Pumpkin Patch Lesson Plan

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JMU Elementary Education Program

The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:
Katie Spinelli
Mrs. Kopia, Ware Elementary School, Kindergarten
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 11:45 am

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?/ Read Aloud and Interactive Writing Activity
The students are going to Back Home on the Farm for a field trip on Thursday, September 28th. This
book has the students interest and preferences in mind because we have previously talked about this
pumpkin patch field trip every day since I have started practicum in the classroom. This is an
appropriate activity for the students because in Kindergarten they should be able to be given a prompt
and answer the prompt with drawings and random letters. This class is very advanced for the normal
Kindergarten class, standards wise. They will be able to remember what the story is about and answer
the prompt with drawings and most students will be able to write words.

Education, V.D. (2010, January), English- Kindergarten. Retrieved September 19, 2017, from
McNamara, M., & Karas, G. B. (2007). How many seeds in a pumpkin? New York: Schwartz & Wade Books.

Understand what are the broad Know what are the facts, rules, Do what are the specific thinking
generalizations the students should specific data the students will gain behaviors students will be able to do
begin to develop? (These are through this lesson? (These knows through this lesson? (These will also
typically difficult to assess in one must be assessed in your lesson.) be assessed in your lesson.)
Students will understand that The students will be able to The students will be able to
building vocabulary is important identify important vocabulary identify the vocabulary words with
to become a better reader and words like peered, seeds and a thumbs up.
writer. cycle
Students will understand that they The students will know the The students will draw a picture of
need to communicate ideas for a sequence of the story How Many their favorite significant event of
variety of purposes Seeds in a Pumpkin and can the story and be able to tell me
identify the significant events of what their picture is about, how it
the story. relates to the story and how their
words fit their pictures.

What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your
objectives? Remember every objective must be assessed for every student!
The students will be able to The students will be able to The students will know the The students will draw a
identify important identify the vocabulary sequence of the story How picture of their favorite
vocabulary words like words with a thumbs up Many Seeds in a Pumpkin significant event of the
peered, seeds and cycle. and can identify the story and be able to tell me
significant events what their picture is about,
how it relates to the story
and how their words fit
their pictures.
Before reading, I will During reading, each I will ask the students to After the reading, the
introduce the vocabulary student will have their tell me what the beginning, students will go back to
words and make sure the thumbs up when I say middle and end of the story their seat and draw their
students can identify them peered, seeds and cycle. was after reading. I will favorite part of the book. I
in a text. also make sure the students will assess their work by
are paying attention by looking at the standards for
asking questions Kindergarten/
throughout the reading


K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language
a) listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems
K.3 The student will build oral communication skills
a) participate in group and partner discussions about various texts and topics
K.5 The student will understand how print is organized and read
b) identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book
K.12 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes
b)draw pictures and/or use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences
c) Use letters and beginning consonant sounds to spell phonetically spelled words to write about

-How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? Book by Margaret McNamaraMyself
-Sentence strips for the vocabulary words- Cycle, pumpkin and seed
-Interactive Notebookseach student has their own
-Pencils/crayonseach student has their own
-Bingo stamp markersMrs. Kopia has these available.


Preparation of -The classroom is already prepared for interactive reading. I will have the
the learning book, How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? ready over by the rainbow chair
environment on the magic carpet.
- The sentence strips with vocabulary words have already been made
-The students will come in from lunch and immediately go to the magic
carpet and face the rainbow chair because that is their normal routine.
Engage- -I will ask the students What is coming up on Thursday Many of the
Introduction of students will say that we have our pumpkin patch field trip.
the lesson -I will explain that we have our vocabulary words pumpkin, seeds and
-I will ask for ideas for definitions for pumpkins, seeds and cycle-The
students will come up with their own.
-I will ask how many students have had a pumpkin at their house
before? and also ask How many of you guys have counted the seeds in a
pumpkin?Answers will vary
-I will ask What is this? and the point to the spine. What is this and
point to the title and open up the book and say what is this and point to
the title pagestudents will respond with Spine, title and title page
Implementation -I will read the book How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? I will read the
of the lesson first page and ask the students to observe what the line looks like.
(specific -Read three bright orange pumpkins and point to the three pumpkins. I
procedures and will ask the students what they see about the differences in each pumpkin.
directions for -I will read the next page and ask how many seeds the students think each
teacher and pumpkin has in it.
students) -I will ask the students what peered means once reaching it in the text. The
students will remind me what it means and have their thumbs up.
-On the next page, the teacher Mr. Tuffin told the students to think about
how the students should count the seeds. I will pause and ask my students
how the students in the book should count the seeds (answers will vary).
-On the page, with Mollys idea, I will say thumbs up if you agree that
Molly had a good idea
-I will pause before the students start counting in the story and ask which
pumpkin the students think have the most (answers will vary).
-After the part is read about Charlie having the most pumpkin seeds, I will
ask the students what they think will happen next (answers will vary).
With Mr. Tuffins facts about pumpkins, I will ask if any of the students
knew those facts or any others about pumpkins.
-I will close the book and ask the students Thumbs up if youre excited to
go to the pumpkin patch on Thursday?(answers will vary). I will then ask
What was your favorite parts of the book? (answers will vary)
- I will ask What happened at the beginning of the story? What
happened in the middle of the story? What happened at the end of the
-I will tell the students that we are going to write about their favorite part
of the story in our interactive notebooks.
-We will stand up and do a wiggle to get their energy out after sitting
down and listening to the story. Counting backwards with fast feet from 10
and then from 7. Three deep breaths and a sit down
-I will ask the student helpers from each table to get the writing baskets
from the brown shelf and lay out the materials for each student.
-After that I will go in order of the other three colors that are not the
student helpers for the day to dismiss them to their seats.
-I will put up the cover of the book on the Magic board so the students can
see how to spell pumpkin and be able to see Charlie (the main character). I
will give the students a few minutes before I go around and check the
Closure -The closure of the lesson will be myself and Mrs. Kopia going around and
stamping the students journals and talking to them about what they
-I will talk to all of the students individually and get a grasp of what they
know about the story and what they think is one of the important parts
which relates to the assessing learning piece of the lesson.
-I will have shout outs for students that have exceptionally artistic and
creative work/processes
Clean-up (if - I will use their attention getter- clap clap clapclap clap
required) - They will answer with the response clap. And then I will say hands
on your head I will ask the students to clean up the table, put the
writing notebooks away, crayons and pencils in the bins and bins on
the brown shelf.
- The student helpers will put the writing bins away the students will sit
down and get ready to move to their specials time

-Students are expected to at least draw a picture about their favorite part of the book. This is the
expectation for all of the students and they will all achieve thisAt least two students will not write
any letters. They have not written any since the beginning of the year.
-Some students write random letters about the book and about their drawing and that is acceptable as
long as they can tell me what it is about.
-Most of the students can write the title of the book and some made up words about their picture. This
is also acceptable.
-All of my students have the abilities to perform the task of at least drawing a picture about their topic.
-The students that finish early will be encouraged to write actual words and spell out what they are
writing, they will also be encouraged to add details to their drawings.
This year, Mrs. Kopia has a very well-behaved class. There arent many behavioral problems
and most of the students love listening to stories. They will probably enjoy this book because
it is centered around the field trip that they will be taking on Thursday.
In case of an emergency within the school, I will make sure that the students are listening to
Mrs. Kopia about what to do and what the proper protocol is.
I have a few students that like to talk, in the event that they are out of control, I would ask the
students that needed to be moved to move.
If students keep raising their hands during the story, I would tell them to wait until I was ready
to ask questions and then they would be able to save their comments/questions until the end.

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