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Whitney England

Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017


Goals Part 1

GOAL 1: Drink enough water

How am I going to accomplish this goal: I do not drink fluids very much in general,
especially water so this is a hard goal for me to accomplish. My goal is to at least
have 1 water bottle with all my meals. Ill make sure to bring a water bottle to
work and school and when I go out to eat I will order water instead of soda.
How did I do on this goal: I did very well on this goal. I always get soda when I go
out to eat so I made it a goal to order water every time. Drinking water doesnt
make me feel as bloated as soda would and I would always be full before my food
even came out. I also started bringing a water bottle to school and would drink it
throughout my classes.
Goal 2: Get more sleep
How am I going to accomplish this goal: I usually get plenty of sleep during the
night. Im always usually in bed by 9pm and am asleep by 9:30-10:00pm. I could
start reducing screen time before I go to sleep.
How did I do on this goal: I usually will watch Netflix before I go to bed or Ill just
catch up on my T.V. shows. I started to not watch the television for at least an
hour before I went to bed. It helped because I could settle down before and relax.
I noticed that I got more of a deep sleep and I was more aware and awake than I
usually am.
Goal 3: Relaxation and Meditation
How am I going to accomplish this goal: I work 12-hour days so its hard to find
time to relax during that, but Ill make it a goal that when I have down time at
work to relax in silence.
How did I do on this goal: I did good on this goal. Ive been working night shifts so
there is usually more down time. We have a conference room that no one goes in
and I turned off the lights and just laid there for about 10 minutes to just relax
and clear my mind. It was nice, and it was very calming.
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Goal 4: Food/Diet to Improve health:

How am I going to accomplish this goal: I eat out a lot especially in between all my
classes. My goal is to not eat out in between classes and to bring food and snacks
from home to munch on throughout the day.
How did I do on this goal: I did better than I expected. I usually will go grab
something for breakfast and most of the time lunch too. I tried to go out for just
one meal or not at all. I noticed that I feel better throughout the day when I bring
food from home like vegetables and fruit or a sandwich or salad. I have more
energy and a lot more motivation and I do not spend as much money by eating
food from home.
Goal 5: To eat more vegetables and fruits
How am I going to accomplish this goal: I usually never eat at home which can
make it hard to get the recommended servings of your fruits and vegetables
especially when Im always stopping at a fast food restaurant or eating at work in
the cafeteria. My goal is to bring at least 1 fruit and 1 veggie bag to work and to
school with me to increase my fruit and veggie intake even by just a little bit
How did I do on this goal: I did alright. Some of the days I was in a hurry and
wouldnt grab anything or I would just forget, or something sounded better and I
would just have that. It was a hard goal since I do not really like many vegetables
and am not used to eating healthy. Eating healthier foods makes me feel better
throughout the day and I do not feel as bloated.

25 Day Food Journal Part 2

Day 1:
Breakfast: Blueberry Bagel w/ strawberry cream cheese, 16oz Cold brew coffee
Lunch: Wendys 4 piece chicken nuggets w/ small fries and medium coke
Dinner: 1 piece of white toast with butter and 16oz water
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Snacks: Strawberry Nutri-grain bar, Vanilla Ice cream cone

Exercise: Pilates 50 minutes
Day 2:
Breakfast: Brown sugar oatmeal and banana
Lunch: Chicken Cordon Bleu w/ mixed veggies, 12oz Gatorade
Dinner: Spagettii with garlic bread, 12oz water
Snacks: Peanut Butter Twix bar
Exercise: Walking around work 10 Hours
Day 3:
Breakfast: Blueberry Bagel w/ strawberry cream cheese, 16oz Cold brew coffee
Lunch: 12oz coke
Dinner: small chicken salad with ranch and garlic bread, 12oz coke
Snacks: 1 bag of lays potato chips
Exercise: Pilates 50 minutes
Day 4:
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs w/ shredded cheese, 2 pieces of bacon, French toast w/ butter and
syrup, 8oz of grape juice
Lunch: small salad w/ ranch, 1 bag of sunchips, 8oz or water
Dinner: Bacon cheeseburger w/ onion rings and fry sauce, 8oz orange juice
Exercise: Walking 10 hours
Day 5:
Breakfast: Strawberry/ banana smoothie
Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, potato chips
Dinner: Country fried steak with gravy, fries, 12oz coke
Snack: peppermint ice cream cone
Day 6:
Breakfast: Brown Sugar oatmeal, 1 piece of toast w/ butter
Lunch: small salad w/ ranch, wheat roll, nutri-grain bar, 8oz grape juice
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Dinner: Bowl of lucky charms cereal with skim milk

Day 7:
Breakfast: Sausage, egg and cheese crossiant, 16oz caramel macchiato
Lunch: Wendys 4 piece chicken nugget, crispy chicken sandwich, 12oz Dr. Pepper
Dinner: Soft shell tacos with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes, 12oz water
Snacks: Hershey bar, barbecue chips
Exercise: Pilates 50 minutes
Day 8:
Breakfast: Brown Sugar oatmeal and banana, 8oz Hot chocolate
Lunch: Caf Rio pork salad, 12oz coke
Dinner: leftovers of Caf Rio pork salad
Snacks: Fruit snacks

Day 9:
Breakfast: Brown Sugar oatmeal and apple
Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, 1 cup of fruit salad
Dinner: Tuna casserole, pumpkin pie, 12oz water
Snacks: Vanilla ice cream
Exercise: walking at work 10 hours
Day 10:
Breakfast: 2 Multi-grain muffins with butter
Lunch: grilled chicken with white rice and brocillii, 8oz grape juice
Dinner: Grilled chicken salad with ranch, sunchips
Day 11:
Breakfast: Blueberry bagel w/ strawberry cream cheese, 16oz Cold brew coffee
Lunch: Subway 6inch Italian BMT, potato chips, 160z coke
Dinner: Subway 6inch Italian BMT, 12oz water
Snacks: 1 slice of apple pie
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Day 12:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, and 1 piece of buttered toast, 8oz orange juice
Snack: Chocolate chip cookies
Dinner: Meatloaf with funeral potatoes and green beans, 12oz water
Snack: peppermint ice cream

Day 13:
Breakfast: Hot chocolate, 1 piece of buttered toast
Lunch: small salad with ranch, 8oz grape juice
Dinner: Bowl of fruit loops with skim milk, 8oz of milk
Snacks: 1 slice of apple pie, Peanut butter twix bar

Day 14:
Breakfast: Sausage, egg and cheese crossiant, 16oz caramel macchiato
Lunch: TacoBell nachos, hard shell taco, and 12oz pepsi
Dinner: 1 pork chop with white rice and green beans
Day 15:
Breakfast: 1 Bowl fruit loops with skim milk, 1 piece of buttered toast
Lunch: Roast Beef and swiss cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato, 12oz water
Dinner: Spagettii with garlic bread, 12oz water
Snacks: Butterfinger bar
Day 16:
Breakfast: Chocolate brownie with 12oz of milk
Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, 12oz of milk
Dinner: steak stroganoff with garlic bread and green beans
Snack: vanilla ice cream cone
Day 17:
Breakfast: 2 multi-grain muffins with butter, 12oz of milk
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Lunch: Chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers, 12oz of water

Dinner: Chicken broth with saltine crackers
Day 18:
Breakfast: English muffin with egg and cheese, 2 pieces of bacon, 12oz of orange juice
Lunch: Caf Zupas Honey bacon club and lobster bisque soup, chocolate covered strawberry
and bread with butter, 16oz coke
Dinner: Leftover Caf Zupas, 12oz water
Snack: caramel rockslide brownie, Potato chips
Day 19:
Breakfast: Blueberry Bagel w/ strawberry cream cheese, 16oz Cold brew coffee
Dinner: Pork chops with white rice and green beans
Snack: Chocolate chip cookies
Day 20:
Breakfast: brown sugar oatmeal and banana
Lunch: Cheeseburger with fries, 12oz of Diet coke
Snack: Fruit salad, Cottage cheese
Day 21:
Breakfast: Nature Valley granola Bar
Lunch: Pepporoni pizza with ranch, 8oz grape juice
Dinner: Hard shell taco with cheese and tomato. 16oz Water
Snack: Peppermint Ice cream
Day 22:
Breakfast: Keylime yogurt and banana
Dinner: Fetticuine alfredo with garlic bread and brocilli, 12oz coke
Snacks: Crackers and milk
Day 23:
Breakfast: sausage egg and cheese crossant, 16oz caramel macchiato
Lunch: Wendys 4 piece nuggets, fries and 16oz coke
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

Dinner: 2 cheese enchiladas, chips and salsa, rice and beans, 16oz coke
Snack: fried ice cream
Day 24:
Breakfast: Keylime yogurt, 1 egg, banana
Lunch: small salad with ranch, barbeque chips, 12oz water
Dinner: Tuna Casserole, green beans, 12oz orange juice
Exercise: walking at work 10 hours
Day 25:
Breakfast: blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Dinner: grilled cheese with tomato soup, 12oz gatorage
Snack: nutria-grain bar, vanilla pudding
Exercise: Pilates 50 minutes

Reflection: Part 3

This class was a challenge for me since I am not very athletic, and I do not
workout hardly ever, but It was a nice challenge. Each week we had goals to complete
and then after we would write about how we did on each goal and how we
accomplished it. Week 1, the goal was to drink more water. I do not drink water or fluids
very much in general, so it was hard for me especially because I love drinking soda and
different kinds of juices. I made it a goal to drink at least one water bottle with each
meal I had, and I did very well on achieving it. Week 2, the goal was to get more sleep. I
get a fairly good amount of sleep each night because I make it a personal goal to try to
be in bed by 9pm and asleep by 9:30-10:00pm every night. It can be hard to get a good
amount of sleep though since I work 12-hour days and have to be to work by 6:30am
and am off at 7:00pm. I made it a goal to reduce my screen time before bed and stop at
least an hour in advance. Week 3, the goal was to fit some relaxation and meditation
into your day. I achieved this goal by if I had down time at work I would find an empty
room and I would turn the lights off and just rest my head down for 10 minutes. It felt
really nice to relax especially when Im on my feet almost all day at work. Week 4, the
goal was to choose a food or diet to improve your health. My goal was to bring foods
from home instead of eating at my works cafeteria and to bring food to school so I
Whitney England
Core Pilates Barre- Fall 2017

wasnt stopping in between classes to go get breakfast or lunch. I would bring a bag of
veggies and fruits and either a salad or sandwich to eat, It also saved me a lot of money
by doing this. The last goal of mine was to eat more vegetables and fruits. Since Im
always eating out, many places do not have the options for fresh fruit or vegetables so it
was hard to get my recommended intake. I would bring at least 1 bag of fruits and at
least 1 bag of vegetables to eat for my breakfast and lunch. It gave me more energy and
more motivation throughout the day.

This class taught me that I am extremely out of shape and that I need to start
incorporating more exercise into my daily routines and that I need to eat healthier. I got
so out of breath so quickly and was not motivated to do anything. Starting this class, I
didnt know what to expect because I didnt really know what Pilates was, but as the
class went on I learned new things and tried new things that were fun to do. My
personal goal is to make sure I get some type of exercise in whether its walking, running,
Pilates, etc... I also started to drink more water so thats something else Id like to
continue to try hard on since I dont drink very much. I also need to eat healthier which I
have been trying to do by not going out to eat as much. Id like to continue to do all
these things so that I can increase my health and well-being, so I can live a long healthy

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