We'D Like To Present Our Report On ...... Chapter1: Introduction

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Chapter1: introduction

A. Description
Standard of Competence : Communicating in English at Intermediate Level
Basic of Competence : Understanding Limited conversation with Native Speakers
Time allocation : 24 x 45 minutes (3 M + 10 hrs of Project work)

B. Prerequisite
To learn this module, students should master Basic competence of A1-C2

C. How to use this module

In order to achieve maximum result, students and the teaher are recommended to do the following
1. Read and understand the Introduction parts (for both the teacher and students),
2. Discuss the material individually or in groups (for students),
3. Do the excercise, present and discuss the material of presentation (for students),
4. Conduct remedy and or enrichment programs (for students).

D. Objectives
Arter learning thie module, it is hoped that that students are able to:
1. analise in groups- materials about how to make presentation,
2. define -in groups - parts of report from the example,
3. make in groups- an outline of their report on power point slide (ability to work together
is integrated),
4. make in groups- their report (togetherness and responsibility are integrated),
5. present their report in groups- in the class (togetherness, convidence, responsibility,
politeness are integrated)

E. Checking the competence

NO Questions Yes No
1. Do you analyse parts of outline report?
2. Do you make the outline?
3. Do you make the prakerin report?
4. Do you perform your report presentation

F. Learning Design
NO Activities Achievement Note Signatures
A C P Instuctor You
1. Listening
Ss listen to explanation about
presentation skills
SS discuss how to make presentation
SS consult their presentation

2. Writing
-SS write their outline report on
-SS write their report
3. Speaking:
SS present their report
SS discuss their report
Learning activities
A. learning material
# Presentation Skills:
1. How to open a speech:
- Assalamialaimum. Wr.wb, Good morning/ afternoon.
- First of all, it is our need to say alhamdulillah our gratitude for all blesses that Allah always
gives us. Salawat and salam may always be given to our messenger, Muhammad S.A.W.
- We should also thank to the instructor and all audiences for the time and chance to talk here.
- In this occasion, we would like to present our prakerin report outlline tittled ................We hope
that this will be worhfull for all of us. Amin
- Some other expressions are: Ladies and gentlemen, .............; distinguished guests; dear friends
..............; etc.

2. How to propose ideas:

- prepare yourselves before expressing your ideas. You must understand the topic well. So, that
you are in difficul questions, you can understand.
- You should express your ideas correctly. Opinion can be a criticism, a suggestion, or a
question. In this case, you should think what you will say. Avoid saying something that is not
ralated with the theme. Avoid saying strange words that might confused audiences.
- Be prepared to accept critics. Avod thinking Im the best. Dont be hurt if you are critisized by
- Say only something that suits the theme of report. The listeners will be bored if the report hasnt
come to a conclusion yet.

3. How to elaborate ideas:

-On this occasion, Id like to ..
- Please, allow me to say ..'
- Id like to tell you
- Im happy to inform you

4. How to close a speech:

- Finally ; to end my speech, Id like to say once again ; As a
conclusion ..; Id like to conclude that

5. How to handle questions:

- Give appropriate answer to the questions. Avoid complicated answers.

- The answer must be objective. Show the right answer by using facts. If there is a question that
cannot be answered, say frankly that the questions cannot be answered.
- Try the questions to meet the audience satisfaction. Prejudices and emotion must be avoided.
Some examples are:
- Well, Its rather difficult to say/answer at present.
- Im afraid I dont have enough information at my disposal to answer that.
- I think we can leave the problem of .. aside for a moment. The real issue is
- Thats an interesting question you have, I think that

6. How to use body language:

- Look at your audience! Be enthusiastic! Be friendly! If you have a text of your speech in your
hand, please dont look at it very often! Just as the main point once a while. It could be better if
you dont write all the words you are going to say. Look at your audience nicely! Please smile if
you think you should1 Use gesture is needed but not much!

7. How to maintain audiences attention:

- Dress neatly!
If you dont dress reasonably well, you may attract attention, it can be negative. If it is so, you
may loose your confident. Remember, to dress well doesnt mean you should wear expensive
- Be sure of what you are going to say.
If you are not sure that you can speak a lot about particular things without looking at the text,
then you must take a text.
- Speak clearly!
Your voice should loud enough to be heard by audience. If it is weak, your audience will not give
good attention, as a result, you will not get good.

8. How to use presentation aids:

- Before writing your outline on a transparent plastic or power point slide, it is better for you to
write the draft on some pieces of paper first.
- let the technician slide you how to use the slide projector or the computer in which you present
the power point.

# Format of a report
a. Tittle: 1, capital letter in the initial letter of each word; 2. All capital letters.
b. Preface, contains;
1. Explanation about duty of report,
2. Explanation about implementation.
3, Information about guidance and aid obtain in the report.
4. Thank utterance to people who help the report.
c. Introduction. It functions to bring the reader into discussion of the problem. It may contain:
1. Background
2. Objectives
3. Benefits
d. Content. It may contains:
1. Explanation of problem,
2. Analyses and implementation,
3. Illustration and examples.
4. Tables, scheme, pictures, (if any)
e. Concussion
1. Conclusion: represents the answer of the problem opened in the introduction.
2. Suggestion: it requires to be submitted to the readers.
f. Bibliography: booklists, magazines, and articles used as a reference to analyze the data.
g. Appendix/Enclosure: Data equipment to clarify the report.
(Taken from TUOE 3, p. 83)

# An example of Report Outline.

Cover: Chapter 1
COMMUNITY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS This report is a part of English language learning
task that covers cultural learning, focuses on the
awareness of the existances of public facilities. This
Submitted to fulfill one of the English assignments report starts from a common problem of peoples
unawareness of the litter.
Presented by:
1.2 . Objectives
1. . 1. to introduce the importance of public facilities
2. . awareness to the students,
3. . 2. to train students how to conduct their awareness both
4. . individually of in group.
5. . 1.3. Benefits
6. . 1. Students may take different kind of learning from that
7. . in classes,
2. Students get worth full experience that hopefully one
day will be helpful.
SMKN 1 MAJALENGKA 3. School will hopefully be promoted by the activities,
Jl. Raya Tonjong-Pinangraja no. 55, Cigasong 4. Societies will hopefully get benefit from the students
2012 awareness.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
3.1. Conclusion
2.1. Period and Place The volunteerism visit is conducted well and safely.
1. Period: from ........... to ........... 3.2. Suggestion
2. Place : Munjul Roundabout Make this kind of learning in other field,.
2.2. What we did there
Cultural activities such as taking photos,
hunting for food, etc.
Making the environment clean by sweeping
the place - Djuharie, Otong Setiawan. Interactive and Communicative
2.3. Problem Faced English. Yrama Widya. Bandung, 2005.
1. Cleaning the resort is such tiring work, - Sularto. The universe of English 3. Yudistira. ----. 2006.
2. Not all students participate well,
3. Students get confused where to put the
2.4. Problem Solving
1. Taking rest in proportional time,
2. Try to be aware of our attendance.
3. Try to put the trash in nearby waste

# An example of Event Report.


Name of event : Similasi Sidang ASEAN

Place : Grha Sindang Kasih
Time and Date : Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Organizer : HI UNPAS, Indonesia Foreign Department, and majalengka DISDIKBUDPORA.
Partcicipant : Secondary schools (Senior high and Vocational)

Description of events:
1. Each session consisted of 10 schools that represented 10 delegations of ASEAN members. It lasted for about 2 hours.
2. The competition consisted of 3 juries from UNPAS and Foreign Department.
3. The organizers of the SEAOM were the chairman, vice chairman, and the ASEAN secretariat.
4. In turn, when they are invited, the delegates atated their general point of view and the agenda.
5. The language used is english formal meeting. Other members of each delegation acted as secretaries to the meeting
who made the answer/comment on an issue and negotiator who made lobbies with other countries delegates.

Result of the Competition

The groups were leveled in rank:
1. SMKN 1 Majalengka , scored 73,63
2. SMAN Rajagaluh , scored 75,46
3. SMAN 1 Majalengka , scored 73,16
4. SMAN 1 Sukahaji , scored 73,16
5. SMKN 1 Kadipaten ,
6. SMAN 1 Leuwimunding
7. SMAN 1 Maja
8. SMKN 1 Panyingkiran
9. SMKN 1 Maja
10. SMAN 1 Jatiwangi

1. Sertificates should have been ready when it finished.
2. This may become an annual event.

Reported by:

Ratna Utari

Signature: ...................... Date: ....................................................

B. learning Method
1. Lecturing
2. Modelling
3. Discussion
4. Students presentation
C. learning Activities
Meeting 1 : Listening (4 Hrs)
Opening Time
1. Classroom Conditioning
2. Praying
3. Checking the students attendance 15 minutes

Core Activities Time

Exploration: Teacher explores the Students prior knowledge of prakerin by asking:
- Have you done your prakerin?
- How do you feel?
15 minutes
- Did you get benefit from that?
- In this session , we will deal with the making outline report of you have conducted. Are you
Tahap Elaborasi:
1. Students listen to the teachers explanation about presentation skills,
2. Students ask if anything is not clear, (Braveness to ask is integgrated)
3. Students listen to explanation about examlpe of the Report Outline 100 minutes
4. students ask if anything is not clear
5. In groups of 5, students discuss and create their prakerin outline (Event report task for
students who doesnt have a group )(Ability to work together is integrated here)
1. Outline reports or event reports are done and collected 10 minutes

Closing Time
Students are facilitated to conclude the materials in their own words 15 minutes

Practice outside school: Writing (10hrs)

Core activities Time
Tahap Explorasi: Students find sources for their reports themshelves -
1. Students write their reports or event report (If she/he chooses to work individually) ((Ability
to work together or individually, responsibility are integrated here)
Assignment C3.1; 430 minutes
Within the group of 5, make a report on power point slide or transparent plastic. If you
choose to work individually, make an outline of event report!
Studebt collect their work 20 minutes

Closing Time
Students are facilitated to conclude the materials in their own words 15 minutes

Meeting 3: Speaking 8 JP (320 menit)

Core Activities Time
Tahap Explorasi:
- Have you finished your aprakerin report utlline ? 20 minutes
- Anybody did the event Report?
- Today, we are going to listen to youe friends presentation. Its oK for you to give
comment or question after each presentation
1. In groups, students present their writing about prakerin Report
Ass. 3.2.a.: Present you r report outline! If you choose to work individually, present your
event report! 270 minutes
2. Students do the ask and answer activities
Ass. C3.2.b.: Discuss your presentation with your friends within the class!
3. Beside the teachers evaluation (score), every group score others group
1. Students get their evaluation results
2. Students are given feedback about their presentation
30 minutes
Closing Time
Students are facilitated to conclude the materials in their own words 15 menit

A. 1. Instrument
1. Assignment C3.1;
Within the group of 5, make a report on power point slide or transparent plastic. If you
choose to work individually, make an outline of event report!
2. Ass. 3.2.a.:
Present you report outline! If you choose to work individually, present your event report!
3. Ass. C3.2.b:
Discuss your group presentation with your friends within the class!
4. Ass. C3.2c: Define the 1, 2, and best speakers!

A.2. Remedy:
For students who get total C3 < 75:
Assignment C3.4: Make an event report of any important thing for public that you might see or have
A.3. Enrichment:
For students who get total C3 > 75, do : Ass. C3.5:
1. Does the presentation help you improve your public speaking skill? If yes, in what way?
2. Do you think you might need your public speaking skill one day?
3. What other way can you improve your speaking skill?

A.4. Your Format Score


A C Ps Ttl Remedy Enrichment Fixed C3 T S

B. Glossary
- Outline : Ways of arrangament format
- Report : Articles or journal telling that something happened
- Presentation : Ways of presenting report
- Assignment : Tasks to be done

C. References
- Djuharie, Otong setiawan,2005, communicative and Interactive English 3. Bandung, YramaWidya.
- Krause, B.Wayne. 2006. Kamus Inggris Indonesia TruALFA. ................ ..............
- Sularto, Drs. 2006. The Universe of English 3. Bandung. Yudistira
- Hermawan, wawan. 2009. Pengembangan RPP dan Modul Bahasa Inggris. Majalengka.

D. Claimer: This Module is written by Ratna Utari, SMKN 1 Majalengka, 2012

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