Tled Excel Data

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Hannah Owens

TLED 430

Excel Data

1. How well is the class doing as a whole group?

The class average for this quiz was a 67%. This does not look like a bad average, but
there is a big gap grade letter wise. A majority of the students either got passing grades,
or failing grades, there were very few kids in between.

2. Which individuals are doing well and in what topics?

Hugh is doing extremely well in addition, because he got all of the questions for this topic
Juan is doing extremely well in subtraction, because he got all of the questions for this
topic correct.
Cody is also doing well in subtraction, because he also got all of the questions for this
topic correct.

3. Who may need extra support and on what topics?

Nathan is going to need extra support, because he received a 47% on the quiz. He only
got 60% of his addition questions correct, and only 20% of his subtraction questions
Luke will need extra support, because he scored a 40% on his quiz. He only knew 40% of
the addition material, and only 40% of the subtraction material.
Claire will also need to be apart of the extra support group, due to scoring a 53%. She
only knew 60% of the addition, and 40% of the subtraction.

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