From Motivation To Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual High School Students in Mathematics Courses

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Kim, C., Park, S. W., Cozart, J., & Lee, H. (2015).

From Motivation to Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual

High School Students in Mathematics Courses. Educational Technology & Society, 18 (4), 261272.

From Motivation to Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual

High School Students in Mathematics Courses
ChanMin Kim1*, Seung Won Park2, Joe Cozart3 and Hyewon Lee1
Learning, Design, and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA // 2Department of Medical
Education, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea // 3Georgia Virtual Learning, Georgia Department of Education,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA // // // //
Corresponding author

(Submitted June 5, 2014; Revised December 10, 2014; Accepted May 3, 2015)

Engagement and motivation are not one and the same, but motivation can be transformed into engagement with
proper design of support. In this study, we examined the differences between high performers and low
performers with regard to changes in their motivation, regulation, and engagement throughout the semester.
Participants were 100 students enrolled in online self-paced asynchronous mathematics courses offered at a
virtual high school in the United States. A survey was administered to participants at three times throughout the
semester. Data were analyzed using repeated measures MANOVAs. Overall, high performers and low
performers differed with regard to their changes in motivation and regulation throughout the course, specifically,
in self-efficacy and effort regulation. The study findings offer implications for teaching and research on creating
potentially effective support for virtual learning.

Virtual high school, Motivation, Regulation, Engagement, Mathematics education

In recent years, online education has drastically increased, including at the K-12 level (Watson, Murin, Vashaw,
Gemin, & Rapp, 2011). The enrollment of K-12 school students in online courses continues to grow along with the
popularity of virtual schooling (Tucker, 2007). Every state in the United States and the District of Columbia has a K-
12 virtual school (Kennedy & Archambault, 2012). The rapid growth of virtual schooling has been attributed to
numerous factors, especially its perceived benefits such as provision of individualized instruction and broadening
educational access (Barbour & Reeves, 2009). The effectiveness of online and face-to-face education is now largely
considered equal, which may have added momentum to the growth of virtual schooling (Hughes, McLeod, Brown,
Maeda, & Choi, 2007). However, as with face-to-face schooling, high enrollment does not necessarily imply a high
success rate. Challenges in virtual schooling include low performance and high course dropout rates (Barbour &
Reeves, 2009).

Motivation is critical in learning. This is no less true in online learning (Carpenter & Cavanaugh, 2012). However,
motivated students do not always engage in learning (Keller, 2008). Motivation to learn is only a desire to be
involved in activities for learning (Kim & Bennekin, 2013). What makes students actually learn is their mindful
engagement in those learning activities because engagement leads to outcomes such as achievement and
motivation underpins engagement (Martin, 2012, p. 305).

There has been much research on motivation and engagement in a variety of face-to-face learning contexts (e.g.,
Junco, Elavsky, & Heiberger, 2013). However, what has been learned from such research may not apply to virtual
schooling because of the unique characteristics of online learning environments (Cho, Demei, & Laffey, 2010) such
as the lack of social presence, defined as the degree of salience of the other person in the interaction and the
consequent salience of the interpersonal relationship (Short, Williams, & Christie, 1976, p. 65). Social presence and
its lack have been researched in many studies to understand learning processes in online courses (e.g., Shea &
Bidjerano, 2010). Student motivation can be different depending on the quantity and quality of social presence
(Borup, Graham, & Davies, 2012; Shea & Bidjerano, 2010). This may apply even more to adolescents who tend to
heavily weigh the importance of peers (Berten, 2008). In fact, the K-12 online education literature highlights the role
of students interactions with their instructor and classmates (e.g., DiPietro, Ferdig, Black, & Preston, 2008). In

ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). This article of the Journal of Educational Technology & Society is available under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND-NC
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addition, mathematics educators and researchers have underscored social aspects of mathematics learning (Davydov
& Kerr, 1995).

In sum, there is a need to understand how students motivation and engagement influence their achievement in virtual
high school mathematics courses so that support can be planned and implemented accordingly. The aims of the
present study were to (a) explore and document how students motivation and engagement were related to their
mathematics achievement at a virtual high school and (b) determine what support is needed in order to improve their
motivation, engagement and achievement. This research can potentially provide a new lens through which to view
how motivation and engagement interrelate with student achievement in virtual schooling. In the following sections,
we discuss the definitions of engagement with an emphasis on its difference from motivation. We then discuss what
is needed to transform motivation into engagement. Our research question is then posed.

What is engagement?

There is no straightforward way of defining the construct of engagement. Rather, it may be reasonable to define
engagement as a multi-component construct comprised of subsets with associated indices. The engagement definition
of Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) encompasses three kinds of engagement: behavioral, cognitive, and
emotional engagement. Behavioral engagement refers to involvement in learning tasks and environments such as
time-on-task and attendance; cognitive engagement refers to psychological investment in the process of learning
such as the use of learning strategies; and emotional engagement refers to affective reactions to learning tasks and
environments such as emotions (Fredricks et al., 2004). The multi-component approach to considering engagement
as a meta-construct can be conceptually and practically useful in research on and development of interventions to
improve student engagement (Fredricks et al., 2004). Such an approach can broaden understanding of engagement
(Finn & Zimmer, 2012; Fredricks et al., 2004; Lawson & Lawson, 2013). For example, if students emotional
experience is examined along with their off-task behaviors such as disrupting a peer (Skinner, Kindermann, & Furrer,
2008), one could better understand how to improve their engagement by providing relevant support for negative
emotions such as boredom.

In the present study, we define engagement as cognitive and affective participation in learning activities. We included
only cognitive engagement (i.e., using shallow and deep cognitive strategies; Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie,
1993) and emotional engagement (i.e., experiencing boredom, anxiety, enjoyment, anger, shame, pride, and
hopelessness; Pekrun, Goetz, & Frenzel, 2005) in our definition. We recognize that behavioral engagement is critical.
However, in asynchronous online education, there are no face-to-face or synchronous virtual classes to attend and
thus, the notion of behavioral engagement is not conceptually clear. For example, students login time does not
necessarily mean how many hours they studied. They may log in just to download course materials. In addition,
although Fredricks and her colleagues (2004) view of engagement as a meta-construct was applied in the present
study, we excluded motivation from cognitive engagement unlike their definition of cognitive engagement.
Engagement does not occur without desire to engage (Martin, 2012) but engagement and motivation are not one and
the same.

How can motivation be transformed into engagement?

Motivation and engagement do not always coexist. In other words, there could be motivation but without
engagement (e.g., only wanting something but not actually doing it). What transforms motivation to engagement is
the effort and metacognitive regulation that students put into the process of their learning (Pintrich et al., 1993).
Effort regulation is to control ones effort expenditure (Halisch & Heckenhausen, 1977, p. 724). Metacognitive
regulation is to control ones own cognition (Pintrich et al., 1993, p. 803). Effort regulation is part of resource
management (Pintrich et al., 1993). To display the role of the effort and metacognitive regulation in transforming
motivation to engagement, here is an example. Reviewing class notes over and over (i.e., rehearsal, one of the
cognitive strategies) is one way to engage in learning activities (Fredricks et al., 2004). This action of rehearsal (i.e.,
engagement) would not happen without the desire to learn (i.e., motivation); at the same time, the desire alone does
not guarantee engagement and the student should also make an effort to rehearse (i.e., effort regulation) and monitor

when to rehearse (i.e., metacognitive regulation). Managing both cognition (i.e., metacognitive regulation) and effort
(i.e., effort regulation) is important in learning (Pintrich et al., 1993) because it transforms motivation to engagement.
Such regulation happens more easily when students engage in the learning tasks that are (a) perceived easy to
execute and (b) interesting and enjoyable. Self-efficacy is defined as ones perceived ability to successfully complete
a task (Bandura, 1977). Intrinsic task value is defined as the value one perceives in a task that is inherently
interesting and enjoyable (Schunk, Pintrich, & Meece, 2008). In many different learning environments, self-efficacy
has been steadily found to be a strong predictor for motivation and performance (e.g., Multon, Brown, & Lent,
1991). Self-efficacious students also tend to control their learning process (Bandura, 1977). Thus, when a task is
perceived to be easy to perform, students are likely to perceive high self-efficacy and to self-regulate. Self-efficacy
influences motivation directly and engagement indirectly (Schunk & Mullen, 2012). Students engage in tasks also for
their own interests (Ainley, 2012) and enjoyment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988) when the intrinsic value of the tasks is
high (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 2008).

Not every student enjoys mathematics. Still, students can engage in learning tasks for which they do not perceive
high intrinsic value when there is no obstacle that they believe they cannot overcome. In other words, when students
have high expectancy of success (Wigfield & Eccles, 2000), motivation can be transformed into engagement.
However, not every task is easy. Especially in online mathematics courses, not only do many students not enjoy
math, but also they are not self-efficacious due to previous failure of math courses. Thus, such students often
experience negative emotions like anger in math classes (Kim, Park, & Cozart, 2014).

Research question
This study investigated how differently virtual high school students engage and achieve in mathematics courses and
what quality of theirs makes such differences. We addressed the following research question: How do high
performers and low performers differ with regard to their changes in motivation, regulation, and engagement
throughout the course? We compared such changes from the beginning of the semester to the middle of and the end
of the semester. In this study, motivation variables included self-efficacy and intrinsic value, regulation variables
included metacognitive regulation and effort regulation, and engagement variables included cognitive engagement
(i.e., using deep cognitive strategy use and shallow cognitive strategy use) and emotional engagement (i.e.,
experiencing boredom, anxiety, enjoyment, anger, shame, pride, and hopelessness). Table 1 summarizes each
construct and variable.

Table 1. Variable description (Operationalization of the constructs in this study)

Construct Construct definition Variable Variable description
Motivation Desire to be involved with learning Self-efficacy Beliefs about own abilities to
activities/tasks complete learning tasks in a
certain circumstance
Intrinsic value Perception of the value of
learning tasks in relation to his or
her interest
Regulation Management of cognition and other Metacognitive Management of cognition in
resources such as effort, emotions, regulation learning activities
and environments Effort regulation Management of effort in learning
activities in the face of difficulties
Engagement Cognitive and affective Cognitive Involvement with learning
participation in learning activities engagement activities using shallow and deep
cognitive strategies
Emotional Emotional reactions, such as
engagement boredom, anxiety, enjoyment,
anger, shame, pride, and
hopelessness, to learning

Participants and setting

Participants were students enrolled in online self-paced asynchronous mathematics courses offered at a virtual high
school in the southeastern United States. The virtual high school is run by the State Department of Education.
Students who are enrolled in the virtual high school courses either take courses for an entire curriculum or
supplement courses that they take at their local school. A survey was administered to participants at three times
throughout the semester. One hundred participants who completed the survey all three times were included in the
study. The participants (n = 100) were from Math 1 (n = 13), Math 2 (n = 4), Math 3 (n = 9), Algebra (n = 31),
Geometry (n = 7), Pre-Calculus (n = 5), Calculus (n = 14), Statistics (n = 16), and Applied Math (i.e., Problem
Solving and Money Management) (n = 1) courses. The average age was 15.9. Sixty-eight out of 100 were female.
71% of the participants were Caucasian, 11% were Black/African American, 8% were Asian American, 3% were
Hispanic/Latino, and 7% were multiracial. Those who had no prior experience with online math courses (n = 82)
outnumbered those with experience.

Data collection

The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich, & DeGroot, 1990) was used to measure
motivation, regulation, and cognitive engagement. Participants responded to each of the 40 items using a 7-point
Likert scale ranging from (1) Not at all true of me to (7) Very true of me. The reliability of scores on these sub-
scales of the MSLQ ranged from .52 to .93 (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 1991) and validity of the items
were tested in a variety of school settings (e.g., Wolters & Pintrich, 1998). Some items were reworded to reflect the
online context of this study (e.g., the item When reading I try to connect the things I am reading about with what I
already know was revised to when reviewing online course materials I try to connect the things I am reviewing
with what I already know). Scale reliability coefficients with the reworded items ranged from .59 to .90 in a
previous study (Kim et al., 2014) and from .50 to .88 in the current study (see Table 2).

Table 2. Sample items and scale reliability

Scale reliability
Measure Scale Sample item
(Cronbachs )
I am sure I can do an excellent job on the problems
Self-efficacy .88
and tasks assigned for this class.
Even when I do poorly on a test I try to learn from
Intrinsic value .88
my mistakes.
Metacognitive Before I begin studying I think about the things I
regulation will need to do to learn.
I work hard to get a good grade even when I dont
Effort regulation .66
like a class.
Deep cognitive When reviewing online course materials I try to
connect the things I am reviewing with what I .71
strategy use
already know.
Shallow cognitive When I study for a test I try to remember as many
strategy use facts as I can.
Just thinking of my math homework assignments
Boredom .88
makes me feel bored.
Engagement Im so scared of my math assignments that I would
Anxiety .93
rather not start them.
The material we deal with in mathematics is so
Enjoyment .75
exciting that I really enjoy my class.
I am so angry that I would like to throw my
Anger .86
homework into the trash.
Shame I feel ashamed when I realize that I lack ability. .83

After having done my math homework, I am proud
Pride .76
of myself.
Hopelessness I would prefer to give up. .91

The Achievement Emotion Questionnaire in Mathematics (AEQ-M) (Pekrun, Goetz, & Frenzel, 2005) was used to
measure emotional engagement. Nineteen items were excluded from the current study because they were pertinent to
attending a physical classroom (e.g., When I say something in my math class, I can tell that my face gets red.).
Only the items asking about emotional experiences before, during, and after studying (18 items) and taking an exam
(23 items) were included. Participants responded to each of 41 items using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from (1)
Strongly disagree to (5) Strongly agree. Some items were reworded to reflect the online context of this study.
Internal consistency coefficients of scores on the various sub-scales of the AEQ-M ranged from .84 to .92 in a
previous study (Frenzel, Pekrun, & Goetz, 2007) and validity of the scores was tested in a variety of applications
(e.g., Frenzel, Thrash, Pekrun, & Goetz, 2007). Scale reliability coefficients with the reworded items ranged from .67
to .93 in a previous study (Kim et al., 2014) and from .75 to .93 in the current study (see Table 2).

Achievement was measured using students final grades. The possible range of the final grades was 0 100. Final
grades were determined using scores from asynchronous discussions, homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and the
final exam. There was no grade directly tied to attendance. Each course used a standard weighting system to
distribute grades across discussions, assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams.


We recruited participants in the first and second weeks of the Fall 2011 semester. In the course website, we posted a
URL of a webpage containing an online survey that includes (a) the study description, (b) consent forms, (c)
demographic questions, and (d) 1st survey questions on motivation, regulation, and engagement. Students who
submitted signed parental consent and student assent forms proceeded to respond to demographic and 1 st survey
questions. The same survey on motivation, regulation, and engagement was administered two more times throughout
the semester: one was in the middle of the semester and the other was toward the end of the semester. We collected
the final grade scores of the participants when the semester ended. Figure 1 illustrates the two groups, three
measurement points, and six variables of the study.

Measured Measured Measured

at Time 1 at Time 2 at Time 3
(beginning of (middle of the (end of the
the semester) semester) Semester)

Intrinsic value
High Performers
Metacognitive regulation
Effort regulation

Low Performers Cognitive engagement
Emotional engagement

Figure 1. A summary of data collection

Data analyses

Four separate 3 (time) 2 (group) MANOVAs were conducted with time (Measurement Points 1, 2, and 3) as a
repeated measure to investigate differences in changes in motivation, regulation, cognitive engagement, and
emotional engagement between the high-performer and low-performer groups. The participants were categorized
into high, middle, and low performer groups based on their final grade scores (M = 79.11, SD = 19.43). Because the
variability of the final scores was relatively high, we were concerned that grouping the participants based upon the
mean one standard deviation may not include students who scored high enough to be considered as high
performers. Thus, we categorized participants using the conventional letter grade assignment: participants with final
grade scores higher than 90 (equivalent to a letter grade A) were included in the high-performer group (M = 94.13, n
= 38) while participants with final grade scores lower than 80 (or, those who received a letter grade C or below) were
included in the low-performer group (M = 61.68, n = 40). The rest were regarded as the middle performers. For the
purpose of examining differences between high performers and low performers, the middle performers were
excluded in these analyses. Partial eta- squared (p2) was used to calculate effect size: Small: .01 p2 < .06;
Medium: .06 p2 < .14; Large: p2 .14).

The results of repeated measures MANOVAs indicated that high performers and low performers differed with regard
to their changes in motivation, regulation, and engagement throughout the course, specifically, in self-efficacy (part
of motivation) and effort regulation (part of regulation). The descriptive statistics of all dependent variables
examined are presented in Table 3. The analysis results of the repeated measures are summarized in Table 4.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics

Low performer (n = 40) High performer (n = 38)
1 2 3 1 2 3
time point
41.40 37.70 34.20 46.97 46.36 46.18
Self-efficacy a
(8.09) (10.57) (9.93) (8.84) (8.80) (7.81)
46.90 43.12 40.87 48.57 45.73 44.42
Intrinsic value b
(8.14) (9.65) (9.91) (7.80) (10.19) (8.94)
19.00 18.62 17.65 21.60 21.07 20.73
Effort regulation c
(3.63) (4.18) (3.98) (3.71) (3.58) (3.87)
22.97 22.30 21.72 23.28 22.60 22.21
Meta. regulation d
(3.87) (4.24) (4.29) (4.07) (4.66) (5.05)
40.57 40.90 38.45 42.36 40.89 40.28
Deep strategy e
(5.57) (6.61) (7.60) (5.73) (7.17) (7.99)
25.12 25.10 23.37 26.39 24.92 24.21
Shallow strategy f
(5.07) (6.09) (6.61) (4.87) (5.55) (6.24)
8.72 9.27 9.27 7.86 8.15 8.52
Boredom g
(3.94) (4.00) (3.72) (4.04) (3.83) (4.26)
35.80 34.40 37.12 31.26 32.71 29.63
Anxiety h
(11.44) (8.41) (12.43) (11.49) (9.00) (14.50)
17.05 17.20 15.67 18.26 17.00 17.63
Enjoyment i
(4.66) (3.22) (4.83) (4.49) (3.75) (3.92)
12.92 13.45 14.05 12.02 13.00 12.36
Anger j
(5.06) (4.60) (5.84) (6.27) (5.27) (6.28)
14.00 12.82 14.65 10.36 12.10 11.26
Shame k
(5.30) (4.14) (5.22) (5.16) (4.45) (5.26)
13.42 13.65 12.35 15.28 13.71 14.15
Pride l
(3.72) (2.96) (3.51) (3.57) (2.70) (3.72)
18.45 17.12 20.27 13.47 19.02 14.60
Hopelessness m
(7.05) (6.96) (7.04) (7.07) (7.54) (8.02)
Notes. aPossible range of Self-Efficacy score: 9-63; bPossible range of Intrinsic Value score: 9-63; cPossible range of
Effort regulation: 4-28; dPossible range of Metcognitive Regulation: 5-35; ePossible range of Deep Cognitive
Strategy: 8-56; fPossible range of Shallow Cognitive Strategy: 5-35; gPossible range of Boredom score: 3-15;
Possible range of Anxiety score: 11-55; iPossible range of Enjoyment score: 6-30; jPossible range of Anger score: 5-
25; kPossible range of Shame score: 5-25; lPossible range of Pride score: 4-20; mPossible range of Hopelessness: 6-

Table 4. Summary of univariate analyses of repeated measures

Group effect Time effect Time x Group effect
Self-efficacy 22.74 .000 10.07 .000 6.32 .003
Intrinsic value 1.89 .173 26.57 .000 .843 .435
Effort regulation 12.52 .001 4.91 .010 N/A N/A
Meta. regulation .192 .662 3.45 .037 N/A N/A
Deep strategy N/A N/A 5.11 .008 N/A N/A
Shallow strategy N/A N/A 6.71 .002 N/A N/A
Boredom N/A N/A 1.610 .207 N/A N/A
Anxiety N/A N/A .011 .989 N/A N/A
Enjoyment N/A N/A 2.66 .077 N/A N/A
Anger N/A N/A 1.00 .371 N/A N/A
Shame N/A N/A 1.34 .268 N/A N/A
Pride N/A N/A 5.27 .007 N/A N/A
Hopelessness N/A N/A 3.03 .054 N/A N/A
Note. Significant effects are in bold.

The first 3 (time) 2 (group) repeated measures MANOVA was conducted with two motivation variables: self-
efficacy and intrinsic value. One important assumption of a repeated measures MANOVA is the equality of
covariance. Results of Boxs Test of Equality Covariance Matrices yielded X2(21) = 36.76, p = .01, providing
evidence of a violation of the equal covariance assumption. Nevertheless, because the natural logs of covariance
matrices were found to be similar, we proceed with the usual MANOVA tests following Huberty and Olejniks
(2006) suggestion. Preliminary analyses were conducted to examine if there were any differences between two
groups at the beginning of the semester (e.g., Time 1), and we found a significant difference in self-efficacy (p < .01)
between two groups: high performers demonstrated higher self-efficacy than low performers at Time 1.

On the main analysis of the repeated measures MANOVA with two motivation variables, there were a significant
main effect of time, Wilks Lambda = .579, F(4, 73) = 13.23, p < .001, a main effect of group, Wilks Lambda = .759,
F(2, 75) = 11.86, p < .001, and a significant time x group interaction, Wilks Lambda = .847, F(4, 73) = 3.29, p < .05.
To further inspect the significant effects on the multivariate analysis, follow-up univariate analyses of repeated
measures were conducted for each motivation variable. Follow-up univariate analyses for self-efficacy yielded a
significant main effect of time, F(2, 75) = 10.07, p < .001, p2 = .21, a main effect of group, F(1, 76) = 22.74, p
< .001, p2 = .23, and a significant time x group interaction, F(2, 75) = 6.32, p < .01, p2 = .14. Further analyses
indicated that self-efficacy among the low-performer group gradually diminished from Time 1 to Time 3 (p < .001);
the self-efficacy of the high-performer group did not change over time. Last, follow-up univariate analyses for
intrinsic value yielded a significant main effect of time, F(2, 75) = 26.57, p < .001, p2 = .41, indicating that both
high- and low-performer groups reported a gradual decrease in intrinsic value over three measurement times.

The second 3 (time) 2 (group) repeated measures MANOVA was conducted with two regulation variables:
metacognitive regulation and effort regulation. The equality of covariance matrices was upheld as indicated by X2(21)
= 30.65, p = .07. Preliminary analyses indicated a significant difference in effort regulation between two groups (p
< .05) at Time 1: high performers showed significantly higher effort regulation at Time 1 than low performers.
Results of the repeated measures MANOVA revealed a significant main effect of time, Wilks Lambda = .851, F(4,
73) = 3.17, p < .05, and a main effect of group, Wilks Lambda = .757, F(2, 75) = 12.02, p < .001. Follow-up
univariate analyses for effort regulation yielded a significant main effect of time, F(2, 75) = 4.91, p < .05, p2 = .11,
and a main effect of group, F(1, 76) = 12.52, p < .01. While high performers maintained superior effort regulation to
low performers throughout the semester, both groups demonstrated diminished effort regulation from Time 1 to Time
3 (p < .01, p2 = .11). Similarly, univariate analyses for metacognitive regulation indicated that both high and low
performers gradually reported lesser metacognitive regulation from Time 1 to Time 3 (p < .05, p2 = .08).

The third 3 (time) 2 (group) repeated measures MANOVA was conducted with two cognitive engagement
variables: deep strategy use and shallow strategy use. Preliminary analyses indicated that high and low performers
demonstrated the similar level of both deep and shallow strategy use at Time 1. Given the equal covariance indicated
by X2(21) = 26.44, p = .18, a significant main effect of time was found from the repeated measures MANOVA, Wilks
Lambda = .829, F(4, 73) = 3.75, p < .01. Follow-up univariate analyses for deep and shallow strategies also yielded a
significant time effect (p < .01, p2 = .12; p < .01, p2 = .15; respectively) indicating that both high and low
performers decreased their use of deep and shallow strategies over time.

The last 3 (time) 2 (group) repeated measures MANOVA analysis was conducted with seven emotional
engagement variables: boredom, anxiety, enjoyment, anger, shame, pride, and hopelessness. Results of Boxs Test of
Equality Covariance Matrices provided the evidence of covariance equality. Preliminary analyses indicated that the
high and low performers differed in the level of shame (p < .01), pride (p < .05), and hopelessness (p < .01) in the
beginning of the semester. Two groups were not different in the levels of any other emotion variables at Time 1.
Results of the repeated measures MANOVA with emotional engagement variables indicated a significant time effect,
Wilks Lambda = .669, F(14, 63) = 2.23, p < .05. Conducting follow-up univariate analyses, pride was the only
variable that yielded the main effect of time, F(2, 75) = 5.27, p < .01, p2 = .12. Both high and low performers
diminished pride over time.

Findings and interpretations

First, we found that high performers and low performers differed throughout the course: high performers started the
semester with the higher level of effort regulation than low performers and they maintained their superior level of
effort regulation to low performers throughout the semester. The higher the level of effort regulation that students
had, the higher their achievement was. This finding is aligned with that of Puzziferros study (2008) with community
college students enrolled in liberal arts online courses. Even when students perception of intrinsic task value was
low in the current study, those who reported greater effort regulation tended to perform better than those who
reported the lower level of effort regulation.

Given these findings, supporting students effort regulation may be one way to help them do better in an online
learning environment. Designing support for effort regulation could involve online instructors scaffolding for
student effort regulation that includes monitoring and guiding student efforts (Cho & Shen, 2013). Volition theories
and models can be helpful in creating such support as well since they explain how efforts can be better regulated
(e.g., implementation intentions in Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006; action control in Kuhl, 1985). Volition refers to a
dynamic system of psychological control processes that protect concentration and directed effort in the face of
personal and/or environmental distractions (Corno, 1993, p.14).

Second, we found that the metacognitive regulation of both high performers and low performers decreased
throughout the semester. This contradicts previous findings on the role of metacognitive regulation in online learning
(Artino, 2007; Cho & Shen, 2013). However, this finding along with discussions on effort regulation above suggests
that students effort regulation may have compensated for the impact of decreased metacognitive regulation on
achievement. This supports the notion that achievement depends not only on cognitive control and regulation,
especially the different cognitive, metacognitive, and learning strategies that students may use to control their own
cognition and learning but also on how students control their own motivation, emotions, behavior (including
choice, effort, and persistence), and their environment (Pintrich, 1999, p. 336). Although in the current study we did
not examine students regulation of other aspects such as emotions and environment, the inclusion of effort
regulation is an attempt to understand the path from student motivation to achievement. This attempt may be critical
especially in online learning environments where more qualities are expected than just knowing how to study (e.g.,
cognitive strategy use) (Kim & Bennekin, 2013).

Third, high performers started the semester with higher self-efficacy than low performers. Low performers self-
efficacy gradually diminished over time while there was no change in self-efficacy among high performers. The
indirect effect of self-efficacy on achievement has been well documented (e.g., Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991) also
in the literature involving online learning contexts (e.g., Cho & Shen, 2013). It is conceivable that effort regulation
may have influenced self-efficacy (Komarraju & Nadler, 2013). The role of effort regulation as a mediator is pointed
out in some studies (Artino, 2007; Cho & Shen, 2013; Shea & Bidjerano, 2010). Thus, combined with the finding on
effort regulation, it seems that there could be other ways to promote self-efficacy than structuring learning
environments to provide vicarious experiences, autonomy, clear expectations, goal specificity, and balanced task
difficulty (Bandura, 1997; Jang, Reeve, & Deci, 2010; Locke & Latham, 2002). The effect of self-efficacy can be
improved through effort regulation.

Fourth, there was no difference between high performers and low performers in intrinsic value. This finding is
counter-intuitive and we can only speculate what has happened based on relevant literature. The motivation literature
describes that people tend to be persistent when they perceive intrinsic value in a certain task that satisfies their
interest (Ainley, 2012) and which they enjoy (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). Such perceived intrinsic value enhances the
quality of motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2008) and provides momentum for participating in the task. With enjoyment,
full engagement can occur without even a conscious effort (e.g., flow experience; Csikszentmihalyi, 1988).
Nonetheless, without enjoyment and interest in a given task, people can be still engaged in a task and come to a
successful completion depending on regulatory styles (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Along this line of literature, our finding
on intrinsic value may have arisen as such: (a) the learning environment may have allowed students perceived
intrinsic value to fade away considering that both high and low performer groups showed gradual decreases in
intrinsic value throughout the semester and (b) even without enjoyment and genuine interest, students with effort
regulation could succeed considering high performers had superior effort regulation to low performers. Not every
student has the capability to reshape tasks and to make them more palatable in suboptimal learning contexts
(Corno & Kanfer, 1993, p. 302) and those without such a capability such as low performers in this study can be
educated about how to optimize contexts for themselves (e.g., exercising effort regulation) (Byman & Kansanen,

Last, both high and low performers pride and uses of deep and shallow strategies significantly diminished
throughout the semester. The use of shallow cognitive strategies should be better than nonuse but when shallow
cognitive strategies are used without deep cognitive strategies, learning tends to stay at a shallow level. Waning pride
may have been due to the decreased use of cognitive strategies and/or the lack of intrinsic value. However, resiliency
occurs when negative emotions serve as a warning for students with clear goals (Turner, & Schallert, 2001). The
steadily superior level of effort regulation that the high performers had may have allowed them to be resilient from
decreased pride and still be successful in the course.

Implications for research and practice

The findings offer implications for research on and teaching at virtual schools. Understanding how students
motivation and engagement as well as regulation contribute to their learning provides information of how support
can be planned accordingly in virtual high school math courses. That is, comparing high and low performers
changes in their motivation, regulation, and engagement provides direction for creating potentially effective support,
especially for student effort regulation, for online education in K-12 virtual schools. For example, support for
students effort regulation may help not only with a lack of motivation from not viewing the intrinsic value of
learning tasks but also with disengagement such as nonuse of cognitive strategies, which would in turn improve
achievement. This is a unique way of improving motivation, engagement, and achievement especially when every
learning environment cannot be optimal for every student (Kinshuk, Liu, & Graf, 2009). Improving learning through
effort regulation can also contribute to greater capacity for lifelong learning. Along this line, other qualities of
students could be studied also. For example, students beliefs about intelligence valuing effort and hard work could
be used to improve effort regulation (Komarraju & Nadler, 2013, p. 70). Also since self-efficacious students tend to
believe that their performance can be improved by exerting effort (Komarraju & Nadler, 2013), improving self-
efficacy can lead to improved effort regulation. Even when tasks are difficult, self-efficacious students tend to be
persistent (Komarraju & Nadler, 2013).

Limitations and suggestions for future research

There are several limitations in this study. First, mainly self-reported data were used. The social desirability issue
(Crowne & Marlowe, 1960) remains. Future research should consider individual or focus group interviews as well as

online behavioral observations using learning analytics and asynchronous communications such as emails. Second,
differences among courses in which participants were enrolled were not investigated due to the small sample size per
course. The study findings should be interpreted with caution especially due to these limitations that also make it
hard to generalize the study findings to other US virtual school contexts. A study with a larger sample size would
increase statistical power. Alternative sampling methods should be considered in future studies. Third, individual
differences among participants may have contributed to the difference in performance such as prior knowledge,
parental support, tutoring help, gender and socioeconomic status. Fourth, regulation of other resources such as
motivation, emotions, and environment (Pintrich, 1999) was not investigated in the current study. Last, social
presence was not empirically examined in this study to see if social presence actually lacks in the virtual learning
environment of this study.

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