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Lesson Plan (Day 3)

Students will create a PowerPoint presentation after they have read and highlighted the worksheet Reading
Comprehension - Caste System in India. This worksheet is designed to give them a basic understanding of
how the Caste System worked anciently. The purpose of this assignment is to connect the ancient social
system to how it impacts India today.

1. Definition(s): Have students add to their cornell notes for this section the following terms. Have them
put three elements on the right side under the notes section.
a. Meaning of the word
b. How it impacts the civilization
c. Use it to describe the ancient civilization
i. Caste - is a class structure that is determined by birth. Loosely, it means that in some
societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor, too. Same goes for being
rich, if you're a glass-half-full person.
ii. Brahmins - The Priests and Teachers (seen as the upper class)
iii. Kshatriyas - The Warriors and Rules
iv. Vaishyas - Farmers, Traders & Merchants
v. Shudras - Labourers
vi. Dalits (Outcastes) - Street sweepers, homeless, latrine cleaners, etc.

How did the caste system start?

Who are the Aryans?

What are the levels of racism?

The Impacts of the Caste System
Flyer, Poster, or Presentation
Answer the following questions in their powerpoint presentations or flyer
1. When did the Caste System began in India?
2. What are the various levels of the Caste System?
3. What are the advantages of having a Caste System?
a. Economically?
b. Socially?
c. Politically?
d. Environmentally?
4. What are the disadvantages of having a Caste System?
a. Economically?
b. Socially?
c. Politically?
d. Environmentally?
5. Anciently why would the culture start a caste system?
6. How is the Caste System related to managing resources (food, water, land, etc.)
7. Today, what are the ethical dilemmas with having a Caste System?
a. Socially?
b. Globally?

Presentation Guidelines
Using the questions above please have them create a slide per each question. They need to
write a minimum of 4 sentences for each question or 4 bullet points.

Flyer/Poster Guidelines
Using the questions above please and create a flyer that provides at least a minimum of 4
sentences for each question and/or 4 bullet points. This flyer must be complete, attractive, and
make sense.

Although appearance counts for some points, Content is more important. A pretty
picture with bad information is worse than a bad picture with good information. First
get the content done and then make it appealing.

What are you doing? ____________________________

Please write all the answers to the questions on the following page before starting your
Cornell Notes
Name: ___________________________________
Topic: Impacts of Caste System
Class: _________________ Group: ________

Questions/Main Ideas/Vocabulary:

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