Ocean Energy Poster

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Designing an Energy Harvesting Buoy

Ashley Blawas, Kip Coonley, Brandon Dalla Rosa, Kelsey Evezich, Brent Hermiller, Nicholas Naclerio,
Dane Sequeira, Trevyn Toone, Justin Wang,
Martin Brooke, Ph.D. , Brian Mann, Ph.D. , Doug Nowacek, Ph.D.
Duke University Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University Marine Lab

Abstract Goals Outcomes

Ocean waves represent an enormous source of energy that is The 3 distinct energy- harvesting components of the design include, Current Status as of March 20 17:
available to power technologies such as tracking endangered 1. Buoy Design A horizontal pendulum on a buoy can be used to generate the rotation of a
marine mammal migratory patterns, powering remote buoys for 3D print different buoy shapes and test in wave tank vertical shaft given small perturbations.
environmental ocean monitoring, and creating an interconnected Manufacture a scaled horizontal pendulum with shaft to connect to The buoy can be designed with a soup can insert to contain the capacitor
network of wireless, battery- free ocean sensors for safety capacitor plates plates and electronic components.
offshore. This project investigates ocean energy harvesting using Capacitive plates can be etched with copper in a design to maximize current
Create an encasing within the buoy for the capacitor plates
generation when rotated about a vertical shaft.
nonlinear dynamics to enhance the amount of kinetic energy 2. Capacitive Energy Design A voltage of approximately 3V can be created when tap water flows through
available to an electrostatic energy converter. In the system, Model plate designs for enhanced AC voltage swing a Teflon tube.
harvested mechanical motion is converted into usable electrical Verify plate designs electrically using a rotary test stand
power by means of a novel rotary parallel plate capacitor. The Build and test rotary capacitive energy harvester design experimentally Predicted Status by May 20 17:
well known triboelectric effect is used to provide the initial charge A buoy containing capacitor plates that rotate around a vertical shaft of a
3. Triboelectric Design
on the harvester plates. This work represents a collaborative effort horizontal pendulum given small perturbations can be deployed in a real
Test different materials for charge build up
at Duke University between the Pratt School of Engineering, the wave environment and a voltage measured across the plates
Create tubes of different materials for testing effects of water flow A planar triboelectric material can generate a charge build up that can be
Nicholas School of the Environment, and the Marine Laboratory.
Design planar materials for attachment to buoy measured and wired to connect to a rechargeable battery

Buoy Design Results Capacitive Energy Design Results Triboelectric Design Results

The well known triboelectric effect where two material interfacesin this case
Several different buoy In the integrated system, harvested mechanical motion of ocean waves is ocean water colliding with a buoybuild- up the charge that initially biases the
shapes were printed for converted into usable electrical power by means of a novel rotary parallel harvester plates. Recently, experimental work at GA Tech in 20 12 [3]
testing. W idth and the plate capacitor designed for optimal change in overlapping plate area (dA/ dt) successfully demonstrated that triboelectricity could be widely used to power
curvature of the bow of the per rotation which also upconverts the inherently low- frequency ocean waves various sensors. The materials required to generate a charge based on this
buoy were adjusted to to usable, more efficient higher frequencies for electrical conversion. concept are inexpensive, however, the fabrication process requires nano- scale
increase/ decrease stability.
surface alteration so that electrons can flow under optimal conditions.
A Loggerhead OpenTag was The rotary capacitive energy harvester is
used during test shown with 3D printed plate holders and a Based on early results,
deployments in the Beaufort micrometer stage on one side for fine significant voltage
After initial deployments in the Fall of 20 16, a Inlet to measure acceleration adjustment. The capacitive plates that increases have been seen
horizontal pendulum was added to the design. in 3 planes. The frequency of serve as plates have been chemically when running water
This buoy was tested in the Duke W ave Tank to waves could be extracted etched from copper- clad printed circuit through Teflon tubes and
visualize the perturbations to the buoy and from this data and relative board material, FR4. Full- plate and 1/ 2- taking advantage of the
reactions of the horizontal pendulum. wave amplitude. plate schemes will be used in initial trials. charge gradient between
the two materials. W hen
a high voltage is
maintained then planar
Finally, an internal casing for a hollow
materials will be tested.
buoy design was 3D printed and
outfitted with the capacitor plates and a Revised experiments moving forward include a basin partially submerged in
battery for coupled testing of the buoy, water that at rest will not interact with the energy harvester. However, when an
horizontal pendulum, and capacitor external force is applied, the friction will produce a measurable charge.
plate as a unit. The pendulum
generated large rotations of the shaft
and the capacitor plates rotated enough
to generate a measureable voltage. 1. Sarafian, Haiduke, Rotating Elliptical Parallel- Plate Capacitor and a Transient Electric Circuit,
International Conference on Computational Sciences and Its Applications ICCSA 20 0 8, pp. 291296
2. Lee, Ki Bang, Design Methodology for Variable Capacitors, Journal of Micromechanics and
Microengineering, Volume 18, Number 2
The rotatory capacitive harvester plates have been wired and initial 3. G. Zhu, Y. Su, P. Bai, J. Chen, Q. Jing, W . Yang, and Z.L. W ang, "Harvesting W ater W ave Energy by
Asymmetric Screening of Electrostatic Charges on a Nanostructured Hydrophobic Thin- Film
capacitance measured. Note that one plate is fixed (RIGHT) while the other Surface, ACS Nano, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 60 3160 37, 20 14.
plate rotates. Electrical connections have been made to the back- side of 4. Y. Su, X. W en, G. Zhu, J. Yang, J. Chen, P. Bai, Z. W u, Y. Jiang, and Z. L. W ang, "Hybrid triboelectric
each plate at a center- tapped hole. The entire shaft and plate (LEFT) are nanogenerator for harvesting water wave energy as a self- powered distress signal emitter," Nano,
electrically GROUND in the circuit. The motor itself is isolated using a 20 14.
variable rotation coupling between the shaft and more mount. 5. Mann, Brian P. "Dynamics of an Ocean Energy Harvester." McGehee, Clark Coleman. N.p., 0 1 Jan.
20 13. W eb. 15 Feb. 20 17.

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