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Streptococcus Thermophilus (Probiotic): A Strain You Want

When someone mentions probiotics, they are referring to actual bacteria that live in your
gut. Your gut is populated with all kinds of microorganismssome good and some bad. In order
to keep a healthy balance, good bacteria needs to keep the harmful variety in check.

Streptococcus thermophiles, also known as probiotic, is a positive bacterium belonging to

the Phylum Firmicutes. S. thermophilus is largely used for the cultures prepared for the
manufacture of dairy products, particularly yogurt, mozzarella cheese and other dairy products
that aids in maintaining micro-ecology of the digestive system. Lifestyle, emotional stress, poor
food choices are just some of the many reasons that shift the balance of the stomach health in
favor of harmful bacteria. Ideally, a healthy digestive tract filters out and eliminates toxins,
chemicals, waste products and other harmful bacteria

Streptococcus thermophilus is best known for its gastrointestinal health benefits owing
to the presence of its strain in the human intestines. Products containing S. thermophilus strains
are largely given to people suffering from organ failure, particularly those suffering from acute
pancreatitis. It also takes in the necessary nutrients and absorbs and delivers them to cells in the
body that needs them.

Another anomaly is that Streptococcus strain helps address acute diarrhea in infants.
Italian scientists who were conducting the study, 44 infants who were suffering from chronic
constipation. After eight weeks, they noticed that the infants who were given probiotics
experienced a significant improvement in their condition. In fact, the frequency of their bowel
movement increased from three to five times in a week.

S. thermophilus is a strain that particularly reveals mechanisms like scavenging of reactive

oxygen species, metal ion chelating ability, reduction of the intracellular activity of cell-free
extract and enzyme inhibition. As a popular probiotic choice, S. thermophilus is also used to
create lactic acid. It has an antioxidative ability and because it breaks down lactose into the acid,
it is also often prescribed to lactose-intolerant individuals (to make it easier to digest dairy.)

It does not stop there! Not only can it boost a persons immune system by preventing
colds and flu while speeding up recovery and preventing diseases by preventing colds and flu
while speeding up recovery and preventing diseases like irritable bowel, allergies and diarrhea.
It can also help with colon health, possibly even lowering the risk for colon cancer.

There is some research that S. thermophilus may be helpful during chemotherapy by

protecting the intestinal tissues from irritation caused by chemotherapy drugs. Another study
shows S. thermophilus correlates with better growth in children. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
(AAD) is a growing issue today, and people are seeking natural methods for relief. Since
antibiotics kill good bacteria and sometimes allow harmful bacteria to grow, diarrhea is often a
result. Certain strains of S. thermophilus have been shown to reduce AAD. This isnt surprising,
considering that many other probiotic strains also provide similar benefits.

We may say that S. thermophilus have its numerous benefits but not all are alike. There
are a couple of things to keep in mind about how it works. First, they may not work the same for
everyone. Each person has a distinctive pattern of bacterial floral in his or her intestines, so that
certain bacteria may not have the same benefit for you as it will for someone else. Second, the
benefits of it are strain-specific. If a study shows that one strain of that bacteria prevents
infections, it does not mean that all S. thermophilus prevent infections.

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