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Environment International 34 (2008) 102 107

Exposure and health-risk assessment of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins

and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) for sinter plant workers
Tung-Sheng Shih a,b , Wen-Jhy Lee c,d , Minliang Shih e , Yu-Cheng Chen f , Sheng-Lung Huang c ,
Lin-Chi Wang g , Guo-Ping Chang-Chien g , Perng-Jy Tsai d,f,
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, 99, Lane 407, Heng-Ke Rd., Shijr, Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Environmental Health, College of Public Health, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung 404, Taiwan
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Sustainable Environment Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Department of Environmental Engineering and Science, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science. 60, Sec. 1, Erh-Jen Road, Tainan 717, Taiwan
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University. 138, Sheng-Li Road, Tainan 704, Taiwan
Department of Chemical Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, 840, Chengching Road, Kaohsiung 833, Taiwan
Received 22 January 2007; accepted 24 July 2007
Available online 29 August 2007


This study was set out to assess polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) exposures and health-risk impact posed on
sinter plant workers. One sinter plant located in southern Taiwan was selected and their workers were divided into four exposure groups based on
their work tasks, including raw material charging workers, sintering grate workers, shredding workers, and others. Results show that their mean
total PCDD/F and the corresponding total I-TEQ exposure levels shared the same trend as: shredding workers N others N sintering grate
workers N raw material charging workers. For all selected exposure groups, their PCDD/F exposures were dominated by the particle phase
contents. Congener profiles of the gaseous + particle phase PCDD/Fs were found with more fractions of high chlorinated congeners than low
chlorinated congeners. The lifetime average daily doses (LADDs) and their resultant excess cancer risks (ECRs) found for sinter plant workers
were higher than those residents living at the residential area and rural area, but were lower than those living at the nearby of the selected sinter
plant, urban area, industrial area. Considering ECRs of the sinter plant workers were still higher than 10 6 suggesting the need for adopting proper
control measurements for reducing workers' PCDD/F exposures, particularly for those sinter zone workers.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sinter plant workers; PCDD/Fs; Congener profile; Exposure assessment; Health-risk assessment

1. Introduction thoroughly mixed with 5% of a finely divided fuel, such as

coke breeze or anthracite. Then the mixed materials are
Iron and steel are important commodities in many industries. discharged at raw materials inlet and placed on a traveling
Five important working processes are involved in the manufac- grate, and finally ignited while passing under an ignition burner
turing of iron and steel, including palletizing, sintering, iron- (fueled with natural gas and air) for sinter purpose. During
making, steel-making, and finishing processes. Prior to sintering sintering, the air is pulled down through the sintering material
process, iron ore fines, iron-bearing recovery materials (such as bed as the grate moves slowly toward the end for shredding. As
iron-bearing dusts and slag), and fluxes (lime or dolomite) are the coke fines burn in the sintering material bed, the generated
heat sinters/or fuses the fine particles with the temperature of the
bed reaches 1300 to 1500 C. Mean production rates of 20 to
Corresponding author. Department of Environmental and Occupational
40 metric tons d 1m 2 of grate area are expected depending
Health, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, 138, Sheng-Li upon the characteristics of the ore materials and the sintering
Road, Tainan 70428, Taiwan. Tel.: +886 6 2088390; fax: +886 6 2752484. conditions (US EPA, 2001). Typical operation conditions for the
E-mail address: (P.-J. Tsai). sintering process have been described in more details elsewhere
0160-4120/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.-S. Shih et al. / Environment International 34 (2008) 102107 103

(Cieplik et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003a). Because the recovery 2. Materials and methods
of iron-bearing materials from other processes of the steel
plant provides trace chlorine and organic compounds, poly- 2.1. Selecting occupational exposure groups and establishing their
chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) time/activity patterns
are formed through the de novo synthesis during the sintering
process (Huang and Buekens, 1996; Fisher et al., 1998; Buekens One sinter plant, located in southern Taiwan with a selective catalytic
reduction (SCR) air pollution control device, was selected in this study. Workers
et al., 2001).
of the selected sinter plant were divided into four occupational exposure groups
The iron ore sintering process has been known to be one of based on their work tasks, including raw material charging workers (to
the major emission sources of PCDD/Fs (Lahl, 1993, 1994). periodically monitor raw material charging condition at the nearby of the raw
PCDD/F emissions from sinter plants accounted for 3.2% of material inlet), sintering grate workers (to periodically monitor the sintering
total dioxin emissions in Japan (Japan Ministry of the condition at the nearby of the sintering grate), shredding workers (to periodically
monitor shredding condition of sinters at the nearby of the rough roll shredder)
Environment, 2002) and 19.6% in Europe (Qua et al.,
and others (to monitor the entire sintering process by periodically supervising
2000). In the UK, the contribution of sinter plants to the total the above three types of workers). All these workers, besides staying at the
dioxin inventory raised from 37% in 1995 to 1134% in 1998 above worksites for performing their work tasks, spent most of their time in the
(Alcock and Jones, 1996; Douben, 1997; Anderson and Fisher, control room (located at the end of the sintering grate). We carefully registered
2002) because the contributions of other sources have decreased the duration of each selected worker staying at each individual worksite based
on the entire worksheet. This allowed us to establish the time/activity patterns
over this period. The same trend can also be seen in Taiwan.
for all involved workers.
Wang (2003) reported that the total emission of the only four
sinter plants in Taiwan was still the most important PCDD/F 2.2. Field samplings
emission sources in the area (59%) in 2002 owing to the
application of a more stringent limit (0.1 ng I-TEQ Nm 3) In this study, static samplings were conducted at the four involved worksites,
to sixteen of twenty three municipal waste incinerators built including the raw materials inlet (site A), sintering grate (site B), and rough roll
after 2001. shredder (site C) and the control room. All air samples were colleted by using a
high-volume PS-1 sampler (Greaseby Anderson, GA). This sampler was
During past decade, many studies have been conducted to
equipped with a quartz-fibre filter for collecting PCDD/Fs of the particle phase,
characterize PCDD/F emissions from stacks of various and followed by a XAD cartridge for collecting PCDD/Fs of the gaseous phase.
industries and to assess their impacts on the surrounding The above sampling method is in accordance with the revised EPA Reference
environments. However, it should be noted that PCDD/F Method T09A. The sampling flow rate was specified at 0.225 m3 min 1. Each
fugitive emissions from various industrial processes might sample was collected continuously on four consecutive days (sampling
cause serious health-risk impacts on workers. To date several volume = 1300 m3). A known amount of surrogate standard was spiked to
the glass cartridge in the laboratory prior to the field sampling being conducted.
studies have been conducted to characterize the above issue, but
nearly all these studies assessed health risks of workers based
2.3. Sample analysis
on their serum PCDD/F levels (Schecter et al., 1995; Kumagai
et al., 2000; Kumagai et al., 2002; Hu et al., 2003; Bakoglu Analyses of the collected air samples strictly followed the US EPA
et al., 2004). It is known that workers' serum PCDD/F levels Reference Method T09A and were performed in the Super Micro Mass Research
reflect not only their occupational exposures but also their daily and Technology Center of the Cheng Shiu University. This center has been
dietary, and background exposures from various ambient envi- certified by the Taiwan EPA to analyze PCDD/Fs and has passed the
ronments. In order to directly assess the impact of PCDD/F international inter-calibration on PCDD/Fs in fly ash, sediment, mothers'
milk, human blood and cod liver. More detailed information regarding this
process fugitive emissions on workers' lifetime health risks, this center can be found in our previous work (Wang et al., 2003b). A high-resolution
study is designated to measure workers' occupational PCDD/F gas chromatograph (HRGC) coupled with a high-resolution mass spectrometer
exposures. The results obtained from this study will also be (HRMS) was used to quantify PCDD/F contents of the samples. The HRGC was
compared with those health risks posed on arc furnace plant a Hewlett Packard 6970 Series gas chromatograph, equipped with a DB-5 (J&W
workers (Chen et al., 2006), peoples living in the industrial area, Scientific, CA, USA) fused silica capillary column (60 m, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 m
film thickness), and splitless injection. The initial oven temperature was
urban area, residential area, rural area of Taiwan (Wang et al., specified at 150 C. The temperature was programmed as follows: 150 C, held
2003b) and at the nearby of the selected sinter plant (Shih et al., for 1 min, increased by 30 C min 1 to 220 C, held for 12 min, increased at
2006) for illustration. 1.5 C min 1 to 240 C, held for 5 min, increased at 1.5 C min 1 to 310 C, and

Table 1
Total PCDD/Fs and their corresponding total I-TEQ concentrations found in the four involved worksites of the selected sinter plant
Worksites Total PCDD/Fs (pg Nm 3) Total I-TEQ (pg I-TEQ Nm 3)
Gaseous Particle-bound Total Gaseous Particle-bound Total
Raw materials inlet (n = 3) 0.53 (8.3%) 7.08 (91.7%) 7.61 0.07 (12.8%) 0.48 (87.2%) 0.55
Sintering grate (n = 3) 2.16 (13.5%) 17.0 (86.5%) 19.16 0.44 (25.4%) 1.32 (74.6%) 1.76
Rough roll shredder (n = 3) 2.66 (13.5%) 20.51 (86.5%) 23.17 0.55 (25.8%) 1.59 (74.2%) 2.14
Control room (n = 3) 0.21 (14.8%) 1.54 (85.2%) 1.75 0.05 (26.6%) 0.11 (73.4%) 0.16
Values in parentheses represent the fractions of gaseous or particle phase in the corresponding total concentrations.
104 T.-S. Shih et al. / Environment International 34 (2008) 102107

Table 2
Contents of PCDDs and PCDFs contain in total PCDD/Fs and their corresponding total I-TEQ concentrations for the four involved worksites of the selected sinter
(pg Nm 3) (pg Nm 3) in total PCDD/Fs (pg I-TEQ Nm 3) (pg I-TEQ Nm 3) ratios in total I-TEQ
Raw materials inlet (n = 3) 2.50 5.11 0.49 0.08 0.47 0.17
Sintering grate (n = 3) 4.22 14.94 0.28 0.19 1.56 0.12
Rough roll shredder (n = 3) 4.83 18.34 0.26 0.24 1.90 0.13
Control room (n = 3) 0.54 1.21 0.45 0.04 0.12 0.33

held for 20 min. Helium was used as the carrier gas. The HRMS was a PCDD/Fs (range= 8.3%14.8% and 12.8%26.6%, respectively). The
Micromass Autospec Ultima (UK) mass spectrometer with a positive electron above results indicate that PCDD/Fs found in the workplaces were
impact (EI+) source. The analyzer mode was selected ion monitoring (SIM) with dominated by particle-bound PCDD/Fs.
a resolving power of 10,000. The electron energy was set at 35 eV, and the Table 2 shows PCDDs/PCDFs ratios in total PCDD/Fs and total
source temperature was set at 250 C. I-TEQ for the four selected workplaces. We found that all resultant ratios
were consistently less than unity (range= 0.260.49 and 0.120.33 in
3. Results and discussion total PCDD/Fs and total I-TEQ, respectively) indicating that PCDFs
were dominant in PCDD/F fugitive emissions from the selected sintering
3.1. PCDD/F concentrations of the four selected worksites process.

The characteristics of PCDD/F concentrations of the four selected 3.2. PCDD/F exposure levels for sintering plant workers
worksites have been described in details in our earlier publication (Shih
et al., 2006) and hence are briefly summarized in this work. As shown Table 3 shows time/activity patterns for workers of the four selected
in Table 1, the mean total PCDD/F concentrations found in sintering exposure groups. All selected workers spent less time (= 1.332.50 h)
zone (sites B and C = 19.16 and 23.17 pg Nm 3, respectively) were 3 at process areas (i.e., raw material inlet, sintering grate, and rough roll
times in magnitude higher than that found in the raw materials inlet area shredder) than that at the control room (=4.006.33 h).
(site A = 7.61 pg Nm 3) and 10 times higher than that found in the In this study, the mean PCDD/F exposure level (Cave; pg Nm 3 or
control room (site D = 1.75 pg Nm 3). Since PCDD/Fs found in the pg I-TEQ Nm 3) for each selected worker was estimated based on the
selected four worksites were simply contributed by fugitive emissions following equation:
from the sintering process, the relatively low concentration found at site
D was not only because of its remote location away from the sintering X X
Cave Ci Ti = Ti
zone, but also the filtration effect of the air conditioning device used in
the area. Because PCDD/Fs were not formed during raw materials
charging, PCDD/Fs in the site A obviously were contributed by the where Ci is the mean concentration found at site i (pg Nm 3 or pg I-
diffusion of fugitive emissions from the sintering zone and hence were TEQ Nm 3) and Ti represents the duration for the selected worker
lower than that found at the site B and site C. It is known that the spent at site i (h). As shown in Table 4, the mean total PCDD/F
sintering materials placed on the grate were ignited by an on-top exposure levels in sequence for the four selected exposure groups
ignition burner with the auxiliary air being pulled down through the were: shredding workers (9.78 pg Nm 3) N others (9.20 pg Nm 3) N
bed of sintering materials. The velocity of the downward air is expected sintering grate workers (7.19 pg Nm 3) N raw material charging work-
higher at the sintering grate than that at the shredder gate. Therefore, ers (2.97 pg Nm 3). The same trend can also be seen in their corre-
mean PCDD/F concentrations found at the site B were lower than that sponding mean total I-TEQ concentrations (i.e., shredding workers
at the site C. A similar trend can also be found in total I-TEQ (0.90 pg Nm 3) N others (0.82 pg Nm 3) N sintering grate workers
concentrations (= 0.55, 1.76, 2.14, and 0.16 pg I-TEQ Nm 3 for site A, (0.66 pg Nm 3) N raw material charging workers (0.24 pg Nm 3)). For
B, C, and D, respectively). all selected exposure groups, the fractions of particle-bound PCDD/Fs
Table 1 also shows fractions of gaseous and particle-bound PCDD/Fs (range = 88.5%90.6% and 73.3%79.2% in total PCDD/Fs and total
in total PCDD/F and total I-TEQ concentrations. For all selected work- I-TEQ, respectively) were consistently higher than that of gaseous
place atmospheres, we found that the fractions of particle-bound PCDD/Fs PCDD/Fs (range = 9.4%11.5% and 20.8%26.7%, respectively) in
(range = 85.2%91.7% and 73.4%87.2% in total PCDD/Fs and total total PCDD/Fs. The above results clearly indicate that workers' PCDD/F
I-TEQ, respectively) were consistently higher than that of gaseous exposures were dominated by particle-bound PCDD/Fs.

Table 3
Time/activity patterns for sinter plant workers of the four selected exposure groups
Exposure groups Durations (h)
Raw material inlet Sintering grate Rough roll shredder Control room
Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
Raw material charging workers (n = 9) 1.003.00 1.67 0 0 0 0 5.007.00 6.33
Sintering grate workers (n = 6) 0 0 1.003.00 2.50 0 0 5.007.00 5.50
Shredding workers (n = 3) 0 0 0 0 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00
Others (n = 6) 1.002.00 1.33 1.002.00 1.33 1.002.00 1.33 2.005.00 4.00
T.-S. Shih et al. / Environment International 34 (2008) 102107 105

Table 4
Mean PCDD/Fs and their corresponding exposure levels for sinter plant workers of the four selected exposure groups
Exposure groups PCDD/Fs (pg Nm 3) I-TEQ (pg I-TEQ Nm 3)
Gaseous phase Particle-phase Total Gaseous phase Particle-phase Total
Raw material charging workers (n = 9) 0.28 (9.4%) 2.69 (90.6%) 2.97 0.05 (20.8%) 0.19 (79.2%) 0.24
Sintering grate workers (n = 6) 0.82 (11.4%) 6.37 (88.6%) 7.19 0.17 (25.8%) 0.49 (74.2%) 0.66
Shredding workers (n = 3) 1.13 (11.6%) 8.65 (88.5%) 9.78 0.24 (26. 7%) 0.67 (73.3%) 0.90
others (n = 6) 1.00 (10.9%) 8.20 (89.1%) 9.20 0.20 (24.4%) 0.62 (75.6%) 0.82
Values in parentheses represent the fractions of gaseous or particle phase in the corresponding total concentrations.

3.3. PCDD/F congener profiles exposed to sinter plant workers clearly because most particulates were removed by electrostatic
precipitator before being discharged to the stack. The above inference
Fig. 1 shows congener profiles of the gaseous phase, particle phase, can be further confirmed by examining congener profiles of gas phase in
and gaseous + particle phases on the seventeen 2,3,7,8 substituted workers' exposures. Since gaseous phase PCDD/Fs were not effectively
PCDD/Fs for the four selected exposure groups. For congener profiles of removed by the above mentioned air cleaning device, therefore their
the gas + particle phases, the four selected exposure groups were found congener profiles, with lower chlorinated congeners dominating in
being quite similar to each other, with more fractions of high chlorinated PCDFs, were similar to that obtained from the stack flue gas (Wang et al.,
congeners than low chlorinated congeners. Meanwhile, the above 2003a).
congener profiles were also similar to their corresponding congener Fig. 1 also shows the contribution of each individual congener to the
profiles of the particle phase. The above results was obviously due to the total I-TEQ of the gaseous + particle phase. We found that the four selected
fact that all selected exposure groups were exposed to PCDD/Fs exposure groups shared the same trend, with 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF contributed
dominated by particle-bound PCDD/Fs (88.5%90.6%), rather than by 50% of the total I-TEQ. In addition, because of the high I-TEQ
gaseous PCDD/Fs (9.4%11.5%). Here, it should be noted that the concentrations also consistently found in 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF, 2,3,6,7,8-
congener profiles of the gaseous + particle phases PCDD/Fs found in this HxCDF, and 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF in the four selected exposure groups, and
study were quite different from that found in the stack flue gas of the hence we found that the contribution of all PCDF congeners accounted for
selected sinter plant by Wang et al. (2003a). The above scenario was 80% of total I-TEQ.

Fig. 1. Congener profiles of total PCDD/Fs and their corresponding total I-TEQ for sinter plant workers of the four selected exposure groups.
106 T.-S. Shih et al. / Environment International 34 (2008) 102107

Table 5
Total PCDD/Fs and total I-TEQ exposure concentrations, and their resultant lifetime average daily doses (LADDs), and excess cancer risks (ECRs) for sinter plant
workers, electric arc furnace workers, casting furnace workers, and residents in Taiwan living at the nearby of the selected sinter plant, residential area, urban area,
industrial area, and rural area
Total PCDD/Fs and Sinter plant Residents living Arc furnace plant workers Residents living at different areas
total I-TEQ exposure workers at the nearby of in Taiwan (Chen et al., in Taiwan (Wang et al., 2003)
levels, and their (this study) the selected 2006)
resultant LADDs, sinter plant
Electric Casting Residential Urban Industrial Rural
and ECRs (Shih et al.,
arc furnace furnace area area area area
workers workers
Total PCDD/Fs 7.29 1.60 30.15 20.10 0.85 1.43 2.71 0.32
(pg Nm 3)
Total I-TEQ 0.66 0.07 1.56 1.92 0.05 0.09 0.19 0.02
(pg I-TEQ Nm 3)
LADD 0.014 0.015 0.034 0.042 0.011 0.019 0.041 0.004
(pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1)
ECR 1.44 10 5 1.50 10 5 3.40 10 5 4.19 10 5 1.07 10 5 1.94 10 5 4.07 10 5 4.29 10 6

3.4. Health-risk assessment for sinter plant workers Df and Yf) being used to estimate both LADDs and ECRs for sinter
plant workers (=8 hrs, 260 days, and 30 years, respectively) than that
Table 5 shows PCDD/F exposure concentrations, lifetime average for residents (=24 hrs, 365 days, and 70 years, respectively).
daily doses (LADDs), and their resultant excess cancer risks (ECRs) for On the other hand, we found that both electric arc furnace workers and
the selected sinter plant workers, residents living at the nearby of the cast furnace workers had higher exposure levels in both total PCDD/Fs
selected sinter plant (Shih et al., 2006), arc furnace plant workers (Chen (=30.15 and 20.10 pg Nm 3, respectively) and total I-TEQ (=1.56 and
et al., 2006), and residents living in industrial area, urban area, 1.92 pg I-TEQ Nm 3, respectively) than that for sinter plant workers.
residential area, and rural area of Taiwan (Wang et al., 2003b) for Under the same exposure duration situations (in terms of Tf, Df and Yf), we
comparison. In this study, calculations of LADD and ECR were based found that the resultant LADDs and ECRs for both electric arc furnace
on follows: workers (=0.034 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and 3.40 10 5) and cast furnace
workers (=0.042 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and 4.19 10 5) were also
LADD Vr  Cave  fr  Tf =24Df =365Yf =70=BW consistently higher than that for sinter plant workers. It is concluded,
ECR LADD  ql although sinter plants has become the most important PCDD/F ambient air
emission source in Taiwan, workers' health risks arising from fugitive
where LADD: lifetime average daily dose via inhalatory exposure
PCDD/F emissions from the sintering process might not be particularly
(unit = pg I-TEQ d 1kg 1); Vr: ventilation rate for adults (= 20 Nm3
severe in comparison with workers in other industries. Nevertheless,
d 1); Cave: the mean total I-TEQ exposure level (pg I-TEQ Nm 3); fr:
considering the estimated ECRs for sintering plant workers were still
the alveolar fraction retained in the lung (=0.75); Tf: time spent at the
higher than 10 6 suggesting that proper personal protection equipment
impact site per day (= 8 h for workers and 24 h for residents); Df: days
should be used in the field to effectively reduce workers' exposures,
spent at the impact site per year (= 260 days for workers, and 365 days
particularly while they are performing their work tasks at the sintering
for residents); Yf: years spent at the impact site in their lifetime
(= 30 years for workers and 70 years for residents); BW: body weight
for adults (= 70 kg); ECR: excess cancer risk over a lifetime expectancy
of 70 years due to PCDD/F exposures; and ql: unit cancer risk of
4. Conclusions
1.0 10 3 (pg I-TEQ d 1kg 1) 1 as recommended by US EPA (2000)
for 2,3,7,8-TCDD by assuming other congeners in terms of the TEQs
have the same cancer-causing capacity as 2,3,7,8-TCDD. We found that both total PCDD/F and total I-TEQ exposures
For total PCDD/F and total I-TEQ exposure concentrations, it can of the four selected exposure groups were consistently
be seen that sinter plant workers had much higher exposure levels dominated by the particle phase contents. Congener profiles
(= 7.29 pg Nm 3 and 0.66 pg I-TEQ Nm 3, respectively) than residents of the gaseous + particle phase PCDD/Fs of the four selected
living at the nearby of the selected plant (= 1.60 pg Nm 3 and 0.07 pg exposure groups shared the same trend, with more fractions of
I-TEQ Nm 3, respectively) and residents of Taiwan living in high chlorinated congeners than low chlorinated congeners.
residential, urban, industrial, and rural areas (= 0.322.71 pg Nm 3 LADDs and ECRs found for sinter plant workers were higher
and 0.021.19 pg I-TEQ Nm 3, respectively). The resultant LADDs than that for residents in Taiwan living at the residential area and
and ECRs for sinter plant workers (= 0.014 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and rural area, but lower than those residents living at the nearby of
1.44 10 5, respectively) were only higher than that for residents in
the selected sinter plant, urban area and industrial area. In
Taiwan living at the residential area (= 0.011 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and
1.07 10 5 ) and rural area (= 0.004 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and
comparison with both electric arc furnace workers and cast
4.297 10 6), but were lower than that for residents living at the furnace workers, sinter plant workers had lower LADDs and
nearby of the given sinter plant (= 0.015 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and ECRs. The above results suggest that sinter plant, although has
1.50 10 5), urban area (= 0.019 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and 1.94 10 5), become the most important PCDD/F ambient air emission
and industrial area (= 0.041 pg I-TEQ d 1 kg 1 and 4.07 10 5). The source in Taiwan, their workers PCDD/F exposure levels could
above results clearly due to shorter exposure durations (in terms of Tf, be still lower than workers in other industries. Nevertheless,
T.-S. Shih et al. / Environment International 34 (2008) 102107 107

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