Good Evening Parents

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Good Evening Parents, 12/4/17

Here is some news for the week and only 13 Days until Track out:
1. Progress Reports came home and there may have been a powerschool error on some
reports for ELA. Your child may increases his/her scores on ELA or Science in their
accounts by Retesting in both Snapshots or (tech-book Assessments)
2. Readvolution Program ends (4th Place finish)
3. Holiday Party Information coming home soon(Support Needed)
4. Ecosysytems Unit Assessment the week of the 11th.
5. Decimal Test Next Tuesday!
6. Book Fair Ends Thursday Night at Carpenter!
7. Second Quarter Book Share is the the REVOLUTIONARY WAR PAUL REVERE POEM
ONLY! (Happy Holidays)...
(PRINT IF NEEDED) for Sullivan
8. Matthews Book Shares are Due Dec.18th.
9. Over this track out their will be 1 ELA Non-Fiction Summary for one of the 100 BOOKS
in the Challenge to complete over the break. (Sullivan Only)
10. After the break your child may bring in a his/her own bungi chair to use for Independent
Reading in class.

Thanks, so much for your support and have a wonderful week.


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