, Ive decided to discuss the class

PowerPoint in the way of how it relates to Rhetorical Ecology.

Section 2: Introduction to Text

The ENC 1101 PowerPoint is a class PowerPoint created by Professor Pierson basically
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outlining our day by day activities in this English course. The PowerPoint works as a timeline

for the ENC 1101 course, it starts on our first day of class and continues on to the current day.

Each slide goes over what we will be discussing in class that day, as well as questions to go over

the reading assigned the previous class and any upcoming assignments. The PowerPoints

exigence is that it addresses the syllabus, key terms in the course, critical thinking questions for

the articles we read, and breaks down our essays with what content is to be expected, how it

should be laid out and expected format. For example, on August 28th, in small groups we were

asked to Come up with an example from your lives (at least one of you) for each of the four

characteristics of writing from Fridays reading. Use the notes you took on the writing and in

class for guidance. Be prepared to share in Large Group Discussion (Slide 14). With the rhetor

being Professor Pierson, along with Writing Studies scholars that we study, and the people who

write the criteria for the ENC 1101 course. The audience for the ENC 1101 Class PowerPoint is

the students enrolled in this course, along with any peer reviewing scholars or the English

department faculty Constraints that the PowerPoint may have is the restriction of understanding

the language used throughout the slide. This may be limited vocabulary to only a ENC student or

peers in the English community. Terms that we learn in the course such as, literacy sponsors,

warrants/threshold concepts or Discourse can limit an outsider understanding about what we are

currently discussing in class because these are terms that they might not have learned in an

average high school English course. The PowerPoint is basically a narrative of the class telling

the story of our ENC 1101 course, starting with our initial day in class that will continue until

our final day. In a way, you can look at the class narrative as a Rhetorical Ecology which can be

understood as the overall context in which a rhetorical interaction (or set of interactions) take

place (Downs pp. 467 WAW). If you look at it in the sense that the class is the rhetorical
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interaction and the class PowerPoint overall context in which it takes place because the

PowerPoint is the story of the class. Everything that is learned, taught or discussed in this ENC

1101 course can be found with the PowerPoint, and although our writings may all differ as a

class in the context of what we are writing the subject or topic in which we are writing about

remains the same throughout the class.

Section 3: Methods

In our group, we researched our rhetoric through peer reviewed journals and scholar articles.

Each individual in the group independently looked up their own article that in some way related

to the rhetoric of our group. In looking up the articles we looked for ways it defined the rhetoric

our group was studying along with examples of how that rhetoric was used. We then worked

together as group to put together a presentation to the class explaining our rhetoric. We were

instructed to make a PowerPoint or a trifold board to later show the class with our findings, along

with a handout one for each individual in the class to have their own. In understanding how

Rhetorical Ecology can be found inside the class PowerPoint I broke up each part of the

presentation the original group that had presented this rhetoric. The group began with the

definition of Rhetorical Ecology, they continued in explaining how NASA and their official

website could be considered a Rhetorical Ecology. Just as the class PowerPoint and students of

this ENC 1101 course can be too. The analytics that were founded, or in other words goals of a

Rhetorical Ecology were clearly defined in their presentation and easy to connect it back to the

class PowerPoint.

Section 4: Analysis & Findings

Thesis: Rhetorical Ecology operates as "a place defined by a network of myriad

interconnecting and almost inseparable elements that all shape the rhetorical interaction and
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meaning that emerges from them (Downs, pp. 466). With Professor Piersons ENC 1101 class

acting as the network and the class PowerPoint being the place where the numerous connections

with in the class are made through shared lessons and assignments you are able to relate the three

goals of Rhetorical Ecology to the class PowerPoint. The goals of Rhetorical Ecology are, to be

able to examine a paper or web page as a whole and see how specific components influence the

entire paper, how texts change over time, and to identify different connections within a

community. You can see the PowerPoint changes over time because the slides get less and less

detailed as time progresses because us, the students of the ENC 1101 class, are learning the

context and need less details in assignments. Weve come to learn the way of the class and what

Professor Pierson expects from us requiring needing less detail in instructions and what is to be

expected from journals we have to write for the class from our assigned readings. In our essays,

we write about our writing process and what influences our writing as well as the people and

things that contribute to the way we write. Through our different backgrounds, writing styles,

and experiences you can see in our writing different connections that are within our community

even though we all connect back to the ENC 1101 course. And finally, if you look at the

PowerPoint as a paper in its entirety the way it outlines the requirements for an essay. For

example, it can qualify as specific components that influence the entire way the essay is

written. Telling you how it should be formatted, how long it should be, what should be included,

how many sources are need, as well as what kind of sources you need. The PowerPoint gives the

class something to be able to go back to and look over its an outline of the full course as well as a

rubric for what the course entails. It works as the center home page for the whole class

everything that will be discussed or taught in the class goes full back to the PowerPoint it can

relate to everything that will take place and be done within this ENC 1101 course.

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