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I.Scientific Question.

How will an additive(Paper Clip clippings) affect the strength of a plaster cylinder.

II. Method

I.V Paper Clip Reinforcements

D.V Compression Strength.


Pouring method


Plaster to water ratio


# of taps

I.V Cutting the paper clips up into pieces then pouring the plaster and drop the paper clips in randomly

D.V We will measure this with the scale and vice.

1. Pouring method

a.We will control this by putting the plaster in the tube via a spoon.

2. Height

a.We will control this by cutting a 20 mm length of pvc pipe.

3.Plaster to water ratio

a.We will control this Measuring the plaster and water correctly via a scale and

graduated cylinder.

a. We will control this by using the same pipe for all of the tubes.

5. # of taps

a.We will control this by counting how many taps

b.We will also tap it against the table instead of with a pencil

Plaster Cylinder Experiment 3.0


Pre cut 4 20mm lengths of pvc pipe with a radius of 7.5mm

1. Make sure you have everything in the tray.

1 beaker with plaster mix and spoon

1 styrofoam bowl

4 cylinders of a length of 20 mm

1 Graduated cylinder

1 ruler

1 scale

4 rubber bands

Scratch paper

Cut 8 paper clips into equal pieces.

2. Build the cylinders by rubber banding the cylinders together (make sure to line up the marks)

3.Mix Plaster in a ratio of 2:1 (more plaster)

4.Pour mixture into the cylinders

5. Tap on the table 30 times (insert more plaster if needed)

6. Insert Needed number of clips.

7. Tape the top.

8. Clean up

III. Raw Data

IIII.Processed Data


In this experiment we found that putting in paper clip clippings as an additive to plaster cylinders

increases the pressure it can take before breaking. As seen above in the Plaster 3.0 chart you will

notice there is a heavy difference of how much pressure the cylinder can take. The average of the

experimental setup was a pressure of 17.55(N per mm^2) and the average pressure for the control was

14.1(N per mm^2).


I think this Experiment went ok, we could have used more samples. I think next time we do this we

should make more samples. We could create a production line and that would increase productivity.

Also if we had a third person who actually worked that would also also be good, because then we can

make a production line work even better. One of the other problems is we would be making the

cylinders and then try to make a second batch with the leftover plaster but then we would try to make

more paper clip cuttings but the plaster would seize up. Because of that issue we wasted the last 10

minutes instead of working on the data table or our methods.

Starting on a different topic I would also like to note that tommy helped when asked but did the bare

minimum and took three times longer than it should so next time it would be nice to have a good team. I

would like to recommend alex because if I remember correctly he was with a very unhelpful group and I

think if he was grouped with me and isaac J we could all work very well together. Overall I think next

time we need a better group, need to make a production line and finally we need to plan ahead better.

So please take my group recommendation as a possibility and I am looking forward to the next round of


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