Ed Resume

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Catherine J.

537 Hartwick Drive, Oneonta NY 13820
Email: kondic@hartwick.edu Phone:(603)677-6855

Anticipated New York State Initial Certi cation in K-12 Music and Performing Arts: June, 2018

Hartwick College Anticipated Graduation: May 2018
Expected to graduate with a Bachelor o Science in Music Education Current Overall GPA: 3.84
Hartwick College Faculty Scholar
Hartwick College Honors Program
President o National Association for Music Educators
Musical Director for Sigma Alpha Iota, Beta Omicron Chapter

Professional Experience

Student Teacher- Delaware Academy September 2017-October 2o17
Created lesson plans accordingly to speci c classroom settings while following directions from my collaborative teacher
Facilitated lessons each day a er the rst week o teaching
Collaborated with my collaborative teacher and other teachers in order to gain a rapport with students
Implemented pedagogy and philosophy from both education specialists and music education specialist in order to reach each
student's uni ue needs

Hartwick College- Music Department Tutor September 2017-Present

Music eory, Aural Skills, Piano Techni ues, Music History, Voice/Instrument Techni ues and Pedagogy

eater Camp Coordinator August 2016- Present

Organized day to day schedules for counselors and campers involving theater and music
Collaborated with two other coordinators to plan and facilitate fun and education activities
ought theater and vocal techni ues to campers ages 5-16 years old

Camp Counselor for Eneld Recreational Camp June 2016-August 2016

Working with children ages 4-15 on music and dance
Helped to coordinate lessons and activities, including music lessons, for the campers along side camp coordinators

Music Technique and Performance Tutoring-Oneon a, NY and Canaan, NH October 2012-Present

Ages taught: 4-18
Teaching performers proper vocal techni ue for tone uality, breath support, and clarity, along with con dence and poise in order to have them
prosper as performers. Performance is key, so many small steps are taken to execute nearly perfect techni ues for becoming an established

Springbrook-Main Campus: Art erapy/Music erapy Internship January 2017

Ages taught: 5-21 ` 127 hours
Planned and facilitated lessons including art, music, motor skill development, and communication skills to reach IEP goals

National Association for Music Educators- President September 2016-Present

Event planner and lesson facilitator for Hartwicks chapter o NAfME

Research Projects
American Vernacular Music in the Paul F. Cooper Archive: Summer 2017-Spring 2018
Faculty Research Grant with Dr. Diane Paige Presentation at May 2018 Scholar Showcase

A Celebration o Asian Pacic Culture: Summer 2017-Spring 2018

Focus on Filipino Music and Language with Professor Fideliz Campbell 12 Presentation at May 2018 Scholar Showcase

Emerson Research Scholarship: Arts Administration in Florence, I aly January 2018

Presentation at May 2018 Scholar Showcase

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