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CHIRAL DRUGS a single stereoisomer of the old racemic

drug as a new drug (chiral switch), often

Lien Ai Nguyen, Hua He, and Chuong Pham-Huy with claims of greater activity, less
toxicity or both. Many currently
I. INTRODUCTION marketed drugs are racemic mixtures of
Chiral chemistry was discovered by Louis stereoisomers. They may be enantiomers,
Pasteur, a French chemist and biologist, when
which are non-superimposable mirror
he separated by hand for the first time, in
images, or geometric isomers, which are
1848, the two isomers of sodium ammonium
not mirror images, but in either case
tartrate However, it needed about a century
stereoisomers can differ markedly from
later to find that the phenomenon of chirality
each other in bioactivity and
plays a key role not only in the life of plants
pharmacokinetics. The FDA now
and animals but also in pharmaceutical,
requires manufacturers to identify and
agricultural and other chemical industries.
characterize each individual isomer of a
All proteins, enzymes, amino acids,
new racemic mixture. However, the
carbohydrates, nucleosides and a number of
differences between stereoisomers may
alkaloids and hormones are chiral
not be clinically significant. The
compounds. In pharmaceutical industries,
levofloxacin, S(-) isomer of ofloxacin,
56% of the drugs currently in use are chiral
has an important clinical advantage over
products and 88% of the last ones are
racemic ofloxacin, but for some other
marketed as racemates consisting of an
stereoisomers marketed recently as the
equimolar mixture of two enantiomers. In
contrast to chiral artificial products, all natural
patent was expiring on the original
compounds are under single enantiomeric
racemic mixture (such as esomeprazole,
form, for example, all natural amino acids are
levalbuterol, dexmethylphenidate and
l-isomer (levorotatory) as well as all natural escitalopram), no such advantage has
sugars (carbohydrates) are d-isomer been clinically demonstrated.
(dextrorotatory). In clinical therapeutics, the use of a
Although they have the same chemical chiral assay is still not universally
structure, most enantiomers of racemic drugs performed. Use of a non-stereoselective
exhibit marked differences in biological determination for a drug administered as
activities such as pharmacology, toxicology, a racemate may result in erroneous
pharmacokinetics, metabolism etc. The therapeutic interpretation. For example,
mechanisms of chiral drugs with biological for the same dosage of a racemic drug
environment are now explained. Therefore, it administered to two patients, a non-chiral
is important to promote the chiral separation assay can give the same racemate
and analysis of racemic drugs in concentrations for both patients. But, the
pharmaceutical industry as well as in clinic in ratio of the active form and the inactive
order to eliminate the unwanted isomer from one can differ in two patients and thanks
the preparation and to find an optimal to the last results, the physician can
treatment and a right therapeutic control for correctly interpret the difference in
the patient. clinical observation between them.
Therefore, it is important to promote the
II. DISCUSSION automatization of some chiral techniques
In recent years, as patent on a successful used in clinic such as chiral HPLC and
drug nears expiration, pharmaceutical enantioselective immunoassays.
manufacturers have sometimes marketed
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