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1) Name of bank:

2) Gender: Male Female

3) Age:

(Please put tick mark in the appropriate places)

1) Opportune time for transformation into universal bank

Right Now 1Year hence 2 Year hence Other

2) Are you satisfied with your banks overall CSR practices that are targeted at
Very satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied
Very dissatisfied

3) Does your bank offer environmental friendly facilities at the work place?

4) Does your bank provide financial support to environmental matters?


5) Who are mainly your Competitors in banking sector?

International Banks Public Banks
Private Banks All the above
6) Which sector in banking is more conscious about higher productivity and
performance of employees?
Public sector Bank Private sector Banks
Foreign Banks Co-operative Banks
7) Do you agree the employees providing banking service to customers are the
service providers, organisation for customers, brand and marketers?
Strongly agree Agree
Do not Agree No idea
8) Would universal banking be effective in a newly industrializing economy?
Yes No
9) Does universal banking reduce corporate financing costs for a newly
Industrializing economy?
Yes No
10) What should be role of RBI in universal banking scenario?
Supervisory Power of de-facto control

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