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Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0750

Fire System;

Paint Mixing & Storage

Facilities (Automotive)

The storage, mixing, and pumping of paint from a central paint

shop to the various points of its application is common in many metal-
working plants, most notably automobile assembly plants. Because of
their critical nature, the volumes of paint required, and the sheer size
of the rooms, this potential fire problem gets special attention. Of
course, these areas are sprinklered; but if a fire should occur, it must
be quickly extinguished before there is any chance for prolonged inter-
ruption of production. Even a short production delay in a large auto-
mobile plant can mean many dollars lost. For that reason, the insurers
of these properties and the major automotive firms have used CO,
systems for many years as the first line of fire defense.

A properly designed CO, system should operate quickly enough to

suppress a fire before sprinklers have operated. This is important to
limit water discharge, which must be treated as a hazardous material.
This avoids disposal concerns,

The accompanying drawing illustrates a typical paint shop arrange-

ment. It should be noted that the complex consists of several rooms
that are interconnected with one another. Because of the unusually large
size of these rooms, together with the need for special concern in
protection arrangement, the Low Pressure CO, system is ideally suited
for same.

CAaDoX The large rooms of a paint shop are to be flooded with a 34% CO,
concentration within one (1) minutes time. The flooding factor for
34% CO, in rooms over 50,000 cubic feet is 22 cubic feet protected by
4801 Southwick Drive each pound of CO>. Many of the newest facilities require CO, flow
Third Floor rates of well over 20.000 pounds per minute, for which an 8 discharge
Matteson, IL 60443 system is needed.
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
B 1996 CHEMETAON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. (g/96)
Fire Systems co2 Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0750 Page 2

If the facility is such that fire could spread Many times the central paint mix and storage
through an opening to an adjacent area, if the prod- facility is remotely located from the points of paint
ucts of combustion (heat, smoke, flame) can trip the application, making the extension of this system to
protection system in an adjacent room, or if there is protect both impractical. But when this distance is
a possibility that personnel, in a fire emergency, not too great, it is obviously a good idea to consider
could manually trip the protection in the wrong dual utilization of the CO, storage unit.
room, then the CO, system must be designed so that
there is enough CO, to flood all interexposing haz- Safety Concerns: When the carbon dioxide
ards simultaneously. Just as important is the need system is designed, the provision for personnel
for independent controls so that, again, simultaneous safety must be considered as strongly as the fire
operation of adjacent hazards will result in each area protection. A safe system includes provision for:
getting its full measure of CO,. This is rather easily
accomplished with a low pressure CO, system. . Alarms that absolutely, positively indicate that
the system is about to discharge. This can
The need for large doors and other openings in include predischarge alarms that function irre-
the rooms of the paint complex requires that the CO, spective of the method of system release -
system designer work with the door design to ensure electrical or mechanical.
that they will close on system operation. If a door
interconnects two protected areas, it obviously must m Analysis of the CO, gas flow to identify where
close with a discharge on either side. the CO: will be after a discharge. (Provision for
odorizing the CO2 may be appropriate.)
The concern that the CO, protection system
would always be available for fire extinguishment . Provision for supervised system lock-out for
has, over the years, demonstrated the need for cer- those times when such is appropriate.
tain features of these systems that are now standard,
but were not used in earlier installations. (Any re- . Adequate instructions and training, including
vamping of the protection system should include a warning and instructional signs.
full updating of the system controls.) These controls
now include full Class B electrical supervision of all NFPA Standard No. 12 provides good informa-
key electrical control circuits and devices. Emergen- tion in this regard.
cy power supplies to ensure full availability of con-
trol power are mandatory. The supervision of the
all important pilot piping between pilot control cabi-
nets and the pressure operated valves is now a stan-
dard .
Carbon Dioxide Fire Protection System
for Paint Mixing & Storage Facility



I I. I


Industrial Facilities Bulletin #07..55

Fire Systemg

Machining Centers
2 Part I: Production Lines

e e Modern production methods, such as those used in the automo-

mm tive and construction machinery industries to machine engine and trans-

II mission parts, present fire hazards for which fixed CO, protection has
been proven to be particularly valuable.

Machining operations that use cutting and hydraulic oils present
a potential for fire. Experience has shown the hazards requiring protec-
tion include the machining station, oil mist elimination system, and the

U chip removal system and oil recovery process.


m Cutting oils. which lubricate and cool the cutting tools and pieces
being machined, also flush away chips being produced. The type of
machining and the speed with which it is done produce varying
amounts of heat, which vaporizes the oil and raises oil temperature

n close to its flashpoint (usually 200F to 300F) (79C to 134C).

a Loss of coolant at a particular machining station, a dull or

broken tool, and insufficient cooling of the recirculated oil are among
the principal reasons for fire ignition.

The close proximity of all segments of the operation (inter-expos-

ing hazards), excess oil outside of normal retention equipment, and use
of oil hydraulic equipment for material handling are factors that make
defining the limits of the scope of protection difficult. While fires at the
machining stations are fairly common and could be handled with local
protection, the potential for fire spread defines the entire hazard that

CAaDoX must be protected

This bulletin describes how the fast, properly designed, clean

application of carbon dioxide (CO,) can prevent a major loss. The pro-
tection system shown in this bulletin covers multiple machining sta-
4801 Southwick Drive
tions, the oil mist elimination system, the chip conveyor trench beneath
Third Floor
Matteson, IL 60443
the machines, and the chip oil recovery system where oil is recovered,
Telephone: 7081748-l 503
processed, filtered, cooled, and recirculated to the machines.
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1996 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. 19196)
Fire Svstemi CO2 Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0755 Page 2

The work being machined enters the line and hazard is three dimensional, use of the rate-by-area
moves from station to station, where one or more method of calculation is difficult to apply. The sys-
machining operations are performed. The piece is tem, as shown, uses spot nozzles mounted in the
automatically positioned for the operation program- tops of the partial enclosures.
med, while the proper tool is selected and moved
into position to accomplish the required machining. The oil mist elimination system consists of the
pick up ducts at each station, common ducts, and the
Fire protection of the facility starts with good mist elimination equipment. The ducts and the mist
housekeeping and proper maintenance, but even if elimination enclosure are totally flooded to a 65 %
everything operates as it should, Murphys Law ap- CO, concentration per Table 2-4.2.1 of NFPA Stan-
plies here too. The CO, fire protection system is dard No. 12. CO, is discharged into the mist elimi-
intended to detect and extinguish a fire before it can nation system simultaneously with the local applica-
significantly impact production. It is the first line of tion of CO2 on the machine tool. During system
fixed protection. design, care should be exercised to ensure an overall
discharge rate that is high enough for the ducts to
Overall protection necessitates sprinklers to en- get the proper amount of CO, during the shortened
sure against a catastrophic loss. This usually involv- local application discharge period. Covered orifice
es 286F (127C) heads with a water density as nozzles are used for CO, flooding of the duct/ equip-
specified by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Add- ment interiors.
ed to this would be sufficient water for one (1) hour
application from hose lines. The chip conveyor trench below is usually cov-
ered by the machine enclosure and deck plate on the
When these facilities are protected by a floor between machining stations. When covered, the
Chemetron Low Pressure CO, System, the position- trench is also flooded to 65% CO,, again per Table
ing of CO? hosereels on the perimeter of a machin- 2-4.2.1. If the trench has open grating, it must be
ing line allows massive first aid application of clean, treated by local application of CO, with nozzles
non-damaging CO,. Projection capability [35 + ft mounted above, supported by the equipment and
(10.5+ m)], with a high discharge rate [250/350 aimed to ensure coverage of the entire open trench.
lbs/min (113/ 158 Kg/min)] , and the extended length
of discharge available from the central storage unit Chips are conveyed by either sluicing or by
makes this a superior fire fighting device. It allows mechanical conveyors. The trench moves chips with
the use of CO, to control fires on equipment that the flow of oil by gravity or by liquid injection along
does not justify fixed protection. the length of the conveyor. Drag or push bar con-
veyors are often used for long runs. The type of
But the most efficient protection is the use of chips produced is key to the method of chip collec-
fixed CO, protection - starting with the machine tion. The ability to run the CO, piping in the trench
tool itself. is affected by the type collection method used. It
may be necessary to run the pipe at floor level and
The machining is performed inside a partial en- drop to nozzles in the trench.
closure which contains splashing oil and the associ-
ated oil mist created. The CO, protection recom- If cutting or hydraulic oil filtration and pumping
mended is local application using the rate by volume equipment is located outside the machining enclo-
method of calculation. Adjustment of the discharge sure, consideration must be given to including it in
rate for the partial enclosure can be made. Since the the local application coverage to ensure that the
CHEmErRon co 2 Application Bull&in
Fire Systems

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0755 Page 3

entire hazard is covered. Coolant filtration can be put out magnesium fires either, but an oil deluge
accomplished by a variety of methods with the will. Hence, a dual agent concept is used: Oil de-
selection based on material being machined, type luge to control the magnesium fire and CO, to
and flow rate of coolant equipment layout, and control the oil fire. (CARDOX, Chemetrons prede-
coolant quality needed. Filters involving disposable cessor, had a patent on this application method
media (usually with housing openings) or perma- many years ago.)
nent, enclosed type filters need different CO, appli-
cation methods. Analysis of same is needed to It should be noted that in some machining
determine the most effective protection method. operations, entire platforms move, in which case it
may be necessary to mount the local application
The termination of the chip conveyor is a tank nozzles on the platform and then feed the CO,
or pit generally installed below floor level. The oil plping and nozzles through flexible connectors.
and chips dump into the tank where the chips are
separated and conveyed out to the reclamation. If Some large machining centers include a central
the tank/pit is covered with a solid deck plate*, this oil room where oil is stored, processed, and
is protected by total flooding with a 34% CO, con- pumped to the machining cEnter. This is protected
centration. If it is open (covered by open grating) it as a separate hazard.
is protected by local application using the 4 Ibs. per
min. per sq. ft. (.18 Kg/sq. m.) recommended for It should also be noted that the machining e-
open pits more than 4 ft. (1.2 m) deep quipment, oil pumps, mist exhaust fans, etc., must
be shut down upon operation of the CO, system.
NOTE , An emergency shutoff is usually provided and inter-
connected with the Chemetron CO, system control
* In the system illustrated here, local appli- panel to automatically shut down the line upon
cation was used because the deck plate was
system actuation.
not considered permanent and there was a
fear of fire while plate(s) were off. Fire detection utilizes rate compensated heat
activated detectors located on the machine enclo-
sures, in the mist elimination system, the chip con-
The chip conveyor from the tank to reclamation veyors and oil/chip processing tank/pit.
is partially enclosed and is protected by local appli-
cation of CO,, rate-by-volume calculation. Part 2 of the Bulletins on Machining Centers
will cover Electric Discharge Machining (EDM).
Oil processing equipment (filters, pumps, etc.)
on the floor adjacent to the pit is covered by local

Some larger machine tools each have their own

individual mist elimination and chip processing
systems. They can be protected as one hazard.

An interesting fire protection concept has been

used when machining magnesium. Since magne-
sium chips are reactive with water, care is exercised
to prevent water contact with the chips, eliminating
any consideration of water protection. CO, wont
Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0760

Fire Systemi

High Capacity Portable Protection

with CO, Hand Hose Lines
Part I

0 Protection Requirements: Agent Selection

I In the modern industrial plant, such as an electric generating

m station, metals rolling mill, printing plant, etc.,

hazards require fire protection where extinguishing
some potential fire
requirements exceed

the capacity of portable or wheeled extinguishers, but are not such that
fixed fire protection is justified, while dependence on plant or outside
mm fire brigades for fire control is unacceptable.

The preferred extinguishant is also often a clean agent and one that

11 is electrically non-conductive.

n For decades, carbon dioxide (CO,) has been used as this clean,
non-conducting agent. However, it has certain drawbacks when used in

a a portable extinguisher.

The high vapor pressure of the CO, liquified in the extinguisher

requires the use of a heavy spun cylinder for storage. The ratio of
weight to extinguishing potential is high, limiting its use. And as a gas,
it is hard to project the discharge the substantial distance that may be
necessary to reach the seat of the fire.

Other clean extinguishants, such as Halon 1211, allowed the use

of lighter weight units with greater projection capability. But now that
halon is no longer produced, alternative agents that are environmentally
acceptable but still cost effective must be used.

CO, meets this test if its shortcomings can be minimized and its
4801 Southwick Drive extinguishing capability enhanced.
Third Floor
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 7081748-I 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1996 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. 19/96)
Fire Systemi
CO2 Application Bull&in

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0760 Page 2

Agent Requirements A larger fire will also require greater projection

of the gas to reach all burning areas. Projection must
The standard for Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing be adequate to reach all parts of the hazard for
Systems (NFPA #12) recognizes the requirements of which protection is intended. Accessibility must be
manually applied CO, in Paragraph 4.4.1 of Chapter analyzed.
4, Hand Hose Line System:
A fourth factor to be taken into consideration is
4-4.1 Rate and Duration of Discharge. The rate that the people most likely to be called upon to pro-
and duration of discharge and consequently the vide first aid fire control are not likely to be trained
amount of carbon dioxide shall be determined by the fire fighters. Therefore, it should be expected that it
type and potential size of the hazard. A hand hose will take some time for the operator to figure out
line shall have a suficient quantity of carbon dioxide how to apply the CO, with satisfactory results.
to permit its use for at least 1 minute.

If a hazard is such that fire control by CO, can

Meeting These Requirements
be effected, the specifier, with help from those expe-
rienced in CO, systems design, must determine how Providing CO, to meet these requirements -
much CO, is needed.
n high discharge rate
n large coverage
A factor in the amount of fire that can be extin-
n greater projection
guished by CO, is the rate at which the CO, can be
. more forgiving
applied. Generally, the faster it is applied, the more
fire that can be extinguished with the same amount means analyzing the hazard and calculating expected
of gas. For example, 50 pounds of CO1 will extin- requirements. Often, this indicates the need for a
guish 20 square feet of fire in 12 seconds when ap- hand hose line system rather than an extinguisher or
plied at 3 to 4 pounds per minute per square foot, wheeled unit.
but will not put it out if applied at less than 1 pound
per minute per square foot. For the purpose of this bulletin, let us consider
the modern steam-electric generating station. At
Another factor is for how long must the CO, be these stations, the generators are cooled by a hydro-
applied to ensure extinguishment. Fires involving gen gas atmosphere within the casing. CO, is provid-
deep-seated burning material can be controlled only ed to inert the air before the hydrogen is introduced
with lengthy CO, discharges. Metal and other sur- into the generator, and to purge the hydrogen from
faces heated in the fire above the auto-ignition tem- the unit before it is opened for maintenance. This
perature of the fuels must also be allowed to cool prevents mixing of hydrogen and air to create an
below that temperature. An extended discharge explosive atmosphere (see Power Generation BuZZe-
would be necessary in these cases. tin #0035). Thus, CO, storage is required, with the
low pressure system being the best choice.
Still another factor is that automation has al-
lowed plants to be operated by fewer people. There- Extending and expanding this system can pro-
fore, it is less likely that a fire will start when some- vide for the fixed protection requirement, but for our
one is close at hand to use an extinguisher. It fol- purposes here, it is an ideal source of CO: to pro-
lows that the fire can be expected to be larger when vide highly effective portable protection.
the extinguisher is actually used. Thus, the potential
hazard size must be enlarged during planning.
Fire Systems CO2 Application Bull&in
Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0760 Page 3

Carbon dioxide is stored under pressure as a that the fire protection job is properly done.
liquid. When it is released and expands to atmo-
spheric pressure, it changes state to vapor and fine As outlined above, when determining whether
particles of dry ice. A cylinder discharged at 70F low pressure hand hose lines are reasonable and
will contain less than 20% snow in its discharge, appropriate for protection of certain equipment, a
while a discharge of 300 psi liquid CO: will contain logical starting point is an analysis of the protec-
over 45% dry ice snow. This dry ice snow will tic )n needs.
quickly change to vapor under normal tempera-
ture conditions, especially in the presence of a fire, What is the size of the potential haz-
leaving CO, vapor alone as a result. This feature ard?
- utilized in the low pressure CO, hose reel sys- Can the fire be quickly extinguished or
tem - gives it unique fire fighting characteris- will it possibly require a lengthy dis-
tics, especially important to the power plant or in charge?
other heavy industrial fire protection needs. Is the hazard accessible?
Will it require projection of the extin-
History of Development guishant discharge over a sizable dis-
The above described characteristic was first tance?
utilized extensively by the CARDOX aircraft Will it require an indirect application
crash fire fighting vehicles of World War II. Used of the gas?
throughout the world by the Army Air Corps and
Navy, these vehicles used a specially designed The lower pressure of the Chemetron low
discharge nozzle as a boom, a ground sweep, and pressure CO, system allows for the use of larger
on a hand hose line to quickly knock down the hoses ( 1 and 1 l/210than are used with extinguish-
flames of a crashed aircraft to allow rescue of the ers or high pressure CO, equipment. This allows
crew. for discharge rates up to 600/700 pounds per min-
u te. Thus, larger fires can obviously be handled.
The special nozzle, called the snow separation Recommended training with the Chemetron 1
nozzle, or projection nozzle, used the principle of hose line (250/300 lbs. per minutei involves extin-
a centrifuge by forcing the CO, discharge around gtnshment of 400 ft (20 x 20) lube oil fires.
an arc so that there would be a separation of the
heavier snow particles from the lighter vapor. The fire protection designer, with help from
These heavy particles could then be projected for Chemetron, can estimate the protection require-
some distance, plus they could penetrate high ments of the equipment to be protected and then
winds and strong thermal air currents caused by estimate the number and size of hose line units
the fire. needed to provide same.

This same nozzle is the basis of the Cheme- The Chemetron hand hose line is contained
tron hose reel used on thousands of industrial ap- on a hose reel holding up to 200 feet of hose. As
plications. much hose as is necessary to reach the fire is
pulled off the reel when the unit is used. Control
Application Engineering Factors of the discharge is by a squeeze valve in the hand
Since carbon dioxide is readily available, the of the operator.
cheapest chemical fire extinguishant around, and
generally non-damaging, its use is desirable as- When maintenance welding and burning is
suming that 1) it can be expected to do the fire being done - especially near combustible liquids
extinguishing job, and 2) it doesnt create other - a common industrial practice is to pull out the
serious problems in the process. A little applica- hose and stand theplaypipe on the floor near the
tion engineering is, therefore, in order to ensure ,lob. When needed, it can be picked up and the
Fire Systems co 2 Application Bull&in
industrial Facilities Bulletin #0760 Page 4

valve squeezed to control a discharge. The CO2 is Sizing CO, Storage

so cheap that there is no reason not to use it,
when and if, and in the quantities needed. No
skimping is necessary. Increasing the size of the CO, storage unit to
accommodate the use of hand hose lines may be
Safety Concerns
appropriate where:
Since the hand hose line operating squeeze
The existing (or planned) unit is bor-
valve closes when released, release of same will
derline in capacity for other uses (Che-
stop the discharge. It would be very difficult for
metron Fire Systems can help eval-
the operator to create a hazardous environment
for himself while fighting a fire in the open plant.
Experience indicates frequent use may
When inhaled in very small amounts, CO, acts
be expected.
as a stimulant to breathing. This is an involuntary
reaction and very apparent to the operator. Ig-
Installation is at remote location, thus
noring this and continuing to build up the CO,
making refill of a small portion of the
concentration inhaled would be very, very unlike-
units contents impractical.

These hose lines are intended for use in open Determining CO, Requirements
areas and not in small rooms. It is expected that
the products of combustion of the material burn- Chemetron Fire Systems is available to help
ing will create more potential hazard for the oper- determine the estimated COZ requirements.
ator than will the CO, applied. This equipment
can easily be used with air breathing apparatus Part 2 will discuss methods of calculating CO,
and such is recommended. requirements for a variety of hazards.
Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0765

Fire Systemg

co2 Fume Control Systems

Hazard Concerns

In other applications bulletins, such as those for aluminum rolling

mills, rolling mills utilizing water based coolants, automated machining
lines, heat treating, snack food cooking, coating lines, and printing
presses (Flexographic and Rotogravure), the fume exhaust system was
an important part of the hazard described. The recommended CO, fire
protection included coverage of these fume systems as part of the over-
all protection scheme.

However, a proper discussion of the aspects of fume control system

fire protection deserves a more detailed presentation. In addition, re-
cent legislation and resultant technology have produced fume control
systems for which CO, protection systems offer the best protection,
even when the fume generating equipment is not protected. This
bulletin is intended to provide the reader with information as to how
CO, has been successfully employed on fume systems and to identify
features of this protection as it relates to the above.

Even before the U.S. Clean Air Act and its Amendments, industri-
al processes were designed with a high measure of fume control. In
the 1970s and 1980s, control technology guidelines defined reasonably
available control technology for sources of VOCs (Volatile Organic
Compounds) and HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants).

-X Control technology guidelines have been given for coating, can,

automotive, metal furniture, magnet wire, appliance, and metal prod-
ucts industries. The control of the atmospheric emissions of such
substances can be thought of as starting at the process generating the
4801 Southwick Drive fumes. This control of fume emission to the atmosphere would include
Third Floor one or more of the following:
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1996 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. (9196)
Fire System: CO2 Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0765 Page 2

More enclosure - adding sheet metal to capture created. For example: Vapors from water based ma-
and control emissions. An example of this is the terials, such as mill coolants containing approxi-
metals rolling mill where the entire top of the mately 95 % water and 5 % combustible material.
mill, the spaces between mill stands of tandem When this type material accumulates, the water com-
mills and as much of the ends of the mill as ponent evaporates and a sludge forms that may have
possible are metal enclosed to trap fumes while the consistency of peanut butter. When this material
the mill is operating (see Multi-Stand Mill Bul- is ignited, hot fires result; these fires have been
letin #0305). generally hard to extinguish. A significant number
of major fire losses are grim testimony to the severi-
Air curtains to block escape of fumes. (See re- ty of this hazard.
vised (1994) Aluminum Mill Bulletin #0300).
Access To The Hazard: If the fire plan is to
A decrease in the capture of material at the deal with a fire in a particular system by manual fire
source. Obviously not the best alternative, but it fighting means, access by fire fighters to all portions
does keep it out of the outside environment. of the system is essential. Fume exhaust systems are
seldom arranged with such access. An internal fire
Once the vapors have been captured they are in ducts and system components may be unfightable.
dealt with in a variety of ways, including:
Multiple Arrangements Of Equipment: In one
0 Solvent recovery systems, where solvents can be instance, a serious fire occurred on a protected piece
recovered and recycled. of equipment when, for equipment maintenance, a
portion of its hood and duct was swung out of posi-
l Incineration of vapors and subsequent control of tion to gain access to the equipment. Although the
combustion byproducts generated. equipment and its exhaust system had a protection
arrangement suitable for periods of operation, when
0 Removal from air stream by (arranged least to the exhaust was disconnected and the hoods and duct
most effective) moved, a fire in the duct was not controllable.
. cyclone filters.
Inability To Accomplish Desired Shutdowns:
. particulate filters.
Good fire protection system design dictates that
. heavy oil scrubbing for oil based fumes like
operation of the equipment generating the fumes, as
mill coolant.
well as all fume control equipment, be shut down in
case of a fire. Sometimes this is not possible.
Protection Concerns At one plant, a highly volatile solvent was being
used in a process where, if the fans were shut down
There are a number of factors that have been before the processing could be stopped, an explosive
shown to be important when evaluating fire protec- atmosphere of solvent vapor could be created at the
tion requirements for fume control systems. Among equipment where the fumes originated. A fire in the
these are: exhaust system would have to be controlled with
fans operating until such time as the solvent produc-
Identifying The Hazard: Equipment, which in ing equipment could be deactivated (some minutes
itself does not appear to be of great concern from a later).
fire standpoint, can generate a hazard from fumes
Fire Systems co 2 Application Bulktin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0765 Page 3

Establishing The Limits Of A Hazard: It be installed to reach these spaces simply by pene-
is important to ensure that the entire hazard is trating the outside of the hood. A careful analysis
protected. Determining the scope of the entire of the internal hood configuration, cyclone filters,
hazard in a fume control system is not always filter boxes, etc., to determine numbers and loca-
easy. tions of detectors and nozzles is needed. Coordi-
nation with the hood designer at the CO, system
Consider protecting a fume control system design phase is important.
consisting of a hood, exhaust duct, mist elimina-
tor, and stack.
CO, Fire Extinguishing System Design
Starting with the hood: Is it a hazard or not?
If the fumes do not condense and accumulate on
Where the hood itself requires protection, the
the hood surface, coverage of the hood may not be
CO, discharge would be calculated and discharged
necessary. But, if there are condensate troughs at
as a local application, rate-by-area, coated surface.
the edges of the hood, or if there are filters in the
However, if the operating equipment beneath is
hood, as are found in a commercial kitchen hood,
protection of the hood is necessary. Hoods with a protected by local application CO?, then figuring
coating of combustibles, even a thin one, need cov- the assumed volume from the top of the hood to
erage. the floor and using rate-by-volume might be best.
This would ensure complete coverage of the equip-
ment below and the hood above.
Next, consider the exhaust duct. These are
usually equipped with an isolation damper de-
Ducts require flooding to 65% CO? per NFPA
signed to close in event of a fire or fire protection
system operation. With some CO, systems, the Standard #12, Table 2-4.2.1 and para. 2-3.5.6.
duct is flooded to the damper. To ensure that the Seldom are we concerned with a deep-seated fire
fire doesnt get past the damper, CO, is discharged in ducts normally protected with a CO, system (for
an exception, see Special Cases below). Howev-
at the downstream side of the damper. Many
systems have been installed with the CO, protec- er, even a duct with a surface fire potential pres-
ents a concern as to how long the CO: discharge
tion stopping there. However, if the duct contin-
ues to a mist or recovery system, it should also be can be held. Even in a brief fire, sheet metal can
protected. Protection should be afforded for the be quickly heated, requiring some time for cooling
entire duct up to and including the elimination to prevent reignition. (See NFPA #12 para. 2-1.2
equipment. Concentration Maintained FOF The Required Peri-
od Of Time To Ensure Complete And Permanent
The portion of the fume control system down- Extinguishment...)
stream of the mist elimination system consisting
of duct and exhaust stack may require protection If the duct system is piped to be discharged
if there is any probability of an accumulation of simultaneously with the CO, discharge providing
combustible in ducts past the eliminator. Without local application protection for the associated oper-
built-in fixed protection, fighting a stack fire is ating equipment, the minimum 30 seconds dis-
extremely difficult . charge allowed may not be adequate to ensure
necessary cooling. It may be appropriate to pipe
Considering Equipment Internal Con- the exhaust system separately with its own valve
struction: In some hoods, internal baffles are (CO: supply) so that although it is flooded simulta-
installed to contour the vapor/air flow. These can neously with the discharge on the equipment, the
create an internal configuration of isolated spaces duct discharge can continue for 2 to 3 minutes to
needing detectors and nozzles, but they may not ensure the duct is cooled properly.
be arranged such that the detectors or nozzles can
Fire Svstems co2 Application Bulktin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0765 Page 4

Although the ends of a duct are open they are A typical mill fume exhaust system is illustrat-
usually located at equipment where another por- ed on the accompanying drawing. Features of this
tion of the CO, discharge is taking place. In this protection system are:
case it is not necessary to be concerned with the
open ends and add compensating CO, to the duct Proper distribution of the CO, gas. This
itself per NFPA #12 para. 2-4.4.1. involves a discharge nozzle installed every 20
to 25 feet along the duct.
It is good CO, design practice to consider
every portion of the fume exhaust system, such as Proper spacing of detectors. We recom-
mist eliminator enclosures, etc., to be an extension mend rate compensated, heat actuated detec-
of the duct system and use the basic 65% CO, de- tors on a similar spacing to that of the noz-
sign concentration for all. When a dryer such as zles. Provision for installations in special
those found on gravure and some flexographic atmospheres (i.e. water/oil vapors) is required
printing presses is also a part of the fume control where such conditions exist.
system, we must remember to adjust CO, dis-
charge quantities upward when temperatures are Minimal impingement of detectors and
above 200F (93C) (NFPA #12, Para. nozzles in the air/vapor flow. This pre-
vents material accumulations and flow distor-
Special Cases: In certain cases, a higher tions Detectors should not extend more than
than normal 65% CO, concentration, or a longer Y; into the flow. We recommend nozzles be
holding time than the usual 2 or 3 minutes may mounted as shown on the drawing.
be necessary for proper protection.
Proper nozzle mounting when necessary
One example: In a system wherein activated to pierce duct/hoods. A mounting method
carbon blocks are used for adsorption of the VOCs that deals with both aesthetic and environ-
being controlled. We know that CO2 can extin- mental concerns is used. It is designed to
guish fires in this material if the proper concen- minimize leaks. (A similar mounting of detec-
trations are held long enough, remembering that, tors is also recommended.) Mounting details
the higher the concentration, the shorter the are available from Chemetron Fire Systems
required holding time. When higher concentration Engineering. Coordination with the hood/duct
and/or longer holding times are indicated, consult manufacturers is important so that mounting
Chemetron Fire System Engineering for help. connections can be included in equipment fab-
Another example: In the case previously de-
scribed where the air flow could not be shut down, Obviously, the applications of this bulletin are
it was necessary to inert the incoming air as well many and varied, but hopefully, the principles out-
as the internal volume of the duct system and lined above will help ensure good fire protection.
keep the CO, rate going to maintain the inert level
until the solvent vapor flow could be stopped (a-
gain, consult Chemetron Fire Systems Engineering
for help in determining proper design).

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0770

Fire System;

Machining Centers

co2 Part 2: Fire Snuffer Systems

In the machining of castings and the like where a mineral

oil coolant is utilized, fires can occur within the machining enclo-
sure. A fast attack, while the fire is small, by a quick application
of CO, can provide rapid extinguishment with no fire spread and
no mess or clean-up.

If the fire is likely to extend beyond the enclosure, or the

facility is made up of a number of machines that are inter-
exposing, then a major protection problem exists requiring a
more extensive protection system (see CO, Application Bulletin
#0755: Machining Centers, Part I: Production Lines).

Since these enclosures are often quite small, a limited

supply of CO,, often a single CO, cylinder, will suffice to control
a fire inside the housing.

The protection consists of a local application of COP

inside the enclosure, applying CO2 to the work area. Since the

enclosure is not a total enclosure, calculation of the CO2 dis-
charge is done using the Rate by Volume method, taking into
account the partial enclosure of the machine housing. This will
determine the CO, discharge rate that is to be applied for at
least 30 seconds.

Additionally, total flood protection of the exhaust duct and

mist eliminator is provided, in case the fire is drawn into these
units. (See attached sketch.)

4801 Southwick Drive Many of these systems have been installed with manual
Third Floor only operation when an operator is always handy. NFPA Stan-
Matteson, IL 60443 dard No. 12, Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, states:
- Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1998 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. (8/98)
I Fire System6 CO* Application Bulletin -

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0770 Page 2 -

Paragraph l-7.1 .l:Automatic detection and The CO, system control panel, with its back-
actuation shall be used. up power supply, provides system control as well
as vital electrical supervision of control, power
Exception No. 1: Manual-only actuation and alann circuits, ensuring a system with a high
may be used if acceptable to the authority degree of reliability.
having jurisdiction where automatic release
could result in an increased risk. System Lock-out

Exception No. 2: This does not apply to It may be appropriate to lock out the CO,
hoseline and standpipe systems. system if personnel can be working in the enclo-
sure. A supervised lock-out valve (not shown in
Automatic operation is, therefore, obviously the sketch) can easily be added. This will provide
the preferred method of operation. Since the compliance with confined space regulations and
enclosures are often relatively small, a single still ensure that the protection is in service when
detector at the vapor exhaust could suffice to the machine is in use.
actuate the systems. Rate compensated thermal
detectors work best.

The manual release should be at the ma-

chine, handy to the operator(s). The required
alarms, with predischarge alarm capability (both
audible and visual), should be at or near the unit.
A pressure switch can be used to give a positive
indication of CO2 discharge by sounding the
alarms; to prevent spread of the fire, it can also
be used to shut down the exhaust fan, coolant
pumps, etc.
High Pressure CO, *Snuffer System
for Machining Enclosure






Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0775

Fire System;
Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression -

Vertical Carousel
Storage Systems

co2 Managing storage methods has developed from an art to a

science with the increased use of computerized storage systems,
such as the Vertical Carousel Storage system shown on the at-
tached drawing.

Inventories of vital parts can be minimized and their retrieval

achieved at a moments notice with these modern storage systems.
Combined with sophisticated computer programs, which provide
inventory updates, the ability to pick orders on a first in-first out
basis, ensure security and control access, and many other func-
tions, these systems have become a vital tool in todays high-tech

Space required for storage can be minimized and adapted to

the space available by a number of configurations up to heights

over 30 feet ( 9 meters). Multiple units can be installed adjacent for
increased capacity.

However beneficial to operations these units are, their very

nature can present a greater exposure to an excessive loss in case
of a tire. Limited personnel access to the high value stored material
or vital records when the unit is shut down prevents plant or office

personnel from identifying a fire situation and dealing with same
manually. Automatic detection and suppression is the answer.

The value of the material stored, together with its vital nature,
necessitates fast fire suppression with an extinguishant that does
not contribute to the loss or increase the time period needed to get
back in full operation.

Internal congestion and potential susceptibility to water

damage dictates that the best protection is an automatic gaseous
agent system for internal flooding of the enclosure. Such a system,
4801 Southwick Drive being three dimensional, allows the extinguishant to reach any point
Third Floor within the enclosure quickly.
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 7081748-I 503
Fax: 7081748-2847

Q 1998 CHEMETRON FIRESYSTEMS, all rights reserved. Issued:(10/98)

Fire Systemi CO* Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0775 Page 2 -

Carbon dioxide (CO,) works very well. Its that these carousel units are not gas tight and the
effectiveness in controlling burning in solid materi- gas would be expected to leak out before 20 min-
als of various kinds (i.e., plastics), including Class utes time has elapsed. This can be handled by
A materials, is well established. When discharged adding an extended discharge that adds CO, at a
to the proper level and maintained, as described low rate to make up for the rate of gas loss due to
below, extinguishment can be accomplished with leakage. This also keeps the CO, atmosphere
minimal fire loss. mixed in the carousel to prevent stratification, as the
heavier air/CO, mixture tends to leak out the bottom
The use of an early warning and system re- and be replaced by the lighter fresh air at the top.
leasing smoke detection system will ensure mini- We want to ensure there is protection throughout
mum delay between fire detection and suppression. the unit.
These systems also incorporate a personnel warn-
ing system. The immediate area of the carousel However, another approach is to flood the unit
protected should be evacuated before the discharge with a single, shorter, continuous discharge and, at
starts as a safety precaution. the same time, alert personnel at a constantly at-
tended location and count on them to respond so
These systems can be integrated into a se- they can handle any smoldering that might still be
curity program to protect against the arson potential. present when they inspect the unit. Many consider
All system detection and operating electrical cir- 5 minutes to be a reasonable estimate for this re-
cuits, as well as the battery backed-up power sup- sponse time, and this has been used in designing
ply, are supervised so that when the system is for the CO, concentration holding time. This hold-
operated, or disabled, a signal can be given at a ing time can be obtained by the initial discharge
constantly attended location or to a supervisory alone, without the need for a separate extended
service providing security, etc. If the arsonist has discharge.
disabled the normal methods of system operation,
this condition will be known while the system is still For the configuration where plastic trays hold
capable of being operated by the emergency man- the parts or where films are being handled, a sur-
ual release. face fire extinguishing level of 34% by volume, held
for 3 minutes, works well.
CO1 System Design
In an installation where a number of carousel
Protection is provided by the total flooding units are in use in the same area, one CO, supply
method, where nozzles at the top of the unit distrib- with selector (directional) valves can be used. Each
ute the inert CO, gas, resulting in the required de- carousel has its own controls and discharge piping
sign concentration throughout. For paper record is fed from a selector valve at the CO2 supply. Upon
storage, the National Fire Protection Association system operation, the CO, cylinder(s) is tripped and
Standard (#12) calls for a design concentration of the appropriate selector valve also opened to direct
65% by volume, or 1 lb of CO, for each 8 cubic feet the discharge to the proper unit.
of protected volume. The system is designed to give
a flame suppressing concentration of 30% within Chemetron is available to help analyze the
the first 2 minutes of discharge. This discharge then most cost effective, operator compatible approach.
continues until the required 65% concentration level
is reached.

An important question is - for how long should

the design concentration be held? For deep seated l Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheet
burning (where the fire burrows into the combustible
and becomes somewhat isolated from the CO, fire -
extinguishant) the Standard requires a 20 minute . HSB/lndustrial risk Insurers IM.
holding time. The obvious problem in doing this is










High Pressure CO, Fire Protection System for

Vertical Carousel Storage System
Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0780

Fire Systemi Water Mist Fire Suppression -


Machinery Spaces

Machinery spaces are defined for the purposes of this bulletin

to be enclosures housing equipment that involves the use of gases
and/or Class B flammable liquids or combustible liquids. They may
also include a limited amount of Class A combustibles. Expected
fires could involve gas leaks under pressure, liquid fuel or lubricant
spray under pressure, or pool fires of flammable/combustible liquids.

A Water Mist discharge provides cooling and, as the mist is

turned to steam, inerting, which together with dilution of flammable
vapors, combines to effectively control large fires with a minimum of
water use.

Examples of Machinery Spaces where water mist can afford

the desired protection include engine rooms, pump rooms, hydraulic
equipment areas, drives, gear boxes, filtration equipment, lubrication
equipment and similar hazards. (For a discussion of Water Mist

protection of Gas Turbines, see Power Generation Bulletin #OOSO.)

- The use of Water Mist reduces the need for a tightly enclosed
space, even though the protection is provided by total flooding. In the

Q design of the protection system it is necessary to provide for the

closing of doors and louvers, and the shut down of ventilation fans

and pressurizing pumps. The systems are designed to deal with

hazards where gas fueling the fire is limited to that leaking into the
protected space after shut down as the gas lines are depressurized,
and where pressurization of a flammable liquid can be stopped,
leaving only a pool fire. However, when protection is required for a
pressurized combustible liquid hazard and it is imperative for the oil
pressure to be maintained for some time (an example would be a
bearina lube Di! svstem\. a Water Mist ,..
nvntem nhnt IM still
_.._I._ he Il...
V.... I ahlp tn
-, ---.-I -
afford suppression of a spray fire as long as the discharge continues
until the oil system can be depressurized. Consult Chemetron for
help with designing such a system.
480 1 Southwick Drive
Equipment that can be shut down electrically should be shut
Third Floor
down upon fire detection.
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847

CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved.

Q 1999 Issued: (l/991
Fire Systeml; &bfkTER &!!_sT Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0780 Page 2

Whereas Water Mist suppression works best zle height is 16 feet (4.88 meters). Nozzles shall be
when the protected hazard can be well covered by located such to avoid being blocked by building
overhead nozzles, partially shielded portions of the structure, equipment interferences, lighting fixtures
hazard may be capable of protection by the basic and duct work. Consult Chemetron for assistance
flooding system. Hazards may present specific when dealing with obstructions.
design challenges and Chemetron Fire Systems
Applications Engineering expertise is available as The FS nozzle is engineered to deliver 1.68
a resource to deal with these. gallons per minute (6.36 liters per minute) at a pres-
sure of 350 psi (24.13 BAR). This is classified in the
Another benefit of Water Mist is its ability to NFPA Water Mist System Standard (#750) as an
scrub products of combustion from the air in the Intermediate Pressure System.
protected hazard during the discharge.
System tank capacity can be designed for
NFPA Standard No. 750 requires that Water single shot, double shot, or even multiple shot pro-
Mist systems be designed and installed in accor- tection.
dance with their listing for the specific hazards and
protection objectives specified in the listing. Fire detection is an important aspect of the
system design. A fire risk evaluation should be done
Chemetrons Water Mist system for the protec- to determine the type, number and location of the
tion of machinery spaces up to a maximum volume detectors needed.
of 9;175 cubic
.___ (260
\___ cubic meters) has been
successfully tested at Factory Mutual Research Provisions need to be made to deal with the
Corporation. run-off of process liquids and water from the con-
densed fine water spray in accordance with the re-
The basis of protection is that Water Mist be quirements of environmental agencies.
applied intermittently for as long a time period as
thn ennrlitinne P-Z+, meinn tha fira avid \arith 3 minimn I-
&II= _I lllll Ia CIcaUJII y LI IFi Ill-z GA13L) I I111111
ill I Q I IUI II
protection period of 10 minutes. The application of
the mist may be continuous, within the capacity of clearances from uninsulated and/or unshielded
the system provided and with the design developed energized electrical components are main-
in consultation with Chemetron Applications Engi- tained in accordance with NFPA #70 - National
neering. Electrical Code, and NFPA Standard #750.
personnel are not exposed to the direct im-
The attached drawing illustrates a Chemetron pingement of the water mist discharge with its
.Water Mist system protecting a Fuel Preparation high pressure and discharge velocity.
and Lube Oil Skid.
Personnel evacuation should take place upon
Determining the system requirements involves system actuation. Training, the preparation of an
evaluating the enclosure to be protected, nozzle evacuation plan, and fire drills are all recom-
location, spacing, obstructions and piping network, mended.
as well as the agent supply. Concerns involving the
enclosure are described above. For specific design information, refer to the
Chemetron Water Mist Fire Protection Systems
All machinery space nozzles are designed for manual, or contact our sales representative in your
mounting at the ceiling. The Chemetron machinery area or the Matteson, Illinois headquarters office.
space nozzle (called the FS - fine spray - nozzle) is
rated for a maximum coverage of 64 ff (5.95 m*) for
a II
u 3.Y nn77le
_&,V, with
..I... the lnnnrxt
..m_ ._I G-b
.J.C. W.-W of the area

covered being 8 feet (2.44 meters). Maximum noz-

Fire System; WI&-T%!@, ~~~~ Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0780 Page 3

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #IO785
Fire Systemg
Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression
and herting-

Coal Grinding, Handling,

& Storage Systems

Coal grinding, handling and storage systems are found in a

number of industrial applications. The potential for active open-
burning type fires in coal mills, ducts, cyclones and dust collectors,
plus the potential for smoldering type fires in raw coal siiosibunkers,
processed coal vessels, conveyors, feeders and accumulated coal
in the bottom of dust collectors necessitates a concern for proper
fire protection.

The use of low pressure Cardox type systems for fire

suppression in these facilities is very popular, since the protection
techniques are well established and proven in hundreds of installa-

Such a system is illustrated on the accompanying drawing.

The coal is fed from the silo to the coal mill where it is ground. The
powdered coal is picked up by a hot air stream and conveyed
through a duct to a cyclone, where the heavier coal particles drop
out, while the lighter, airborne particles are conveyed by ducts to a
dust collector. Small coal particles are recovered at this point.

The coal collected from the cyclone and dust collector is held
in surge bins before going to a weighing system, and then to a coal
pump, which conveys it to the point of use.

Protection involves protecting against smoldering fires in

accumulated coal and open fires in other parts of the systme.

Protection of Coal Stored in Silos/Hoppers/Bins

Coal is subject to spontaneous heating when stored in silos,
..-#-I--.- or
-. bins, The
.._ aoolication
_.~~.._-.-.-.. of carbon dioxide vaoor
- I- - can be
used to extinguish smoldering fires that can develop in coal storage
4801 Southwick Drive systems.
Third Floor
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1999 CHEMETRONFIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. Issued: (l/99)
Fire System; CO* Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0785 Page 2

The CO, vapor is gently introduced into the Protection Against Open Burning Fires
coal from the side of containment and forced
Portions of a coal grinding, storage, and pro-
through the coal in a radial flow out from the points
cessing system are possible sources of open burn-
of application. The number of application points is
ing fires. These fires must be controlled quickly by
determined by the size of the silo, hopper or bin. As
the relatively rapid introduction of CO,. The design
additional CO, is introduced, it pushes the CO, nf thic nnrtinn nf thm ftra nmtrrptinn ic pn\,prpd hv
I I, 113 p-v, Ll, I I L,,~ ,,,r I.,L.L, IY .I I J
vapor ahead of it between the voids of the coal
NFPA Standard No. 12 Carbon Dioxide fxfin-
pieces - some CO, is adsorbed by the coal - until
guishing Systems.
it reaches the fire. The air space above the coal is
also usually inerted.
For the mill, ducts, and upper part of the cy-
clone, a 65% CO, concentration is used (see Table
When the CO, vapor reaches the hot spot, it
2-4.2.1 of NFPA Standard No.12 on page 3), with a
reduces the oxygen, which is supporting the burn-
30% to 34% concentration achieved in the first 1 -
ing, to near zero. The generation of new heat from
2 minutes. For the dust collector, a 75% CO, con-
combustion is then reduced, while heat is lost by
centration is required meeting the same application
conduction to surrounding materials, resulting in
rate requirement. [Dust collector protection is cov-
cooling of the hot spot and fire control. The coal
ered by Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0790, Bag
outlet at the bottom of the silo, hopper, or bin must
Houses (Bag Type Dust Collectors).]
be closed. Otherwise, fresh air enters at this point
WI lUU thrnlmh
I Iricoc &,,,Uy, I the
%Il rnal hv u
VU, Y, ZI ..,.a
,,,,, -, &fed
Its not practicai to appiy the CO, as vapor at
feeding the fire.
the rates required to extinguish open burning.
While vapor application is practical for the lower
In practice, it has been found that the coal
application rates for inerting the coal storage, it is
valves are never completely gas tight. Therefore,
not practical for flooding the other parts of the sys-
the CO, vapor application rate must be increased to
tem. At higher application rates, the CO, is dis-
a high enough level to overcome CO, loss out and
charged as liquid, where the dry ice particles sub-
air entry in through the valve at the same time. Fire
^^^&rr.I lime to vapor, giving the required concentration of
c;UIIll VI :.. 1 se... Lrm.rr
;r .,e.,nll,,
I IV, 3 13 usually
cl, 131CI C
ayp, v-
CO, in air.

The controls used for the CO, vapor application Mill lnerting
must have the capability to increase or decrease For some systems, it is appropriate to inert the
the flow rate to ensure fire control with a reasonable coal mill on start up or shutdown. This is done by
amount of CO,. the application of a predetermined amount of CC,
through a separate valve and discharge line - liquid
The control of spontaneous heating in a coal CO, is used. The quantity of CO, for inerting, as
grinding, storage, and processing system by CO, well as the inerting procedure, is established by the
vapor is extended to the coal accumulation in the mill manufacturer, the operator, and Chemetron
bottoms of the cyclones and dust collectors, and in working together.
the screw conveyor enclosures.
Systems Controls
To protect the coal system from an open burn-
ing fire, heat operated fire detectors that initiate an
automatic discharge of the required amount of CO,
are installed. Manual releases are available to
initiate a discharge in case it is detected by plant
personnel before the automatic detectors have
Fire System; CO* Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0785 Page 3

For the coal inerting, the systems are manually For the inerting of the coal mill, a button is used
operated. The heat required to vaporize the CO, (it to start the discharge, but a built-in timing cycle
is stored as a liquid under pressure) is added by an automatically stops the discharge when a predeter-
external vaporizer, and the CO, vapor application is mined amount of CO, is applied.
usually initiated by the operation of an ON pushbut-
tnn nnri ntnnneri
._.. _.._ -_rr__ hv an OFF
_, button: Special nozzles are used to introduce the CO,
into the coal, while covered orifice nozzles are used
in the balance of the system. Check valves prevent
coal from entering the piping.

NFPA Standard No. 72 - Table 2-4.2.1

CO, Flooding Factors for Specific Hazards

Flooding Factors
_.v...,......_.. _ .,_ __ . . Specified Fire Hazard
Ft.7 M./ Lb. C&i
Lb. CO, Kg. CO, FL3

Dry electrical hazards in gen-

50 1 10 1 0.62 1 0.100 1 1.60 eral. (Spaces 0 - 2000 cubic

I 0.75 I 0.083
(200 lb. I
(91 kg
Dry electrical hazards in gen-
eral. (Spaces greater than
minimum) minimum) 2000 cubic feet)

Record (bulk paper) storage,

65 8 0.50 0.125 2.00 ducts, and mechanically
ventilated covered trenches.
r.._ _A^_^_^ ..^.. I*^ A..^.
ruI stwaye vaultb, uusi
75 6 0.38 0.166 2.66
Fire System: CO* Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0785 Page 4



_/=? \\\ II

BINS & w




Low Pressure CO, Protection System for

Coal Grinding, Handling, & Storage Systems
Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0790

Fire System; -
Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression

Bag Houses
(Bag Type Dust Collectors)

The very nature and operation of dust collectors and fume
control systems present possible fire and explosion problems. Ef-
fective fire protection against these hazards means more than just
saving the collector and its components. In these days of strict
environmental regulations and air quality standards, whats at stake
is the continuing operation of vital production and process lines
where dust collectors are required. A dust collector that is damaged
by fire or explosion, and that cannot meet the air pollution guide-
lines, could cause a lengthy plant shutdown. Therefore, the nature
and cause of dust collector fires, and the protection of production
facilities from such fires, deserves serious consideration.

This bulletin was cross referenced in Industrial Facilities Bulletin

#0785, Coal Grinding, Handling, and Storage Systems. While
dust collectors on coal systems are more likely to be protected with
carbon dioxide than those used on some other processes, coal
handling is certainly not the only application for CO, dust collector
fire protection.

The bags in dust collectors are usually thought of as combusti-

ble when either cotton, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, or acrylic is
used, and noncombustible when fiberglass, nomex, or teflon is
used. The CO, protected dust collectors are those operating at
lower temperatures, usually with combustible dusts and combustible

It is prudent to design dust collectors to prevent sparking at

screw conveyors or airlocks, and to use a bag grounding system to
help eliminate ignition sources where highly combustible dusts are

In addition to being used for collection of a variety of dusts, bag

type dust collectors come in a variety of physical arrangements. We
have illustrated just one such arrangement on the accompanying
4801 Southwick Drive drawing. The drawing shows an arrangement where the dust
Third Floor collects on the outside of the bags and, when removed, falls into the
Matteson, IL 60443 hopper below. The dust can be dislodged from the bags by reverse
Telephone: 708/748-l 503 air flow, a pulse of compressed air, or by shaking the bags (not
Fax: 7081748-2847 shown on the drawing).

0 1999 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. Issued: (l/991

Fire System; CO* Application Bulletin

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0790 Page 2

.. ic
I nnt
... nn
y . dent
..Yl I. tn
. allnw
UII.. rnmhl lctihlo
I I I&..*. rig
IIct tn
. Carhnn
VYIYVII riinuido
II\IY cwztomc
YJ. ha/o
IIb.1 hoon
UYV fnr
accumulate in the bottom hopper; therefore, an many years to extinguish such fires. This has been
automatic screw conveyor is often employed to recognized by the National Fire Protection Associa-
remove same. In the case of coal dust, the collected tion Standard No. 12, Carbon Dioxide Extinguish-
dust is returned to the coal storage silos. ing Systems. (See Table on page 4.)

For systems where an accumulation of com- Carbon dioxide discharged on one side of the
bustible dust, such as coal dust, can take place in the bags easily passes through to the portion of the
hopper, provision for inerting the hopper (any en- enclosure on the other side since it is a true three-
closed screw conveyors) with CO, vapor is good de- dimensional agent. Plus, carbon dioxide system
sign. detection devices generally are more sensitive than
water system sprinkler heads. This means earlier
For large bag houses, the dirty air inlet is mani- actuation of the CO, system, less fire damage to the
folded to provide multiple inlets to evenly distribute dust collector, and shorter shutdown of the production
ihe dust (shown on the attached drawing. j or process line than if sprinkiers are the primary pro-
In some installations, the clean air is exhausted
to atmosphere. In others, heated air may be reused Among the reasons for using CO, over water as
elsewhere to increase thermal efficiency and the primary protection are:
cleaned air is returned to the building.
. Desire to hold fire damage and clean up to an
The air supply duct needs to be dampered to absolute minimum to allow restoration of opera-
isoiate the collector in case of a fire. Dampers in the tion as soon as possible. This involves the use
exhaust may or may not be used for this purpose as of faster detection and a clean agent (CO,).
discussed below.
n The three-dimensional characteristic of CO,,
The fan is shut down on fire detection. which allows it to easily penetrate all parts of the
bag house.
Source of Fire Hazards in Dust Collectors
. Lack of water at sites remote from plant and
Dust collection systems present two possible fire
municipal facilities.
problems. One is the rapid burning of suspended
combustible dust particles, which can create explo- n Faster fire suppression.
sive pressures and destroy the dust control system,
and possibly create secondary fires or explosions n The potential problem of the weight of the water
outside the dust collector. This explosion potential discharge, in the event of an extended water
is i\iOT deait witii by any instaiied CO, fire protection. application.
It requires the use of a collector housing designed
to contain an internal explosion, a unit with proper CO, Concentration levels
explosion vent panels directed safely away, or the
installation of an explosion suppression system. (See Carbon dioxide concentration levels are de-
NFPA Standards No. 68 and No. 69.) signed to be sufficient to extinguish stubborn, deep-
seated fires. Dust collectors often contain material
The other fire problem is the ignition of the dust that is prone to deep-seated burning. In combustion
collector bags and accumulated dust by material of this type, the hot burning mass becomes buried
which has been heated or ignited elsewhere and in the combustible, leaving its ash and the unburned
drawn into the dust collector equipment. Maintenance material to insulate it. As an extinguisher, water will
and repair procedures also have been known to start penetrate directly into the mass and cool the hot spot;
dust collector fires. whereas a carbon dioxide/air mixture must extinguish
the fire by circulating through the mass. This takes
Fire System; CO* Application Bulletin

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IIIUU~LI-I~I raCiwwz:b DUII~~:CIII wu I au

some time, even though open burning has been sup dampers will cause them to leak. Therefore, if you
pressed. do not have a static condition for CO, flooding, all
air pushed (or sucked) past the dampers must be
The carbon dioxide actually works with the inerted for the entire soaking period to provide
combustion process to contain and fully extinguish proper protection. This complicates fire system de-
these troublesome fires. As the percentage of carbon sign. The Chemetron Fire Systems Applications
dioxide in the air supporting the burning fire in- Engineering group should be consulted for help
creases, the fire is starved of oxygen; the combustion in determining the additional quantity of carbon
rate drops to a point where new heat generated from
dioxide required in this case.
combustion is less than the natural heat loss from the
burning material to the surrounding material or air. If a dust collector is isolated by an air tight
anrlnrl lrcl 44-r ehn 14rlnurn I, 4hn
FinIL#IJUI G allsil aI lUIl
intnrn-I rlicrharna
&Il-z ,I ,LCI I lcIl IGVI ll yu
At this point, actual fire extinguishment starts
of carbon dioxide could increase internal pressure
and continues to an inevitable, total extinguishment;
in the housing and require pressure venting to
this period is known as the soaking time. The higher
the concentration of carbon dioxide, the shorter the
prevent distortion or blow out of the vent panels.
required soaking time. The length of the required Certain ducts through which only a little carbon
soaking period should be discussed with the authority dioxide would be lost following a discharge may
having jurisdiction. be left undampered to act as pressure vents. This
is most often the clean air exhaust damper off the
Carbon dioxide systems are designed to flood top of the collector.
dust collectors with a carbon dioxide concentration
of 75% by volume. A fire suppressing concentration Good fire protection requires that the entire
of 30% is normally achieved in the first minute or two hazard be protected. Any equipment that can lead
of agent discharge. Continuation of the discharge the fire into an unprotected area or extend the fire
I~C4IIru thcr
&IIU 760/L
4I Imml III
lUl in ,U
lncc thcan CD\IPR IIIIIIU..
,llUlI 1.YII minlttnc no ttcidn
U.lY the
SIIW nrntortd
~...~ area
. ..I_ ml let ho
IIIU1. nrnt~d~ri
.dw ~.s~._-.

This is the concentration of carbon dioxide found Therefore, an analysis of the dust system is
necessary to ensure extinguishment of a deep-seated necessary to determine if protection of ducts
fire in the collector in a minimal time period. (The and/or cyclones may also be necessary. (We have
higher the CO, concentration, the shorter the required already discussed added protection of accumu-
soaking period.) lated dust.)

Dust Collector System Isolation Placement of Discharge Nozzles and

A fire in a dust collector is initially subject to a Fire Detectors
lot of air movement. Proper carbon dioxide extin- The volumes of most bag-type dust collectors
guishment requires shut down of the fresh air supply protected by carbon dioxide fire suppression systems
and the elimination of carbon dioxide loss following are not large enough to require a large number of
the discharge. This is accomplished by shutting down discharge nozzles to distribute the CO,. So the
4ha i-me --A-A elrrrinn 4hn fira A+~mnnrc mrhieh
II ,G IQ, 13 a, I b,JI, y II IFi Il,E a, I ,p.Ka0 1 ,I, I icnlDtcr
IUIcaLb tendency to use just a few nozzies increases tine
the system. Fan shutdown is preferably done at the discharge rate per nozzle, and thus the discharge
start of the carbon dioxide discharge - on fire detec- velocity. This may stir up the dust, and under a fire
tion. Dampers are released to self-close by pressure condition, this could lead to a dust explosion. To
operated releases which are part of the CO, system reduce turbulence near each individual discharge
piping. nozzle, more nozzles should be used and concern
given to the nozzle design used. Care should be
When only part of the air system can be shut exercised in nozzle placement as well.
_I_ _III- _ _-...?.- --_.-I._ I__ ._____*__I I- 1--t_*_ -I
crown ana me equipment TOoe prorenea IS rsoiarea
by dampers, it must be assumed that the dampers
will not be 100% effective. Air pressure on the
CO* Application Bulletin 1

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0790 Page 4

Dust collectors pose unusual problems when it In any design of coal handling system bag
comes to fire detection. The very nature of the houses, the risk of bag damage is high from fire or
environment in which fire detection is needed causes explosion.
problems for optical or combustion product smoke
detectors. The high cost related to the use of flame In an article in Pit & Quarry, October 1981, titled
detectors - due to the lens cleaning system used Explosion Containment Specs Mandate New Design
and their need for maintenance - limits their use. Thinking, the author states:

We have found rate-compensated heat detectors Although any explosion within the bag
to be reliable, adequately sensitive, maintenance house will most likely wreck the bags, a
free, and easy to test. The detector wiring enclosure CO, flooding system is well worth the initial
is mounted outside the duct with the element protrud- capital investment. Reason: It quells inter-
ing into the collector or duct. A flexible connector nal tires quickly, reducing structural dam-
allows the element, with its box, to be pulled out and age from overheating and pennits quicker
away from the duct for testing. access following explosion. . . .A CO, sys-
L,l, pan P~VPnnnrmh
VU,, VU uy, in #L
,I# lnct .#lr#
time and lnrt
##U #VW.
Blower and Exhaust Systems for dust removal production to pay for itself the first time an
are covered by NFPA Standard No. 91. explosion occurs.

On the drawing accompanying this bulletin, we With the variety of systems and equipment
show a rectangular shell. For certain applications configurations used, Chemetron invites inquiries as
involving coal type dust collectors, it should be noted to recommended CO, system design requirements
that these often must be designed to withstand an for any dust collection system under study.
internal pressure of 50 psi in case of explosion.
These units would be round, with a heavy wall
thickness and incorporate other special design

NFPA Standard No. 12 - Table 2-4.2.1

CO2 Flooding Factors for Specific Hazards

Flooding Factors
Concentration Specified Fire Hazard
Ft.Y M.J/ Lb. COJ Kg. CO21
Lb. COz Kg. CO* Ft.3 M.3

Dry electrical hazards in

50 10 0.62 0.100 1.60 general. (Spaces 0 - 2000
cubic feet)

0.083 1.33 Dry electrical hazards in

50 12 0.75 (200 lb. (91 kg. general. (Spaces greater
minimum) minimum) than 2000 cubic feet)

Record (bulk oaoer1

T-T- I stor-
65 8 0.50 0.125 2.00 age, ducts, and mechan-
ically ventilated covered

75 6 0.38 0.166 2.66 Fur storage vaults, dust

-__-w-w- _ __ - __ I
Fire System6 CO* Application Buiietin (

Industrial Facilities Bulletin #0790

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