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Victoria Stock

SEL 231 01
4 May 2016
Unum Undas
In this piece I experimented with several things. I wrote in another language, used
visuals to help the flow of my poem, and I pushed myself in writing a shorter poem. I
chose to write in Latin because it was challenging for me. I took the class in high school
and it had been a while since I had sat down and tried to write something in Latin. I
started with the English version of the poem and had to make everything agree so that it
would translate over nicely. I think the sound of Latin is beautiful and so pure. It has a
very hard nature about it, but it is so interesting. I also chose to write in the shape of
waves because of how they are constantly rising and falling with perpetual beauty. I was
reflecting on my semester and how I had many ups and downsjust like a wave. That is
what inspired me most to write this piece. I would label my piece a poem because of how
it flows. The flow of my poem is what my group liked most about my piece. I was
concerned with how it would sound in Latin, as if it would be too aggressive, but they
affirmed that it was not. They also suggested that I open with English first, and then Latin
so that the reader truly gets the affect of what is going on. I am so proud of everything
about this piece. I truly believe it is my most experimental piece and you can clearly see
how far I have come from the beginning of this class. I love the way the Latin flows with
the English and the meaning behind this piece. I enjoyed writing it and reading it over
and over.

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