CONCLUSION Site Visit Geology

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At the end of the site visit at the Tanjung Balau, we have identify the physical
properties of rocks existed at the Tanjung Balau which are saline crystal growth and organic
activities. Saline crystal growth defined as the granular disintegration or fragmentation of
rock material produced by salt-crystal growth. This means that there is salt crystallization in
highly porous stones. The process that involved is crystallization and evaporation. The
example of rock that influenced the saline crystal growth is sandstone. Next, organic
activities defined as the activity of plants and animals that cause physical weathering of
landforms. All of this organic activity is important because it helps weather rocks into soil
over time. This soil produces viable ecosystems for more plants and animals. As new rocks
rise to surface after tectonic movement, organic activity once again takes hold. In this way,
Earth's natural geological processes assist life on the surface.

The second objective that have achieved was formation of rocks. The rocks that are
found at the site visit is sandstone. The formation of sand stone is composed of quartz or
feldspar because they are the most resistant minerals to weathering processes at the Earths
surface. Sandstone usually allowed percolation of water and other fluids and are porous
enough to store large quantities.

Lastly, the objective we have achieved is weathering process of rock occurs at the
Tanjung Balau. The weathering processes that occur are physical weathering and chemical
weathering. Physical weathering is causes the disintegration of rocks without chemical
change. The physical weathering can occur due to temperature, pressure, frost and etc. The
chemical weathering is changes composition of rocks, often transforming them when water
interacts with minerals to create various chemical reactions. The chemical weathering is
enhanced by such geological agents as the presence of water and oxygen and biological
agents as the acids produced by microbial and plant-root metabolism.

In conclusion, we have successfully achieved our objectives during visiting at the

Tanjung Balau site.

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