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w w w . m e n t o r . c o m
Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

The UVM Configuration database - the uvm_config_db - is used for setting parameters and controls. This
database has a hierarchical aspect, is typed, has precedence or priority and has rules about first-wins or last-wins.
In short, the UVM Configuration database is a complex machine used by every SystemVerilog UVM testbench.
It can also be hard to debug and complex to understand. This paper will try to shed some light on the complexity
and provide some useful code extensions for debug.
We will explore the UVM 1.1d Config Database implementation and theory with an effort to explaining the
desired functionality to the new user, as well as clarifying how to best do debug when things go wrong.
Additionally, UVM 1.1d to UVM 1.2 changes will be discussed, and a proposal for a simple, easier to
understand and easier to debug implementation will be proposed.
The output from the instrumented code is demonstrated below. The UVM 1.1d output is listed and the
Enhanced UVM 1.1d output is listed. For UVM 1.1d, this output is generated by using

A. Messages from UVM 1.1d

In the UVM 1.1d example, the output looks like
./uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_resource_db.svh(121) @ 101: reporter Configuration 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_3'
(type string) read by uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 = (string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3
./uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_resource_db.svh(121) @ 101: reporter Configuration 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_4'
(type string) read by uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 = null (failed lookup)

Two lines of debug are produced with the final results. Each line has a common prefix referring to the line
where the message is printed in the UVM. This is not a helpful location.

For a failure, a Cannot find message is printed. Also not a helpful message.
reporter Configuration 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_4' (type string) read by
uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 = null (failed lookup)

B. Messages from UVM 1.1d Enhanced

In the UVM 1.1d Enhanced library, the complete output looks like @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Looking for 'XXX_3' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2' @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle matches ((string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\..*$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 1: P:1000 Type handle matches ((string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a2\..*$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 2: P:1000 Type handle matches ((string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e2\.a1\..*$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 3: P:1000 Type handle matches ((string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) matches (/^uvm_test_top\.e2\.a2\..*$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Found 1 match for 'XXX_3' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2' @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Looking for highest precedence @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Found properly typed ((string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3) resource in the queue. (Last
one) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_3' (type string) read by uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 =
(string) 2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3 @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 SUCCESS: Found value "2env.a1.<STAR>*::XXX_3" @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Looking for 'XXX_4' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2' @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 0: P: 997 Type handle matches ((string) env.a1::XXX_4), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e2\.a1$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Item # 1: P: 997 Type handle matches ((string) env.a1::XXX_4), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1$/) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 Found NO matches for 'XXX_4' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2' @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_4' (type string) read by uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 =
null (failed lookup) @ 101: uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 [C] Can't find XXX_4

Multiple lines are produced for each call to get(), outlining the internal decisions taken for both failure and
success. In the enhanced library, each line is prefixed with the actual line where the get() call is located. This is a
helpful location.

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

For a failure, a complete history of the algorithm and failure is listed with which items were checked from the
resource queue:
Looking for 'XXX_4' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2'
Item # 0: P: 997 Type handle matches ((string) env.a1::XXX_4), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e2\.a1$/)
Item # 1: P: 997 Type handle matches ((string) env.a1::XXX_4), Scope
(uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2) doesn't match (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1$/)
Found NO matches for 'XXX_4' in 'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2'
'uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2.XXX_4' (type string) read by uvm_test_top.e2.a2.b2.c2 = null (failed

To the uninitiated these messages are all just noise, but for a person trying to figure out why XXX_4 could not
be found, they are clues. We can see right away that the XXX_4 property is attached with a regular expression for
two levels up. We are asking for the setting too low, or we set it too high. Failure Debugged!

The UVM Config database began life as a reimagined, re-implemented configuration database implemented in
the OVM. The old version had limitations and was hard to use. The new UVM based implementation was imagined
as a global database with a simple (name:value) lookup. As the integration into the UVM code stream began, forces
worked to change the code, to layer it, and adapt it for certain poorly defined requirements. The changes made
during this integration effort made the implementation more complex, and harder to understand.
The configuration database is best thought of as a global table of (name:value) pairs. You register a
configuration name and value, like NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS:1000 so that later other UVM testbench
components can lookup NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS and use the value returned accordingly. There is one
global table which holds (name:value) pairs.

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug


A simple example below illustrates setting and getting from the uvm_config database for the virtual interfaces
that connect the testbench to the DUT. This is the traditional usage to set values.
module top();
intfA vifA1(clk);
intfA vifA2(clk);
intfB vifB1(clk);
intfB vifB2(clk);

initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual intfA)::set(null, "*e1", "vifA", vifA1);
uvm_config_db#(virtual intfA)::set(null, "*e2", "vifA", vifA2);
uvm_config_db#(virtual intfB)::set(null, "*e1", "vifB", vifB1);
uvm_config_db#(virtual intfB)::set(null, "*e2", "vifB", vifB2);
The code below tests the value retrieval for the virtual interfaces one set of gets() in the build_phase() and the
other in the run_phase(). This is the traditional usage to get values.
Original call to get():
if (!uvm_config_db#(virtual intfA)::get(this, "", "vifA", vifA))
`uvm_warning(get_type_name(), "Can't find vifA");

If we add the calling context, the file and line number to the call, then each call to get() or to set() can be tracked
back to the original call site. This tracking back to the actual place where the setting is created or retrieved is exactly
the kind of debug needed.
Updated, better debug, call to get():
if (!uvm_config_db#(virtual intfA)::get(this, "", "vifA", vifA, this, `__FILE__, `__LINE__))
`uvm_warning(get_type_name(), "Can't find vifA");


The best recommendation to avoid debugging the uvm_config database is to not use it. It is possible to not use
it, but most common testbenches do use it. In fact, most common testbenches overuse it. If it is going to be used,
then use it once. Or twice. A few times.
A. Spanning module and testbench space
The best case for a configuration database, or just a simple global table is to span the module / testbench space.
On the module side, an interface is created, and a virtual interface handle must be passed to the testbench. The
testbench does NOT exist until run 0. So the virtual interface handle must be cached or saved somewhere. A
crude version of this follows in this code snippet. The virtual interface handle is stored in the global variable named

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

virtual my_interface if_cache;

class env extends uvm_component;


virtual my_interface if0;

function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

if0 = if_cache;
`uvm_info("INTERFACE", if0.get_full_name(), UVM_MEDIUM)

module top();
reg clk;
my_interface if0(clk);
initial begin
if_cache = if0;

A more robust scalable solution, would at least create a simple lookup-by-name structure such as an
associative array indexed by name. Without the need to span module and testbench space, there is limited need for
a configuration database, since a test could create the configuration directly either with direct set or randomize calls.
Each different configuration would simply be a different test from the test library. The configuration simply
becomes the test.
B. A container of configurations
Build a structure or a class container which holds all the controls and settings. This container can be hierarchical
the container can have handles to other containers. The one, first container is the only thing in the configuration
database it is named settings, and it is set by the test. The testbench parcels out configuration settings to all the
lower levels.
class C_configuration;
int a, b, c;

class B_configuration;
C_configuration C1_config;
C_configuration C2_config;

class A_configuration;
B_configuration B1_config;
B_configuration B2_config;


class env_configuration;
A_configuration A1_config;
A_configuration A2_config;

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

The test creates the environment configuration (how it wants the environment to be structured and how it should
run). Then the test stores the environment configuration in the config database for the environment to lookup. The
environment then knows how to pass the children configurations, etc. In the simplest approach, the configuration
database would not be needed, since each parent component could simply set the child configurations directly:
class A .;
A_configuration config;
B B1, B2;
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
B1.config = config.B1_configuration;
B2.config = config.B2_configuration;


There are 5 files that together make up the UVM Configuration system. They are:

Number of Lines File Name

367 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_config_db.svh
399 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_resource_db.svh
170 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_resource_specializations.svh
1713 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_resource.svh
194 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_spell_chkr.svh
347 uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_pool.svh

There are a total of 3190 lines of code. This implementation has many layers and interactions. The sections
following will describe some of the interactions and concepts.
A. The uvm_config_db::get() algorithm
The get() function call is used to retrieve the value that matches the context, instance name and field name
specified. It is the target of our debug effort we need better visibility into the get() algorithm. There are many
failure modes; each mode means some part of the lookup was incorrectly specified, or the original set() was in
static function bit get(uvm_component cntxt,
string inst_name,
string field_name,
inout T value);

Generate An Instance Name.

Queue of Results <= Lookup The Instance Name, Field Name and Type.
Is the Field Name in the Associative Array?
If yes, then
foreach (element in the Queue of Resource Settings) {
if the Queue of Resource Setting[i] type matches the Type, and the scope matches, add
this element to the Queue of Results

Find the highest precedence in the Queue of Results.

foreach (element in the Queue of Results) {
if the Queue of Results[i] type matches the Type, find the highest precedence in the
queue after this matching element, that is also of the correct Type.

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

The list of failure modes is long:

1. Wrong hierarchy (too high)
2. Wrong hierarchy (too low)
3. Typo in set() call
4. Typo in get() call
5. Wildcard in name incorrect (UVM 1.1d)
6. Database organized by property name. For a large testbench where every component has this property,
a performance problem may occur.
7. Setting a property value from two different places, with conflicting values.
8. Setting a property value from two different initial blocks. Process ordering may affect which occurs
9. Config database lookup is expensive. Putting a lookup in the inner loop, controlled by a clock. Very
B. The uvm_config_db::set() algorithm

static function void set(uvm_component cntxt,

string inst_name,
string field_name,
T value);

Generate An Instance Name.

Get or create the Resource in the Pool.

Calculate the Precedence based on the current phase

Set the Resource Value

Put the Resource in the Resource Pool Queue of Resources



One of the routines used to find a configuration setting is uvm_resource::lookup_name(). The UVM 1.1d
version is shown below. It has three sections. The first section checks to see if the name is empty. If the name is
empty, then an empty queue is returned. The second section checks to see if the name exists in the associative
array. If the name does not exist, then an empty queue is returned. The third section is most interesting. The third
section loops through all the elements in the queue associated with the name. Each element in the queue is a
resource. If the type name is null and the scope matches, or the type handles match and the scope matches, then
the resource is pushed into a queue. That queue is returned. There are more checks for precedence and priority in
other parts of the code.
function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_name(string scope = "",
string name,
uvm_resource_base type_handle = null,
bit rpterr = 1);
uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq;
uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q = new();
uvm_resource_base rsrc;
uvm_resource_base r;

// resources with empty names are anonymous and do not exist in the name map
if(name == "")
return q;

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

// Does an entry in the name map exist with the specified name?
// If not, then we're done
if((rpterr && !spell_check(name)) || (!rpterr && !rtab.exists(name))) begin
return q;

rsrc = null;
rq = rtab[name];
for(int i=0; i<rq.size(); ++i) begin
r = rq.get(i);
// does the type and scope match?
if(((type_handle == null) || (r.get_type_handle() == type_handle)) &&
return q;

For the UVM 1.1d Enhanced library the code above has been instrumented to provide detailed information
about what is going on. Failures (or mismatches) will be shown, but also, when a match happens, the details of the
match will be shown. Matching incorrectly is just as bad as mismatching.
A call to the new macro uvm_info_context_with_file_line will be made. This will allow call site information to
be passed on to the user. It is really just a fancy uvm_info.
Each decision point in the code below has been instrumented. The for loop has been instrumented, so that
matching and failing queue elements are all printed if it is processed, then it is printed. This way the behavior of
the code can be followed.
function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_name(string scope = "",
string name,
uvm_resource_base type_handle = null,
bit rpterr = 1,
input uvm_object CALLING_CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0
uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq;
uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q = new();
uvm_resource_base rsrc;
uvm_resource_base r;

// resources with empty names are anonymous and do not exist in the name map
if(name == "")
return q;

// Does an entry in the name map exist with the specified name?
// If not, then we're done
if((rpterr && !spell_check(name)) || (!rpterr && !rtab.exists(name))) begin
`uvm_info_context_with_file_line("CFGDB/GET DEBUG",
$sformatf(" No resource for name '%s' exists", name), UVM_MEDIUM,
return q;

rsrc = null;
rq = rtab[name];

if (rq.size()<1) begin
`uvm_info_context_with_file_line("CFGDB/GET DEBUG",
$sformatf(" Found resource for name '%s', but q is empty.", name), UVM_MEDIUM,
return q;

for(int i=0; i<rq.size(); ++i) begin

r = rq.get(i);

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

// begin/end to create a useful message from:

// if(((type_handle == null) || (r.get_type_handle() == type_handle)) && r.match_scope(scope))

string msg;
msg = $sformatf(" Item #%2d: P:%4d ", i, r.precedence);

// Type handle message

if (type_handle == null)
msg = {msg, $sformatf("Type handle is NULL")};
else if (r.get_type_handle() == type_handle)
msg = {msg, $sformatf("Type handle matches (%s)", r.convert2string()) };
msg = {msg, $sformatf("Type handle does not match (looking for '%s', found '%s')",
r.get_type_handle().convert2string()) };
// Scope message
if (r.match_scope(scope))
msg = {msg, $sformatf(", Scope (%s) matches (%s)", scope, r.get_scope()) };
msg = {msg, $sformatf(", Scope (%s) doesn't match (%s)", scope, r.get_scope()) };

`uvm_info_context_with_file_line("CFGDB/GET DEBUG", msg, UVM_MEDIUM,


// Do the actual compare/check.

// does the type and scope match?
if(((type_handle == null) || (r.get_type_handle() == type_handle)) &&
return q;


The routines below have had CONTEXT, FILE and LINENUMBER arguments added. This enables MUCH
better debug messages tracking the file and line number and context of the caller not the file, line number and
context of the internal UVM files and structures. And the output printed from the Fancy Dump routine is much
easier to read for humans. Additionally, each new resource or resource update is tracked in a queue. It is then printed
in order, so the exact ordering of all gets or sets can be seen.

function void record_read_access(uvm_object accessor = null,

input uvm_object CALLING_CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0);

function void record_write_access(uvm_object accessor = null,

input uvm_object CALLING_CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0);

function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_name(string scope = "",

string name,
uvm_resource_base type_handle = null,
bit rpterr = 1,
input uvm_object CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0 );

function uvm_resource_base get_highest_precedence(ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q,

input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0 );

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_regex_names(string scope,

string name,
uvm_resource_base type_handle = null,
input uvm_object CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0 );

function T read(uvm_object accessor = null,

input uvm_object CALLING_CONTEXT = null,
input string FILE = "",
input int LINE = 0 );


The UVM can print a summary of the configuration interaction it dumps the access database. Weve
augmented the access database with the fields in RED below, adding typename, fullname, calling context, file and
line number, as well as a handle back to the resource itself. These fields allow for a more complete message.
typedef struct
time read_time;
time write_time;
int unsigned read_count;
int unsigned write_count;

string typename;
string full_name;
uvm_object calling_context;
string file;
int line;
uvm_resource_base r;
} access_t;

The data structure was sufficient for this paper. It may need to be changed to capture all the semantics of multiple
accesses created from different scopes at different times. That is left as an exercise.
The first part of the printed summary output is similar to the original configuration debug messages, but with
the details organized in an easier to read way:
A. Fancy Dump Output:
Found resource for name 'A', with 1 elements.
Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle ((string) A-value), Scope (/^uvm_test_top$/)
Access uvm_test_top reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @100 (uvm_test_top) []
Found resource for name 'B', with 1 elements.
Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle ((string) B-value), Scope (/^uvm_test_top\..*$/)
Access uvm_test_top reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @100 (uvm_test_top) []
Found resource for name 'C', with 1 elements.
Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle ((string) C-value), Scope ()
Access reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @100 (uvm_test_top) []
Found resource for name 'D', with 1 elements.
Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle ((string) D-value), Scope (/^.*$/)
Access reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @100 (uvm_test_top) []
Found resource for name 'recording_detail', with 2 elements.
Item # 0: P:1000 Type handle ((reg signed[4095:0]) 1), Scope ()
Access reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (EMPTY) [:0]
Access uvm_test_top reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top)
Access uvm_test_top.e1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a2)
Access uvm_test_top.e1.a2.b1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a2.b1)

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

The second part of the printed summary output is a list of ALL access requests, in order. This is the order that
reads and writes occurred during simulation.
B. Fancy Dump (in order), with recording_detail removed for simplicity
1: Access WRITE reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (EMPTY) []
Scope (/^.*e1$/), Type handle ((virtual intfA) /top/vifA1) Value (vifA)
3: Access WRITE reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (EMPTY) []
Scope (/^.*e2$/), Type handle ((virtual intfA) /top/vifA2) Value (vifA)
4: Access WRITE reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (EMPTY) []
Scope (/^.*e1$/), Type handle ((virtual intfB) /top/vifB1) Value (vifB)
5: Access WRITE reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (EMPTY) []
Scope (/^.*e2$/), Type handle ((virtual intfB) /top/vifB2) Value (vifB)
7: Access WRITE uvm_test_top reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top$/), Type handle ((string) testA::blue-run) Value (sky)
10: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1$/), Type handle ((string) env::blue-run) Value (sky)
11: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1) []
Scope (/^.*e1$/), Type handle ((virtual intfA) /top/vifA1) Value (vifA)
12: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 0 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1) []
Scope (/^.*e1$/), Type handle ((virtual intfB) /top/vifB1) Value (vifB)
15: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1$/), Type handle ((string) A::blue-run) Value (sky)
18: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b1$/), Type handle ((string) B::blue-run) Value (sky)
21: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b1\.c1$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
22: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b1\.c1$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
23: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b1\.c2$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
24: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b1.c2) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b1\.c2$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
25: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b2$/), Type handle ((string) B::blue-run) Value (sky)
28: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b2\.c1$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
29: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1 reads: 1 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c1) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b2\.c1$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
30: Access WRITE uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2 reads: 0 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b2\.c2$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)
31: Access READ uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2 reads: 1 @0, writes: 1 @0 (uvm_test_top.e1.a1.b2.c2) []
Scope (/^uvm_test_top\.e1\.a1\.b2\.c2$/), Type handle ((string) C::blue-build) Value (sky)


The UVM 1.2 changed the uvm_config_db and uvm_resource in small ways. Hooks were added to use the
coreservices for get() and set(). Coreservices is beyond the scope of this paper. $display() statements were replaced
with calls to `uvm_info() for print() functionality. The biggest change is that wildcards are no longer special in the
name field. No wildcard matching is done. This is a good change, since with many configuration settings, using
a wildcard in the name might make the simulation run very slowly. This change may make your simulations stop
working since your configuration may be in the wrong place. Additionally some code was changed to try to
achieve better random stability.

A. Historical Simply Better Config
Adding debug, and cleaning up the existing code is a noble effort, but one which may not yield a good enough
improvement to clarity and ease of use. We suggest something much, much simpler for configuration.
The configuration database is really just a global variable a global table of names of properties. Each property
has a list of scopes.
The replacement configuration database is a global variable a global table of names of full path
names, including the property name it is a simple table of name:value pairs. It is an associative array, indexed
by the full path names. It will be fast, and it will be used to hold hierarchical configurations, so it will be
small. Lookup a property (a configuration) by using get_full_name(). Each component could choose to continue
in a loop climbing the component instance tree: search to a.b.c.d.block1, then a.b.c.d, then a.b.c, then
a.b, then a, then uvm_root. This is a well-known algorithm, and easy to debug.

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

This suggested replacement will cause some changes no more are the semantics of lookup changed between
build and run phases. No more are wildcards causing slow behavior. No more are there precedence rules needed
about which conflicting setting wins (in fact conflicting or repeated settings should be an error). We suggest that
these limitations are actually advantages for ease of use, predictability of results and debug-ability.

B. Simple Config Too Simple?

There was a phone call many years ago, during the summer. How about a new configuration database? Well
call it a resource database, and it will be simple and fast. What do you think? There was worry that this database
would be used as a substitute for connectivity. Imagine getting a components connections by call config::get().
Each get() could return a class handle of another UVM object. Then that object handle can be used to call functions.
Handle.Function1(), Handle.Function2(). Each of these calls is communication between objects. There was worry
and a few sleepless nights. Luckily that nightmare scenario never occurred. What did occur was a layering of
uvm_config_db on top to the resource data structure, due to some requirements that may be now out of favor or at
least avoided.
By investing a few minutes, we believe that you the enthusiastic reader can create a simpler configuration
system that meets whatever requirements you might have. For example, something as simple as a typed, global
associative array:

class simple_config #(type T = int);

static T lookup_table[string];

static function T get(string name);

T return_value;
if (lookup_table.exists(name))
return_value = lookup_table[name];
return return_value;

static function set(string name, T set_value);

lookup_table[name] = set_value;


class B extends uvm_component;

function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
`uvm_info("MSG", $sformatf( "MSG=%s, N=%0d",
simple_config#(int)::get("N")), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info("MSG", $sformatf("SPECIAL_MSG=%s, N=%0d",
simple_config#(string)::get({get_full_name(), ".MSG"}),
simple_config#(int)::get("N")), UVM_MEDIUM)

module top();
initial begin
simple_config#(int)::set("N", 24);
simple_config#(string)::set("MSG", "Hello World!");
"Hello World!, uvm_test_top.a1.b1!!!!");

Go Figure UVM Configure: The Good, The Bad, The Debug

Configuration is unavoidable. Without better debugging and tracing in the UVM, it is best to limit the use of
UVM Config. There are more than 3000 lines of code involved in the configuration database. That code is quite
complex, and has many interdependencies and special behaviors. Our hope is that a new configuration
mechanism can be created which is much simpler and more transparent. In the meantime, some simple rules will
help. Do not use the auto configuration mechanism in the field automation macros. Do not set simple integers
and other small sets of variables. Instead, create a configuration container and put that in the configuration
database. Do not use the configuration database in a monitor or scoreboard, where the configuration database is
being searched on every clock edge. Do not use wildcards in the name field. Following these simple
guidelines will make your configurations faster and easier to debug. Happy Debugging! Source code
changes for UVM 1.1d are available from the authors. Changes to UVM 1.2 should be trivially the same.

[1] Hannes Nurminen, Satya Durga Ravi, Hierarchical Testbench Configuration Using uvm_config_db, June 2014,
[2] Vanessa R. Cooper, Paul Marriott, Demystifying the UVM Configuration Database, DVCON 2014,
[3] John Aynsley,Easier UVM, March 2011, and
[4] Keisuke Shimizu, UVM Tutorial for Candy Lovers 13. Configuration Database, July 24, 2016,

This paper was originally presented at DVCon Europe 2016, Munich, Germany.

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