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Re assistance - spell checker - etc

Tuesday, 31 August, 2010 11:15 AM
From: "Mr Gerrit H. Schorel-Hlavka" <>


perhaps you may have realised that in a previous email, not long ago, you forwarded to me a link to
the ATO website regarding its 100 years? Well, as result I realised that its disclosure about the Land
Tax issue exposed the states to act unconstitutionally about it. As such, your assistance in providing
a website reference triggered something off otherwise may have continued to lie dormant.
Obviously for others it would have no particular meaning if they do not have certain knowledge and
understanding in regard of the meaning and application of the constitution and its embedded legal
As for a spell checker or proof reading, the amount of work I do I do use a spell checker but it goes
crazy merely because of the amount of work that it is subjected to, at times for more then 36-hours
in a stretch and so it at times just goes on strike and even proof reading doesn’t always bring it out
when you consider the large volume of material that I go through.
Considering the work that I do and so free of charge for Australians then in the end they can so to
say take it or leave it. While the issue of State land taxation may affect directly or indirectly most
Australians (as even those who are renting are to pay it for the owner in their rents) then the fact
that I do it for free while many save perhaps tens of thousands of dollars then if they don’t like the
typo and other errors then it is up to them to ignore my writings and “happily” continue to pay the
unconstitutional land taxes. So to say, no skin of my nose.
Also, people may just realise that if I as a person without formal English education and English not
being my native language still can master this kind of knowledge about the constitution then shame
to them they never did regardless of their so to say superior competence in the English language.
I am providing a service, I view, second to none and without any government financial support and
to me people just have to accept my assistance as such and again those who do not like it are free to
ignore my writings and continue to pay unconstitutional State land taxes, etc.
In the courts/tribunals I came across many lawyers and even judicial officers who proved not to
read appropriately legislative provisions and as result I learned them a lesson in how to read English
to its true meaning and this despite that I use my “Crummy English”. The issue is then for those I
represented do they rather end up in prison no matter how innocent they are being defended by a
high priced lawyer who despite his so to say superior command of the English language lacks the
know how and the ability to read the true meaning of the English language appropriate and by this
so to say burn his client to a term of imprisonment or a fine or both or would a person rather have
my kind of representation to expose the rot and to keep the innocent person free from any
imprisonment and any fines? And, more over I always did this for free! No one ever can claim I
represented them over about 30-years in a court/tribunal and charged them for it! This is also why I
decided on 25 August 2010 to stop doing so because the financial burden was too great to continue

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
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as such. While I still can provide consultation, etc, the issue of representation at courts/tribunals is
no more.
The cost to our own financial position has been as such that my 77-year old wife made clear I could
no longer continue to spend the kind of moneys as I have done as otherwise we would ourselves
end up broke.
The irony was at times that having provided free of charge assistance in a court/tribunal I then
would nevertheless get a complaint I hadn’t done enough, because I had not for example dealt with
a person other problems such as speeding fines, parking fines or other such issues even so they were
never relevant to the representation I did. As such somehow people didn’t just appreciate that I
successfully assisted them and so FREE OF CHARGE but then expected I would deal with their
entire life problems., regardless this was never contemplated in the first place.
I had a case where a man was locked out of his shop because he hadn’t paid for more then 6-months
his rent. I was able to get him back into his shop which he then quickly sold and so got out of
problems but afterwards he argued that he shouldn’t have had to pay the opponents legal fees as I
didn’t charge him for any cost and he never should have listen to me to go to court. The issue was
he was already sued in court before I became involved and I saved his neck to get his shop back so
he could sell it, as he and not In had failed to pay his rent. And despite he made a huge profit selling
his shop I still never asked and neither received a single cent from this. Yet, he had the gall to
complain about having to pay the opponent lawyers cost where after all he was at fault not paying
his rent for more then 6-months. This is also why I then decided to concentrate on constitutional
issues because people like that so to say are making me sick that they do not appreciate the
assistance I provided, and so at my own cost.
I do not regret having assisted so many regardless of their financial position in society, but rather
now concentrate upon constitutional issues.
I receive over 60 spam emails a day trying to sell me all kinds of things and telling me I had
relatives dying who left me many millions and all I do is to hit the delete button with those emails.
As such, if there is a person who rather pays an unconstitutional State land Tax then to read my
“crummy English” (And proud upon it!) then they can just delete it and continue to pay their
unconstitutional State Land Taxes. I am not going to worry about those people as after all it is a
FREE service I provide and people can take or leave it. To my knowledge no government provided
this kind of service and forget about businesses going to do so for free without recovering their cost
unless of course it is MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL®.
I understand that every suicide cost the community about $1 million in cost in investigations, etc,
and so each time I assisted a person to not go ahead with their contemplated suicide by this
indirectly I saved the community also about $1 million besides each time saving a live being lost. I
can tell you those desperate to wanting to end their life are not concerned about my usage of the
English language as at least I was there for them when they needed someone to get them through

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also
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their time of desperation. I didn’t have any financial support for this from any government even so
some calls to my then 1800 number would cost me $25.00 or more.
Over the decades I have offers from law firms as they recognised my ability to achieve where they
failed but I declined this time and time again because my principles to fight for JUSTICE was not
for sale as otherwise those who are poor would be without the assistance they needed so badly.
I have sacrificed much in my life to pursue JUSTICE and never regretted doing so. I may not be
awarded some kind of medal by some organization as many are when they are actually paid to do a
job, but then I am satisfied with the knowledge I assisted so many but because of confidentiality
much is unnoticed unless a person authorises me to disclose details, such as Mr Francis James
Colosimo did.
On a personal note, my wife is complaining that I started to renovate the house some 10 years ago
and still haven’t finished because I spend so much time looking after the interest and wellbeing of
others. So, I think that if there is any person who might be offended to my “crummy English” then
they can hit the delete button to delete the email and I won’t know they did so and in the end they
only are the losers, as they were already, with despite their superior command of the English
language they and not I am the one who is unknown to what is constitutionally appropriate.
Did you know that my website actually has a facility for donations and over all the years, as the
records will show, not once was any made? That in itself may say ample, doesn’t it? It never
stopped me from caring for others but there is a limit that one can do and I view that if the worst is
for people to having to deal with my kind of “crummy English” then if that is the worst in their life
then they can do without it and hit the delete button and those who do want to use my assistance
may not be concerned about my “crummy English”.
For what it is worth it, often I am in court engaged in huge battles about the meaning of certain
words and defeat my opponent lawyers that they misread a certain legislative provisions and as such
when it comes to it my “crummy English” is after all not that bad when it comes to it because often
it actually assisted me to understand the true meaning of the written English then those who lay
claim upon a more superior command of the English language did was to prove to do.
And, I also discovered that my spell checker at times automatically transform a word to something I
never typed but even by proof reading it is not picked up. So, there you have it my spellchecker
going nuts or perhaps it is the spell checker notification not wanting to work for FREE for so many
hours without a break. Whatever, spell checker or not I suggest people try to deal in the Dutch
language (my native language) with constitutional issues and see how far they then get.
Again, thanks for your email

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also
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Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka


Mr. G. H. Schorel-Hlavka, GUARDIAN
107 Graham Road, Viewbank, 3084, Victoria, Australia
Ph (International) 61394577209
Email; (constitutional matters only)

"CONSTITUTIONALIST" and Author of books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series on

certain constitutional and other legal issues.




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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also

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