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Dr. Dwi Hudiyanti, M.Sc.

0852 2506 4261
Assignments and Evaluations
Individual assignment (2-4)
Mid test
Final examination
Hunter, R.J., 2001, Foundation of Colloid Science,
2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York
Israelachvili, J. N., 2011, Intermolecular and
Surface Forces, 3rd ed. (Rev), Elsevier, Amsterdam
Shaw, D., Introduction to Colloid and Surface
Chemistry, 4th ed.,
History of Colloid Science
Stability of liophilic and
liophobic colloids
Liophilic colloids Liophobic colloids
High concentration Low consentration stable
stable Precipitated by electrolyte
Unaffected by small amount Tyndall effect and light
of electrolytes, high conc. scattering strong
Elect causing salted out
Tyndall effect weak
Colloid systems
classifications and examples
Colloidal properties

(some of)
End of lecture 2

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