CS Prerelease Task For Term1 Exam-2017

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CS Prerelease Task for Term1 Exam- 2017

A School with 1500 students wants to maintain the Student House Activities Records.
The Program should be able to store Student name, House name & Score of each of the 3
House Activities conducted during the academic year.
Write & test Program for the School.
Your Program must include appropriate prompts for the Data Entry.
Error messages & other output need to be set out clearly.
All identifiers, Variables, Constants should have meaningful names.

Task 1
Set up 1 Dimensional array to store the following Data:

o Student name
o Student House( Newton & Einstein)
o Score for 3 Activities that students have to participate in-
Score is out of 100 for Activity 1
Score is out of 250 for Activity 2
Score is out of 300 for Activity 3

Input to store records for 1500 students.

Input should be validated at Data Entry & any invalid input should be rejected.

Assume that student name is not Duplicate & Blank.

Task 2 -
Output House Based Statistics.

o Input House name.

o Calculate & display Average Score of the input house.

Task 3
Output Statistics based on User Input.
o Based on user input for the house, find & display the student name who has scored
maximum in that particular house.

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