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Laila Fahed, Dawson Benner, Noemi Garcia, Gracie Carrera, Serena Hammond, Eli Cowan

Mulet, PAPWG, per. 4

Sociocultural Information

1. Cultural Analysis.

Family On average, the traditional family consists of two individuals (usually

married to one another) that provide stability for their children. One or both
of these guardians is typically the head of the house.Both guardians are
expected to care for their children. Over the years the common household
family has become a lot less common which new factors coming into play.

Language The official language is English therefore making it the most common.
This does not mean that English is the only language spoken, for over 47
million people speak fluently in other languages including Spanish,
Chinese,French, Vietnamese and ect. 86% of people are literate.

Movement Currently most immigration comes from Latin America and Asia for better
opportunities socially, economically, politically or environmentally. Overall
as a whole everyone immigrated to this region at one point with Caucasian
Americans being most common.

Transportation Methods of transportation vary with automobiles being the most common,
planes, trains, bikes ect. All of these methods have both their advantages
and disadvantages.

Beliefs The most common religion by far is Christianity which believes in God
,Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus. Independency and Equality are the
most ideal beliefs in culture.

Food Americans love their American food including hamburgers, hot dogs ,
french fries, pizza, soda and much more. Canadian food varies from
poutine,butter tarts or kraft dinner.

Culture Common American holidays are Thanksgiving, Presidents Day, Memorial

Day, Fourth of July and many more. Common Canadian holidays include
Victoria Day , Canada Day ,Remembrance Day and more.

Art and Overall there is a mass media production including movies and television.
Recreation The US has an extreme theatrical culture also including Broadway. Music
is extremely diverse including rhythm and blues, jazz, gospel, country and
western, bluegrass, rock 'n' roll and hip hop. Sports are extremely popular
including football, baseball, basketball , hockey ect.

2. Tensions.

Ethnic Movements Canada United States Challenges to country ?

(location) (location)

Black People know the Sizable group Populated These people have rights but
most common within the through all some people do not believe
one Black Lives Greater Toronto America. that . There is tension with
Matter, and Area. African- Americans which
many more. causes riots, protests, and
chaos .In Canada, this can
exist but it isnt huge.

Hispanic Immigration and Hispanic are a Very populated Hispanics have tension of
rights for handful amount in Texas, New immigration debates. Spanish
hispanics. in Ontario, Mexico, is spoken everywhere in the
Quebec, British California, U.S. , but some people dont
Columbia, Arizona, want to hear it. It also causes
Alberta, and Colorado, and riots, protests, and chaos.Not
Manitoba. Miami, Florida. a big controversial in Canada.

Asian No movements. Populated in Asians are Asians are more of a non

Southern spread through spoke out minority. Not much
Ontario, all America. challenge or tension. The
Vancouver, and same way in Canada.

White All Lives Matter Populated Populated Dont compose challenges but
everywhere in everywhere in get involved.
America. Canada.

Other none Very spread out Very spread out No challenges or tensions ,
throughout the , no specifics. are quiet.
region .

3. Social Issues.
One major social issue affecting our region is immigration. In 2014 , it was found that over 11.3
million illegal immigrants entered the US. With so many immigrants coming in from so many
different places, issues regarding overpopulation, the economy and security erupt. Immigrants
ultimately come for better opportunities such as jobs, safety and just to live a better life that
could not be found in their hometown. Some people argue immigrants are good for the
economy, taking the jobs most Americans do not want to do while others argue that immigrants
hurt our economy by taking away jobs from citizens. Overall immigrants make America the
diverse country that it is and contribute to the more cultural aspect of the spectrum. Though
Diversity has taken a step not just culturally in the US but through different sexualities. Different
people express themselves through different sexualities that are out of society's norm.
Because of others being different, people tend to feel or look a certain way at LGBT members.
Though the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal, all men are not
treated equal. For example , members of the LGBT fight everyday so that things like same-sex
marriage or transgender bathroom laws can be looked over and changed.

Political Information Sources:

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