Hotel Terms To Know

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Effective Date: Page:

12/6/2017 Page 1 of 4
Index no.: Issued by:

Material for training Nguyen Cao Anh

Room Division Manager

A promise of a room for a guest if not in that hotel then a commitment to find a room

Two or more room side by side without a connecting door between them. In other words,
Adjoining rooms
rooms can be adjoining without being connecting.

Adjust / Adjustment A connection of an error that occurred on a previous day.

Advance deposit Prepayment payment of room charges.

The average of rate charged for guest room during one day of business. Method of
Average daily rate
computation: ADR = total guest rooms revenue divided by number of room sold.

Block A group of room held at the request of sales catering.

Block room Room number assigned in advance of arrival on the same day of arrival.

Hotel day starts at 6.00 am; however occupancy of room by arriving guests may not be
possible until after the established check-out time 12 noon.

To vacate a hotel room. (Taking luggage) turn in key and pay bill; (noun, hyphenated) a
room that a guest has officially vacated. Check-out time is 12 noon.

Folios of guest who have check-out or local business firms who have been approved by
City ledger
the manager direct billing.

Closed date Dates on with nothing can be rented (full house ).

Commercial payment Percentage of room rate paid to travel agencies for their hotel booking.

Complimentary A room free of charge ( Comp. room )

Confirmation A written notice to guest in advance of arrival that room has been reserved.

Connecting room Adjacent room with connecting door in between.

An assembly of association attendees or employees of company garthering for a common

purpose, usually including meetings, banquets and room accommodation.

Corporate rate Guaranteed not more than room rates extended to major company using hotel often.

Renting for room part of hotel day, normally 9 am. Rate is 50% of double rate for that
Day rate

Guaranteed deposit A monetary payment to hotel by guest in advance of arrival to assure room will be hold.

Information desk Contains information which need to be used for reference.

Effective Date: Page:

12/6/2017 Page 2 of 4
Index no.: Issued by:

Material for training Nguyen Cao Anh

Room Division Manager

An account which has been approved by the manager and to which we will send a bill
Direct bill
after check-out. The folio must be signed by the guest at check-out.

Double A room to be occupied by two people.

Used to record the details of all business transacted between the hotel and guest during
the guests stay.

Forecast Projecting future occupancy of the hotel and determining availability status.

Front desk Where information regarding guests in kept, also assistant manager offices.

Person who adds up all charges made to a room and collects money upon departure of
F/O cashier
guests who occupied it.

Rack rate Maximum room selling prices as established by management.

Rebate Part of all of rental refunded to guest.

The guest accommodate at another property because hotel was unable to honour his

Reservation Advance request for a hotel room.

Rollaway Portable bed, usually twin or double size.

Roll out Put rollaway bed out of guest room.

Room change Guest changing from one room to another.

A piece of Front Office equipment representing the guest rooms in the form of metal
Room board
pockets in which colors and symbols identify the accommodation.

Rooming Escorting guest to assigned room.

Rooming list List of name participating in a group reservation block.

Report made out by overnight clerk showing revenue received for each room number,
Room revenue report
number of occupants in room.

Room status Availability of guest rooms for sales, i.e. ready, checkout etc.

Run of the house An agreed upon rate generally priced at an average figure between minimum and
maximum for group or corporate accommodation.
The department, which is in charge of protecting both employees and guests from the fits
and vandalism.

Sell out / Sold out All available room served or occupied on a specific date.
Effective Date: Page:

12/6/2017 Page 3 of 4
Index no.: Issued by:

Material for training Nguyen Cao Anh

Room Division Manager

Accepting reservations for multiple nights through sold-out date to increase occupancy on
Sell through
open dates.

Share ( Share with ) A guests who joins another guest already occupying a room at the hotel (non-family ).

Single Room to be occupied by one person.

Skipper Guest leaving hotel without paying the bill.

Rooms not physically occupied ( possibly skips ) and not discovered by front desk during
the course of the day, therefore, room not rented due to account still being active.

Suite A large room with a sitting area and sleeping area which can be closed off with a door.

To straighten and clean a room after guest departure when full services has been given
Removing bedspread and turning down bed, straightening room. Evening service and
Turn down
replenishing used supplies and linen.

Twin A room with two twin beds.

A guest, who for a variety of reasons has been designated by management to receive
VIP special treatment, is usually registered and should be escorted to room by a management
Vacant and ready A room that unoccupied, cleaned and ready for renting.

A guest who has reservation but cannot be accommodated is taken to another hotel
Walk the guest
where rooms have been procured and paid for by walking.

Walk in Persian (s) requesting accommodation for that night who has no reservation.

Walk out When a guest leaves hotel without paying his billing.

Extra person More than two occupants per room.

Queen One queen size bed (60 x 80).

King One king size bed (bed equivalent to 2 singles put together 72 x 80).

A reservation which the hotel has received cash payment for at least at the first lodging in
advance and is obligated to hold the room regardless of the guest time of arrival. The
Guaranteed deposit
reservation can also be guaranteed by a major a credit card or a company charge for the
first night in case the guest fails to show up.
E status unknown. Housekeeping shows one status (vacant or occupied) and front desk
show another.
F.I.T Free independent traveler: A guest who is not traveling with a group with fixed itinerary.
Effective Date: Page:

12/6/2017 Page 4 of 4
Index no.: Issued by:

Material for training Nguyen Cao Anh

Room Division Manager

A plan or schedule for a trip that a traveler follows. This usually applies to a group

G.I.T Group inclusive traveler: a guest traveling with a group with fixed itinerary.

A guest who is staying in a place to wait for his connecting flight. Usually the airline will
Transit guest
pay for his accommodation and meals.

A guest who is staying in a place to wait for his connecting flight which is delayed due to
unforeseen circumstances such as typhoon or engine repairs. In most cases, the guest
Layover guest
will be given a voucher by the airline specifying the services paid for.

O.O.O Out of Order.

O.O.S Out of Service

E.T.A Estimated Time of Arrival.

E.T.D Estimated Time of Departure.

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