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Possible inspiration

The idea of playing God has intrigued mankind for centuries. From Prometheus to
Frankenstein mankind has always had this fanatical interest in upstaging as the master. and no
one can alter that"... does a great job grounding the young theologian. Both Mary Shelley's
"Frankenstein" and Tim Burtons Edward Scrissorhands shows clearly the unintended
consequences of playing God, of creating life, and at the end it's the creature that has to suffer.
Much like Shelley's "Frankenstein", Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands also takes on the story of
an artificial "monster" ...who after the death of his creator, faces rejection, and, is ultimately left
to suffer in alone. Tim Burton's, Edward Scissorhands and Shelley's "Frankenstein" serve as an
indictment of our sometimes shallow culture -one that condemns people who are different from
its morally, physically and mentally accepted. The scene where Victor's monster, who desperate
for human contact, finally decides to reveal himself to the family he'd been watching from afar
and had fallen in love with, only to have them withdraw in horror when they see how repulsive
he is...truly breaks your heart.

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