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Export Business Plan

1. Selection of product and country for export

a. Reasons for selection of product and country
b. Trade theories- Country similarity theory
2. Executive Summary
a. The Company
b. The Product
c. The Market
d. Financial Consideration
e. Our key to success
f. Objectives
g. Mission
3. Company Summary
a. Company ownership
b. Startup financial Summary
c. Companies location and facilities
4. Product
a. Product Description
b. Competitive comparison
c. Sales Literature
d. Sourcing
e. Technology
f. Future products
5. Market Analysis Summary
a. Market Trends
b. Market Need
c. Market growth
d. Main competitor
e. Demand validation
f. Market segmentation
g. Target market and Segmentation Strategy
h. (Market Analysis)
6. Strategy and Implementation Summary
a. Marketing Strategy
i. Promotion strategy
ii. Distribution strategy
iii. Pricing strategy
iv. Sales strategy
1. Sales forecast
2. Sales program
v. Milestones
7. Management Summary
a. Organizational Structure
b. Management Team
c. Management Team Gap
d. Personnel Plan
8. Financial Plan
a. Important assumptions
b. Key financial indicators
c. Breakeven Analysis
d. Projected profit and loss
e. Projected cash flows
f. Projected balance sheet
g. Business ratios
9. Export strategies
10. Collaborative Strategies with international partners
11. Legalities and documentation for export -- Link forwarded on whatsapp

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