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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

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Name the four major Teradata *Parsing Engine (PE): Manage sessions
components and their purposes. for users; parse, optimize, and send
your request to the AMPs as execution
steps; returns answer set response
back to client

Message Passing Layer (MPL): Allows

PEs and AMPs to communicate with
each other; BYNET software delivers
the message as well as various global
aggregation functions and hardware
connects AMPs; PDE is the software
that handles message queuing

Access Module Processors (AMPs):

Responsible for managing a portion of
the database. AMPs control some
portion of each table on the system.
They do all of the physical work
associated with generating an answer

Virtual Disks (Vdisks): Virtual space

owned by the AMP and used to hold
user data; maps to physical space in a
disk array

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What is a vproc? A vproc is a Virtual Processor. A vproc

is effectively a group of processes
that represents a Teradata software
component(Student Manual 2-6). The
message passing layer determines
which Vproc(Parsing Engine and
AMP)should receive a message. They
run under the control of the
PDE(Student Manual 7-6)

What are the key connectivity Client 3 key client software pieces:
software pieces for channel-attached
systems? -Client application: either customer's
What type of machine uses a channel choice or Teradata's provided utility
connection? program such as bteq.

-CLI (Call Level Interface): consists of

system calls which create sessions,
allocate request and response buffers,
create and de-block "parcels" of
information, and fetch response
information to the requesting client.

-TDP (Teradata Director Program):

manages the session balancing across
multiple PEs, ensure proper message
routing to/from the Teradata
Database, and failure notification.
Mainframe system such as IBM uses a
channel connection.
(pg. 100, Teradata v1410.7 Student

What is the difference between the The main difference between the
Permanent journal and the Transient Permanent Journal and the Transient
journal? Journal is that the Transient Journal is
used to rollback a transaction in case
of a failure, and is automatic, while
the Permanent Journal is used to
recover all or some of the database
from a specified point in time, and is
user created.

What are hash collisions? Hash collisions are when two different
primary index values hash to the
same row hash.

Who is the most powerful Teradata The most powerful Teradata user is
user? the DBC (Database Computer).

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What is a clique? clique is a collection of nodes with

shared access to the
same disk arrays.

A clique is the mechanism that

supports the migration of vprocs
under PDE following a node failure.
If a node in a clique fails, then vprocs
migrate to other nodes in the clique
and continue to operate
while recovery occurs on their home
node. Each multi-node system has at
least one clique.

What is a cluster? A group of AMPs that provides

Fallback capability in case of an AMP
failure. A cluster is typically made up
of four AMPs, but can be as large as
sixteen AMPs.

What is fallback? Fallback protects your data by storing

a second copy of each row of a table
on an alternative "fallback AMP". If
one AMP fails, the system accesses
the fallback rows to meet the request.
Fallback tables allow users to access
data even if one AMP fails.

What is active fallback? Phase II of this feature repairs the

primary copy of a data block from
fallback when an unrecoverable bit
error occurs. Phase I allowed the data
block to be read from the fallback
copy. Systems with solid state drives
can handle unrecoverable bit errors
without manual intervention.
Previously, only systems with RAID
could handle these errors.

What does fallback protect you from? Fallback protects you from an
unexpected AMP failure in the same
cluster by storing a copy of each row
of the AMP on an extra AMP in the

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What is Raid-1? Most commonly used RAID technology

What protection does it provide? in Teradata, provides data mirroring
protection. Two physical disks are
seen as one by the computer. Data is
written to both disks at the same time
and can be read from either
depending on where the head is and
where the data is located on the

What is CLI? This stands for Teradata Call-Level

Interface (we currently use version 2:
CLIv2). A proprietary API, this is a
library of routines used by
applications to communicate with the
Teradata Database. For example, it
can provide applications with a
pointer to data rows. This is used for
both mainframe-attached systems
and network-attached systems.

What file do you update for a CLI Teradata Call-Level Interface Version
connection? 2: Reference for Network-Attached
Systems page 39 describes the
following step as necessary for
establishing a session:
"Before logging a session, check for
entries of COPs in the following files:
/etc/hosts on UNIX systems
\etc\hosts on Windows systems"
This hosts file is also referenced on
forums often for troubleshooting.
This file contains node name
information important to CLI

What is a Restore? A RESTORE operation moves the data

What is a Copy? from an archived file back to the same
Teradata system from which it was
archived or moves data to a different
Teradata system as long as the
database DBC is already restored.
A COPY operation moves the data
from an archived file back to any
Teradata system and creates a new
table if one does not already exist on
the target database

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What is a master index or master The Master Index is a structure that is

cylinder index? constantly stored in memory that
contains an entry for every allocated
data cylinder on that AMP. Entries in
the Master Index are sorted by the
lowest Table ID and Row ID that can
be found on the associated cylinder.
The Master Index is used to identify
which cylinder a specific row can be
found in.

Can data and spool be on the same No. When you size a system, you must
cylinder? have enough cylinders to
accommodate both requirements.
Cylinders can contain Perm, Spool,
Temporary, Permanent Journal, or
WAL dat but NOT a combination.

What is Resusage? Resusage is "a set of tables, view, and

Where is it stored? macros used to record and monitor
What type of information is available? system resource usage." Resusage
Is data collection automatic? stores its data in the DBC.Resusage
Is it backed up in DBC archive? tables. In these tables contains
information about nodes, cpu specific
information, vproc information,
logical device information, channel
and LAN host information, AMP
worker task information, Priority
Scheduler performance group
information, and AMP pdisk/vdisk
cylinder allocation, migration, and I/O
statistics. Collection of this data is not
automatic and must be started by
data logging. It is not backed up in
the DBC archive.

How is date data type internally Dates are stored as Integers in the
stored? database using the following formula:
(year - 1900) 10000 + (month 100) +

What is the Primary Index for? A primary index is used to distribute

rows across the AMPs. It also provides
direct access to equality queries

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

Is the Primary Key always the Primary No. The Primary Key is a relational
Index? database concept to uniquely identify
rows. The Primary Index is used by
Teradata to distribute rows of a table
across the AMPS. Although it is useful
for the primary index to be unique,
columns other than the primary key
could be selected if as the primary
index if they are accessed more often.

What is a Partitioned Primary Index A partitioned primary index permits

(PPI)? (row partitioning) rows to be assigned to user-defined
What are the implementation options? data partitions on the AMPs, enabling
enhanced performance for range
queries that are predicated on primary
index values. The PPI feature allows a
class fo queries to access a portion of
a large table instead of the whole
table. The traditional uses of the
primary index for data placement and
rapid access of the data when the PI
values are specified are retained.

Partitions can be done by case or by

range. Case partitions are declared
with CASE_N and create partitions
based on user-defined circumstances
for each row. Range partitions are
declared with RANGE_N and create
partitions based on the range of a
certain user-defined value using a
user-defined segmentation.

Multi-level partitioning allows each

partition at a given level to be further
partitioned into sub-partitions. Each
partition for a level is sub-partitioned
the same per a partitioning
expression defined for the next lower

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What are the key advantages of PPI? PPI - Increases the available options
What are the key advantages of to improve the performance of certain
ML-PPI? types of queries - specifically range-
constrained queries
Only the rows of the qualified
partitions in a query need to be
accessed - avoid full table scans. -
Student Manual Pg. 765&823
ML-PPI - Allows multiple partitioning
expressions instead of only one for a
table or a non- compressed join index
- Allows each partition at a level to be
- Allows efficient searched by using
partition elimination at the various
levels or combination of levels
- Allows more flexibility in which
partitioning expression to use when
there are multiple choices for the
partitioning expressions.

What is the partition limit in TD 14? The new partition limit in Teradata 14
What was the limit in prior releases? is 9.2 quintillion combined partitions.
Prior releases used 65k.

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What are the types of Primary Teradata Database provides the

Indexes? following primary index types:
Unique primary index (UPI)
Non-unique primary index (NUPI)
Non-partitioned primary index
Row-partitioned primary index (PPI)
Single-level partitioned primary
Multilevel partitioned primary index

These can be mixed in any cross-

dimensional combination, so the
following complete specifications for
a primary index can all be defined in
Teradata Database:
Unique non-partitioned primary
Non-unique non-partitioned
primary index
Unique single-level partitioned
primary index
Unique multilevel partitioned
primary index
Non-unique single-level partitioned
primary index
Non-unique multilevel partitioned
primary index

How many amps are involved in a full A full table scan requires all AMPS to
table scan? be read. Using Primary and Secondary
What are some performance Indexes reduces the need for full
techniques to reduce full table scans? table scans. If no columns in the
index are referenced, a full table scan
will occur. Additionally, if the number
of physical reads exceeds the number
of data blocks, the optimizer may
choose to perform a full table scan.
When choosing between a NUSI and a
full table scan, if the optimizer
determins that there is no selective
secondary, hash or join index, and
that most of the rows in the table
would qualify for the answer set if a
NUSI were used, it would most likely
choose the full table scan. If statistics
are stale or have not been collected
on the NUSI column, the optimizer
may choose to do a full table scan.

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

In Teradata mode, if a large-volume The entire insert/select is rolled back

insert/select statement fails what when insert/select fails and foreign
happens? key violation is noted.

What is an inmod? An "INMOD is a user-written program

What is an outmod? that allows for pre-processing of the
What is an axsmod? data before giving the data to the
utility - possibly acting as a data filter
to the utility." An "OUTMOD is a
user-written program that does
post-processing of the data after the
utility (e.g., FastExport) has retrieved
the data." An "AXSMOD is a Teradata
supplied program that can provide
either a specific input or output

What method(s) would you use to For up to five tables, the TPT UPDATE
update a large table? operator is generally the most
effective way to update large tables. It
emulates the legacy MultiLoad utility
and uses multiple sessions to achieve
parallelism while performing INSERTS,
Its most prevalent restriction is that
all UPDATE operations must be keyed
to the primary index.

How would you clear a table that is in Cancel rollback and drop the table
Rollback mode? normally

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What does Teradata Administrator do? Teradata Administrator is the

What type of connectivity is used? Teradata Manager GUI
windows-based application that is
used to perform database
administration tasks. It is used to
perform the following functions:
- create, modify and drop
- create tables
- grant or revoke access/monitor
- copy table, view or macroo
definitions to another
- drop or rename tables, view, or
- move space from one database to
- run an SQL query
- display info about a databases,
tables, views, and macros
(Reference: Page 41-18 and Page
41-20 in Student Manual)
Teradata Administrator utilizes an
ODBC connection.

What does Teradata SQL Assistant do? Teradata SQL Assistant is an

What type of connectivity is used? information discovery tool designed
for the Windows operating system
(e.g., Windows 7). Teradata SQL
Assistant retrieves data from any
ODBC-compliant database server.
Teradata SQL Assistant is a query tool
written for relational database
developers. It is intended for
SQL-proficient developers who know
how to formulate queries for
processing on Teradata or other
ODBC-compliant Databases. SQL
Assistant uses ODBC and .NET

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What does the Index Wizard do? statistical information about possible
What type of connectivity is used? index choices to help determin the
best option
This is done through a GUI interface
which provides step-by-step
instructions for workload definitino
and index analysis

ODBC or CLIv2 connectivity types can

be used

What is Teradata Active System Teradata Active System Managemenet

Management (TASM)? (TASM) is made up of several
products/tools that assist the DBA or
application developer in defining and
refining the rules that control the
allocation of resources to workloads
running on a system. These rules
include filters, throttles, and
"workload definitions."

What functionality does Viewpoint Provides systems management via

provide? web browser
Provides a single operation view for
multiple systems
Highly customizable and can be
Teradata Management Portlets are the
replacement for Teradata Manager
and PMON
System Overview
Workload Management
Session Management
Node overview

What does the Viewpoint portlet The Teradata Viewpoint Workload

Workload Designer do? Designer portlet lets users define
Active System Management rules
(such as filters and throttles)
according to which workload is

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What does Teradata Workload Teradata Workload Analyzer (Teradata

Analyzer (TWA) do? WA) helps Database Administrators
identify classes of queries (workloads)
and provides recommendations on
workload definitions and operating
rules to ensure that database
performance meets Service Level
Goals (SLG). Through the use of
various reports and graphical
displays, Teradata WA makes it easier
for administrators to effectively
manage distribution of resources. The
more control administrators have over
resource allocation, the more they can
ensure satisfactory response times for
critical queries. Teradata WA supports
the conversion of existing Priority
Scheduler Definitions (PDSets) into
new workloads. A PDSet is the
collection of data, including the
resource partition, allocation group,
period type, and other definitions that
control how the Priority Scheduler
manages and schedules session
execution. This is helpful for users
that have tuned their Priority
Scheduler settings for their specific

Teradata WA provides three major

areas of guidance:
Recommending workload group
definitions. The DBA guides these
based on business knowledge and
Analyzer-assisted based on existing
workload mix and characteristics
Recommending appropriate
workload goals
Recommending workload to AG
mapping plus priority scheduler

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What does Teradata System Emulation When Target Level Emulation (TLE)
Tool (TSET) do? information is stored on a test
system, Teradata System Emulation
Tool (SET) enables you to generate
and examine the query plans using
the test system Optimizer as if the
plans were processed on the
production system.
Using Teradata SET you can:
Change system configuration
details, including DBS Control fields,
and table demographics and model
the impact of various changes on SQL
statement performance.
Determine the source of various
Optimizer-based production
Provide an environment in which
Teradata Index Wizard can produce
recommendations for a production
system workload.

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What functionality does Teradata Teradata Meta Data Services (MDS)

Metadata Services provide? provides a means of storing,
administering, and navigating
metadata in Teradata. It is the only
metadata management system
optimized for and integrated with
Teradata Database Environment.
- Software that creates a repository in
a TD database in which metadata is
- Permits the DDS analyst to
administer and navigate metadata in
the warehouse

For application developers, Teradata

- Provides a persistent store for
application metadata so that
developers can concentrate on
developing application functions.
- Allows the developer to manipulate
metadata with the same techniques
used to manipulate other data.
- Provides security (MDS controls the
read and write access).
- Allows metadata to be shared
between applications. This allows
integration of tools such as ordered
analytical functions and data mining
- Allows application data to be
modeled around Teradata Database
metadata maintained by MDS. MDS
maintains the metadata so that the
application is kept current with
database changes.

For database administrators, Teradata

- Provides a common repository for
Teradata components.
- Provides a single shared copy of
metadata, or a single version of the
business. One copy eliminates
multiple islands of redundant
metadata that can cause confusion
and administrative difficulties
- Provides the capabilities to browse

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

through data in the repository

and to drill-down to see
successive levels of detail.
- Shows interrelationships
between different data
- Provides impact analysis of
proposed changes.

For the business user, Teradata

- Provides the foundation for a
"warehouse view" of enterprise
- Allows business analysts to
quickly determine where their
data comes from, how it was
changed, when it was last
updated, and how the answer
was determined. This greatly
increases the value of the detail
data and implicitly the value of
the metadata.
- Supports third-party tools that
can be used to import metadata
into MDS for viewing.

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

If a dual active system is described as In a dual active system, both data

Active/Active what does that mean? warehouses are used in daily
If it is described as Active/Passive production instead of one just being
what does that mean? used for redundant purposes. It also
ensures high levels of system
availability. (Source)

[ In some configurations, known as

active/active, each system can act as
both source and
subscriber, serving as the source for
some tables and the subscriber for
other tables. The
DBMS running on the source must be
Teradata Database 12.0, Teradata
Database 13.0,
Teradata 13.10, or Teradata 14.0. ]

In an active/passive system, the

second data warehouse is treated as
an insurance policy whose main
purpose is redundancy.

What functionality does Teradata Data Teradata Data Mover provides a

Mover provide? method to move data between
teradata systems. This could be
beneficial when upgrading to a new
system, or transitioning to another
system. During the process, data
mover gives access to monitoring
tools, control, and automation.

What functionality does Teradata TMSM is a product that monitors and

Multi-System Manager (TMSM) controls different hardware
provide? components, processes, and data
focused on application availability in a
multi-system environment.
Furthermore, TMSM is a event driven
system that provide monitoring
operations and data synchronization

What functionality does Teradata Teradata Wallet stores private

Wallet provide? information. It is usually used to store
passwords for logging on to Teradata
systems at client computers. It
eliminates the need to include
username and password in load

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What functionality does Teradata A temporal database is a database

Temporal provide? that includes temporal tables.
Temporal tables are tables that
provide special support for the time
dimension. They provide special
facilities for storing, querying, and
updating historical and/or future
data. For example, they can store the
history of a stock or the history of
employee movement within an

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

What processes/tools would you use Before a first-cut physical design can
to create your first-cut physical be created, there are four stages of
design? development that should occur. They
What information needs to be are:
gathered? Requirement Analysis involves
eliciting the initial set of information
and processing requirements from
Logical Modeling determines the
contents of a database independent of
a particular physical implementation's
Conceptual Modeling transforms
the user requirements into a number
of individual user views normally
expressed as entity-relationship
View Integration combines these
individual user views into a single
global schema expressed as key
tables. The logical model is
implemented by taking the conceptual
model as input and transforming it
into the data model supporting the
target relational database
management system (RDBMS). The
result is the relational data model.
Activity Modeling determines the
volume, usage, frequency, and
integrity analysis of a database. This
process also consists of placing any
constraints on domains and entities in
addition to addressing any legal and
ethical issues including referential
Physical Modeling transforms the
logical model into a definition of the
physical model suitable for a specific
software and hardware configuration.
In relational terms, this is usually
some schema expressed in a dialect
of the data definition language of

The stages of database design should

result in several data models. The
outputs associated with each of the
stages and the data that should be

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TEAM 1: Tech. Interview Questions Teradata flashcards | Quizlet

included are as follows:

Business Information Model
shows major entities and their
also referred to as "Business
BIM acronym - also used for
"Business Impact Model"
Logical Data Model (LDM) -
should be in Third Normal Form
BIM plus all tables, minor
entities, PK - FK relationships
constraints and attributes
Extended Logical Data Model
LDM plus demographics and
Physical Data Model (PDM)
ELDM plus index selections
and any denormalizations

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