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Graham and Sharon Nichols

Serving with TMS Global and IEMUE

US Home Church: Lewis Memorial UMC
Skype: graham.sharon.nichols
If only the
November 2017 World could be
as joyful as our
Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; Dylan!
his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Saludos friends, family and church family,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us. Be Glorified LORD!

November Mission News Rain and more rain the sun did not shine but 2 days
in November. And we experienced another 6.5~aftershock on the Coast of ECU, 3
hours from Santo Domingo that woke us up from a sound sleep. I dont know if well
ever get used to the house moving. Maybe were not supposed to the lack of
control reminds us to pray in the moment knowing that GOD controls the Universe,
and to focus on Him and His Power and Protection and Grace that covers us all! All
the rain and earth shaking didnt hold back the little people! Sunday school ~ full
every Sunday. Community Ministries ~ full every Saturday. We were not able to lead
Childrens Ministry in Libre Ecuador this past month. We meet outside on a soccer
field with these dear children. The rain poured on their Saturday Ministry Day ~ 4th
Saturday of the Month. The field was knee deep in mud so were doubling up with
this Community and serving these children two Saturdays in December. It will make
a fuller than normal Saturday but well work it out. They should have their time to
know Jesus more too. Were searching in this land we also call home for a large easy
to assemble tent-type covering so we dont have to cancel on these children again
due to weather. Well certainly need it when the sun finally comes for 6 months.

We are blessed beyond measure

to have each of these children
and fellow servants in our lives.
We have grown in amazing ways
in number and in Jesus over the
past couple of years. A big
change is coming in December.
Gnesis, our SS teacher for our
children 8-10 year olds is moving
up to the 3rd floor and will be
teaching the youth. She is also
the Representative for the Youth
among the Coastal EUMCs. God
has already blessed this ministry
team with a new teacher and
assistant for her 8-10 age group.
God always, faithfully provides
for all our daily needs, inside the
Church and outside in our
Communities. We are part of His
ministry His Mission. Its All
His, and All about Him.
El Centro Childrens
Ministry. A new ministry
for us the 1st Saturday
of the Month. We were
thrilled to have all who
joined us for Day 1 and
Day 2 of Creation. We
meet in the garage area
of one of our dearest
families. They have
graciously opened their
home to us to serve
these children each
month. The Jarrn-
Sarabia family are a
huge part of this
ministry as well and
have wonderfully asked
to come alongside us to
grow and strengthen
the Gospel among the
children part of our
Church who do not live
in an actual
neighborhood. Their
support is priceless.

Montoneros Community
Childrens Ministry the
2nd Saturday of the
Month. This group of
active children packed in
the Porch area of
Lolitas Store are some
of the dearest to our
hearts actually all our
children are. This
community was our first
Ministry Community
when we came to Santo
Domingo and we have
known them longer and
been part of their little
hearts growing BIG for
Jesus. On this day, Day
3 of Creation. When the
weather is good we
overflow out into the
road and cars know to
just drive around cause
we are praising Jesus in
song, word, and action.
Precious little people.

For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if

it is received with thanksgiving, 1 Timothy 4:4
Santa Martha Community Childrens Ministry the 3rd Saturday of the Month. On this day Day 2 and
Day 3 of Creation. Ooo to have all our Communities on the same day soon! This group of children are
our songbirds they love singing to Jesus and learning the UMC Hymns we grew up learning and
also new Christian songs that also Glorify God. They are so talented and love so much being part of
ministry in their neighborhood. We meet at Estrellas house, a family part of our Church who have
also graciously opened their home for us to come in and share Jesus with this community. Grateful!

Accin de Gracias! ~
Our house was wall
to wall and up the
steps overflowing to
outside with our
Ministry Team and
their families for our
3rd. Annual
Thanksgiving Day
Meal on the Equator!
With all the rain it
has been colder
than normal so the
plans to eat outside
all together was not
possible this year.
But that didnt stop
the awesome
fellowship and super
food shared by all.
52 people filled our
house. Each family
brought 1 type food
item to share with
52 people. It took a
month to plan this
dinner this type
meal and occasion is
not part of the
Culture here but
everyone has always
enjoys themselves
and we all get to try
new foods. There is
always rice
Thanksgiving or
special occasions or
not rice is a must
every single day!
Ladies part of Gods
mission here took
over the kitchen and
served and cleaned
and graciously took
care of us all.

For Cultures to come

together sharing a
little of each others
hearts and lives
from different
Continents is an act
of Grace. People are
just that, people.
But we come from
different ways of
life. For women to
come in and take
over anothers
kitchen, especially a
kitchen of a
foreigner is huge
it speaks volumes of
acceptance and trust
of each other. That
takes time,
sometimes years.
These people all
over our house have
claimed us as their
own and we have
claimed them as our
own. Relationships,
Jesus was all about
relationships. These
are remarkable
And let us consider how we may spur one another on people who have
toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting joined Jesus in His
together, as some are in the habit of doing, but mission here
encouraging one another Hebrews 10:24-25 alongside us.
And so dear people of God We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We are soo very
grateful for the support we have received and continue to receive in prayers and financial blessings
which helps greatly to keep us going in the direction God is moving in our lives to the places and
people He places in our paths. Ministry continues to grow and spill over into other communities
filled with children nearby GLORY to GOD!! We have begun serving the children of El
Centro as we continue serving the children in the Montoneros, Santa Martha, and Libre
Ecuador Communities, and in Sunday School and Childrens Church. We praise God for
His trust in us to love and serve these children into the Kingdom. Including Church
Ministries we currently have 800 children in ministry every month. Please know that we
simply cannot continue in His service here without your prayers and financial partnership and
support. We are sooo thankful for your hearts for Jesus and His Mission! We thank God for you all!

God bless the faithful who have kept us going and continue to be blessings in our lives and in the
lives of those we are called to serve and love into the Kingdom together. Thank you!! It is an
incredible JOY!!!

Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon
Graham and Sharon Nichols
All donations may be made to:
TMS Global
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010
Nichols Support #0368 on the memo line OR Via

TMS Global ~ New Website Giving Info:

For giving Missionary support please use the Give to a

Missionary form and specify the 4-digit code 0368 OR you
may just type our names Graham and Sharon Nichols

The thing that makes a missionary is the

sight of what Jesus did on the cross and
to have heard Him say, GO.
Oswald Chambers

This group from

the Santa Martha
Community are
preparing to play
the Bells during
the Christmas
Program at
Church in
December. We
practice together
on Saturdays
after Ministry.
Stay tuned for
our December
Mission News!

Please feel free to forward, mail-out or print our Mission News for your Sunday school
class, small group, Church or friends Thank you!! Bendiciones!

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