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You will redesign the classroom in order to make it a better learning environment.

Create a scale model

either using a computer model, a 3d model, or a 2d model. Then write a short proposal on why your
design should be implemented. In your proposal include the scale you used for your model and the
transformations you used (translation and reflection) to redesign the classroom. I will then judge your
proposal and decide which design to implement in the classroom.



Green Yellow Red

All objects are scale All objects are Proportions are off and
Scale equivalents of the real proportional but scale is no scale is used
object and scale is the not universal
same among all objects

Model shows a significant Some aspects have been Classroom was not
Redesign difference from the changed but most are the redesigned
original classroom same in the original

Model is easy to Model is readable but Model is not readable

Product understand. Objects are objects are not and objects look the
either clearly labeled or completely differentiable. same.
are easy to see.



Green Yellow Red

Proposal includes the Proposal includes scale Paper includes either
Transformation scale, the translations and either the the scale, the
used and the translation used or the translation or the
reflections used. reflections used. reflection used.
Proposal explains the Proposal states the Proposal does not
Better changes made and changes mad but not state any changes
how each one how they improve the made.
Environment improves the

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