Class 12 Biology Unit 1 Assignment PDF

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| ] COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT (UNIT-£) _ : UNIT: REPRODUCTION Mw CLASS - XII SUBJECT ~ BIOLOGY SHAPTERS COVERED 1. REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS 2. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS 3. HUMAN REPRODUCTION 4, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1, Draw well labelled diagrams, wherever necessary. 2. The worksheet consists of four sections A, B, C and D. Section-A contains questions of 1 mark each. Section-B contains questions of 2 marks each. Section-C contains questions of 3 marks each. Section-D contains questions of 5 marks. 5 SECTION-A 1. “A diagnostic technique in which a sample of amniotic fluid is taken from the womb of a pregnant woman during the early stages of foetal development. By what name is this method commonly known as? What can be detected by it? OR Mention one positive and negative application of amniocentesis. 2. Production of sperms requires low temperature. How is it accomplished in human body? OR What is the significance of extra-abdominal testes in a human male? 3. Fill in the blank: (a)Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers once in, years. (b) Asexual reproductive structure in Penicillium is 4. Will the new organism be formed if syngamy does not occur? Support you answer with examples trom both plants & animals. 5. A spermatogonial cell has 30 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will be formed in a) The primary spermatocyte b) A spermatid derived from the cell? 6. (a)How many pollen sacs are present in anther? (b) Why are datepalms referred to as dioecious? 7. Mention two characteristics of pollens grains of maize, that suit the type of pollination. & Why are some fruits called as false fruits? Look at fruit below and label the parts. 9. What is the hormonal combination of einergency contraceptives? 10. Where are stem cells located in human embryo? And why are they considered as special cells? 1 (2)When do primary oocytes develop in human female? _(b)What is the term used for cyclic changes uring reproduction in non-primates? 12. What is the sterilization procedure in males known as? Do they prevent gamete formation? 13, What are the two reasons of population explosion? 14, What is seminal plasma? Name one sugar present. 15. How will you justify that placenta acts like endocrine tissue? 16. Name the cells of testes that are stimulated by FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) and the process these cells help in? 17. Even though each pollen grain has 2 male gametes, why are at least 10 pollen grains and not § pollen grains are required to fertilize 10 ovules present in a particular carpel? 18. What is the period of periodic abstinence? 49. (a) Name the kind of reproduction in bees in which drones are produced? (b) What forms the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next? 20. Why is the human placenta referred to as haemochorial type? 21. An anther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce viable male gametophytes. Give one reason 22. Abilobed, dithecous anther has 100 microspore mother calls per microsporangium. How many male gametophytes this anther can produce? 23. Indiscriminate diagnostic practices using X-rays etc, should be avoided. Give reason. SECTION: B 1 1. Some species of Asteraceae have evolved a special mechanism, to produce seeds without fertilisation. What it is called? How does it lead to polyembryony? Explain its significance. 2. Depict diagrammatically the stages of embryo development in dicots. 3. Draw a diagram of human sperm and label the following parts: a) Acrosome b) Nucleus ©) Middle Piece d) Axial filament 4, Differentiate between gametogenesis in human males and females on the basis of: a) Time of initiation of the process. b) Products formed at the end of process. 5. Draw a well labeled diagram of monocot seed to differentiate between the following: (a) Hypocotyl & epicoty! _(b) Coleoptile and coleorrhiza 6. Name 3 regions of human female fallopian tube? Also give function of each. 7. How does ZIFT differ from GIFT? 8. Differentiate spermiation and spermiogenesis 9. (a) Name the hormone that controls parturition (b) why colostrum recommended by doctors? | 40. Complete the statement (with reference to plant reproduction): The zygote develops into the A and the ovules develop into the The ovary develops into the ___C__ which develops a thick wall called__D__ that is protective. 11. What is meant by female heterogamety? Give e.g 12. What is infertility? State the different reasons. 13. What are the specific functions of FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle? OR Correlate the uterine events the take place according to the hormonal levels in human female on: a) 6-15 days b) 16-25 days c) 26-28 days (if the ovum is not fertlized).Also specify the sources of hormones. 14. (a) The turkey usually produces females for many generations. How is it possible? (b) The meiocyte of an ot in its endosperm. n plant contains 32 chromosomes. Workout the number of chromosomes found 15. How many haploid cells are present in a mature female gametophyte of flowering plant? Name them. 16.An fertile couple is advised to adopt test-tube bady program. Describe two principle procedures adopted for such technologies. SECTION-C 1. Distinguish between the following pairs (a) Albuminous seed and Non-albuminous seed. Give suitable example (b) Chasmogamous flower and Cleistogamous flowers. Give suitable example. Which out of the two will produce an assured seed set? (c) Spermatogenesis and Spermiogenesis 2. Name the device which can prevent contraception in the following ways. i) By increasing phagoytosis of sperm within the uterus. ii) By suppressing sperm motility and thereby the fertil iil) By making uterus unsuitable for implantation. ing al 3. A disease reported to be high among individual of age group of 15-24years. Name the disease and mention three preventative measures of these diseases. 4, Draw a labeled diagram of sectional view of a mature pollen grain in angiosperms. Expiain the functions of its different parts. 5. Draw a labeled sectional view of seminiferous tubule of a human male. 6. Name and draw a labeled sectional view of the embryonic stage that gets implanted, 7. Describe the process of parturition in humans. SECTION-D 1, Name the cell that develops into embryo sac. Explain how this cell leads to the formation of embryo sac. ‘Also mention the role played by the various cells of the embryo sac. 2. Show diagrammatically the stages of embryonic development from zygote up to implantation in humans. 3. Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in humans. Mention the number of chromosomes at each state. Correlate the life phases of the individual with the stages of the process. How do gonadotropins influence this developmental process. 4. “Incompatibility is a natural barrier in the fusion of gametes’. Justify the statement. 5. A flower of tomato plant following the process of sexual reproduction produces 200 viable seeds. ‘Answer the following questions giving reasons: a) What would have been the minimum number of ovules present in pre-pollinated pistil? ») How many microspore mother cells would minimally be required to produce requisite number of pollen grains? c) -How pollen grains must have minimally pollinated the carpel? d) How many male gametes would gametes would have used to produce these 200 viable seeds? e) How many megaspore mother cells were required in this process? Prepared by A'{UT) SHARMA

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