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IET Renewable Power Generation

Research Article

Numerical study on the geometrical ISSN 1752-1416

Received on 18th July 2016
Revised 12th January 2017
parameters affecting the aerodynamic Accepted on 13th February 2017
E-First on 2nd May 2017
performance of Invelox doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2016.0668

Morteza Anbarsooz1 , Mohammad Sadegh Hesam1, Behnam Moetakef-Imani2

1Quchan University of Advanced Technology, Quchan, Iran
2Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

Abstract: High wind velocities are required for wind projects to be economically efficient. To increase the wind speed, the
concept of ducted wind turbines has been introduced in recent decades. Among them is the Invelox, which can capture the wind
from all directions and funnel the collected air to the ground level. Primary results have shown that this design can increase the
overall efficiency of a wind project. In this study, the effects of the main geometrical parameters affecting the aerodynamic
performance of the Invelox are numerically studied. The effects of the inlet area, the diameter of the Venturi section and the
height of the funnel on the wind speed increment inside the Venturi section have been determined. Results show that the inlet
area and the Venturi cross section area have the most significant effects on the speed ratio (SR) of the Invelox, while the funnel
height and air velocity have minor effects. In the case of appropriate selection of the geometry parameters, velocity increments
up to 1.9 are achievable. Finally, the effects of adding a horizontal axis wind turbine inside the Venturi on its power coefficient
are studied. Results show that Invelox greatly enhances the turbine maximum power coefficient. However, it decreases the tip
speed ratio corresponding to the maximum power coefficient.

1Introduction introduced innovation [13], named Invelox (increased velocity), is

a promising technology which is the main focus of this study.
In the recent three decades, wind turbines have been spread all over A schematic of the Invelox is shown in Fig. 1. It captures the
the globe with a remarkable rate. Numerous researchers and wind from every direction and then, funnels the wind energy to the
scientists have introduced new designs for the wind turbines to ground or even sub-ground levels. As a result, the high costs of
increase the efficiency of wind energy conversion. In this regard, installation of wind turbines on top of tall towers and the
several review papers are available in the literature on different consequent maintaining challenges are omitted. Besides, there is no
aspects of wind energy conversion [1]. need for an active yaw control system to orient the turbine in the
There are several factors that make a wind project economically direction of the upcoming wind. The speed of the collected wind is
efficient. The most important ones are the wind speed at the site, then increased in a Venturi, where the wind turbines would also
the aerodynamic efficiency of the wind turbine and the initial been mounted. Finally, the wind speed would be slowed down
capital cost of the project [2]. Since the cost of the wind energy before returning back to the ambient using a diffuser.
strongly depends on the wind speed [2], the wind turbines are often Allaei and Andreopoulos [13] presented the field measurement
installed on tall towers, which instead increases the challenges of data of a prototype and showed that the Invelox has greatly
manufacturing, installation and maintenance. To increase the wind enhanced the daily energy production rate. They also performed
speed, the concept of ducted wind turbines have been introduced computational fluid dynamics simulations using Ansys and Comsol
by several innovators [36]. Matsushima et al. [7] studied the commercial software to study the fluid flow inside and around the
aerodynamic performance of a diffuser-type wind speed augmenter Invelox [13, 14]. However, no investigation has been performed on
and showed that the wind speed can be increased 1.7 times by several geometrical parameters of the Invelox, which might have
appropriate selection of the diffuser shape. Ohya et al. [8] significant effects on the aerodynamic performance of the system.
employed a flanged-diffuser shroud for collecting and accelerating Allaei et al. [15] also experimentally studied the performance of
the approaching wind, with special emphasis on positioning the the Invelox with up to three mounted turbines inside the Ventuti.
flange at the exit of the diffuser shroud. They examined various Their results showed that the increased velocity of the wind inside
geometrical parameters of the flanged diffuser, such as the diffuser the Venturi, allows multistage absorption of wind energy and
open angle, flange height, hub ratio, centre-body length and inlet therefore, the total harnessed energy has been increased.
shroud shape. Abe et al. [9] performed experimental and numerical In the current study, several geometrical parameters which
investigations on a small wind turbine with a flanged diffuser. They might affect the aerodynamic performance of the Invelox have
reached a power coefficient higher than the Betz limit owing to the been studied numerically, using the Ansys Fluent commercial
effect of the flanged diffuser. Wang et al. [10] performed wind software. The simulation results are first validated by comparing
tunnel measurements to investigate the effects of a flanged diffuser the numerical data with the numerical results of Allaei and
on the dynamic behaviour of the blade of a shrouded 3kW wind Andreopoulos [13] where a good agreement was observed. Next,
turbine. Liu and Yoshida [11] developed an extension of the the effects of the inlet area, the diameter of the Venturi section and
actuator disc theory [12] to study the physical phenomena of a the height of the funnel on the wind speed increment inside the
diffuser-augmented wind turbine. They proposed an empirical Venturi section have been determined at various wind speeds.
model which can be used to predict the diffuser axial induction. Therefore, the relative importance of each studied parameter on the
The single-ducted wind turbines are mostly economical and aerodynamic performance of the Invelox would be revealed.
efficient for the wind turbines at small scales [13]. For the utility
scale applications, however, these design concepts have shown to
be economically unreasonable [13]. In this regard, a recently

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Fig. 1 Schematic of the Invelox as proposed by Allaei and Andreopoulos [13]

p ui u j
ui + u u = + +
t x j i j xi x j x j xi

+ uiu j + gi
x j

where ui are the Reynolds-averaged components of the velocity

vector, is the fluid density, is the molecular viscosity, p is the
static pressure, gi is the gravitational body force and uiu j are
the Reynolds stress terms which must be modelled using suitable
turbulence models. In this study, the SST-k- turbulence model is
utilised with the enhanced wall function [16]. The applicability of
this turbulence model for the wind turbine simulations, has been
tested by various researchers [17]. The details of the turbulence
model are available at [16] and they are not repeated here.
The governing equations are solved using the Ansys Fluent
Fig. 2 Dimensions of the computational domain commercial software using the pressure-based segregated
algorithm. The SIMPLE algorithm is used for the pressure-velocity
coupling with the second-order upwind scheme for the pressure
and momentum equations.

3Computational domain, grid and boundary

The computational domain is considered similar to that of Allaei
and Andreopoulos [13], which is a rectangular cube with the
dimensions of 100m75m75m, as shown in Fig. 2. The wind
flows from the negative-x towards the positive-x with a velocity of
6.7m/s. For the inflow, a constant uniform velocity is imposed
with 5% turbulent intensity and 1.0m length scale of turbulence
[13]. The ground is considered as a no-slip wall boundary
condition and the other lateral faces are slip walls. The exit plane is
considered as a pressure-outlet boundary condition with uniform
zero relative pressure. The reference pressure is the atmospheric
The computational domain is discretised using tetrahedral
Fig. 3 Medium-grid distribution in a median cross section of the elements with three grid resolutions (the coarse, medium and fine
computational domain grids) with 0.93, 1.27 and 1.73 million cells, respectively. The grid
resolution inside the Invelox region is of great importance, hence
2Governing equations and solution procedure finer grids are used in this region. Fig. 3 shows the medium grid
The three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged governing equations of distribution in a median cross-section of the computational domain.
turbulent incompressible Newtonian fluid flow with constant As can be seen in this figure, extra-fine grid is used at walls and
properties, in an inertial reference frame, are the continuity and also in the venture cross section.
momentum equations, as given below [16]:
4Results and discussions

+ u = 0 (1) 4.1 Validation
t xi i
The main geometrical parameters of the Invelox are depicted in
Fig. 4, which are considered the same as those of Allaei and

792 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2017, Vol. 11 Iss. 6, pp. 791-798
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Andreopoulos [13]: Du=40ft, H=65ft, Hf=35ft, Dd=6ft, H1= respectively. As the figures show, the maximum pressures have
20ft and Dv=6ft. The numerical results of the current study, for occurred on the front and rear stagnation points, as expected. The
the air velocity and flow rate in the Venturi section, are compared maximum velocity is also at the position of the minimum cross
with those of [13] in Table 1, for the three grid resolutions and the section of the Invelox, the Venturi. For a better presentation of the
wind speed of 6.7m/s. flow field inside the Invelox, the velocity vectors are depicted in
The numerical results of the current study are in a good Fig. 7. Furthermore, the pathlines of the air, which has entered the
agreement with their simulation data with less than 5% relative Invelox, are demonstrated in Fig. 8. As can be seen clearly in these
error. Moreover, the medium mesh could be selected as the best figures, a main drawback of the Invelox is that, a considerable
grid, since further increasing the grid resolution resulted in no portion of the entering air would escape the Invelox from its
considerable improvement in the numerical accuracy and it would opposite side, as displayed on the figures. Increasing the funnel
increase the computational cost. height, might prevent the air to escape, however, it would tighten
The pressure and velocity magnitude contours on a median the air flow passage and therefore, it would increase the pressure
cross section of the Invelox, are depicted in Figs. 5 and 6, drop of the Invelox. This will decrease the amount of air entering
the Invelox. Hence, it seems necessary to investigate the effects of
the funnel height on the performance of Invelox. The velocity of
the remaining air in the Invelox, is to be increased in the Venturi
section. Therefore, the contraction of the cross section at the
Venturi, is another effective geometrical parameter that must be
As stated before, the main aim of the Invelox, is to increase the
air velocity. Therefore, a dimensionless coefficient, the speed ratio
(SR), is defined as the ratio of the average air velocity in the
Venturi section to the free stream velocity, as:

Average air velocity in the Venturi

SR = (3)
Incoming wind velocity

4.2 Effects of the Venturi cross section area

The effect of the A1/A2 on the SR is shown in Fig. 9, for several
values of the wind speed. A1 is the air inlet projected area which is
a 20ft by 40ft rectangle (H1Du as presented in Fig. 4) and A2 is
the Venturi circular cross section (A2 = D2v /4). For this figure, A1
was kept constant and A2 was gradually changed. The diameter of
the Venturi sections, Dv, was considered as: 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7 and 8
Fig. 4 Main geometrical parameters of the Invelox
Du=40ft, H=65ft, Hf=35ft, Dd=6ft, H1=20ft and Dv=6ft

Table 1Numerical results of the current study for the average and maximum velocities in the Venturi, in comparison with those
of Allaei and Andreopoulos [13], which are 10.6 and 12.1, respectively
Grid Number of cells (millions) Venturi average velocity, m/s Relative error, % Venturi maximum velocity, m/s Relative error, %
coarse 0.93 11.09 4.6 12.00 0.8
medium 1.27 11.01 3.9 12.09 0.08
fine 1.73 10.99 3.7 12.11 0.08

Fig. 5 Pressure distribution (Pa) on a median cross section of the Invelox, at the incident wind speed of 6.7m/s

IET Renew. Power Gener., 2017, Vol. 11 Iss. 6, pp. 791-798 793
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Fig. 6 Velocity magnitude (m/s) distribution on a median cross section of the Invelox, at the incident wind speed of 6.7m/s

Fig. 7 Velocity vectors (m/s) on a median cross section of the Invelox, at the incident wind speed of 6.7m/s

As the figure shows, the area ratio has significant effects on the heights, (e.g. cases a and b), two re-circulation zones can be
SR. The maximum SR is about 1.7, which has occurred at A1/A2= observed, one right below the funnel and the other one, in the air
33.6 (Dv=5.5ft). That is because of two counteracting effects of passage towards the Venturi, as depicted with dashed ellipses on
the Venturi cross section. The contraction of the Venturi would the figure. The re-circulation zone in the passage is undesirable,
increase the trapped air speed, to satisfy the law of mass since it would reduce the amount of air reaching the Venturi.
conversion. On the other hand, the contraction of the Venturi would Further increasing the funnel height would eliminate this re-
increase the overall pressure drop of the Invelox and as a result, a circulation zone, as can be seen in cases d to f. However, the higher
lower amount of air would enter the Invelox. Thus, the Venturi the funnel height, the larger the pressure drop of the Invelox.
cross section is an essential geometrical parameter of the Invelox The effects of the funnel height on the air-trapping capability of
that must be properly adjusted to achieve the maximum speed the Invelox are given in Table 2. In this table, the values of the total
increase. Moreover, Fig. 9 reveals that the Invelox SR weakly air mass flow rate entering the Invelox, the mass flow rate at the
depends on the wind velocity. Increasing the wind speed from 5 to Venturi, the total mass flow rate escaping the Invelox and the SR
9m/s, would result in a 2.5% increase of the SR. are given. The variations of these quantities are plotted as a
function the dimensionless height ratio, Hf/H, in Fig. 11. As the
4.3 Effects of the upper-funnel height funnel height increases, the pressure drop of the air passage inside
the Invelox increases. This will decrease the amount of air entering
Fig. 10 shows the velocity vectors on a median cross section of the the Invelox. On the other hand, increasing the funnel height would
Invelox for various values of the dimensionless height ratios decrease the amount of air escaping the Invelox, by narrowing the
(Hf/H). The overall height is H=65ft and several funnel heights path of the escaping air. The mass flow rates of the air entering the
are considered as: Hf=27, 30, 32.5, 35, 40 and 45ft. For this Invelox and the escaping air are plotted as a function of the funnel
figure, the inlet height, H1, was kept constant. At lower funnel height ratio in Fig. 11. The difference between these two flow
rates, equals the Venturi mass flow rate.
794 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2017, Vol. 11 Iss. 6, pp. 791-798
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Fig. 8 Pathlines released from one of the inlet faces of the Invelox, at the incident wind speed of 6.7m/s

the wind speed of 6.7m/s, a 2.4% increase in the SR has occurred

at Ddown/Dup=0.025, relative to the Ddown/Dup>0.1.

4.5 Effects of the inlet height, H1

The last geometrical effect studied in this paper, is the effect of the
inlet height. It is expected that, increasing the inlet height, H1,
while the other geometrical parameters are kept constant, would
increase the amount of the inlet air and as a result, the SR would
increase. Three inlet heights of 20, 25 and 30ft are considered and
the geometry of the studied cases are illustrated in Fig. 13. The
simulations are performed at various wind speeds, and the resultant
SRs are plotted in Fig. 14. As the figure shows, the inlet height has
notable effect on the SR, in a manner that, increasing the H1/H
ratio from 0.54 to 0.6, has resulted in a 15% increase in the SR. A
similar trend can be observed at all the studied wind speeds.

4.6 Invelox performance in the presence of a turbine

Fig. 9 A1/A2 effects on the Invelox SR, at various wind speeds In this Section, the performance of the Invelox is investigated in
the presence of a typical horizontal axis wind turbine inside the
The figure clearly shows that as the funnel height increases, the Venturi. The turbine rotor is selected from an existent three-bladed
amount of air entering the Invelox and also the amount of air horizontal axis wind turbine, found in the literature. The blade
escaping the Invelox decrease. At lower values of Hf/H, the sections specifications, which consist of NACA 63-4xx series
decrease in the entering air mass flow rate is dominant and airfoils, are taken from [18]. The turbine diameter is 4ft, which is
therefore, the Venturi mass flow rate decreases. However, as the placed inside the Venturi of the Invelox with the dimensions
funnel height increases, the funnels acts as a guide vane that mentioned in Fig. 1. A schematic of the turbine inside the Invelox
desirably guides the air towards the Venturi section and as a result, is shown in Fig. 15.
the Venturi mass flow rate increases. However, the variations of the To consider the turbine rotation effect, the multiple reference
Venturi mass flow rate and the SR are not so intense (1.68<SR< frame model is used [16, 19, 20]. The simulations are performed at
1.78). the incident wind velocity of 6.7m/s. The turbine tip speed ratio
(TSR) can be determined from the following relation:
4.4 Effects of the upper-funnel lower diameter, Dd R
TSR = (4)
Similar to the upper-funnel height, the lower diameter of this U ven
funnel, Dd, has counteracting effects on the aerodynamic
performance of the Invelox. Increasing the lower diameter, where R is the rotor radius, is the rotor angular velocity and U ven
increases the pressure drop, conversely, decreasing this diameter, is the wind velocity inside the Venturi. The effects of the turbine
might lead to a higher amount of air escaping from the opposite existence on the SR is depicted in Fig. 16. As can be seen in the
side of the Invelox. The numerical simulations are performed for figure, as the rotor rotational velocity increases, the SR decreases.
various lower diameters of Dd=8, 6, 4 and 1ft and the results are In fact, as the rotor rotational velocity increases, it forms an air
depicted in Fig. 12. In this figure, the Invelox SR is plotted as a curtain in front of the wind which is going to pass through the
function of the Dd/Du ratio, at three wind speeds of 5.0, 6.7 and Venturi section. This would increase the pressure drop and cause
9.0m/s. As can be seen in the figure, as the lower diameter most of the air to escape the Invelox and not enter the Venturi
decreases, the SR increases. However, the changes are not section. The turbine power coefficient using Invelox in comparison
considerable, especially for Ddown/Dup>0.1. However, at lower with its power coefficient without using Invelox is presented in
values of the lower diameter, the SR is increased. For instance, at Fig. 17. The turbine power coefficient is computed using the
following relation [20]:

IET Renew. Power Gener., 2017, Vol. 11 Iss. 6, pp. 791-798 795
The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
Fig. 10 Velocity vectors in a median cross section of the Invelox for various values of the dimensionless height ratios (Hf/H). Wind speed is 6.7m/s
(a) Hf/H=0.415, (b) Hf /H=0.462, (c) Hf/H=0.500, (d) Hf/H=0.538, (e) Hf/H=0.615, (f) Hf/H=0.692

2T maximum power coefficient, however, it decreases the TSR

Cp = (5)
AU 3 corresponding to that maximum power coefficient. This point must
be considered in tuning the power generator resistant torque.
where T is the torque, is the air density, A=R2 is the rotor
frontal area and U is the incident wind speed (6.7m/s). The figure 5Conclusions
shows that using Invelox would result in an overall increase in the
A recently introduced innovation in the field of ducted wind
turbine power generation, however, it is more efficient at low
turbines concept, which is called Invelox, has shown promising
TSRs. In other words, Invelox can greatly enhance the turbine
796 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2017, Vol. 11 Iss. 6, pp. 791-798
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Table 2Effects of the funnel height on its air-trapping
capability at the wind speed of 6.7m/s
Hf/H Total mass flow The mass flow Total mass flow SR
rate of the air rate at the rate escaping
entering the Venturi, kg/s the Invelox, kg/s
Invelox, kg/s
0.415 140.17 36.80 103.37 1.72
0.462 135.42 36.32 99.10 1.70
0.500 129.30 36.23 93.07 1.69
0.538 122.12 35.48 86.64 1.66
0.615 117.15 35.46 81.69 1.66
0.692 107.12 37.78 69.34 1.78

Fig. 11 Effects of the funnel height on the air-trapping capability of the

Invelox, at the wind speed of 6.7m/s

Fig. 14 Effects of the inlet height on the SR at several wind speeds. All the
geometrical parameters are the same as those given in Fig. 4 and
simulations are performed for H1=20, 25 and 30ft

are numerically studied. The main findings of the numerical

simulations can be summarised as:

The area contraction at the Venturi has considerable effect on the

Fig. 12 Effects of the upper-funnel lower diameter on the SR at several SR of the Invelox. The Venturi diameter must be adjusted
wind speeds. For this figure, Dup was kept fixed at 40ft carefully to reach the maximum available SR.
The simulations performed at three wind speeds of 5.0, 6.7 and
outcomes in increasing the overall efficiency of the wind energy 9.0m/s, revealed that the wind speed has negligible effect on the
projects. Invelox captures the wind from all directions, funnels the SR.
collected air to the ground level and increases the wind velocity via Increasing the inlet area, has significant effects on the SR.
a Venturi. In this study, the effects of several geometrical Increasing the dimensionless inlet height from 0.54 to 0.6,
parameters affecting the aerodynamic performance of the Invelox would result in a 15% increase in the SR.

Fig. 13 Dimensions of the various inlet heights considered for simulations

(a) H1=20ft, H=65ft, Hf=35ft, (b) H1=25ft, H=70ft, Hf=40ft, (c) H1=30ft, H=75ft, Hf=45ft

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Fig. 15 Schematic of the horizontal axis wind turbine inside the Venturi section of Invelox

Using Invelox would greatly enhance the overall power

coefficient of the turbine, however, the maximum power
coefficient would occur at a lower tip SR of the turbine.

This study was supported by Quchan University of Advanced
Technology (grant no. 5073).

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