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Body Fluids And Circulation


General Science
Points of Discussion

Open &
Closed Sys Blood Heart

Focus on three topics

Open and Closed System
William Harvey 1628
Malpighi 1661
Open and Closed

River of life

Blood is a special connective tissue consisting of a

fluid matrix, plasma, and formed elements.
Cell Derives Its Energy From The breakdown of Fats
and Sugars

Brains Cells Begin to die within three min if their

oxygen supply is cut off.
Body has evolved an intricate system of tubes that
carry this vital element to remotest living structures
Factors for coagulation or clotting of blood are also
present in the plasma in an inactive form. Plasma
without the clotting factors is called serum.
Functions of Blood

Transport respiratory Gases, Hormones,

nutrients, regulates body tempt., Protection
Open and Closed

against blood loss and against invasion of

foreign microbes through antibodies
Protect body against spreading of disease
Transport of oxygen
Transport of nitrogenous metabolic waste

Maintenance of pH
Prevention of desiccation of body cells
Open and Closed
Blood:- Erythrocytes
Blood:- Erythrocytes Haemopoiesis
Blood:- Erythrocytes Number
Devoid Of Nucleus, Mitochondria,
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Life Span
Destroyed In
Normal Male
Normal Female
Blood:- Leucocytes
Blood:- Leucocytes Nucleated
Colourless- lack of Haemoglobin
Platelets also called thrombocytes, are cell
fragments produced from megakaryocytes (special
cells in the bone marrow).
Blood:- Platelets
Blood groups
Blood groups
Blood groups
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Cycle
Blood Circulation
Blood Circulation Wall
Middle Layer:
Thick And Elastic
Valves Absent
Divides into Arterioles
Deep Seated
Carries Oxygenated Blood Except
Pulmonary Artery
Blood Flows through jerk And Under
Blood Circulation Wall
Middle Layer:
Thin And Less
Valves Present
Divides into Venules
Carries deoxygenated Blood Except
Pulmonary Vein
Blood Flows through vein is slow
and at low pressure
Blood Circulation
Arterial Branch Region Supplied Vein

Blood Circulation Right And Left Heart Coronary Sinus

Coronary Artery
Right And Left Common Head And neck Jugular Veins
Right And Left Upper Extremity Subclavian Vein
Hepatic Artery Liver Hepatic vein
Gastric and Splenic Stomoch And Spleen
Mesenteric Artery Small and large Hepatic
intestine Portal Vein
Renal Artery Kidney Renal Vein
Gonadal Arteries Testes and Ovaries Gonadal Vein
Common iliac Lower Extremity Common iliac vein
Femoral artery Legs Femoral vein
Blood Pressure
Stroke Volume
Blood pressure

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension):
(140 over 90) orhigher,. High blood pressure leads to
heart diseases and also affects vital organs like brain

and kidney.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Coronary Artery


Disease, often referred to as atherosclerosis.

Angina: It is also called angina pectoris. A symptom

of acute chest painappears when no enough oxygen
is reaching the heart muscle. Anginacan occur in
men and women of any age but it is more common
amongthe middle-aged and elderly. It occurs due to
conditions that affect the blood flow.
Heart Failure: Heart failure means the state of heart
when it is not pumping blood effectively enough to
meet the needs of the body. It is sometimes
called congestive heart failure because congestion of

the lungs is one of the main symptoms of this

disease. Heart failure is not the same as cardiac
arrest (when the heart stops beating) or a heart

attack (when the heart muscle is suddenly damaged

by an inadequate blood supply).

Arteriosclerosis is the thickening, hardening and loss

of elasticity of the walls of arteries,
Human Urinary System
Kidney: Cross Section
1)noer {d^mOZ Am{U noer {d^oXZ _hdmMm gh^mJ. S>moHo$, dgZ_mJ,
_y_mJ, AmVS>r `m`m AV dMoMo Amamo` amI`mgmR>r Cn`w$.
earam`m n{Vj_ gWoMo(Immune System) {Z`U H$aVo.
OrdZgd "A ' (ao{Q>Zmb)

3)dMm,hmS>o VgoM _|Xy`m {dH$gZmg Cn`moJr.

4)S>mo`mZr {XgUo `m {H$`o_`o A`V _hdmMo H$m` H$aVo.X{>nQ>bm_Yrb
XS>noer Am{U eHy$noer_Yrb H$megdoXZerb Aem amoS>mnmgrZ `m aJ`mMm
ao{Q>Zmb hm _hdmMm aMZm_H$ KQ>H$ Amho. ao{Q>Zmb (OrdZgd A) nmgyZ V`ma
JmOa, aVmir, Q>mo_Q>mo, nmbH$, Vm~S>m ^monim, Am~m, gr B`mXr .
XyY, bmoUr, MrO,AS>mMm {ndim~bH$, `H$V, _mgo B`mXr.
H$peA_ Am{U \$m\$ag~Yr M`mnM`m`m {Z`Um_Yrb
EH$m gnoaH$mMo Vo EH$ nyd` Amho.
S> OrdZgd ho S>r1 S>r2 S>r3 B`mXr dnmV AmT>iVo.
OrdZgd S> (H$pg\o$amb)

Also Called As Ergocalciferol Or Antirachitic

Necessary for Normal Bone Formation and
retention of calcium and Phosphorous in the
Also Called As Sunshine Vitamin
OrdZgd S> Mr H$m`}
Amn`m earamV H$pe`_ Am{U \$m\$agMo `mo` _mU
amI`mgmR>r ho OrdZgd A`V _hdmMo Amho.`m_wio hmS>o
d XmV `m`m {dH$gZm_`o `mMm _moR>m dmQ>m Amho.
Amn`m earamV dMoImbr `mMo gbofU hmoD$
eH$Vo. `mgmR>r earamda A{VZrb {H$aU (Ultra
viole light of weavelength 290-315
OrdZgd S> (H$pg\o$amb)

n.m.)nS>Uo Amd`H$ AgVo. `m {H$`oV earamVrb

EH$m Q>oamb nyd`mMo nmVa OrdZgd S> _`o
hmoVo. ho Q>oamb nyd` Amn`mbm AmhmamVrb
^m`m_YyZ {_iVo.
nmbo^m`m Amn`mbm BJm}Q>oamb `m dnmV S>
Mo nyd` (Presursor Provitamin D) nwa{dVmV.
XyY Am{U XyYmMo nXmW
AS>`mMm ~bH$, `H$V, _mgo `m_`o ^anya S>
OrdZgd AgVo.
Q>moH$mo\o$amb ho {H$`m`o (Active compound) Agbo`m
AZoH$ OrdZgdmMm hm EH$ JQ> Amho.
OrdZgd B (Q>moH$mo\o$amb)
Formation Of Red Blood Cells and Muscles
OrdZgd B Mr H$m`}
OrdZgd B ho A{Q>AmpgS>Q> hUyZ H$m_ H$aVo. D$Om CnbY
H$Z XoUm`m M`mnM` {H$`oV V`ma hmoUm`m A`V {H$`merb
_w$ _ybH$mnmgyZ (Free redical) earam`m noetZm `m_wio
gajU {_iVo.
S>r.EZ.E._Yrb XwVr, qH$dm earam`m {Vj_ gWo`m
H$m`mVhr OrdZgd B Mm dmQ>m Agmdm Aer YmaUm Amho.
OrdZgd Ho$ (Phylloquinone)
OrdZgd Ho$ Mr H$m`}
OrdZgd Ho$ (Phylloquinone) ho OrdZgd \$m`bmodrZmoZ `m dnmV AmT>iVo.
_w`doH$Z a$ JmoR>`m`m {H$`oV OrdZgd
Ho$ Amd`H$ AgVo.
Wm{~Z `m KQ>H$mMo nyd` moWm{~Z V`ma
hmo`m`m {H$`oV OrdZgd Ho$ Mr Oar AgVo.
Wm{~Z_wioM \$m`~rZmoOoZnmgyZ \$m`~rZ V`ma
hmoVo. `m \$m`~rZ`m VVw_` Ombm_wio a$ JmoR>Vo.
hmS>m`m {dH$mgm_`o OrdZgd Ho$ dmQ>m Amho.
bwH$moOMo bm`H$moOo_`o nmVa H$a`m_`ohr
OrdZgd Ho$ ghm` H$aVo.
nm`mV {daKiUmar OrdZgdo
(Water soluble Vitamins)

OrdZgd ~ (Vitamin B) `m JQ>mVrb AmR> {Za{Zamir

OrdZgdo Am{U OrdZgd H$ (Vitamin C) hr nm`mV
{daKiUmar OrdZgdo AmhoV.
_oXmV {daKiUm`m OrdZgdmgmaIr nm`mV {daKiUmar
OrdZgdo earamV gmR>dyZ R>odUo e` hmoV Zmhr.
hUyZM XaamoO`m AmhmamVyZ Vr AmnUmg `mdr OrdZgdo Amd`H$Vonojm OmV KoV`mg Vr
earam~mhoa Q>mH$br OmVmV.
~ JQ>mMr OrdZgdo (B-Complex Vitamins)
OrdZgd ~ `m JQ>mV EHy$U AmR> _wI OrdZgdo AmhoV.
Wm`{_Z (~-1),
am`~mobo{dZ (~-2),
{ZAm{gZ (~-3),
nQ>moWo{ZH$ Amb ( ~-5)
nm`arS>mpgZ (~-6)
\m{bH$ A{gS> (~-9),
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine plays a central role in the generation of

energy from carbohydrates. Acts as a catalyst in
carbohydrate metabolism
It is involved in RNA and DNA production, as well
as nerve function.
Deficiency causes beriberi. Symptoms include
weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired
sensory perception, weakness and pain in the
limbs, periods of irregular heartbeat,
and edema (swelling of bodily tissues). Heart
failure and death
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Thiamine plays a central role in metabolism of

carbohydrates, Fats and some Proteins.

Maintenance of Mucous Membrane

Deficiency cause skin Lesions, around nose, cracks

in the lips, inflammation of the tongue
Vitamin B3(Nicotinic Acid)

Plays a central role in metabolism of

carbohydrates, Fats and some Proteins.
Essential for Normal functioning of Skin, Intestinal
and nervous system.
EAA Tryptophan serves as precursor
Sources: Meat, canned tuna and salmon, liver,
cereals, nuts, etc
Deficiency cause pellagra
Vitamin B(Pantothenic Acid)

Pantothenic Acid is involved in the oxidation of fatty

acids and carbohydrates.
Coenzyme A,(gh-{dH$ao ) which can be synthesised from
panothenic acid, is involved in the synthesis of amino
acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid
hormones, neurotransmitters (such as acetylcholine)
and antibodies
Human body normally contains 18-35 mg of
Pantothenic Acid
Daily Requirement 10 mg
About 3mg are excreted daily in Urine
Vitamin B6(Pyridoxine)

Pyridoxine is involved in the metabolism of amino

acids and lipids and starch
Exists in three Forms, Pyrodoxine, pyridoxal and
Sources: Milk, Liver, egg yolk, fish, cereals,
vegetable etc
Adult requirement 2 mg/day, in pregnancy and
lactation 2.5 mg/gm
Vitamin B12(Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is involved in the cellular metabolism

of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
It is essential in the production of blood cells in bone
marrow, nerve sheaths and proteins.
Obtained from animal source
Vegetarians advise to take supplements
OrdZgd H$ (Vitamin C)
OrdZgd H$ hUOo AH$m{~H$ Amb.
ho A{Ve` Ob-m` Ago OrdZgd Amho Am{U Vo gdm_`o
OmV AWm`r (Unstable) dnmMo Amho.
OrdZgd H$ Mr H$m`}
H mobOoZ (Collagen) ZmdmMo {WZ V`ma H$a`m`m H$m_r H$ OrdZgd Amd`H$
AgVo. H mobOoZ ho Amn`m eara aMZo_`o nyaH$ (Supportive) H$m`} H$aVo.
H$ OrdZgd hmS>o,XmV d {haS`m `m`m {dH$mgmgmRr bmJVo.
MoVmgWoVrb gXoedmhHo$ (Neurotransmitters) Q>oamBS> goaHo$ Am{U
H$moboQ>oambMo {nmmbm_`o (Bile acids) {dKQ>Z H$a`mgmR>r OrdZgd H$ Mr
Oar AgVo.
bmohmMo A{^emofU, OrdZgd H$ `m _XVr_wio, A{YH$ MmJ`m _mUmV hmoVo.

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